湘少版三年级下册-Unit 5 What time is it -ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:80c97).zip

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Unit 2 What time is it? B Lets learn Sing a song Its twelve oclock My Day Look and say Its six oclock. get up. Its time to. Its six. a.m . p.m . have dinner. Its six fifty-five. Its time to. Its five to seven. go to school. Its . Its time to . do morning exerices. What do you do for moning exercises? Its . Its time to. eat breakfast. What would you like for breakfast? Its . Its time to. have .class. Do you like .? Who is your.teacher? Whats he/she like? a.m . Its five thirty. Its time to. Its half past five. go home. Where is your home? Is it near your home? Its . Its time to. go to bed. p.m . When do you go to bed on Sundays? Why? What should we do before sleeping? Brush my teeth. Its . Its time to. go to bed. p.m . When do you go to bed on Sundays? Why? What should we do before sleeping? Brush my teeth. My Day Pair work Try to ask more questions A:What time is it? B: Its 10:30. Its time to have PE class. A: Do you like PE? B:Yes, I do. A:Who is your PE teacher? B:Mr Wu. A:Do you like him? B:Yes, I do. A:Whats he like? B:He is tall and strong. He is . Story time What Time Is It, Mr Wolf ? Rabbit: What time is it, Mr Wolf? Mr Wolf: Its oclock. Its time to . Rabbit: Im so and . sevengetup sleepyhungry Rabbit: , Mr Wolf? Mr Wolf: Its eight oclock. Its time to . Rabbit: Im still and . What time is it have breakfast sleepyhungry Rabbit: , Mr Wolf? Mr Wolf: Its eight oclock. Rabbit: Its time to . What time is it Rabbit: , Mr Wolf? Mr Wolf: Its eight oclock. Rabbit:Its time to . My pants are too . Homeork Open your mind.(打开思路) Write down your stories. Time is money 一寸光阴一寸金一寸光阴一寸金Unit 2 What time is it? B Lets learn教案教案 知识目标: 1. 能够听、说、认读四个动词词组:get up, go to school, go home, go to bed,=并在实际情 景中加以运用。 2. 能认读、区分并灵活运用句型:Its time to.,并与 Its time for.对比记忆。 3. 结合生活实际创设情境,使学生巩固所学单 词,进行语言训练,激发他们可以在平时的学习生 活中自由运用两个句型:Its time to.与 It s time for. 能力目标: 1. 学生能够看懂时间;能流利地问答非整点时 间。 2. 能用 Its time to.来描述自己一天的活 动。 情感目标: 1. 培养学生良好的学习习惯,能够积极主动地 参与课堂,让学生成为学习的主人。 2. 加强学生珍惜时间的意识,帮助学生养成良 好的作息习惯。 教学重点:教学重点:掌握 4 个动词词组,进一步学习几分几点的表达方 法并引导学生用句型 What time is it? Its time to/ for. 教学难点:教学难点:灵活使用句型: Its time to/ for. 课前准备课前准备: : ppt、点读机、教具、学具(自制小钟表、时间表) 课时安排:课时安排:1 课时 教学过程教学过程: : 课前三分钟 1.Read the passage you like before class. 2.AA talk.(教师予以评价奖励,并对学生带来的新词做拓展) .Warming up 1. Greeting T: Good morning! Boys and girls. Ss:Good morning! T:How are you? Ss:Im happy/so so/ bad. (一部分学生表达自己的心情一般或者较差,教师:I hope you can be happy every time. After singing a song , I want you to be happy.OK? ) 2. Sing a song “Its twelve oclock”. .Presentation & Practice Step1 以“My day”为主题,展开教学,将所学单词、句型整 合进行突破。能激活学生语言,拓展学生思维。 T: What time is it? Ss: Its six thirty.(half past six) T: Look at your time table.(引导学生说 Its time to get up.) Ss: Its time to get up. (板书,Number4 students read) T:Is it early for you at six thirty?(教师追问) How about Sundays? Do you get up at 6:30 on Sundays? 以同样的方式出示所有词组,充分运用两种句型,对时间 的不同表达法(整点与非整点的两种读法)进行渗透拓展。 6:50 go to school Do you like going to school? Why? What else can you do at 6:50? (T:We also can say: Its time for school.) 7:05 do morning exercises What do you usually do for morning exercises? Rope skipping(跳绳)、jogging(慢跑) 、run. 7:20 eat/have breakfast 8:40 have.class Do you like.? have.class Who is your.teacher? Whats he/she like? 12:00 have lunch What would you like for lunch? Would you like.for lunch? 6:00p.m. go home Where is your home? Is your school near your home? How do you go home? By car? By bike? 9:00 go to bed Do you go to bed at 9 on weekend? What should we do before sleeping? Brush your teeth wash your face Do you read a book before sleeping? Step 2 Pair-work Now, take out your time table, talk with your partners.Try to ask more questions.(给学生框架,教师巡 回指导,学生展示。) (问候语) A:What time is it? B: Its 10:30. Its time to have PE class. A: Do you like PE? B:Yes, I do. A:Who is your PE teacher? B:Mr Wu. A:Do you like him? B:Yes, I do. A:Whats he like? B:He is tall and strong. He is . Step 3 My day (根据闹钟时间显示及图片提示,请学生来说句 子。不同层次的学生分别说,最终由 1-2 名好学生整体叙述) . Extension (教师看看时间) T:Its time for story. Do you like stories? Todays story is about two animals. They are wolf and rabbit. The title is “What time is it, Mr Wolf?” Step1 出示第一、二幅图,以挖空的形式激发学生思维。 P1:What can you see? What colour? What time is it? What will they say? Lets have a look. P2: Rabbit: ? Mr Wolf? Mr Wolf: Its eight oclock. Its time for . Rabbit: But Im still and . Step3 Group work (以小组形式展开故事编写,展示。) T: Now, try to make a new dialogue in your groups, and you can write down your sentences. Open your mind,you are the writer now. 板书设计: Unit2 What time is it? B Lets learn Its time to get up. go to school go home go to bed 德语提示语:Time is money(一寸光阴一寸金) 作业设计:1.抄写词组并造句(3 英 1 汉) 2.课课优优 P15 3.编写故事并表演(对话集)
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