湘少版三年级下册-Unit 10 Is he a farmer -教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:004d3).doc

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1、Unit 10 Is he a farmer Unit 10 Is he a farmer ? Period 1 Period 1 教学内容:湘少版小学英语三年级下册教学内容:湘少版小学英语三年级下册 教学目标:教学目标: (一) 语言目标 1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读单词 teacher,farmer,postman,nurse, doctor,driver 2. 句型:能初步运用“Is he a .?” “Yes, he is./No, he isn t.” “Is she a .?” “Yes, she is./No, she isnt.”询问 他人职业,并能对别人的询问做出恰当的回答

2、。 (二) 应用目标 1. 能在图片或课件的帮助下说出相关职业名称 2. 能通过物品来判断其相应的职业,并作出正确的回答。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 1. 重点:能听懂、会说、认读单词 teacher,farmer,postman,nurse, doctor, driver, 并能初步运用 “Is he a .?” “Yes, he is./No, he isnt.” “Is she a .?” “Yes, she is./No, she isnt.”来询问他人职业,并能对别人的询问做出恰当的 回答。 2. 难点:postman 中间的 t 发音不应太重 教学准备教学准备 用于新授的职业单词卡

3、片、PPT 课件等。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 WarmingStep 1 Warming- -upup 1. T:Can you sing the song? Ss:Yes. T:Now,lets begin.Are you sleeping?. 2. Greetings T:Class begins.Good morning,class. Ss:Good morning,Miss Zhang . T: Sit down,please. Ss;Thank you. 设计意图:以熟悉的歌曲,让大家很快地进入英语的学习氛围中来。 Step 2 Presentation and drillS

4、tep 2 Presentation and drill 1. New wordsNew words (1) Learn words T:Im your teacher.Then,what is he ?(画面) He is a farmer.So,today,well study Unit 10 Is he a farmer?(板 书)Follow me. T:Look at the picture.What is he ? He is a farmer. 教师展示画面,用升降调带读单 farmer,请学生开火车读,然后拼读板书在四 线格中 教师用同样的方法教学单词 teacher,driv

5、er,nurse,doctor.postman. 设计意图:用图片的展示,能够更直观的学习这六个职业词。 (2) 老师范读,学生齐读三次。然后叫学生读。 T:This time ,each word reads three times. T:Yes,very good.Now Id like some of you to read the words. 设计意图:通过齐读,发现学生读不准的单词,便于纠正。个人读又可以检验个 人的情况。 (3) 游戏 Game: putting up your cards. T:OK.Time is up.Lets play another game. I sa

6、y the word,you should put up the word.Are you OK? Ss:OK. T:The first one is teacher. 设计意图:检查学生对单词形的认识,老师说单词的发音,学生找对应的单词。 (4)师生互动 T:I speak Chinese ,you speak English ,then change ,Are you clear? Ss:Yes. 设计意图: 通过教学让学生把单词的音形义都牢牢的掌握在大脑中。 游戏的设计, 让学生更加有激情的参与到课堂的学习中来。 2. SentencesSentences 1.Learn the sen

7、tences. T:OK,look at this picture .Is she a teacher? (教师图) Ss:Yes,she is. T: Now look at here .Is she a teacher? (护士图) Ss:No, she isnt. T:Is he a farmer? (农民图) Ss:Yes, he is. T:Is he a farmer? (医生图) Ss:No, he isnt. 设计意图:用四张图片就把一般疑问句展示得淋漓尽致,学生能理解什么时候用 he 什么时候用 she.进而把教学难点突破了。 2.Game:interview.(叫六个学生采

8、访) T:Id like some students to come here and choose one thing for a job.Then Im a reporter.I will interview you.Are you clear? The first one,What do you you ? T:Is he a .(挨个来问学生,全体学生答) 设计意图:通过采访游戏,检查对单词的掌握程度。然后用一般疑问句来询问其 他学生,可检查学生对其回答是否正确。 Step 3.PracticeStep 3.Practice 1. Pair work T:Take out your p

9、ictures.Talk about the picture with your partners.read each other. 2.Act out. T:Now ,time is up. Which group can talk about the pictures ? You should choose one picture to ask and answer. 设计意图:小组活动能让胆小的学生在小组内交谈,小组活动则可以让胆子大一 些的学生当着全班同学来表演。这两种方式都能提高学生的自信心。 Step 4.HoStep 4.Homeworkmework Coppy the words of part B. 板书: Unit 10 Is he a farmer? teacher doctor Is he /she a .? farmer nurse Yes,he /she is. driver postman No, he /she isnt.


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