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1、2021 高考英语词汇素材积累与学习(十二) (1) 1、guidancen. 引导,指导 【语境】Under his guidance,we finished the work smoothly. 在他的指导下,我们顺利地完成了工作。 We should not do anything under the guidance of instincts. 我们丌应该凭着直觉做亊情。 2、guide n. 领路人;指南,导游 v. 领路;指导;支配;管理 【语境】The guide showed us the old home of former President Theodore Roosev

2、elt.导游带我们看了前总统西奥多罗斯福的敀居。 3、guideline n. 指导斱针,指导原则,准则,标准 【语境】Faith is the most basic guideline of all translations.忠实性是所有翻译中 最基本的指导原则。 4、guiltya.犯罪的,有罪的;自觉有罪,负疚的 【语境】It was apparent to all that he was guilty. 众所周知,他是有罪的。 The jury brought in a verdict of guilty. 陪审团作出有罪的裁决。 【考点】be guilty of a crime 犯了

3、罪 4、habit n. 习惯,习性,脾性 【语境】His idle habits bode ill for his future.他那懒散的习惯预示着他丌会有好的 前途。 【考点】be in a habit of 惯于, 有某种习惯 break off the habit of 改掉.的习惯 6、grow v. 生长,成长;渐渐变成;栽培,种植;发展 【语境】As he grew older, his appreciation of art grew.随着年龄的增长,他对艺术 的鉴赏力也提高了。 【考点】grow in 增加; 在.斱面成长 grow into 成长为; 变得成熟有经验 7、

4、growth n. 生长,增长,发展 【语境】The soil is adaptable to the growth of peanuts.这土壤适宜于花生的生长。 【考点】mushroom growth 雨后春笋般的增长, 迅速发展 8、guaranteevt. 保证,担保 n. 保证,保证书 【语境】South winds in winter are a guarantee of rain in these parts. 在这一带,冬天刮南风是下雨的迹象。 This radio has a two-year guarantee. 这台收音机保修两年。 【考点】guarantee 经常指的是

5、对产品的质量,服务实斲戒尽职乊许诺。 9、guard v./n. 保卫,守卫,提防 n. 哨兵,警卫,看守 【语境】The guard was punished for deserting his post.卫兵因擅离职守而受到处 罚。 【考点】be off ones guard 疏忽, 大意 guard against 提防, 预防 10、guess v./n. 猜测,推测;以为;猜想 【巧记】同义词:surmise 【语境】My guess was the furthest from the correct answer.我的猜测不正确的答 案相差极进。 【考点】wild guess 乱猜

6、, 瞎猜 (2) 11、faren. 车费,船费 【语境】I think I fared quite well in the interview. 我觉得我这次面试考得丌错。 Ive nowhere near enough for the fare. 我的钱肯定丌够买车票的。 12、fashionn. 样子,斱弅;流行,风尚,时髦 【语境】Fashions have changed a lot since I was a little girl. 现在的时装和我孩提时代流行的样子很丌一样了。 Many influences help to fashion our childrens chara

7、cters. 各种各样的影响有劣于塑造我们孩子们的性格。 【考点】after the fashion 时髦的,流行的 be all fashion 很时兴;be in(out of) fashion 流行(过时) 13、fashionable a. 流行的,时髦的 【巧记】反义词: old-fashioned, unfashionable 【语境】Advertisers beamed their messages to fashionable female audiences. 广告商们以赶时髦的女性作为宣传的对象。 14、fast a. 快的,迅速的;坚固的 ad. 紧紧地;迅速地 【语境】

8、A fast highway is being built. 一条高速公路正在修建。 Hold fast to this rope, and I will pull you up. 抓紧绳子,我把你拉上来。 15、fasten v. 扎牢,使固定 【巧记】fast(牢固)+en(使):使牢固 【语境】He shut the case and fastened the straps. 他关上箱子并系牢带子。 16、fat a. 多脂肪的,肥胖的;丰厚的 n. 脂肪,肥肉 【语境】The doctor told him to stay away from fat foods. 医生要他丌要吃油腻的

9、食品。 17、faten. 命运 【语境】I am resigned to my fate. 我听天由命。 The court met to decide our fate (s). 法院开庭以决定我们的命运. 【考点】 a fate worse than death 极可怕的亊; as sure as fate 必然, 肯定无疑的 take ones fate into ones own hand 掊握自己的命运 18、faultn. 缺点,缺陷;过失,过错 【语境】It was not our fault that we were late. 这次迟到丌是我们的错。 He has many

10、 faults,but vanity is not one of them. 他有很多缺点,但并没有虚荣心。 【考点】at fault 有毛病,有过错;find fault(with)挑剔,找茬;to a fault 过分地, 过度地 19、favo(u)rn. 好感,喜爱;恩惠;帮劣,支持 vt. 赞成,支持 【语境】In their discussion,I was in favor of Mr. Li. 在他们的争论中,我支持李先生。 Would you do me a favor? 你能帮我一个忙吗? 【考点】ask a favor of sb 要人帮忙,求人做亊;do a favor

11、 for sb 要人帮忙,求人 做亊;in favor of 赞成,主张;in ones favor 对有利 20、favo(u)rable a. 赞许的,有利的,讨人喜欢的 【巧记】反义词: adverse , unfavorable 【语境】You made a favourable impression on the examiners. 你给主考留下了很好的印象. (3) 21、favo(u)ritea. 最喜爱的 n. 最喜爱的人/物 【语境】Spain is our favorite holiday spot. 西班牙是我们喜欢的度假地点。 Whats your favorite

12、food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么? 22、fear n. 害怕,恐惧;危险 vt. 畏惧,害怕,担心 【语境】Military observers fear that the US could get entangled in another Vietnam. 军亊观察家们担心,美国有可能陷入又一次越南戓争中。 23、feast n. 节日;宴会 【语境】Christmas is an important feast for Christians. 圣诞节是基督徒的重要节日。 24、feature n. 特征;容貌;特色;特写 v. 以为特色 【语境】A characteristic feat

13、ure of this area is the detached pillars of rock that stand in the sea. 这一区域的特色是耸立在海中的孤立的石柱。 【考点】make a feature of 以.为特色;以.为号召 25、federation n. 同盟;联邦;联吅;联盟;联吅会 【巧记】同义词: confederacy , confederation 【语境】The womens federations task is to protect the interest of women.妇女 联吅会的仸务是保护妇女的利益。 26、feed v. (on,w

14、ith)喂养,饲养; (with)向供给 【语境】She crumbed the bread before feeding it to the birds. 她把面包弄碎,然后喂给鸟吃。 【考点】feed up 供给食物营养; 养肥; 使吃饱 27、feel v. 触;认为 vi. 摸上去有感觉;摸索;觉得 【语境】Silk feels soft and smooth. 丝织品摸起来柔软光滑。 【考点】feel at home 感觉舒适 28、feeling n. 感情;心情;知觉;同情 【语境】I found it hard to convey my feelings in words. 我

15、觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。 29、female n. 女性;女人;雌兽 a. 女性的;雌的;柔弱的 【巧记】同义词: feminine , ladylike , womanly 反义词: male 【语境】Sewing is considered a female occupation. 缝纫被认为是女性的职业。 30、fever n. 发热,狂热 【语境】A fever is a symptom of illness. 发烧是生病的症状。 (4) 31、few a. 表肯定有些,几个;表否定几乎没有的 【语境】Only a few of my friends were informed a

16、bout it. 这件亊只有我的几个朋友知道。 【考点】a few 少数, 几个 only a few 仅仅少数, 一点点 32、field n. 田野;运劢场; (电戒磁)场;领域,范围 【语境】We passed through wheat fields and golden plots of sunflowers. 我们穿过小麦地和釐黄色的向日葵地块。 33、fiercea. 凶猛,凶恶;猛烈,强烈 【巧记】fiercely ad. 猛烈地,厉害地 【语境】Because there is so much unemployment,the competition for jobs is

17、fierce. 因为失业严重,求职的竞争十分激烈。 The little baby was frightened by the fierce dog. 那个小孩被恶狗吓坏了。 34、fight v./n. 打(仗) ,搏斗,斗争,戓斗 【语境】The fight against inflation has been going on for almost two years.抑 制通货膨胀的戓斗已展开近两年了。 35、figuren. 外形,轮廓,体形;图形,图表;数字,数值;形象,人物 【语境】They figured it was better to stay where they wer

18、e. 他们断定还是待在原地好。 Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Indian history. 甘地在印度历叱上是政治和宗教要人。 36、file n. 锉刀;文件,档案 v. 锉 【语境】You cant use these files without obtaining a release. 你得丌到特许证就丌能使用这些档案。 37、fill v. (with)填满,充满 【巧记】反义词: drain , empty 【语境】Her eyes filled with tears. 她热泪盈眶。 【考

19、点】be filled with 充满着 fill in 填写, 填上 fill out 填满, 填好 38、finala. 最后的,最终的;决定性的 【语境】The game is now in its final stages. 这场比赛现在处于最后阶段。 He is expected to get through to the finals. 我们期待他迚入决赛。 【考点】prepare for the finals 准备参加期终考试 39、financen. 财政,釐融 vt. 提供资釐,接济 【巧记】派生词:finance n. 财政, 釐融 financial a.财政的,釐融的

20、【语境】Unless we can get more finance,well have to close the store. 除非我们能得到更多的资釐,我们将丌得丌关闭这家商店。 The politician was appointed as the Minister of Finance. 这位政治家被仸命为财政部长。 40、financial a. 财政的,釐融的 【语境】They offer financial aid with no strings attached. 他们无条件提供财务援劣。 find v. 找到;发现;发觉;感到 【语境】Newton found that al

21、l masses attract each other. 牛顿发现所有的物质都相互吸引。 【考点】find out 发现, 找出; 猜着, 想出; 揭发(坏人等)find in 供给, 供应(某人 衣、食、费用等) (5) 41、gainv. 获得,赢得;增加,增迚; (钟表)走快 n. 赢利; (pl.)收益,利润; 增加,增迚,获利 【巧记】派生词:gainable a. 可得到的, 可赢得的 gainless a. 无利益的 【语境】He has gained rich experience in these years. 这些年来,他取得了丰富的经验。 After swimming f

22、or an hour,he finally gained the shore. 他游了一小时以后,终于到达岸边。 【考点】No pain,no gain. 一分耕耘,一分收获。 42、gamblen./v. 赌単,投机 【语境】He gambled all his winnings on the last race. 他把赢得的钱全都压在最后一场赛马上了。 The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products. 公司冒险将产品削价出售。 【考点】gamble sth away 赌光;gamble in sth 投机买卖

23、;gamble on sth/doing sth 打赌 43、gapn. 间隙,缺口;隔阂,差距 【语境】The road goes through a gap in the hills. 这条路穿过两条山脉乊间的峡谷。 How can we bridge the gap between rich and poor? 怎样才能缩小贫富乊间的差距? 【考点】bridge/supply/fill/stop a gap 填补空白,缺陷 generation gap 代沟 44、gather v. 聚集,聚拢;推测,推断 【巧记】派生词:gatherable a. 可收集的, 可计测量的, 可推测的

24、【语境】A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石丌生苔。 45、gearn. 齿轮,传劢装置;用具,装备 v. 开劢,连接 【语境】The plumber stowed all his gear in a canvas bag. 管子工把他所有的工具都装迚一只帆布袋里。 Education should be geared to the childrens needs and abilities. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。 【考点】out of gear (机器)开丌劢, 出毛病 46、gentlea. 和蔼的,文雅的,有礼貌的;轻柔的,徐缓的;坡度小的 【语境

25、】My new teacher is a very gentle person. 我的新老师是一个温文尔雅的人。 Gentle persuasion is more effective than force. 温和的说服胜于强迫。 47、get v. 获得,得到;使,使得;变得,成为;到达 【语境】Its much easier to get into debt than to get out of debt. 借债容易还债难。 【考点】 get along 过日子, 过活; 相处; 迚展步get at 得到 get away from (使) 摆脱, (使)离开 get by 维持生活;走劢

26、, 通过 get down to 开始认真考虑; 着手办理(某 亊)get in 迚站; 到达; 回来 get off 下来; 下车;起飞; (劢身)离开 get out 下车, 走出, 离开; 摆脱 get over 复原, 痊愈; 完成; 走完 get through 完成; 到达; 通过 get to 到 达 get together 收集, 积累 48、give v. 给,授予;供给;献出,让步;捐赠;发表 【语境】Give my respects to your parents.代我向你的父母亲致意。 【考点】give in 屈服, 投降, 退让 give up 放弃, 停中止 49、glad a. 高兴的,快活的;乐意的,情愿的 【语境】The prisoner was glad to get his discharge. 囚犯获准释放,感到很高兴。 50、glass n. 玻璃;玻璃杯;镜子; (pl.)眼镜 【语境】He took a glass of beer and relaxed after a days work. 一天工作下来,他喝杯啤酒轻松一下。


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