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1、三年级英语 教学内容教学内容 义务教育三年级英语下册 学生情况分析学生情况分析 三年级学生年龄相对较小,学习兴趣浓厚,对英语已有一定的认识, 大部分学生热爱这门功课,认为很有趣,但有一部分学生因为比较内 向,不敢大声说,怕自己说错,老师在这学期,要以表扬为主,鼓励 他们大胆说,积极做,努力唱。 教材分析教材分析 教材以话题为主, 交际为主线, 突出兴趣, 重视双向交流, 图文并茂, 让学生生动,有趣的理解语言知识。 教学目的教学目的 1.培养学生学习兴趣; 2.培养正确的书写习惯; 3.能认读所学单词与课文; 4.能用所学语言进行语境交际; 5.培养学生积极参与、主动学习的态度。 6.培养孩子

2、主动开口说英语的欲望。 方法措施方法措施 1、认真备课,钻研教材,抓紧课堂教学,做到当堂内容当堂掌 握。 2、运用各种不同的肢体语言来辅助教学。 3、在课堂上多开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在活动中学习 英语,在生活中学习英语。 4、多为学生营造一些学习氛围,如:创设英语角等等。 5、要求学生在课余时间尽量的运用已经学习的英语进行对话。 6、多看英语画报,多读英语故事,多看英语书籍。 7、多与学生交流,进行口语交际训练。 教学目标教学目标 1、能听懂、会说 12 组会话,并能进行简单的交流。 2、能听、说、认读 50 个单词和听、说、读、写 26 个字母(包括 同学、家庭成员、数字、水果、方位

3、、动物等 6 个话题),并能简单 地运用。 3、能听、做 6 个“TPR”活动。 4、能学会 2 个小制作。 5、能唱 8 首歌曲。 6、能听、说、唱 7 首民谣。 7、能完成 8 个自我评价活动。 8、能听懂 6 个幽默小故事。 9、能了解 6 项简单的中西方文化知识。 教学重、难点教学重、难点: : 重点:部分的词汇,句型,对话等 难点:将语言知识运用于实践交流中 教具准备:教具准备: 学生用书,教师用书,录音机,单词卡片,图片,挂图 课时安排课时安排 一周三节课,两周一个单元 授课进度授课进度 起止起止 日期日期 周周 次次 授课内容授课内容 新新 授授 复复 习习 练练 习习 备备 注

4、注 3.13.2 1 Unit1 Welcome back to school 1 3.5-3.9 2 Unit1 Welcome back to school 3 3.12-3.16 3 Unit1 Welcome back to school 3 3.19-3.23 4 Unit2 My family 3 3.26-3.30 5 Unit2 My family 3 4.2-4.4 6 Unit3 At the zoo 3 4.8-4.13 7 Unit3 At the zoo 3 4.16-4.20 8 Recycle 1 3 4.23-4.28 9 Unit 4 Part A 3 5.2

5、-5.4 10 Unit 4 Part B 3 5.7-5.11 11 阶段性测评 2 5.14-5.18 12 Unit 5 3 5.21-5.25 13 Do you like pears? 3 5.28-6.1 14 Unit 6 How many ?How many ? 3 6.4-6.8 15 3 66.11-6.15 16 Recycle 2 3 6.19-6.22 17 RevisionRevision 3 6.25-6.29 18 RevisionRevision 3 7.2-7.6 19 期末考试期末考试 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 一.单元教

6、学目标 (一)知识目标 1.在真实情境中适用句型 Im from .介绍自己。 2.能运用句型 where are you from ? 询问别人。 (二)能力目标 1.句型 Im from . ,where are you from ? 2.三会句型: China . Canada . Teacher . (三)情感、策略、文化等有关目标 1.学会与人沟通,交流个人信息。 2.通过学习国家名称, 了解中国和主要英语国家的国旗以及标志性的 建筑物。 二.单元内容分析 本单元学习的主题是关于初次见面向别人介绍自己和他人。 三.单元学情分析 三年级的学生刚接触英语,学习兴趣浓厚,对英语已有一定的

7、认识,大部分学生热爱这门功课,认为很有趣,但有一部分学生因为 比较内向,不敢大声说,怕自己说错,老师在这学期,鼓励后进生, 使其获得信心,爱上英语。 四.重、难点分析: 1. A.B 部分的词汇,对话。 2. 运用所学词汇,对话进行思想表达。 五.教学策略方法: 本单元根据教学内容主要采用 TPR 教学法,角色扮演,游戏等 形式进行教学。 六.单元教学准备 Cards tape pictures 七.课时安排: Lesson 1 :A Lets talk Look and say Lesson2:A Lets learn Lets chant Lesson3: B Let s spell li

8、sten and write Lesson4:B Lets talk Look and say Lesson5:B Lets learn Lets chant Lesson6:B start to read lets check Unit 1 welcome back to school Lesson 1 2018.2.28 Teaching contents A Lets learn Lets chant Teaching aims 1. Pupil be able to listen and say these words :Canada. U K. USA. China 2. Learn

9、 these sentences: Im from . 3. Pupil be able to use the new words and sentences Importan t points 4. New word: Canada. UK. USA. China New sentences: Im from . Difficul t points Pupil can use the knowledge in the life Teaching aids Tape card Teaching methods Listen and read listen and sing make the d

10、ialogues Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactivities purpose Warm- up Let s enjoy a song We are friends Sing a song 用歌 曲热身, 激 发 学 习兴趣 preview T: Hi, everyone. Welcome back to school , Now, look at this map, do you know these countries T: Look at these national flags, Which

11、country does this flag belong to? S: Look at national flags,and try to say the countries 利用 图 片 让 学 生 直 观 了 解 各 国 国 旗 及 著 名 标 志 性 建 筑 物 presenta tion 1. T shows picture and introduce new countries. 2. T teaches these words 3. Ss listen to the recording and read the words Listen, look and read 教师 通 过

12、 示 范 让 学 生 学 会 国 家 的 英 语 表 达法 practice 1.Read the new words 2.play a game 3.T: Im I m from China. Read it one by one play a game Sing a song Use the words in the sentences Chant together 让学 生 通 过 游戏, 记 住 国 家 的 名 称 提 高 学 生 参 与 学 习 的 积极性 Consolid ation Lets chant Chant together Summary 1. Pupil can in

13、troduce countries 2. Read and remember new words and sentences Homework 1.Read and recite Lets learn Writing on the board Unit 1 welcome back to school A let learn China Canada the UK the USA Im from Introspe ction 大部分学生会说新单词和句子,并且会介绍自己来自哪, 教师要重点讲 UK,USA 在句中要加 the. Lesson 2 2018.2.28 Teaching conten

14、ts :A Lets talk Look and say B Lets sing Teaching aims 1.Pupil can listen and say these : USA Canada UK China Im from We have two new friends today Pupil can make a dialogue by using the new sentences Importan t points 5. New word: welcome UK boy girl friend 6. New sentences: Im from We have two new

15、 friends today Difficul t points Pupil can use the words and sentences in the life Teaching aids Tape card Teaching methods Listen and read listen and sing make the dialogues Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactivities purpose Warm-u p Let s enjoy a song Boys and girls Sing

16、 a song 课前 热身 preview T: Hi, everyone. Im Miss Hou, I m from China .What about you? T shows flags and ask where are you from? S: Im Im from China. Try to say these sentences Ss answer I am from. 复习 国 家 名 称 及 句 子 presenta tion 4. T:we have a new friend today. T introduce new the friend. Teach this se

17、ntence Friend-friends 5. T let Ss read Listen and read friends S listen to the recording and read 教师 通 过 示 范 和 卡 片 呈 现 新知, 让 学 生 学 会 打 招 呼 及 简 单 自 我 介 绍 自 己 来 自 哪 practice 1.Read the new words and new sentences 2.Play a game Ss read it Play the game 让学 生 表 演 对话, 提 高 学 生 参 与 学 习 的 积 极性 Consolid ation

18、 Lets make the dialogue and act out it. make the dialogue and act out it. 巩固 知识 Summary 3. Pupil can introduce yourself 4. Read and remember our sentences Homework 1.Read and recite Lets talk Writing on the board Unit 1 Welcome back to school A let talk Im from We have two new friends today Introspe

19、 ction 本节课是主要学习运用句型,大部分同学都会说来自哪 里,个别学生发音不太准,在以后的教学中多练习。还有 个别同学不会说 welcome,课后个别纠正。 Lesson 3 2018.3.1 Teaching contents A Lets spell Teaching aims 1. Pupil can repeat listen and chant the words.then get the pronunciation 2. Circle the words what we listened 3. Try to write the words:cat bag hand dad I

20、mportant points Try to get the/ / /and write words. Difficult points Pupil can write and remember the words. Teaching aids 1. tape and word cards 2. Ss prepare word card. Teaching methods Listen and read listen and sing listen and write Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsacti

21、vities purpose Warm-up Lets chant Chant together 热身 preview T plays tape and let Ss chant together Ss listen and chant then repeat 用歌 谣 的 形 式 导 入 新课, 感 知发音 presentati on 1. T plays the CAI and circle the letter. 2 T: Play the radio and try to copy the words. S1:look and circle. S2: read and copy 教师

22、示 范 让 学 生 掌 握 本 课 的知识 practice 1. Read the new words and play a game 2. T say Chinese 1. read 2. Play the game 3. Ss listen to the tape and read the book 操练 Consolidat ion 1. Play the tape and chant 2. write the words Ss : chant together Ss: write the words 巩固 Summary Boys and girls lets recite the

23、words together homework 1; Chant and listen 2.Read and write Writing on the board Unit 1 Welcome back to school A Lets spell cat bag hand dad / Introspect ion 本课通过歌谣让学生感知字母 a 的发音,并能够通过发 音写出单词。本节课的拼写是难点,大部分学生能够掌 握,个别学生比较吃力,在以后的教学中加强练习单词 的拼写。 Lesson 4 2018.3.2 Teaching contents B Lets learn lets chant

24、 Teaching aims 1. S can say and read :she he student(pupil) teacher 2. S can understand lets chant 3. S can use she is./ he is . Importan t points To say and read :she he student(pupil) teacher Difficul t points To understand lets chant Teaching aids Cards pictures tape Teaching methods Listen and r

25、ead listen and chant Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactivities purpose Warm-u p 1. Greetings T: Hello. I m Miss. Im from. S: Hello. Miss Hou Im from. chant it together 复习 问 候 交 际话语, 活 跃 气 2. Lets chant 氛 preview T: lets play a game Are you ready? Ss: yes S1: I m from The

26、UK S2: Im from The USA S3: Im from China 复习 国 家 的 单词 presenta tion T point oneself and say I m a teacher.then teach the word. (learn other words like this) Play the radio Ss:Learn the words (read one by one ) Point and say 用 图 片 和 实 物 教学, 加 深印象 practice 1. What s missing? (Put away a card) 2. play t

27、he radio lets chant 3.T: high voice Low voice (when I say it H Guess Chant together Ss: Do together 再次 强 调 发 音 you L) Consolid ation 1.T shows picture and asksWhats he.? Lead to answer use: she is./ he is . 2.Practice with partner Ss: she is./ he is . Practice with partner 提高 说 的 能 力 和 记 忆力 Summary

28、1. Ss listen to the tape and read own book 2. Ss say the stationery to own family member homework 1. Read and recite words 2. Do lets chant Writing on the board Unit 1 Welcome back to school B lets learn she he teacher student Shes./Hes. Introspe ction 本课时是单词教学,注意学生的发音,口形,多提 醒。对发音困难的学生要单独辅导或在课下多加强指导

29、。 同时,教师要给区分 he 和 she Lesson 5 2018.3.3 Teaching contents A Lets talk Look and say Teaching aims 1.Pupil be able to listen and say these sentences: Where are you from? Im from . Where are you from? Im from . 2.Pupil be able to make a dialogue use the new sentences Importan t points 1.New word: new st

30、udent 2.New sentences: Where are you from?Where are you from? Im from Difficul t points Pupil can use the knowledge in the life Teaching aids Tape cards Teaching methods Listen and read listen and sing make the dialogues Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactivities purpose W

31、arm-u p Let s enjoy a song boy and girl Sing a song 初步 感 知 英 语 preview T: Hi, everyone. Im Miss Hou, I m from China .Where are you from? T: teach the sentences S: Im from China. Try to say these sentences Learn the sentences 让学 生 初 步 接 触 英 语, 激发 学 习 兴 趣 presenta tion T:we have a new student. Teach t

32、his sentence T play the CAI .And let Ss read it。 Listen and read 教师 通 过 示 范 让 学 生 学 会 询 问 别 人 来 自 哪里, 并 做回答。 practice 1.Read the new words and new sentences 2.Do a game Ss read it Play the game 让学 生 玩 游 戏, 巩固 句型 Consolid ation Lets make the dialogue and act out it. make the dialogue and act out it.

33、提高 学 生 参 与 学 习 的 积 极 性。 Summary 1.Pupil can ask and answer the place 2.Read and remember our sentences Homework 1.Read and recite Lets talk 2.Sing the song to your parents Writing on the board Unit 1 Welcome back to school B lets talk Where are you from?Where are you from? Im from Introspe ction 个别学

34、生不会说 Where are you from?,课后个别辅导 Lesson 6 2018.3.4 Teaching contents B lets check C story time Teaching aims 1.Pupil be able to understand the story time 2.Pupil practice listening and speaking Importan t points Understand the story time Difficul t points Pupil can practice listening and speaking Tea

35、ching aids Tape cards CAI Teaching methods Listen and read listen and sing listen and check Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactivities purpose Warm-u p Let s enjoy a song boy and girl Sing a song 热身 preview T: Hi, everyone. Im Miss Hou, I m from China .Where are you from?

36、T: teach the sentences S: Im from China. Try to say these sentences Learn the sentences 让学 生 初 步 接 触 英 语, 激发 学 习 兴 趣 presenta tion 1. T play the CAI .And let Ss read it。 2. T let Ss to read the story Listen and read Read the story and understand it 教师 通 过 课 件 展 示 激 发 学 生 的 兴 趣, 让学 生 阅 读 理 解 对 话 prac

37、tice 1.Play the CAI, Lets check 2.Start to read Ss listen and check it Read and tick 培养 学 生 的 听 力 和 说 的 能 力 Consolid ation Lets sing the song Lets sing the song 提高 学 生 学 习 英 语 的 积 极 性 Summary 1.Pupil can understand the story 2.Practice the listening Homework 1.Read the story 2.Sing the song to your

38、parents Writing on the board Unit 1 Welcome back to school B story time Im a teacher Im a student Introspe ction 本节课是复习操练本单元的句型, 通过练习培养学生 的听说能力。歌曲的吟唱能激发学习学生的兴趣,活跃课 堂气氛。 Unit 2 My family 单元教学目标单元教学目标 1、知识目标 (1)能够听懂会说句型:whos that man / woman ? Hes /shes my . Is he / she your .? No ,he /she isnt . 并能够在

39、实际情境中进行运用。 (2)能够认读句子 this is my . (3)能够听说认读句子:father / dad . Mother /mum .woman . Grandfather/grandpa.Grandmother/ grandma ,brother ,sister . (4)知道元音字母 e 在单词中的发音 /e/ 。 2、能力目标 (1)能够在情境中运用句型 This is my . Whos that man / woman ? Hes /shes my . Is he / she your .? No ,he /she isnt . (2)能够正确说出元音字母 e 在单词中

40、的短音发音 /e/ 。 3、情感、策略、文化等有关目标 (1)要知道爱家、关爱家庭成员的情感。 (2)了解有关西方国家复活节的知识。 单元内容分析单元内容分析 本单元学习的主题是家庭成员, 通过复活节假日一家在公园找彩 蛋的活动呈现了本单元的核心句型和词汇。 单元知识结构:单元知识结构: 1.语言结构与功能 Part A: Whos that man/ woman?He/She is. Part B: Is she/he your.? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. 2.词汇: Part A:father ,mother ,dad, mum, man ,wom

41、an Part B :brother ,sister,grandfather,grandmother, 3.字母和语 言: 元音字母 e 在单词中的短音的发音。 单元学情分析单元学情分析 学生通过一个单元的学习,掌握了一些简单的英语知识,大多数 孩子对英语很感兴趣,有一小部分孩子不太爱说,不敢表达,这些孩 子需要关注,在今后的教学中应多鼓励. 重重、难点分析难点分析: 重点:A B 部分的词汇、对话。 难点:运用所学词汇、对话进行思想表达。 教学策略方法教学策略方法: 本单元根据教学内容主要采用 TPR 教学法,角色扮演,游戏等 形式进行教学。 单元教学准备单元教学准备 Cards tape

42、pictures 课时安排课时安排: Lesson 1: A Lets learn lets chant Lesson2:A Lets talk point and say Lesson3: A lets spell listen and circle Lesson4:B Lets talk Lets play Lesson5:B Lets learn Lets chant Lesson6:B lets check C story time Lesson 1 2018.3.10 Teaching contents A Lets learn lets chant Teaching aims 1.

43、 Ss can read father (dad) ,man ,mother (mum) ,woman . 2. Ss can understand and read “ who s that woman?/ shes my mother.” Important points 1. Ss can read, understand and say father (dad) ,man ,mother (mum) ,woman . 2. Ss can use “ Whos that woman?/ Shes my mother.” Difficult points Pupils can rememb

44、er the new words and sentences. Teaching aids Cards tape pictures recorder PPT Teaching methods Listen and read listen and chant Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactivities purpose Warm-up 1. T plays the recorder. (Page15) 1. Listen and chant. 活跃气氛 Preview T:Show me your ph

45、otos. This is my dad 引出新知 Presentati on 1. T:This is my dad . T:This is my father. 2. T:Who s that man ? 3.T:Who s that woman? 4.T plays the recorder. 5.T:Let s make a 1. Father 2. My father ( my dad ) 3. This is my mother 4. Read after it 5. Me ,me. 老师指着 学 生 的 照 片 教 单 词 、 句 型,学生很感 兴趣,也容易 记忆。 dialog

46、ue. Practice T shows Ss some exercises. Do the exercises. 练习 Consolidat ion T Plays the recorder . T:Lets chant. Chant together. 巩 固 这 节 课的知识 Summary 1.Review the new words. 2.Try to make a dialogue. T:Lets chant together Homework 1. Listen and the tape 2. Remember the words 3. Make a dialogue (Ss d

47、o ) Board writing Unit 2 Unit 2 My familyMy family A letA lets learns learn father (dad) man mother (mum) woman Introspect ion 本节课的安排有些不合理,一上课就进入单词教 学,教学环节不连贯,学生积极性不高,在以后的教学 中一定要注意备课时应做到细、密、周。个别学生不会 说 Who is that womam?,课后进行辅导。 Lesson 2 2018.3.11 Teaching contents A Lets talk point and say Teaching

48、aims Ss can read , understand and use “ Whos that man/woman? Hes /shes my . Important points Whos that man/woman? Hes /shes my . Difficult points Pupils can remember the new words and sentences. Teaching aids Cards tape picture crayons Teaching methods Listen and chant listen and read ask and answer

49、 Teaching design Teaching steps Teachers activities studentsactivities purpose Warm-up T: Lets sing “ I love my family” . Ss try to sing. 用歌 曲 调 动 学 生 的 英 语 学 习兴趣 Preview T:Look at the pictures. Who are they ? Father/ mother. 复习 旧知 Presentati on 1. Point and say. Who s that man/woman? 2.Do a group w

50、ork. 3. OK. Now look at the board.(T plays the PPT) 4. T:Read after it. 5.T:Read by yourselves. 6. Act it out. 1. He /she s my father/mother 2. Ask and answer 3. Look 4. Read 5. Read 6. Act the dialogue 用 学 生 准 备 好 的 照 片 来 复 习 Who s that 。 。 。 ?句 型。 表演 是 学 生 在 现 实 中 运 用 语言 Practice T:Look at the pho


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