湘少版三年级下册-Unit 10 Is he a farmer -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-公开课-(编号:50c3c).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 10 Is he a farmer _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)_县级优课_(编号:50c3c)
    • Unit 10 Is he a farmer .mp4
    • Unit 10 Is he a farmer .pptx--点击预览
    • unit10 Is he a farmer .mp3
    • 教案50c3c.doc--点击预览


湘少版三年级下册 Unit 10 Is he a farmer? Tick ()what you have heard. teacherfarmerpostman nursedoctordriver Show TimeShow Time Listen to the tape and recite the article一、教学内容分析 本课的教学内容选自湘少版小学英语三年级下册 Unit10 Is he a farmer?中的第一课时,本课时 的学习内容为课文 Part A, Part B 和 Part C。本节课主要从学生感兴趣的职业话题出发,让学生运用本 单元的词汇和句型进行口语交际,涉及的新单词 teacher, farmer, postman, nurse, doctor and driver。另外 关于一般疑问句的句型在第七课(Is this an orange?)中已经初步接触到,结合本课可以达到复习巩固的 目的。根据本课教学内容,我首先创设轻松愉悦的学习英语的氛围,激发学生兴趣,让学生体会在 “学中乐”和“乐中学”。在教学中发挥教师的主导作用,以学生为主体,采用了游戏教学法,情景 教学法等,培养学生用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。 二、教学目标 1. Knowledge and skill aims: a.Ss can listen, read ,understand and use the new words: teacher, farmer, postman, nurse, doctor and driver. b. Ss can understand the usage of general questions. Ss can ask and answer the questions correctly. c.Ss can use the sentence structure to make their own conversations. d. Ss can read the passage correctly and fluently. 2. Procedures and methods: a.Ss can master the new words by reading, practicing and playing games. b. Ss can practice the sentence structure by practicing in pairs: Is he/she a ? Yes , he/she is . No , he /she isnt. c.Ss can read the passage correctly and fluently by listening and reading. 3. Emotional aims: Ss can get to know that each job deserves to be loved and respected. 三、学习者特征分析 三年级学生年龄在 9 到 10 岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对图片教学 特别感兴趣。对英语学习的兴趣较为浓厚,积极参与游戏互动环节,乐于表现。 四、教学策略选择与设计 单词环节:直观导入,通过图片,音频,实物等导入单词,在教授单词的同时,以句带词,反复巩固 重点句型,再通过游戏环节加深学生对单词的掌握程度。 句型操练:看图片说句子,以组为单位上台表演等环节激发了学生学习兴趣。 课文:带着问题听音频可以锻炼学生的听力,同时带领学生跟读,使他们的发音准确,最后进行大量 的朗读,以及角色扮演等活动环节,使学生们对文章再次进行巩固。 五、教学重点及难点 Teaching key points: a.Ss can listen, read ,understand and use the new words: teacher, farmer, postman, nurse, doctor and driver. b. Ss can understand the usage of general questions. Ss can ask and answer the questions correctly. c.Ss can read the passage correctly and fluently. Teaching difficulty: Ss can use the sentence structure to make their own conversations. 六、教学过程 教师活动预设学生活动设计意图 Step 1 Lead in T sings the T : Good morning , boys and girls. I am Miss Liu. I am your English teacher. T present the card of teacher on the blackboard. T : Teacher means “老师”, read after me . T: /t/ /t/ / t/ T : /i:/ Ss do it. Ss do it. Ss do it. 通过唱歌互动拉 近师生的心理距 离,预热课堂。 Step 2 Presentation T: (put on the nurses hat quickly)Now , look , look, look, a teacher ? T : Great. I am not a teacher, I am a nurse. (writing on the Ss : No blackboard). Read after me. T presents the PPT. T : Look at the picture. Is she a nurse? (writing on the blackboard). (writing on the blackboard). T:Good , read after me. T : Ok, look at the picture, is she a nurse? T : No, she isnt. (writing on the blackboard). Read after me. T : Ok, lets read it together. T : Now look at this woman. She is working. lets listen and guess. Is she a nurse? (T plays the video) T : Good, she isnt a nurse. So can you tell me what is she? T : Yes. She is a driver. Ss do it. Ss : Yes, she is. Ss do it. Ss : No. Ss do it. Ss do it. Ss : No, she isnt. Ss : 司机 新授部分由浅入 深,由易到难, 用不同的方式呈 现六个新单词, 并放入句子中感 知,做到词不离 句,避免孤立机 械地教授单词, 让孩子们在饶有 兴趣的学习活动 中,不知不觉就 学会运用新单词。 教师适时的评价 激励学生积极参 与到学习中来。 (writing on the blackboard). Read after me. T : So is she a driver? T : Is she a teacher? T : Great. Read after me . (Yes, she is./ No, she isnt) T presents a picture. T : Look. Is he a driver? T : Great. What is he? T : Yes, he is. He is working so hard. He is a farmer. (writing on the blackboard). Now read after me. T :Lets ask and answer it together.Ready ? Go! T gives some envelops and a bag to one student. T : Wow, look at him. He is not a student anymore. What is he? Can you guess? T: Great. He is a postman. (writing on the blackboard). Ss do it. Ss : Yes, she is. Ss : No , she isnt. Ss do it. Ss: No, he isnt. Ss :农民 Ss do it. Ss do it. Ss : 邮递员 Read after me. T presents a picture on the PPT. T :Is he a postman? T : Is he a farmer? T : Is he a driver? T : Now lets look at the PPT. Can you guess whats he ? ( T presents 1/3 of the doctors picture). T : No , he isnt. (T presents 2/3 of the doctors picture). T :Yes, he is. He is a doctor . (writing on the blackboard). Read after me. T : Is he a doctor? T : Is he a farmer? T : Is he a ? T : Ok, pay attention to this , she and he , can you distinguish these two words? T : Oh, you are so smart! Ss do it. Ss : Yes, he is. Ss : No , he isnt. Ss: No , he isnt. Ss : Ss : . Ss do it. Ss : Yes, he is. Ss : No , he isnt. Ss: No , he isnt. S 1: She a girl or a woman He a boy or a man T : Ok, now I point, you use “he”, “she” correctly. Ss: He Ss : She Step 3 Practice T : At first, I will divide you into two groups. Youre group A, youre group B. lets have a PK and see which team can get more points Are you ready? (一)The new words 1. T: Look at those words, please read them after me. T : Ok , lets read them together. And pay attention to the red letters. Are you ready? Ready ? Go! 2. T : Great, you just read the words, what can you see? T : Great . 3. T: Now a game for you. Look and listen, “nurse” is a bomb, you cant read, just “shh”. Ok, lets have a try! Ss : Yes. Ss do it. Ss read them. Ss : or, er pronounce / 单词游戏巩固了 学生对单词的掌 握,同时进一步 巩固操练句型, 为后面的语言输 出做铺垫,分组 表演的形式充分 调动了学生学习 的积极性,学生 的学习兴趣得到 了提升,把课堂 还给了学生。 One student makes one mistake. T : Ok , everyone, follow me. “one ,two , three, bomb” 4. T : Now, lets play another game. It called “golden fingers”, I point , you read, lets see which team is faster. T : Ok, group A is faster. I will give you one point. (二) The new sentences 1. T : Ok , now lets read the sentences after me . 2. T: Look at the pictures, listen to Miss Liu carefully, I ask and you answer. Ok? T : Is he a ? T asks more pictures. 3. T : Ok, two students as one group. Please practice the Ss do it. Ss do it. Ss do it. dialogue with the pictures. One student asks, one student answers. I will give you three minutes. Now , go. Ss practice. T : Ok , who wants to have a try? Ss : I do. Ss : Ok. Ss : No. he isnt. He is a Ss answer. Ss :Ok. S1&S2. S3& S4. S 5&S6. Step 4 Listening and reading T : All of you did a wonderful job, now its time to practice our listening skills. Look at the PPT, listen and tick what you have heard. T : Do you want to hear it Ss do it. 通过听磁带、跟 读、自读、分角 色朗读等活动, 让孩子们充分熟 again? T plays the tape again. T : Ok, who gets the answer? T :Great, lets hear the tape again. T : Great. Now lets open your English book, please read it by yourself. T : Now please read it after the tape, one sentence by one sentence. T : Please read after the tape again. T:Ok, lets read them together. T : Now lets role-play the conversation. Who wants to be Lingling , who wants to be Mingling? Who wants to be Peter? Ss : Yes. S1: farmer, nurse , postman Ss do it. Ss do it. Ss do it. Ss do it. Ss do it. 悉文本,水到渠 成地完成课文的 理解。 Step 5 Consolidation T : Ok. Now its our show time. Miss Liu has some 再次通过学生上 台表演引导学生 进行正确回答, 结合以组为单位 tools. I need two students to come here. One student do the actions. The other student asks “Is he/she?”, the remaining students answer the questions together. Ok? T : Good , who wants to have a try? Ss : I want to have a try. Ss :No, he isnt. He is a driver. Ss answer them. 进行比拼,让学 生再一次巩固本 堂所学,同时也 培养了孩子们在 合作学习中共同 进步的能力。 Step 6 Summary T :Now lets review what we have learned. Read those words together. T : Read these sentences together T : Lets read the passage loudly and fluently. T : Now lets check the scoreboard. Ss do it. Ss do it. Ss do it. 再次引导学生进 行知识点的回顾, 学生进一步巩固 所学知识点。 Step 7 Homework T : Your homework is to recite the passage. Class is over. Ss :Goodbye, miss Liu. 课后继续巩固本节 课所学内容 Goodbye. 七、教学评价设计 本节课,我以教师这一个单词导入新课,通过视听等感官让学生学习其他的几个新单词。同时,新句 型也一起出示,以句带词,学生能进行单词和句型的共同练习。在展示新课后,我利用了游戏,小组 互动,小组比赛等环节提高学生的学习兴趣,培养他们的小组合作能力,同时,通过听力练习,跟着 磁带大声读,角色扮演等方式,锻炼了他们的口头表达能力,让他们能大胆,流利地说出来。 八、板书设计
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