湘少版三年级下册-Unit 7 Is this an orange -教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:40201).docx

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1、教 学 目 标 (一) 语言目标 1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读单词 apple, banana, pear, lemon, orange。 2. 句型:能运用“Is this .”询问水果名称,能用“Yes, it is. / No, Its not. ”简单作答。 (二) 应用目标 1. 能在图片、实物或简笔画的帮助下指认水果。 2. 能在触摸猜物和角色表演的环节中向同伴告知水果名称。 3. 能听懂、会说 A 部分的对话。 4. 通过学习谚语“An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ” ,能够了解多 吃水果有益身体健康的生活常识。 教学重点 教学难点 重

2、点:能听懂、会说、认读单词 apple, banana, pear, lemon, range,并能用句型“Is this .? 询问 水果名称并简单作答。 难点:orange 这个单词既可作水果名称,又可作颜色单词。 冠词 a/an 学生容易混淆, a 用于辅音音素前, an 用于元音音 素前,让学生在原有的基础上进一步感知 a/an 的区别以及 an orange 的连用与连读 教、学方法 Audiolingual method; Situation teaching method; Task-based approach;Play method 教、学 具 Word card; Frui

3、t; Salad;CAI; Pictures Step 1 Warming up Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song “Are you sleeping?” 3. Talk freely. T: Look. Whats this? Ss: Its a pen. T: Is this a pen? Ss: No, it isnt. Its a pencil. T: (Using animal cards to ask and answer) Boys and girls, do you know? Whats this? Ss: Its

4、a cat. T: S1. Is this a cat? S1: No, it isnt. Its a dog. T: Is this a/ an ? (设计意图:师生亲切问候完后齐唱欢快的英语歌曲,让学生 很快进入英语学习氛围。自由谈话用学具物品和动物图片进行 交流, 先全班同学师问生答, 然后随便选一小组同学单个回答, 目的是复习学过的句型”Whats this?” “Is this a .” “Yes, it is. / No, Its not. ”及单词,为新授课做好 铺垫 ) Step 2 Presentation and Step 2 Presentation and practi

5、cepractice 1. New words (1) PPT shows an orange. Ask: Whats this? Do you know? Ss: Sorry, I dont know. T: OK. Let me tell you. Orange, it s an orange. Teach and drill orange.(orange, orange, an orange) Read it one by one. Take out an 个性化修 改 orange and ask: Is this an orange?(揭示课题) Ss will answer: Ye

6、s, it is. (板书黑板)T: Who can use it ask others: Is this an orange? Train work in groups. ( S1: Is this an orange? S2: Yes, it is. Is this an orange? S3: ) (设计意图:紧接着自由谈话的部分直接导出今天学的水果单 词 orange,自然过度到今天所学的新课,在“Train work”中 学生运用实物组内操练句型和单词,很好地练习了重点句型。 ) (2) PPT shows a red apple and ask: Is this an orange

7、, too? Ss: No, it isnt.(板书黑板) Teach and drill “apple” (apple, apple, an apple) T:I like this apple./ I like apples. Game-Quick response (Using an orange and an apple to hide the back and ask Ss say out correctly. Ask and answer quickly.) Tips: an 用于以元音因素开头的单词前面。 (设计意图:由单词 orange 引出新词 apple,在游戏 Hide

8、and guess 操练时学生非常感兴趣, 并在 PPT 上呈现 Tips 让学生明 白 an 的用法。 ) (3) (Take out a pear and ask): Is this an apple, too? Ss: No, it isnt. T: Whats this? Help answer: It s a pear. (follow me to write) Teach and drill “pear” (High and low voice; Little teacher ) PPT show a pear and a ?, Who can ask? Call several

9、Ss to ask with: Is this a pear? (4) Using an orange, an apple and a pear to ask and answer again. (5) Show a box with a lemon and draw smiling face and say: Hello, boy and girls. My name is Lemon. Im lemon. OK. Do you know “Whats my name” Please say “Hello” to me togther. Ss: Hello, lemon. T: Haha,

10、look! Lemon is coming. Can you tell me “What s this?” Ss: It s a lemon. Ask one boy: Is this a lemon? And a girl: Is this a lemon? T: Great, its a lemon. But I dont the lemon. Its sour. (设计意图:lemon 一词的教授我采用了另一种新颖方式, 把一个柠檬装入一个盒子里, 以柠檬向同学自我介绍的方式 出场。 学生非常喜欢, 认真倾听, 很容易就学会 lemon 一词。 ) (6) T: I like banan

11、as. Is this a lemon? Ss: No, it is t. Help to answer: Its a banana. Hit the clap to read it. Then chant read: banana, banana , a banana;(Read it group by group) 2. Lets say: CAI shows the fruit and ask Ss say out quickly. (Pictures or words one bye one) 3. Lets taste and guess. 4. Lets act: Using th

12、e fruit to practice in groups. Like this: A: Hello. Whats this? B: Its a . A: Is this a ? B: No, it isnt. Its a . 5. Lets listen: Listen and repeat Part B. Then listen and number. (设计意图:出示水果色拉叫学生上来品尝,其他同学以句型 “Is this a/an .”来提问品尝者,品尝者用“Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.”来回答,猜对了的同学上去品尝继续玩游戏。 然后以小组合作形式谈论自己所带的水

13、果,还可以去问问其他 组的同学。学生非常乐于参加这样的活动,在尝尝、猜猜、说 说、乐乐中习得本课水果单词和所学句型。最后整体出现 B 部 分单词听听读读记记,到达熟练巩固。 ) Step 3Step 3 Learn Part A 1. T: Great, boys and girls. You can talk about the fruit. Mingming and Lingling are talking about the fruit, too. Lets listen and circle the fruit you hear. 2. T: Where are they? Pleas

14、e watch the video. Answer: T: Are they in a classroom? (Show a picture of a classroom) Ss: No. (Teach and rill classroom) T: Are they in a market? (Show a picture of a market) Ss: Yes. T: (PPT) Look. This is a market. It isnt a classroom. (Read and drill them.) 3.T: Look. Whos he? Ss: He is a grandf

15、ather. T: Is he happy? Help answer: No, he isnt. He is angry and says: This is a market. It isnt a classroom. (Ask some to read in mood) (设计意图:在学生的自由谈论中教师表扬后组织一句 Mingming and Lingling are talking about the fruit, too. 直接导入课文 A 部分的学习,先让学生听他俩谈话圈出听到的 水果单词,再由 PPT 呈现问句,引出 classroom 和 market 的 学习。借助图片学生很容

16、理解爷爷说的两句话,并让学生模仿 卖水果爷爷的生气语气来练习句型: This is a market. It isn t a classroom.孩子们积极参与,开心模仿,乐于表现,练得 非常投入。 ) 3. Listen again and repeat of Part A. 4. Group work: Read and act Part A in roles. (设计意图:在图片最后两句难点句子的基础上,再次听录音 跟读,以及组内合作练习 A 部分就非常容易的了。在“分角色 朗读”中可看得出他们的熟练程度。 ) 5、Act and play. 教师用图片或实物在黑板上或讲台上布置 一个模

17、拟市场,教师扮演水果店店主,请两名学生分别扮演 Mingming 和 Lingling,将对话内容表演出来。 Step 4 Consolidation Step 4 Consolidation 1. Summary: What did you learn from this class? 2. Lets enjoy “Apple Round”. 3. Tips: An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Step5 HomeworkStep5 Homework 1. Listen and recite Part A B. 2. Copy the new words of this unit. 3. Draw and make some fruit cards. Blackboard design: Unit7 Is this an orange? -Is this an orange/ apple. a pear/ lemon/ banana. -Yes, it is. -No, it isnt. 课后反思:


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