湘少版三年级下册-Unit 4 Look at the T-shirts.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:003cc).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Look at the T-shirts._ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:003cc)
    • 素材
      • 图片
        • ANNE.png--点击预览
        • coat.png--点击预览
        • coat书写.png--点击预览
        • dress.png--点击预览
        • dress书写.png--点击预览
        • look.png--点击预览
        • look书写.png--点击预览
        • partA 1.png--点击预览
        • partA 2.png--点击预览
        • PETER.png--点击预览
        • Q1.png--点击预览
        • Q2.png--点击预览
        • Q3.png--点击预览
        • Q4.png--点击预览
        • Q5.png--点击预览
        • q6.png--点击预览
        • shirt书写.jpg--点击预览
        • shorts.png--点击预览
        • shorts书写.png--点击预览
        • STORE背景.jpg--点击预览
        • T-shirt.png--点击预览
        • T-shirt书写.png--点击预览
        • trousers.png--点击预览
        • trousers书写.png--点击预览
        • 喜欢 图片.jpg--点击预览
        • 引入 课本A.png--点击预览
        • 引入T恤.jpg--点击预览
        • 引入衬衫.jpg--点击预览
        • 引入裤子.jpg--点击预览
        • 引入领带.jpg--点击预览
        • 标题.jpg--点击预览
        • 标题1.jpg--点击预览
        • 爱心.jpg--点击预览
        • 白T恤.jpg--点击预览
        • 红短裤.jpg--点击预览
        • 绿短裤.jpg--点击预览
        • 蓝短裤.jpg--点击预览
        • 课本封面.png--点击预览
        • 谚语.jpg--点击预览
        • 黄T恤.jpg--点击预览
        • 黑T恤.jpg--点击预览
      • 简笔画
        • 1.png--点击预览
        • 10.png--点击预览
        • 11.png--点击预览
        • 12.png--点击预览
        • 13.png--点击预览
        • 14.png--点击预览
        • 15.png--点击预览
        • 16.png--点击预览
        • 17.png--点击预览
        • 18.png--点击预览
        • 19.png--点击预览
        • 2.png--点击预览
        • 20.png--点击预览
        • 21 - 副本.png--点击预览
        • 21.png--点击预览
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        • 24.png--点击预览
        • 3.png--点击预览
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        • 8.png--点击预览
        • 9.png--点击预览
        • 彩打.doc--点击预览
        • 打印.docx--点击预览
      • 视频
        • U4Asay.swf
        • U4Asay_1_2.mp4
        • Where's my T-shirt_.swf
        • Where's my T-shirt__2_1.mp4
      • 音频
        • 17春湘少三英下 课文朗读
          • XSU4录音
            • U4A.mp3
            • U4B.mp3
            • U4C.mp3
            • U4D.mp3
            • U4E.mp3
            • U4F.mp3
            • U4G.mp3
        • Anne第一句.m4a
        • Anne第三句.m4a
        • Anne第二句.m4a
        • chant 节奏.mp3
        • Peter第一句.m4a
        • Peter第三句.m4a
        • 小组活动背景音乐.mp3
        • 背景音乐.mp3
    • Unit4 Look at the T-shirts.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案003cc.doc--点击预览


湘少版英语(三年级起点) 三年级下册 Unit 4 What is the boy looking for(寻找)? Lets watch and answer! Look and guess.(看一看,猜一猜看一看,猜一猜) clothesclothes storestore (服装店(服装店 ) Listen and answer. Lets learn. Lets learn. Lets learn. What can you see? . I can see . Watch and answer. Role play Read in roles (男女生分角色朗读男女生分角色朗读) Lets talk. 你和你的朋友们一起你和你的朋友们一起 去服装店,你们在谈论商店去服装店,你们在谈论商店 里的服装。里的服装。 句型:句型: Look at the I like the one Its./ Theyre . Clothes do not make the man. 人不在衣装人不在衣装1 Unit4 Look at the T-shirts.教学设计教学设计 Period 1 一:教学目标一:教学目标 (1) 语言目标语言目标 1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词 T-shirt, shirt, trousers, shorts, big, nice。 2. 句型:“Look at the ”“I like ”谈论喜爱的服装颜色。 (二)应用目标(二)应用目标 1. 指认并读出服装单词。 2. 能跟同伴讨论服装方面的简单内容。 3. 能听懂、会说 A 部分的对话。 二:二: 教学重、难点教学重、难点 1. 重点: 能用句型简单讨论服装颜色、大小等。 2. 难点: short 和 shirt 中的 or, ir 字母组合发音区别以及单词正确 读 音和运用。 三:三: 教学准备教学准备 PPT,磁条,人物头套,过塑的服装图片。 四:教学过程四:教学过程 Step1. Greetings.(出示课件第(出示课件第 1 张)张) T:Hello,boys and girls!(Hello, Jesse) T:Nice to meet you!(Nice to meet you,too.) Step2. Lead-in 2 Lets watch and answer(出示课件第(出示课件第 2 张)张) T: Ok, first, lets enjoy a song and answer a question. What is the boy looking for ?(预设 He is looking for his T-shirt,shirt,pants,ties,coat) T: Yes,they are all about clothes.Today, we will learn something about clothes.(出示课件第(出示课件第 3 张)张) Step3. Presentation (1)Look and guess. 1. T: Look at me(look at you)!(出示单词词条,教授 look at,配上肢体 动作,要求学生跟读且抽读。) 2. Look at the picture! Who are they?(或者 Who is the girl and who is the boy?)(出示课件第(出示课件第 4 张)张) 3. T: Where are Anne and Peter?(Theyre in the clothes store) T:Do you want to go to the store with Anne and Peter?(yes) (2)Listen and answer(出示课件第(出示课件第 5 张)张) 1. T: Listen!What are they talking about? (They are talking about .) (3)Look and learn(出示课件第(出示课件第 6 张)张) T:What are in the clothes store?)(.) (4)Lets learn(出示课件第(出示课件第 7,8,9,10 张)张) 1.T:Ok ,lets go ,lets have a look! Wow,its a T-shirt(链接下一张灯片链接下一张灯片), dress, coat, shirt.(结合自然 拼读,书空,丰富的抽读形式来教授,出示单词词条及图片,回答问 题的学生奖励衣服教具一件) 1. Whats this? 2. What color is it?(奖服装图片) 3. How many T-shirts are there?(齐答: three T-shirts) 4. Look at the .s.(贴出句型条) 5. I like the . one.(贴出句型条) 3 预设:教授单词后,教师每种贴出两个教具引导学生说出:Its a.(颜色)dress/coat/shirt. T:Look at the .s. I like the .one. How about you? Ok, now, please read the sentence together:Look at the .s.(指着句条)I like the. one.(指定小组集体回答并展示服装教具,然后点学生单个上台表达, 顺势引入形容词。预设 :T:Why do you like it? 引入句型:Its.引 出更多的形容词 beautiful,nice,pretty/ big, small/cool/ cheap 等) 2. Wow, theyre trousers, shorts(链接下一张灯片链接下一张灯片).(重点强调谈论 trousers, shorts 时用 theyre) 预设:T: When we talk about trousers and shorts, we should use “they re.”(在句条前贴教具) (5) Lets watch and chant(出示课件第(出示课件第 11 张)张) T: So great! Ok , now, lets s chant, just read the sentences with the music like me! Ok ? Listen to me carefully!(师示范唱,学生跟唱,然后学生 自主说唱,已达到复习单词的目的) What can you see? . I can see. (6)Watch and answer T:Wow,so many clothes in the store,I like them!Do you like them?Do you think Anne and Peter like them?Em.,lets have a look,we should watch the video and answer the questions!(出示课件第(出示课件第 12 张)张) Q1:What does Peter like?(yes,he likes the red T-shirt)(出示课件第(出示课件第 13 张)张) 4 Q2:What does Anne like?(yes,she likes the green T-shirt)(出示课件第(出示课件第 14 张)张) Q3:What does Peter think of the blue shorts?( yes, he says:oh ,theyre nice)(出示课件第(出示课件第 15 张)张) 预设:指着教具说 T: I like the . T-shirt /dress /coat /shirt /shorts /trousers. Its / Theyre . .(出示课件第(出示课件第 16 张)张) 顺势询问学生 What do you think of them?来操练句型及形容词。 (7) Listen and imitate(出示课件第(出示课件第 17 张)张) T: Ok, boys and girls, you are Peter and Anne, lets listen to the tape and imitate. Are you ready?(Yes,yes,yes) (8) Read in roles(利用课件进行角色扮演利用课件进行角色扮演) T: Can you read by yourselves? boys, you are Peter ; girls, you are Anne. Lets begin! (9) Role play(出示课件第(出示课件第 18,19 张)张) T: I need some of you to act it out. One is Anne, and the other one is Peter.(展示头套) Who can try? (10)Lets talk T:Now, its time for you to talk with your partners , 2 children a group. Please look here! You can use these sentences to make it.(出示课件第(出示课件第 20 张)张) (给学生时间创编,然后分组展示) Step4. Conclusion(出示课件第(出示课件第 21 张)张) 5 T: Today we saw so colorful clothes in the store,but we should pay more attention: Clothes do not make the man. Step5. Homework(出示课件第(出示课件第 22 张)张) T: After class,we have 2 tasks: 1. Search for some English idioms about clothes on the Internet. 2. Talk about clothes to your family or friends in the clothes store. T: Ok. Class is over! Goodbye,boys and girls.(出示课件第(出示课件第 23 张)张)
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