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Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 14 Travel What are they doing?What are they talking about? What do you want to know about his travel? What are they talking about?Where will he go? Whats the weather like in Kunming? Its cooler ________ than _______ right now. in Kunming in Beijing In Beijing In Kunming we have four clear seasons. it feels like spring all year round. where who when . how what Jims travel what who how . when Kunming whenhow .who.what Jims travel plan Task 1:Read and write.(自读对话完成填空内容自读对话完成填空内容) Task 2:Read and tell.(自读对话尝试复述自读对话尝试复述Jims travel plan) Jim and his parents are going to Kunming this________. They wont travel by train because trains are _______. They will go by plane. It will take them three and a half hours. They will stay there for the_______. Mike tells Jim the weather in Kunming is nice. It feels like spring all year round. The four _________ are not very _________ there. weekendslow3 daysseasonsclear where who when . . how what my travel where who when . how my travel what Homework: Talk to your parents about your travel plan. To see if it can come ture. Unit4 Lesson14Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 14 一.指导思想与理论依据: 英语课程标准提出学生应能够借助图片、图像听懂简单的话语或录音材料;能就日 常生活话题作简短叙述。本课的设计主要体现培养学生在听中获取信息、理解文本的学习能 力。根据在教学中要培养学生学科素养的要求通过复述对话和制定旅行计划培养学生的综合 语言表达能力。 2. 教学背景分析 1.教材分析 本节课为北京版小学英语六年级下册第 4 单元 Lesson 14 这一课时。本单元涉及话题均 在之前教材中出现过。学生在三年级上时学习了 Whats the weather like?如何谈论天气,在 五年级上时学习了 I will和 I am going to来表示出游的计划。在本单元 Lesson 13 时,Jim 和 Mike 通过打电话的方式谈论北京的天气和出游计划,在本节课两人在北京继续谈论云南 昆明的天气和出行方式,Lesson15 是因为天气变化导致生病的话题,整个单元是一个的层层 递进的完整故事。 2.学情分析 本课的教学对象是角门小学六年级 1 班的学生,经过六年英语学习,他们已经具备了自 主学习和交流的能力,并对旅行有着浓厚的兴趣,能够较为熟练地谈论天气和出行计划。 三. 教学内容 本节课分为 Listen and say, Listen and Number, Read and write, Lets do 四个部分,根据课 程需要我将 Listen and Number和Lets do 部分替换成了扩展与应用部分。 四. 教学目标 1. 能听懂、理解对话内容,借助话题信息点,复述对话内容。 2. 通过提炼、归纳、总结旅行话题基本信息,结合不同需求,能谈论、撰写自己的旅行计 划。 3. 提升运用多信息,谈论并制定自己旅行计划的能力旅行计划。 五 .教学重难点 1.教学重点 (1)能听懂、理解对话内容,借助话题信息点,复述对话内容。 (2)能谈论、撰写自己的旅行计划。 2教学难点 运用多信息,谈论并制定自己旅行计划的能力旅行计划。 六教学过程 1. 导入热身(5) T:Hello, boys and girls. Today we are going to talk about a very interesting topic. What is it? Lets watch.播放视频 Ok, boys and girls. I think youve got it. Right? Travel. The summer vacation is coming.This is my travel plan. And after this class, you will make yours. All right, boys and girls. Lets begin our class. In lesson 13, we know that Mikes friend Jim will come to China. Do you remember which city he will visit first? S: Beijing. T: When is he coming? S: He will come next month. T: Right. Its in April now. So Jim will come in May. Whats the weather of Beijing in May? Lets have a look. 出示 Beijing 5 月的图片 S: Its warm./ Its in spring. T: Its a good time for Jim to visit Beijing. Look. Jim is in Beijing now.出示图片 【设计意图】通过复习上一课的 Mike 和 Jim 打电话的聊天内容,联系前一课内容来引出本 课话题,并明确本课任务为自己的旅行做计划。 2呈现和学习新知(25) 活动一.观察主题图,进行预测(3) T: What are they doing? What are they talking about? S: Travelling. (如果学生猜测时有困难,教师可以进行引导 T: Do you remember how long he will stay in China? S: Six weeks. T: Wow, thats a long time. Will he just stay in Beijing? S: Maybe no.) T:Maybe Jim will travel to other places. What do you want to know about his travel? 教师板书 where、 how、 what、 who 等关键词 【设计意图】学生观察主题图进行预测,并对旅行时要计划 的内容进行初步的梳理,为后面进行自己旅行计划的制定进 行铺垫。 活动二. 整体输入,感知大意(3) 播放第一遍无文字视频 T:What are they talking about? 预测答案 S: The weather. His travel.Where will he go next? 根据学生的回答可以完善相应的板书。 【设计意图】通过观看无文字视频,让学生关注听到的内容,并对所听内容进行判断和提取 信息。 活动三.问题引领,分段输入获取细节信息(14) Question1 教师提出问题 Whats the weather like in Kunming?播放第一段故事动画 S:. 讲解第一段 weather 的内容。 教师出示五月份时昆明和北京的气温 Look at the weather in these two cities.让学生体会 Its cooler in Kunming than in Beijing. 出示北京的四个季节的图片,根据图片引导学生说出 In Beijing,its warm in spring. Its hot in summer. Its cool in autumn. Its cold in winter. 让学生理解 clear seasons 的含义 教师出示昆明四季图片。 T: In Kunming, its warm all the year. So It feels like spring all year round. 让学生直观的理解 It feels like spring all year round. 展现北京和昆明四季的对比图 跟读第一段故事动画 Question2 T: We know the weather in Kunming. Now lets get other information of Jims travelling. This time read your books and try to find these information. 学生看书回答板书上之前提到了关于 travel 的几个方面的内容 when、how、how long 等。完 善板书内容,并在学生回答时带学生一起复习跟读对话中的语言。 教师带学生寻找答案的同时,注意复习已学过的语言。 T: What will Jim do there? Can you guess? Now lets have a look.看图片,学生试着说说 Jim 能在昆明做什么。 播放第二段视频内容,跟读第二段动画 【设计意图】引导学生带着问题从对话细节出发,有针对性理解、感受语言的含义,复习语 言的同时为自己旅行计划的制定打好语言基础。 活动四.整体梳理,分层复述对话(6) 学生自读对话,完成可选任务:任务一、读对话完成短文填空 任务二、借助板书内容复述 Jims travel 【设计意图】通过分层布置任务的方式让不同层次的学生对本节课的内容都进行相应的梳理、 输出。 3拓展应用(9) T: We know so much about Jims travel plan. I think Jim will have a very good time in Kunming. He will stay in China for 6 weeks. Perhaps he will visit other cities. In China there are so many famous cities and places. Now lets enjoy a short video “Travel in China”. 观看中国旅游景色 是视频 T: Thats very beautiful. Do you want to visit these places? The summer vacation is coming. We can make a travel plan first. Lets see how to make it. 教师总结做 travel plan 主要的几点内容并给出语言支撑 学生制定自己的出行计划并展示 【设计意图】总结旅行计划的内容框架,给出语言支撑,制定计划并展示,给学生输出应用 语言的机会。 4.板书设计 Unit4 Lesson14