北京版六下UNIT FIVE WE'RE GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL-Lesson 19-ppt课件-(含教案)(编号:70708).zip

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Unit6 What will you do in the future? Lesson19 jobs and dreams 职业与梦想 What does he/she do? He/She is a/an . farmerdoctor dancer driver singernurse Lets chant. What does he do? He is a farmer. What does she do? She is a nurse. What does he do? He is a doctor. What does she do? She is a dancer. What does he do? He is a driver. What does she do? She is a singer. What does . do? He/ She is a . . Look and talk Watch and think 1.What will Baobao be in the future? 2.What will Mike be in the future? Listen and say. I will be a/an . pilot fly a plane or a spaceship spaceship professor future nowfuturepast 2017.52017.4 2017.3 2017.2 2017.6 2017.7 2017.8 (未来)(未来)(过去)(过去) Lets read, guess and match professor 飞行员 pilot 教授 model plane 模型飞机 spaceship 太空船 future 努力学习 study hard 极好的 Fantastic 未来 Lets read, guess and match Lets read, guess and match professor 飞行员 pilot 教授 model plane 模型飞机 spaceship 太空船 future 努力学习 study hard 极好的 fantastic 未来 Lets retell. fantastic study hard future model planespaceship 飞行员 教授 模型飞机 努力学习极好的 太空船 未来 professor pilot Listen and repeat Listen and repeat What will you be in the future? Mike: I will be a pilot. Baobao: I will be a professor. Baobao and are playing in the park. Mike enjoy making model planes. He will be a . He will fly a or a . Baobao wants to be a . They should both hard. study Mike plane pilot spaceship professor Fill in the blanks 1234 56 2 3 45 6 1 Ask and answer Ask and answer Ask and answer Ask and answer Lets guess. professordentist pilot barberwriter artist Talk and write about jobs. 1.What will you do in the future? I will be a/an . NameFuture job Yao Ming He will be a basketball player. Homework 1.Read the dialogue in a role. 2.Make a poster about what you will be in the future.教学设计教学设计 北京版小学六年级英语下册北京版小学六年级英语下册 Unit6 What will you be in the future? Lesson19 指导思想与理论依据 2011 版英语新课程标准指出:强调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触、 教学设计教学设计 体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。鼓励学生在教师的指导下,通 过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作等方式,发现语言规律,逐步掌握语言知识技能, 不断调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力。 教学背景分析 教学内容教学内容: 本节课教学的内容为北京版小学英语六年级下册 Unit6 What will you be in the future? Lesson19,主要学习理解两段对话,及对话中呈现的功能句“What will you be in the future? I will be a/an .”和有关职业的四个词语:barber, artist, pilot, professor。结 合会话中 Baobao 和 Mike 在公园里玩航模,互相询问和谈论将来要做什么这一情景, 安排学生谈一谈自己将来想做什么。 学生情况学生情况: 本节课的教学对象是五年级的学生,年龄在 11、12 岁之间。学生拥有 5 年的课内 外英语学习经验,从三年级开始学习北京版教材。对于职业的单词在三年级下册中曾 经学习过。句型是: What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher。 学生有合作学习能力,有观察模仿的积极性,有竞争意识,有初步的集体荣誉感。 学生对于英语歌曲有强烈的好奇心和学习兴趣,他们喜欢说、唱、玩、演、做游戏、 比赛等,但缺乏自主学习及质疑的意识。 教学方式教学方式: 针对学生这些特点,在教学中,主要采用了 TPR 教学法、情景体验法以及多媒体 教学法相结合的教学方法。结合新课标的精神,注重学生在学习过程中的感悟、体验、 实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,突出兴趣培养,注重发展 学生的综合语言运用能力;本课教学力求让学生在协同对话交流的过程中,达到理解 会话内容的目的,并注重在教学过程中及时地创设情境,通过完成调查任务,询问同伴 未来的职业理想,让学生体验成功,不断提高学习英语的热情和兴趣。 教学手段:教学手段: 1、通过教师的引导,学生使用已知语言描述图片,围绕故事的发展理解故 事内容。 2、通过小组合作学习,增强学生自主探究的意识,扩大参与的深度和广度。 3、通过在情境中学习理解对话,提高学生的实际语言运用能力。 技术准备技术准备: 1、多媒体课件; 2、单词卡片、调查表、填空练习。 教学设计教学设计 TeachingTeaching approachesapproaches StepsStepsTeacher activitiesStudents activitiesDesigning purposes . Warming up 1. Greetings: T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: Today, we will talk about this topic, job and dream. 2. Look and say. What does he/she do? He/She is a/an . 3. Lets chant. “What does he do” Say hello to teacher. Look at the pictures, answer the questions. Say the chant together. 复习有关职业的 单词和句型。 歌谣调动学生的 听说积极性。 . Lead in 1. Free talk: Im a teacher, you are pupils. There are many different jobs. Lets think, in the future,What do you want to be? 2. Today, we will learn a I want to be a teacher. I want to be a writer. . 谈论职业,唤起 已知。 导入新课 教学目标1. 能听懂、认读、说出单词 a professor, a pilot, a dentist, an artist, a barber, 并能在谈论未来将要从事的职业时加以运用。 2. 能听懂、会说询问他人未来从事何种职业的交际用语“What will you be in the future? I will be .” 。 3. 能够理解、分角色朗读对话。 4. 渗透理想教育。 教学重点理解对话,学习询问他人未来从事何种职业,并作答。 教学难点 综合运用所学语言谈论自己未来的职业。 运用任务调查同组同学未来的职业理想。 教学设计教学设计 new dialogue, its about some kids dream. . Presentation 1. Show a picture and have them observe it. Talk about it with “Who can you see? ” “Where are they?” “What are they doing?” 2. They are talking about their dreams in the future. Lets guess: what will Mike be in the future? And What will Baobao be in the future? 3. Play the CAI. Have the kids watch, listen and think. 4. Show the pictures and have them read the words, “pilot, spaceship, professor” 5. Explain the word “future”. 6. Show some new words, have the kids open the books, read the dialogue and guess the meaning of the new words. 7. Show a map and have the kids retell the dialogue. Look at the picture, think about the questions and answer: I can see Baobao and Mike. They are in the park. They are flying a model plane. Guess and say, Mike will be a/an . Baobao will be a/an . Watch, think and answer, Mike will be a pilot. Baobao will be a professor. Look, read and understand the new words by pictures. Read after teacher. Open the books, read, circle and guess the meaning of the words. At last, match and read the words after teacher. Follow and retell. 引导观察预测对 话场景、人物等 信息。 设置问题,带任 务初听对话,了 解大意。 呈现图片,辅助 理解单词含义。 理解单词 future。 学生自读自悟, 练习根据上下文 猜测词义,理解 对话。 构建词语之间的 联系,复述对话 教学设计教学设计 大意。 Practice 1. Have the students listen and repeat. 2. Read the dialogue in pairs. 3. Role reading show. 4. Play the CAI. Learn the new words 5.Show the pictures and have the students look, ask and answer. 6. Ask and answer with a volunteer. Have the kids ask and answer in pairs. Encourage them to do pair work show. 7. Show a passage with blanks. Look, listen and repeat after it. Read the dialogue in roles. and then do pair work. Show the reading of the dialogue to the class. Listen and repeat. Look, ask and answer. Ask and answer in pairs, then show pair work. Read and fill in the blanks, then check the answers and read it. 跟读练习,熟悉 功能句在情景中 的运用。 角色朗读,加深 对对话的理解。 表演展示,体验 英语表达的乐趣。 跟课件学习本课 职业类的单词, 结合句型进行操 练。 机械操练,巩固 所学词句。 小组问答练习, 体会功能句的运 用。 检测理解,巩固 重点词语。 V. production 1. Play a guessing game. 2. Play a game. Choose and say. 3. Give them a table for each, make a model and have them do a survey in groups. Look, guess and say the new words. In the future, i will be a/an . Choose a stick and make a sentence with the word on it. Do a survey in groups. Choose a volunteer to introduce their jobs in the future. 游戏方式巩固新 词。 游戏激趣,练习 表述自己的理想。 任务驱动,尝试 了解同学真实的 理想。 教学设计教学设计 VI. The end 1. Summary of this lesson. 2. Homework: A. Read the dialogue in a role. B. Make a poster about what you will be in the future. Look and listen. 小结本节重点。 布置作业,向课 后延伸。 板书设计 Unit6Unit6 whatwhat willwill youyou bebe inin thethe future?future? Lesson19Lesson19 farmerfarmer doctordoctor Mike:Mike: pilotpilot Baobao:Baobao: professorprofessor driverdriver jobsjobs dancerdancer inin thethe parkpark flyingflying a a modelmodel planeplane nursenurse singersinger WhatWhat willwill youyou bebe inin thethe futurefuture? ? I I willwill bebe anan artist./aartist./a dentist./adentist./a pilot/apilot/a barber.barber.
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