湘少版四年级下册-Unit 3 What can you see -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:60be3).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 3 What can you see _ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:60be3)
    • 素材
      • U3Asay.mp3
      • U3Asay.swf
      • 亲宝儿歌:row row row your boat-国语流畅.mp4
      • 慢节奏.WAV
    • What can you see .ppt--点击预览
    • 教案60be3.docx--点击预览


LetsLets singsing LetsLets reviewreview whats missing(什么不见了? ) boata mountainamountains sunthe under uncle rivera lakea cloudswhite skyblue moonthe starsomes Game:Game: MagicMagic eyeseyes a river a lake the sun a boat white clouds mountains the moon blue sky stars LetsLets chantchant What can you see? What can you see? a river, a river, I can see a river. What can you see? What can you see? a boat, a boat, I can see a boat. What can you see? What can you see? mountains, mountains, I can see mountains. What can you see? What can you see? White clouds, white clouds, I can see white clouds. What can you see? What can you see? blue sky, blue sky, I can see the blue sky. LetsLets listenlisten TaskTask oneone : I can see . I can see and . : I can see and . : I can see . : I can see . a lake a boat a river white clouds the blue sky mountains a cake LetsLets readread RoleRole playplay Liling: What can you see? Dongdong: I can see a river, I can see a lake and a boat. Liling: I can see white clouds and the blue sky. What can you see, Peter? Peter: I can see mountains. Mingming: I can see a cake. LetsLets PracticePractice Today we learn: a) New expressions: river, boat, lake, mountain, sun moon, star, sky, cloud. b) New drills: What can you see? I can see HomeworkHomework 1. Read the phases of Part B 2. Read Part C by yourselves and find partners to do a role play.一、教学目标分析一、教学目标分析 (一)知识与技能: 1词汇:能听得懂、会说、会读会读新单词sun, moon, star, cloud, lake, sea, boat, river, mountain, sky等新 单词。 2.句型:听得懂、会说、会读“What can you see?”和 “I can see.”向他人询问所看到的自然景物。 (二)过程与方法 1.通过游戏、chant 等方式向学生们输出新句型“What can you see?”和“I can see.”让学生通过观察初步感知 新句型的用法。 2. 通过听课文录音回答问题,自读课文等方法使学生掌握 重要句型,并在老师创设的情境中运用所学内容进行交流。 (三)情感与价值观 1. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信 心,并在成功中体会英语学习的乐趣。 2. 通过本课的学习,使学生掌握如何向他人询问所看到的 景或物以及介绍自己所看到的景和物。 二、教学重点二、教学重点 1. 重点: 能听懂、会说、会读新单词 sun, moon, star, cloud, lake, sea, boat, river, mountain。学会用“What can you see?” 和“ I can see.”向他人询问和介绍所看 到的自然景物。能够抓住对话的大意,回答问题。 2. 难点: mountain 的发音。/tn/发音较难,要引导学生 观察口形,仔细听,模仿读。 三、学习者特征分析三、学习者特征分析 学生已经学过了和颜色有关的相关词汇,以及名词单复数 的用法。为本单元的内容打下了基础。 2.学生情况方面:四年级学生已经有了一定学习英语的基础, 具有初步的英语听、说和认读技能。在此基础上,将英语与日常生 活相结合,帮助学生学会英文的表达方法。为此,我设计了许多小 游戏和情景,让学生在轻松的环境中掌握学习内容。 四、教学策略选择与设计四、教学策略选择与设计 教师创设英语学习环境和提供适当的资源,引导并指导学生自 主学习,通过看图说话训练,培养学生的英语听、说能力。通过歌 曲、chant 等形式调动学生的多种感官,激起学生的学习兴趣,通 过对对话的理解与表演来训练学生的英语思维。 5 5、教学资源教学资源 1. 湘少版小学英语四年级下册教材。 2. 与教材相匹配的 CAI 课件。 (PPT 形式,内含 Flash 动画、 音频等。 ) 3. 教学环境:多媒体教室 6 6、教学过程教学过程 Step 1 热身热身/复习(复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1. Greetings. 2. Lets sing:row row row you boat 3. Free talk T: Boys and girls, today we are going to learnUnit 3 What can you see?Now lets play a game, first close your eyes. (将准备好的白色 T- shirt,绿色气球,黑色背包,一个红苹果,2 条蓝色的鱼和三根香蕉 拿出来摆在讲台上或挂在黑板上) T: Open your eyes. What can you see now? 【设计意图设计意图】复习学过的和颜色有关的单词,以及名词的单复复习学过的和颜色有关的单词,以及名词的单复 数形式数形式。 Step 2 学习新单词和句型学习新单词和句型 1. 学习新单词和词组学习新单词和词组 T: Tell you a good news, I am going to take you to have a picnic here, look at this beautiful place? Do you like it?(PPT 展示图片,图片 上的景物包括所有新单词) Ss:Yes. T: But something will be missing. You have 1 minute to remember all the things on this picture, 1 minute later, tell me whats missing? OK? (每当学生说出一样物品,点击图片中相应位置,该物品会重新 出现,点击该物品,会超链接到教授该单词的 PPT 界面。) T: Now night is coming, What can you see now?(出现包含月亮和 星星的 PPT 界面,点击月亮和星星,超链接到教授该单词的 PPT 界 面。) 【设计意图设计意图】通过设置情景和小游戏来教授新单词,让学习过通过设置情景和小游戏来教授新单词,让学习过 程充满抢答的紧张感和轻松的氛围,够激发学生的学习兴趣。程充满抢答的紧张感和轻松的氛围,够激发学生的学习兴趣。 2.2.游戏:游戏:MagicMagic eyeseyes T: You find all the missing things, thats amazing! Do you remember all of them? Lets Check. Magic eyes! 【设计意图设计意图】巩固所学的新单词和词组。通过该游戏,学生无巩固所学的新单词和词组。通过该游戏,学生无 论是看到单词或者图片,都能迅速读出来。论是看到单词或者图片,都能迅速读出来。 3.Chant 【设计意图设计意图】通过通过 Chant 的形式,将课文的形式,将课文 Part A 中的难点句子中的难点句子 挑出来,让大家熟悉一下。因为挑出来,让大家熟悉一下。因为 Chant 朗朗上口的特点,学生们接朗朗上口的特点,学生们接 受起来也会比较快。受起来也会比较快。 Step3 学习课文学习课文 Part A What can you see? What can you see? a river, a river, I can see a river. What can you see? What can you see? a boat, a boat, I can see a boat. What can you see? What can you see? mountains, mountains, I can see mountains. What can you see? What can you see? White clouds, white clouds, I can see white clouds. What can you see? What can you see? blue sky, blue sky, I can see the blue sky. 1. 初读课文。初读课文。 T: Our friends Dongdong, Lingling, Peter and Mingming are also have an outing today, What can they see? Listen to the tape and find answer of Task 1. 2. 再读课文,完成表格。再读课文,完成表格。 T: Now read part A by yourselves and finish exercise 1 on the paper. Task 1 Dongdong : I can see . I can see and . Lingling : I can see and . Peter : I can see . Mingming: I can see . Word bank: a cake, white clouds, a cake, a river, mountains, a boat, a lake, the blue sky T: What can Dongdong/lingling /Peter/Mingming see?(检查学生 答案) 【设计意图设计意图】通过精读课文,让学生们进一步熟悉课文内容,抓通过精读课文,让学生们进一步熟悉课文内容,抓 住关键信息。住关键信息。 3. 跟读课文跟读课文 Step 4 练习拓展练习拓展 1. 角色扮演角色扮演 【设计意图设计意图】角色表演,让学生在情境中操练本课所学的单词和角色表演,让学生在情境中操练本课所学的单词和 句型,句型,既能加深对短文的理解,又能培养学生的合作意识。既能加深对短文的理解,又能培养学生的合作意识。 2.2.对话练习对话练习 T: Look at this picture, we can see many animals and other things on it. Now, lets make dialogues in pairs with what can you see? And I can see. StepStep 5 5 总结总结 1. T: Today we learnt some new words: sun, moon, star, cloud, lake, sea, boat, river, mountain, sky.And new sentences: What can you see? I can see. 2. Todays homework: 1. Dictation new words and home. 2. 2. Read part C and practice in pairs. Class is over, have a nice day! Bye Bye. 七、教学评价方法七、教学评价方法 本课从以下几个方面来考查学生的学习情况,并将学生学习的评价 融入到各个教学活动过程中。 教师评价 Teachers Note Very good Good Not bad 能认读新单词和词组 能用“What can you see?” 和“ I can see.”向他人询问和介 绍所看到的景物。 声音响亮,较流畅地用英语 表达自己要说的话。 积极参加课堂活动 用本课所学句型对话 7、板书设计板书设计 Unit3 What can you see? WhatWhat cancan youyou see?see? I I cancan see.see.
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