湘少版五年级下册英语-Unit 5 When's your birthay -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:1070b).zip

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a birthday cake Task 1 Lets play and sing. My birthday is in April. 四月四月 Whens your birthday? 什么时候什么时候 Unit 5 Task 2 Lets learn. J J F J M A A S M O N D The names of 12 months ber ber ber ber tem vem cem ep cto o e u u uary uary an ebr arch pril ay ne ly ugust 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 月份 Task 2 Lets learn. 三月 March 四月 April 五月 May 六月 June 七月 July 八月 August 一月 January 二月 February 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November 十二月 December Task 2 Lets learn. Learn the words by yourselves. 三月三月 March 四月四月 April 五月五月 May 六月六月 June 七月七月 July 八月八月 August park A day juice fly autumn Task 2 Lets learn. autumn August Task 2 Lets learn. Lets play: 台上六人的生日均在3月 -8月份。请台下同学询问 台上六人的生日月份,台 上六人根据回答按月份从 小到大的顺序排队站好。 Task 2 Lets learn. 一月 January 二月 February 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November 十二月 December ary Ja-nu Fe-bru ber Sep-tem Oc-to No-vem De-cem Task 2 Lets learn. 1 观察记忆法观察记忆法 2 2 拼读记忆法拼读记忆法 3 3 比较记忆法比较记忆法 4 4 联想记忆法联想记忆法 5 5谐趣记忆法谐趣记忆法 聪明的同学们,开动你的脑筋赶快开始 吧,用你自己觉得好的记忆法。 JuneJune AugusAugus t t JulyJuly AprilApril JanuarJanuar y y FebruaryFebruary OctoberOctober NovemberNovember SeptemberSeptember DecemberDecember MayMay MarcMarc h h Lets play: 请根据视频中出现的月份 先读出月份,然后来寻找 相对应月份生日的组员。 在询问过程中请用上今天 的句型: Task 2 Lets learn. Whens your birthday? 抢答赛抢答赛 I Lets get Annes friends birthdays. NameWhens your birthday? Anne My birthday is in June. PeterMy birthday is in _______. LinglingMy birthday is in ____. Task 3 Lets practise. March May Lingling: Whens your birthday, Peter? Peter: My birthday is in March. Whens your birthday? Lingling: My birthday is in May. Task 3 Lets practise. I Lets get Annes friends birthdays. II Lets remember our friends birthdays. NameWhens your birthday? My birthday is in ____. My birthday is in ____. My birthday is in ____. Task 3 Lets practise. 规则: 你在调查同学生日的 时候,必须用英语询问, 否则被调查的同学可以拒 绝回答。 I have ____ friends. They are____, _______and ______. ________s birthday is in __________. ________s birthday is in __________. ________s birthday is in __________. Task 3 Lets practise. II Lets remember our friends birthdays. My birthday is on the fourth of April. Whens your birthday? 什么时候什么时候 Unit 5 Task 2 Lets learn. 3月月 1日日 8月月 7日日 9月月 2日日 12月月 3日日 10月月 1日日 the first of March the seventh of August the second of September the third of December the first of October 4月月 2日日 the second of April A: Whens your birthday? B: Its on the . 每个小组找一个小记每个小组找一个小记 者,采访其他组员的者,采访其他组员的 生日,用英语表达。生日,用英语表达。 小记者: Good morning. 组员: Good morning. 小记者: Whens your birthday? 组员1: My birthday is in March. 小记者: How about you? 组员2:My birthday is on the first of June 小记者: Whens your birthday? Lets talk A: Good morning. B:Good morning. A:Nice to meet you . B:Nice to meet you too. A:Whens your birthday? B:My birthday is in March,how about you? A:My birthday is in June. A life without a friend is a life without a sun. My fathers birthday is in August. My mothers birthday is in October. My husbands birthday is in April. My babys birthday is in May. I love my family! Task 3 Lets practise. III Lets make a card for our family members birthdays. My grandfathers birthday is in _________. My grandmothers birthday is in _________. My fathers birthday is in _________. My mothers birthday is in _______. My birthday is in ________. I love my family! Task 3 Lets practise. III Lets make a card for our family members birthdays.Whens your birthday?教学设计 Unit 5 Whens your birthday? 一、教材与年级:湘少版英语教材, 五年级下册 二、课时与课型:一课时,听说课 三、教学内容 四、教材解析 本单元是湘少版教材编排中需要教师创造性地使用教材的一个单元。根据 英语课程标准语言知识二级 11 个话题中标准描述, Whens your birthday?这一单元 主要是理解和运用有关个人情况(生日)话题的语言表达形式。功能的语言表达形式是介 绍和祝愿等。在个人介绍自己生日情况时,需要用到 12 个月份单词及 1-31 的序数词。教 材 B 部分的月份单词毋庸置疑是本单元教学的重点和难点。但是本单元没有安排序数词的 教学, 序数词教学安排在了本册第 11 单元Who was first?中,且只学习了 1-10 的序数词。如 果把 11 单元提前教授,则打乱了教材第 10、11、12 单元都是学习过去时态的编排意图。 因此在分析教材和学情后本人对教材做出了以下大胆处理:第一课时:学习 B 部分 12 个 月份单词和 C 部分黄框中的主题问答句(介绍自己的生日在哪个月即可) 。 本节课是本单元第一课时,课型为听说课。 五、设计意图 本堂听说课教案设计以提高学生的核心素养(语言能力、学习能力、思维品质、文化品 格)为宗旨,围绕 “birthday” 主题,设计“为自己的好朋友和家人制作生日备忘表(卡) ”的 任务主线来教育学生学会关心家人和朋友。通过“Lets play and singLets learnLets practise”三个环节引导学生获得语言知识、提高语言能力、培养探究思维、提升文化素养, 力图使英语教学变为英语教育。 六、教学设计 教 学 目 标 1. Knowledge Objectives: 能借助已有的语音知识认读 when, month, 12 个月份单词,并能注意重度音节在第二个音 节的单词; 能初步运用句型: Whens your birthday? Its in谈论生日所在的月份。 2. Competence Objectives:学生相互之间交流谈论自己生日所在的月份。 3. Emotion Objectives: 通过本课学习,让学生学会关注他人,学会祝福与感恩以提升自己 的文化品格。 4. Strategy Objectives: 借助词汇学习培养学生的探究思维能力,提升学生思维品质;借助 小组合作培养学生能积极与他人合作的交际策略,并在合作过程中通过自主完成学习任务 以形成适合自己的学习策略。 教学重难点 Importance: 能掌握 12 个月份的单词和主题句,并熟练运用到交际中。 Difficulties: 重音在第二音节单词的读音;单词的书写。 教 学 流 程 Step 1Lets play and sing. 1. Play a guessing game. T: Whos she? Heres a gift for Anne. Whats it?(CAI) 【学习内容】 a birthday cake 【学习方式】 猜图游戏 【设计意图】 以游戏的方式引出生日蛋糕,借 Anne 的生日开启今日的话题为“Birthday”, 既激发学生的学习兴趣,又为新课作好了铺垫。 2. An English songHappy Birthday to You! T: Its a birthday cake. Today is Annes birthday. Lets say Happy birthday to her!(引导 学生一起说) Can you sing a birthday song for her?(CAI 播放英语生日快乐歌) T:( after singing)Thank you very much! You are kind. So Anne will give these beautiful “cakes” to you. Do you want them? Ok, lets come on! 【学习内容】 Happy birthday to you! 【学习方式】 唱英语歌曲 【设计意图】 从猜图游戏引出生日蛋糕为朋友 Anne 唱生日快乐歌Anne 回馈“蛋糕” 小卡片以示感谢进入本课主题。猜谜游戏和唱生日歌为本堂课营造了一种轻松愉快的学习 氛围,而且潜移默化地教育学生我们可以通过口头祝福和唱歌的方式来祝贺他人生日。同 时还将奖励机制融入进来,鼓励学生更积极主动的参与到学习活动中来。 Step 2 Lets learn 1. Learn sentences. (1)Listen to the dialogue. T: Lingling is coming. What are they talking about? (点击课件播放录音 Lingling: Whens your birthday? Anne: My birthday is in June. ) (2) Learn new words: when June (3) T: Were going to talk about birthday in Unit 5 . (板书课题问句和答句) (4)Learn the new sentences. T: Do you want to know my birthday? Who can ask me? Miss Mos way: 象形符号记忆法 (播放莫老师的微课视频) Play a game. 【学习内容】借用各种方法学习和记忆六个难的单词并结合句型运用 【学习方式】小组合作 【设计意图】预测: September, October, November, December 在已经掌握 tem, cem, vem, ber 发音基础上通过老师帮助学生应该能自己读出单词。September, October, November, December 重读音节在第二个音节,考虑到学生容易出错,因此设计借用音乐弱拍起拍的手 势帮助学生区分。因为这四个单词是月份单词中的重点与难点,所以还引用了新田莫老师 的微课视频中的象形法来帮助学生建立单词音、形、义的联系。在学习方式上采用小组合 作学习的方式来扩大练习的面和提高教学效率。在小组活动中学生们自由发挥,自主选择, 为了达到目标会出现互相帮助优带差的现象,它进一步调动了学生的学习积极性,锻炼了 他们小组合作学习的能力,巩固了新知。最后通过找寻游戏来让学生玩中学,学中玩,提 高学生的语言综合运用能力。 3Drills. Read after the video(CAI 播放视频) T: Oh, I feel a little tired. I invited a little teacher to help me. Now, follow him, please. 【学习内容】月份视频 【学习方式】跟读 video 【设计意图】 跟读视频来加深学生对所学单词“音”的掌握,同时通过画面建立月份与重要 节日的联系,为第二课时 International Childrens is on the first of June.的学习打下基础。 Step 3 Lets practise. 1. Lets get Annes friends birthdays. (CAI 播放根据课文 A 部分改编的对话 Lingling:Whens your birthday, Peter? Peter: My birthday is in March. Whens your birthday? Lingling: My birthday is in May.) T:Peter and Lingling are Annes good friends. Whens Peters birthday? Whens Linglings birthday. Lets listen carefully and finish chart 1. 【学习内容】 主题句和月份单词 【学习方式】 听力训练 【设计意图】 有意识地训练学生的听力,进一步检测今天所学内容学生是否已经掌握,获 得更多来自学生的反馈。听录音时,目标表述明确,培养学生听读的习惯,养成先听后讲, 边听边思考的好习惯。 2. Lets get our good friends birthdays. 【学习内容】完成调查表 【学习方式】情景交际对话中完成调查任务并进行汇报 【设计意图】创设真实情境,使学生在情境中进行交际并完成任务。规则:你在调查同学 生日的时候,必须用英语询问,否则被调查的同学可以拒绝回答。调查汇报完后,通过问 句 What will you do on your friends birthday?来播放一段视频让学生了解在朋友过生日的时 候可以怎么表达自己的祝福和心意,提高学生的文化品格。 3. Lets make a card for our family members birthdays. T: Boys and girls, I have a happy family. I can remember their birthdays. Look! (CAI 出示一个教师制作的心形的生日备忘卡) My fathers birthday is in August. My mothers birthday is in October. My husbands birthdayDo you remember your family members birthdays? Please make a card by your own way. Do remember their birthdays and send your best wishes to them! Here is your homework:(CAI 出示) 【学习内容】设计制作不同的家人生日备忘卡 【学习方式】自主学习 【设计意图】 培养学生创造力和写的能力,同时对学生进行情感教育。 板书设计 Unit 5 Whens your birthday? My birthday is in _______.Practice Time ReviewReview firstfirst secondsecond thirdthird fourthfourth fifthfifth sixthsixth seventhseventh eightheighth ninthninth tenthtenth eleventheleventh twelfthtwelfth thirteenththirteenth fourteenthfourteenth fifteenthfifteenth sixteenthsixteenth seventeenthseventeenth eighteentheighteenth nineteenthnineteenth twentiethtwentieth twenty-firsttwenty-first twenty-secondtwenty-second twenty-thirdtwenty-third twenty-fourth,twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth,twenty-fifth, twenty-twenty- sixth,sixth, twenty-seventh.twenty-seventh. twenty-eighth,twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth,twenty-ninth, thirtieth,thirtieth, thirty-firstthirty-first NewNew wordswords 一月:一月:JanuaryJanuary d dnjunjuriri 二月二月:February:February februfebruriri 三月三月:March:March m:tm:t 四月四月:April:April eipreiprll 五月五月:May:May meimei 六月六月:June:June ddu:nu:n 七月七月:July:July ddu(:)u(:)lailai 八月八月:August:August :g:gstst 九月九月:September:September ssp ptembtemb 十月十月:October:October k kt tubub 十一月十一月:November:November nnu uvembvemb 十二月十二月:December:December didisembsemb Lets get Annes friends birthdays. NameWhens your birthday? AnneMy birthday is in June. LinglingMy birthday is in ______________. PeterMy birthday is in ______________.Practice Time ReviewReview firstfirst secondsecond thirdthird fourthfourth fifthfifth sixthsixth seventhseventh eightheighth ninthninth tenthtenth eleventheleventh twelfthtwelfth thirteenththirteenth fourteenthfourteenth fifteenthfifteenth sixteenthsixteenth seventeenthseventeenth eighteentheighteenth nineteenthnineteenth twentiethtwentieth twenty-firsttwenty-first twenty-secondtwenty-second twenty-thirdtwenty-third twenty-fourth,twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth,twenty-fifth, twenty-twenty- sixth,sixth, twenty-seventh.twenty-seventh. twenty-eighth,twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth,twenty-ninth, thirtieth,thirtieth, thirty-firstthirty-first NewNew wordswords 一月:一月:JanuaryJanuary d dnjunjuriri 二月二月:February:February februfebruriri 三月三月:March:March m:tm:t 四月四月:April:April eipreiprll 五月五月:May:May meimei 六月六月:June:June ddu:nu:n 七月七月:July:July ddu(:)u(:)lailai 八月八月:August:August :g:gstst 九月九月:September:September ssp ptembtemb 十月十月:October:October k kt tubub 十一月十一月:November:November nnu uvembvemb 十二月十二月:December:December didisembsemb Lets get Annes friends birthdays. NameWhens your birthday? AnneMy birthday is in June. LinglingMy birthday is in ______________. PeterMy birthday is in ______________.
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