2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高一英语寒假生活词汇、短语复习巩固习题(Welcome Unit-B2U2)(含答案).docx

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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高一英语寒假生活词汇、短语复习巩固习题(Welcome Unit-B2U2)(含答案).docx_第1页
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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高一英语寒假生活词汇、短语复习巩固习题(Welcome Unit-B2U2)(含答案).docx_第5页
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1、高一英语寒假生活词汇、短语复习巩固习题(Welcome Unit-B2U2) Book1 Welcome Unit 第一节 词汇检测 根据句子的上下文及所给的文中提示,写出符吅句意的单词,每 空限填一词。 1. We can _(交换)opinions freely here. 2. An _(交流)of opinions is helpful. 3. She attended all the _(讲庚)in the series. 4. She then invited him to Atlanta to _(讲庚)on the history of art. 5. He used to _

2、(讦斥)me about getting too much sun. 6. _(注册)is super quick and easy. 7. Have you come to _(注册)at the school? 8. He _(登记)the birth of his child. 9. An entertainment star who appeals to all ages and both_(性删). 10. There are so many _(女性的)role models now. 11. Why? Males must be preferred to _(女性). 12. I

3、 need a _(甴的)volunteer from the audience. 13. This student tended to be a_(甴性),poor. 14. We were walking along saying hello to people of all _(国籍). 15. Were the last European _(国家)not to do this. 16. I found a good _(设计师)and sourced a factory. 17. They wanted to _(设计)a machine that was both attracti

4、ve and practical. 18. Most mobile robots are still in the _(设计)stage. 19. She has already toured its _(校园)with her family. 20. He wrote a very _(正弅的)letter of apology to Douglas. 21. A friend of mine is a very _(焦虑的)person. 22. She tapped her forehead and looked _(生气的)with herself. 23. It _(使恼怒) wit

5、h me that I didnt have time to do more reading. 24. She was _(害怕的)of flying. 25. Her plane would leave at 7 _(下午). 26. The station transmits from 6 _(上午)until midnight. 27. We should show respect to the _(年长的). 28. My brother is my _(年长)by two years. 29. MY brother is _(年长的)to me by two years. 30. I

6、m so glad that weve found you _(最终)! 31. Shes very _(外向的). 32. He made a good_(印象)on me. 33. Im very _(留下印象)with the new airport. 34. I was very_(留下印象)by one young man at my lectures. 35. I was working with a _(小伙子)from Manchester. 36. This question can be answered only by _(实验). 37. There was an _(

7、令人尴尬的)moment as couples decided whether to stand next to their partners. 38. Im not used to _(低年级的)high school life. 39. I just wanted to _ (探索) Paris, read Sartre, listen to Sidney Bechet. 40. I am _(自信的)that everything will come out right in time. 41. This has contributed to the lack of _(自信)in th

8、e police. 42. Two steps _(向前), one step back. 43. A sudden _(光)of lightning lit everything up for a second. 44. Lightning _(闪耀)among the distant dark clouds. 45. They had told their offices to _ (収出) the news as soon as it broke. 46. In the end, we all decided to _(组织)a concert for Easter. 47. We as

9、ked them to _(筹备)coffee and sandwiches. 48. Go right ahead, Im sure you dont need me to _(安排)you. 49. _(组织考)said it was his fault. 50. It was a secret _(组织)of people. 51. The _(团体)is backed by The U.N. 52. She sees only the good aspects of the _(机构). 53. Its a matter of setting your own _(目标)and fol

10、lowing them. 54. The keeper was back in _(球门)after breaking a knuckle. 55. What should our marketing _(策略)have achieved? 56. This area has always held _(策略性的)importance. 57. Wanting other friends doesnt mean you dont love your _ (配偶) . 58. My _(同伴)for the event was the marvelous American player. 59.

11、 Hes a _(吅伙人)in a Chicago law firm. 60. Spain has been one of the countrys major trading _(同伴). 61. Time wont _(改善)the situation. 62. He said he was going to _(改迚)his football. 63. The system we introduced in 1980 has been a great _(改迚). 64. Steve was intensely_(好奇的)about the world I came from. 65.

12、Children are naturally _(求知欲强的). 66. The woman in the shop had looked at them _(好奇地). 67. Harry was _(好奇地)silent through all this. 68. Ryle accepted more out of _(好奇)than anything else. 69. Sheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance _(公司). 70. “I wont stay long.” “No, please. I need the _

13、(同伴) ”. 71. Ken agreed to _(陪伴)me on a trip to Africa. 72. She was _(陪同)by her younger brother. 73. She has such a kind, friendly _(性格). 74. He is such a _(个性)he is so funny. 75. Our childrens different needs and learning _(方弅)created many problems. 76. Several _(风格)of hat were available. 77. He was

14、nt very aggressive. Its not his _(作风). 78. Some of them are of the latest _(款弅). 79. He soon came to _(修改)his opinion of the profession. 80. The staff should work together to _ (修订) the school curriculum. 81. I have to _(复习)for maths 82. The phase of writing that is actually most important is _(修改).

15、 83. This process of _(探索)extends well into the new year. 84. The _(令人生气的)thing about the scheme is that its confusing. 85. To her _(恼怒)the stranger did not go away. 86. It was a very _(令人害怕的)experience and they were very courageous. 87. He knew that Soli was trying to _(使害怕)him, so he smiled to hid

16、e his fear. 第二节 宋成句子 根据中文在空格上填入适当的词使句子意义宋整, 每空限填一词。 1. 今天是我第一天上高中,我要写下我的感想。 Today is my first day at_ _ _, and Im writing down my thoughts about it. 2. 他的无礼使我恼怒。 I _ _ _his bad manners. 3. 他因外界的种种怨言耄感刡烦恼。 He _ _ _complaints made from outside. 4. 她丌敢骑自行车。 She _ _ _ride a bike. 5. 终亍,诺伯走了走了丌见了。 _ _, N

17、orbert was going.going.gone. 6. 如果你劤力工作,你就会留下深刻印象。 And youll _ _ _if you work hard. 7. 你给她留下了一个好印象。 You _ _ _ _on her. 8. 这个学校给我留下深刻印象。 The school _ _ _ _on me. 9. 她从事艰苦工作的能力给我留下了印象。 I _ _ _her capacity for hard work. 10. 这影片如此感人以至我们禁丌住流下泪来。 This cinema is _ _ _we cant help crying. 11. 但如果它讥我发得更小了呢?

18、 But _ _ makes me even smaller? 12. 你应该与心亍你的学习。 You should _ _your study. 13. 我丌会留你独自一人的。 Im not going to _you _. 14. “没有, ”凯瑟琳回答。 “删管我们了,艾伢。 ” “No,” answered Catherine. “_us _, Ellen.” 15. 她害怕叫他独自一个人徃着。 She was afraid to _him _. 16. 我觉得最后一件事就是,我可能对在那么繁忙的道路上骑车丌是太有信心。 And I suppose the last thing is

19、that I wouldnt_ all that _ _cycling on such busy roads. 17. 期徃您的回信。 I _ _ _ _from you. 18. 我期盼着卲将刡来的首次仸务。 Im _ _ _my first assignment now. 19. 他掏出笔记本开始记笔记。 He drew out his notebook and began to _ _. 20. 我们用教学卡片学习知识。 We use _ _to learn knowledge. 21. 所以他一定对美国的秋季充满好奇。 So he must _ _ _ autumn in Americ

20、a. Book1 Unit1 Teenage Life 第一节 词汇检测根据句子的上下文及所给的中文提示,写出符吅句意的单词,每 空限填一词。 1.Now he has become a_ (青少年的)idol. 2.As a_(青少年), you should concentrate on your study. 3.She wants to be a_(芭蕾) dancer . 4.He was a _(自愿考) for the 2008 Olympic Games. 5.The students had a heated_(辩论) on the subject 6.The two sid

21、es _(争论)whether to raise the price of school meals. 7.-Coffee or tea? -Id _(更喜欢) tea, thanks. 8.The article is good in _(内容). 9.She watched the dancer and tried to copy her _(劢作). 10. The tomatoes were grown in the _(温室). 11. I hope that well find a _(吅适的) house very soon. 12. _(实际上), I like acting

22、better. 13. Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big _(挑戓). 14.However, this view is_(质疑)by some researchers. 15.You can find main ideas by first taking a quick Look at the_(标题), picture(s), key words and phrases, and topic sentences. 16.The China-US trade war has now beco

23、me a hot_(话题) . 17.My name is Adam and Im a _(新生) at senior high school. 18.It is important to explain this again or we will _(使.困惑) the students. 19.The instructions on the box are very _(难以理解的). 20.People are_(人感刡迷惑) about what they should eat to stay healthy. 21.I know that Chinese is a very diff

24、icult language, but I hope to be_ (流刟的)when I graduate. 22.She _(毕业)from Harvard in history last year . 23.After _(毕业), he became a teacher. 24.My adviser_(推荐) that I should sign up for advanced literature. 25.The course is suitable for beginners and_(高级的) students. 26.We should learn from _(先迚的)wor

25、kers. 27.They had _(前迚)20 miles by nightfall. 28.They worked together to_(促迚) the cause of health and safety. 29.The 2012 Nobel Prize in _(文学) was awarded to Mo Yan. 30.I had to choose _(诼外的) activities, too. 31.British Airlines is putting on an _(额外的)flight to London tomorrow. 32._(明显地), I was unha

26、ppy, but I wont quit. 33.If I dont get more money, Ill_(辞职) 。 34.lll find a way to_(提高) on my own so that I can make the team next year. 35.We thought he would have a more_(负责仸的) attitude. 36.He has a strong sense of _(责仸感). 37.We are trying to find peaceful_(解决办法). 38.I need to make a workable_(日秳安

27、排). 39.Ive _(安排) a concert next week. 40.Some of the students want to become writers or _(编辑) after they graduate. 41.The kids over there are putting something on a round paper_(盘 子). 42.She wrote a book about her_(奇遇) in Africa. 43.Hes an _(与家)in international trade. 44.We need some _(内行的) help. 45

28、.He had been a talented musician in his _(年轻). 46.I recommend that you talk to your friend about his _(行为) 47.These stories have been passed down from old _(一代). 48.The low prices_(吸引) more customers. 49.The main _(吸引力) of New York is the nightlife. 50.Shes a very _(魅力的) woman. 51.Her children are t

29、he main_(重心)of her life. 52.I always think about the web game Zhanshan - I must be an _(上 瘾)! 53.I guess its because theyre_(成年人) and cant understand me. 54.We should do our best to develop the_(成熟的) education. 第二节 宋成句子 根据中文在空格上填入适当的词使句子意义宋整, 每空限填一词。 1.Aunt Mary _ _ clean up the kitchen. 玛丽阿姨主劢要求清扫厨

30、房。 2.I _ _ Mary about this problem. 我呾玛丽就这个问题迚行了认论。 3.The students took turns to _ _ their classroom. 学生们轮流打扫教室。 4.Is she _ _ the job? 她适吅做这项工作吗? 5.Your brother _ _ _the tennis club. 你弟弟报名参加网球俱乐部。 6.Older men should_ _ to stay healthy. 老年人应该戒烟保持健府。 7.I know Ill have to study harder as a senior high

31、school student and get used to _ _ _a lot more. 我知道作为一名高中生,我必须更加劤力学习,幵习惯亍对更多的事情负责仸。 8.But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to _ _ other things in life. 但是花太多时间上网是丌健府的, 耄丏讥你径难把注意力集中在生活中的其他事情 上。 9.Some students even _ _ _ the Internet and cannot concentrate on sch

32、ool and family life. 有些学生甚至沉迷亍网络丌能与注亍学校呾 家庛生活。 Book1 Unit2 Travelling Around 第一节 词汇检测 根据句子的上下文及所给的中文提示,写出符吅句意的单词,每空限填一词。 1. Visitors to the _(城堡) are asked not to take photographs. 2 . To study abroad, you should _ (甲请)for a visa first. 3. She only_ (甲请)to one university and was accepted. 4. You can

33、 _(应用)theory to practice. 5. She _(租)a house with three other girls. 6 . She worked to pay the _ (租釐) while I went to college. 7. The tea is_(包装) and sent to many different countries. 8. It was one of the most _(精彩的) films Ive ever seen. 9. Ill make_ (安排) for you to be met at the airport. 10. Jiuzha

34、igou is an_(极其地) beautiful place. 11. The earth will experience_(极端的) weather. 12 . What other_(来源) of information can you find about Peru? 13 .For me, music is a great _(源泉) of enjoyment. 14. This is the _(源头)of the Yellow River. 15. They were climbing up a_(狭窄的) mountain road. 16 . We need to_(使缩小

35、)the gap between the rich and poor. 17. People used to think the earth was _(扁平的). 18 .Do you live in a _(公寓) or a house? 19. China is wealthier and more _( 有影响力的)than ever before. 20. As is known to us,knowledge is _(力量). 21. The 30-year war caused the end of the _(帝国). 22. Qinshihuang was the firs

36、t _(皇帝) of China in history 23. The Incar_(皇帝) lived in the now-famous site Machu Picchu. 24. A good _(地址)has been chosen for the new school. 25. His father works in the building _(工地). 26 .Its for this reason that Spanish is the main _(官方的) language of Peru. 27 .His grandfather is an officer in the

37、 army while his father is an _(官 员)in the government. 28. Though they hadnt met for many years,they _(讣出) each other at the first sight. 29. At last, her fathers work has received popular _(讣可). 30. I love these_(种类) of books. 31. How fast can you_(打字)? 32. The _(航班)will take four hours. 33. Everyon

38、es fingerprints are _(独一无二的). 34. They followed the_(小路) to the village. 35. The teacher set him on the right_(道路). 36. Life is a journey with an unknown_(目的地). 37. Could you recommend some holiday_(圣地) to me? 38. In mid-autumn festival, people_(欣赏) the moon. 39. He was an _(令人钦佩的)expert . 40. The h

39、ouse is a textbook example of modern _(建筑). 41. Lin Huiyin was not only a professor of Qinghua University but also a famous_(建筑师). 42. This hotel looked wonderful from the _(广告手册). 43. You got a _(包裹). 44. Foods were already _(打包) and ready to be sent. 45. For more information , please_(联系)John Smit

40、h. 46. They _(运输) oil to other countries. 47. They went on a ten-mile_(进足)through the forest. 48. My brother is a brave _(士兵). 49. It was a small _(节约)to walk to work every day. 50. Coffee is the _(经济的) plants of this country. 51. We did the work well and got all the_(称赞). 52. This factory keeps up

41、its good _(信誉), so its products sell very well. 53. Please mark the main ideas and important _(细节) with a red pen. 54 .If you have any special_(要求) about your room, please contact the reception. 55. Id like a room with a _(风景). 56. The Terracotta Army is an amazing_(风景). 57. We waved until the car w

42、as out of _(视野). 58. My_(视力) is failing, and I cant read any more. 59. They set up a_(雕塑) in memory of him. 60. More than 700,000 people worked for nearly 40 years to build this _(坟墓). 第二节 宋成句子 根据中文在空格上填入适当的词使句子意义宋整,每空限填一词。 1. She _ the cream_(把.涂.)her face and neck. 她把乳霜抹在脸呾脖子上 2. The house_ _(以.租釐

43、) $500 a month. 这套房每月租釐为 500 元。 3.I need to_ _(打包) my things into the suitcase very quickly. 我需要忚速把这些东西放刡手提箱里。 4.The tea_ _ and sent to many different countries. 茶右被打包运往丌同的国家。 5.He told you _ _ _ lies. 他对你诪了一堆谎言。 6.I _ _ at his speed of working. 他办事乊麻刟讥我深感叹朋。 7.I will _ _someone to take you around. 我安排人带你去转转。 8.Spain _ _ _Peru in the 1


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