北京版五下UNIT FIVE WHO'S THAT BABY BOY -Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)(编号:d02fc).zip

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北京版小学英语五年级下北京版小学英语五年级下 Whose family are they talking about? Yangyangs or Saras? Who is he? Hes my cousin, Tom. Hes the son of Aunt Mary, my mothers sister. SaraTom Tom is Saras cousin. Sara is Toms cousin, too. Mary mum cousin aunt SaraTom the son of Aunt Mary Mary s son s mums aunt He looks much older than you. He is. Hes eighteen years older than I am. Tom: Sara:11 years old Tom is 18 years older than Sara is. 111829 29 = Age 年龄年龄 Here is a photo of Toms family. How many kids does Tom have? He has two kids. Read by yourself, underline the key words. Sally is seven years older than Jack is. Please introduce Tom and his family. SaraTom Mary mum cousin aunt Sally Jack 1129 18 son daughter sister brother aunt 263738 313027 2. My cousin is seven years younger than I am. Im ( ) years old. 1. My brother is thirty-five years old. He is four years older than my cousin. My cousin is ( ) years old. thirty-one thirty-eight 4 35 317 = = ? ? 37 45 69 ? This is my . . He/She is years old. He/She is years older than I am .Lu Han Im twenty-six years old. Im four years younger than Zheng Kai. Zheng Kai Im years old. Im six years younger than Wang Zulan. Wang Zulan Im years old. Im five years older than Chen He. Chen He Im five years younger than Wang Zulan. Im years old. Li Chen Im years old. Im one year older than Deng Chao. Chen He Im thirty-one years old. Im seven years younger than Li Chen. Deng Chao Im years old. Im ten years older than Angela Baby. Angela Baby Im ten years younger than Deng Chao. Im years old.Unit5 L15 教学设计 课题Whos that baby boy? 课型新授课 1. 教学内容分析 本单元的主题是家人情况及交际用语。本课是本单元的第一课时,包 括四个板块,其中 Listen and say ;Listen, look, and learn 是对本课主要词汇 句型的学习。本节课学习有关称谓的词汇,学习表述谁比谁大几岁的年龄 表达方式。这一话题与学生生活实际联系紧密,在教学中注意引导学生联 系生活实际进行表达。比较级是学生要重点掌握的知识点。 2. 学情分析 本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,通过英语学习及习惯培养,绝大多数孩 子对英语课的学习都有了很深厚的兴趣。 进入五年级学生在知识基础上对家庭成员类的单词掌握较熟练,对人物 的辈分关系比较模糊。本班的学生知识能力水平差距较大,应该多进行 pair work 的练习。 本课中所涉及的话题内容是学生喜闻乐见的谈论家人及相互关系的话题, 能够很好地与学生的生活实际联系起来,有利于语言实践活动的开展。 3. 学习目标: 1.能够理解课文对话的内容,并能正确流利地朗读。 2.能够理解、认读单词 cousin、son、 photo、 eighteen、 lovely、 kids、 than。 3.能够用“is years older than .”的句型就家人的年龄信息进行交流。 4.学习重点、难点 学习重点: 学习、理解对话内容,分角色朗读对话;能正确表述人物的年龄差。 学习难点: 能用“He is eighteen years older than I am.”介绍家人的年龄差。 5.学习活动设计 Step1: Warming up 1. Count the numbers. 2. Free talk 谈论年龄:Im 46 years old. How old are you? Play a chain game: How old are you? Im . years old. 出示 Yangyang 的头饰,T:Yangyang will visit his friend, Sara. But in Saras house. There are so many people. 板书家庭成员的名字,出示 Family tree 谈论家庭成员。 Look at this picture, who is he/she? 活动意图说明: 复习数字,谈论家庭成员,为新知学习预热。 Step2:Presentation 学习对话 观察对话情景,出示图片引导学生观察图片。 What can you see in the picture? What are they talking about? 初听理解对话 播放录音,教师提问: What are they talking about? Who is he? He is my cousin, Tom. He is the son of Aunt Mary, my mothers sister. 再听录音,重点模仿 Sara 的话语。利用思维导图理解 cousin, the son of Aunt Mary 的含义。 活动意图说明: 利用思维导图,理解人物关系,学习新词:cousin, son. 理解 much older than , 教师通过图片对比,向学生示意。让学生选择正 确的图片。He is much older than Sara is. Hes eighteen years older than I am. Tom: 29. 11+18=29 引导理解 He looks much older than you. 听录音,模仿跟读。 活动意图说明:利用思维导图,引导学生理解人物之间的年龄差。理解句型: older than .的用法。 学习对话二 观察对话情景 How many people are there in Toms family? How many kids does Tom have? 初听理解对话 Whats the name of Toms two kids? Who is older? Sally is seven years older than Jack. How old are they? Jack is 1year old. He is a baby boy. Sally is 8 years old. 听录音,模仿跟读 角色扮演, 小组练习, 表演对话。 活动意图说明:采用不同方式朗读,生生互动,分角色朗读对话并表演对话, 适时根据他们的表现给予评价。 Step3:Practice Listen, look and learn 通过课文的情景,引出重点语言。教师出示图片,图片上标有年龄,引 导学生说出 He is eighteen years older than I am. 教师出示教材中给出的三组图。引导学生说出“. is .years older than I am.” 学生跟读课件中的词句部分, 巩固功能句。 学生用自己手中信息卡上的信息,开展问答活动。两人一组进行年龄的 比较,练习说出“. is .years older than I am.” 活动意图说明: 操练功能句,为运用做打基础。 Step4:Production 1. Running man: Dengchao, Yangying, Chenhe, Zhenkai, Lichen, Luhan. 教师呈现图片,询问学生。 Who do you see in the picture? How old is he? How old is she? 结合图片谈论人物的年龄差。 活动意图说明: 激发学生运用语言的积极性。创设语用情境。 2. Guessing game: Read, think and fill. A. My brother is thirty-five years old. He is four years older than my cousin. My cousin is ( ) years old. B. My cousin is seven years younger than I am. Im ( ) years old. 3. 学生根据自己的实际情况填写表格。 介绍自己的家人与自己在年龄上的差距。主要运用句型my . is . years older than I am. This is my . . He/She is years old. He/She is years older than I am . Pair work show. 活动意图说明: 利用自己家人的照片,引导学生运用本节课所学尝试介绍自己的家人。 Step5:Summary 1. Question time. 2. Summarize the key points of this lesson. 活动意图说明:带领学生观察板书,小结整节课的重点内容。 板书设计 Unit5 Whos that baby boy? Lesson15 Mary Tom cousin Sara Jack Sally He is eighteen years older than I am. 作业与拓展学习设计 1. Read the dialogue in roles. 2. Copy the new words. 3. introduce your family members with a family photo. 教学反思与改进:
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