(2019新教材) 人教版BOOK TWO第二单元词汇学习PPT.pptx

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1、Unit 2 Wildlife Protection 保护野生动植物保护野生动植物 Words And Expressions When the buying stops, the killing can too. - WildAid 没有买卖,就没有杀戮。没有买卖,就没有杀戮。 poster 1.poster pst(r): n. 海报海报 1)What message do these posters share? 2)There is a poster about a basketball match tomorrow. 2.illegal li:gl: adj. 不合法的不合法的;非法

2、的非法的 legal: adj. 合法的合法的 【in- im- un- dis- -less -il】 1)Stop illegal hunting immediately. 2)Now it is illegal to drive when you are drunk. 3)Everyone must earn money in the legal way. 3.illegally li:gli: adv. 不合法不合法地地;非非法地法地 These large animals are being killed illegally for their body parts that are

3、 considered valuable. 4.hunt hnt: v. 打猎打猎;搜寻搜寻;追追捕捕 go hunting: 去去打猎打猎 hunt/look/fish/search for.: 寻找寻找 1)Who is hunting the kangaroos? 2)Where are they being hunted? 3)She is still hunting for a new job. hunt hunter 5.hunter hnt(r): n. 猎猎人人 a job-hunter: 求职者求职者 Sometimes celebrations would be held

4、after hunters had caught animals. 6.immediately miditli : adv. 立刻立刻;马上马上 = at once/ right away immediately + 陈述句陈述句: 一一.就就. immediate: adj. 立即立即的的;立立刻刻的的 1)Ill go and pick her up immediately. 2)You must stop illegal hunting immediately. 7. species spi:i:z: n. 物物种种;种类种类(单单复数同复数同形形) means: n.方式方式; 方方法

5、法(单复数同形单复数同形) 1)Pandas are a rare species. 2)Some experts think that about 300 species of plants and animals have disappeared from the earth. 3)The disappearance of many species of plants and animals worried many scientists. shark shark whale 8.shark :k: n. 鲨鱼鲨鱼 Around 70 million sharks are caught a

6、nd traded in this industry every year. 9.fin fn: n. (鱼的鱼的)鳍鳍 1)Up to 73 million sharks end up in (最终最终) shark fin soup each year. 2)So far, no scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health. 10. on earth: 究竟究竟;到底到底 (放在疑问词之后表示强调放在疑问词之后表示强调) = in the world = ever = exactly 1)What on

7、 Earth Are We Doing to Our Planet? 2)How on earth did that happen? 3)Where in the world does she live? 4)When exactly will he sweep the hall? 5)Who ever has taken my dictionary away? 11. die out: 灭灭绝绝; 灭亡灭亡; 逐逐渐消失渐消失 die of.: 因因而死而死 die from.: 因因而而死死 die for.: 为为而而死死 1)Because the climate is becomin

8、g worse, several species have already died out 2)Many old customs have died out. 12.alarming lm: adj. 惊惊人人的的;使使人惊恐的人惊恐的 alarmed: adj. (人感到人感到)惊恐的惊恐的;害怕害怕的的 1)An alarming film was shown in this theatre. 2)However, when she first saw the robot, she felt alarmed. 13.alarm lm: v. 使惊使惊恐恐;使使害害怕怕;使使担心担心 n.

9、 恐恐慌慌;警报警报;警警报器报器 a fire/smoke alarm: 防火防火/烟烟雾雾警警报报器器 1)The fire alarmed the whole town. 2)The empty house will alarm the woman. 3)A fire alarm went off in the middle of the night . 14.rate ret: n. 速度速度;(比比)率率 v. 划分等级划分等级 speed: n. 速度速度 speed up: 加加速速 slow down: 慢下来慢下来 at a/the speed of: 以以.的速度的速度 1

10、)Our planets wildlife is dying out at an alarming rate/speed. 2)The rate/speed of growth has slowed down. 3)She is rated number two in the world. 4)The film was rated excellent by 90 per cent of children. 15.rating ret: n. 等等级级;级级别别 high/low/poor rating: 高高评评/低评低评/差评差评 1)He gave her his highest rati

11、ng. 2)The show has gone up in the ratings. 16.extinct kstkt : adj. 已灭绝的已灭绝的 1)Between 150 and 200 species are becoming extinct every day. 2)Do you believe an extinct dinosaur will come back to life? 17.extinction kstkn: n. (植植物物/动物动物/生生活方式等的活方式等的)灭灭绝绝;绝种绝种;消消亡亡 1)In order to save this species from e

12、xtinction, the Chinese government placed it under national protection. 2)The change in climate might be one of the causes for the extinction of dinosaurs. 18.mass ms: adj. 大量的大量的;广泛的广泛的 n. 团团;块块;堆堆 ;群群;大量大量 a mass of = masses of + 复数复数/不可数名词不可数名词: 许多的许多的;大量的大量的 1)Their latest product is aimed at the

13、 mass market of the USA. 2)A mass of snow and rocks were falling down the mountain. 19.habitat hbtt: n. 生活环境生活环境;栖息地栖息地 habit: n. 习惯习惯 1)This mass extinction is caused by hunting, habitat loss, and pollution. 2)Many species are in danger of extinction because their natural habitat is destroyed. 20.a

14、ware we(r): adj. 知道知道;发觉发觉;有有.意识的意识的 awareness : n. 知道知道;认识认识;意识意识 be/become aware of: 对对知道知道/明白明白; 意识到意识到 know: v. 知道知道 - knowledge have an/no idea: 知道知道/不知道不知道 1)As far as Im aware , nobody has done anything about it. 2)Smokers are aware of the dangers to their own health. 21.endanger ndend(r) : v

15、.使遭受危险使遭受危险;危害危害 endangered : adj. 濒危的濒危的;快要绝种的快要绝种的 danger: n. 危险危险 dangerous: adj. 危险的危险的 in danger: 在危险中在危险中 out of danger: 脱离危险脱离危险 1)Smoking can endanger your health. 2)The mistake seriously endangered the future of the company. 3)The Tibetan antelope is not an endangered species now. 4)Some sp

16、ecies of animals that live there are endangered. 5)We must make people aware of the problem and help protect the endangered wildlife before its too late! 22.average vrd: n. 平均数平均数;平均水平平均水平 adj. 平均的平均的;正常的正常的;普通的普通的 ordinary/average/common people: 平民平民; 老百姓老百姓 on (the/an) average: 平均平均 1)Parents spen

17、d an average of $500 a year on clothes. 2)The greenhouse effect gives the earths surface the average temperature of 15. 3)How many elephants are killed on average every month? princess queen Prince Philip prince princess 23.prince prns : n. 王王子子;王孙王孙;亲亲王王 princess prnses: n. 公公主主;王妃王妃 king: 国王国王 que

18、en: 女王女王; 王后王后 1)What did Prince William say about China? 2)As soon as the prince saw her, he fell in love with her. 24. make progress: 取取得进得进步步 make (great/rapid) progress: 取得取得(大大/快速快速)进步进步 1)China has made a lot of progress. 2)Study well and make progress every day. 好好好学习,天天向上。好学习,天天向上。 3)Only in

19、 this way can you make progress in your English. 25. concern kns:n: v.(使使)担忧担忧;(使使)关心关心;涉及涉及;关关系到系到 n. 关心关心;挂念挂念;担心担心;忧虑忧虑 1)The boys poor performance at school concerned his parents. 2)The policy will concern all the doctors and nurses in the country. 3)Liu Tao would like to express his concern ove

20、r the wetland in his hometown. 4)More TV programs will be produced to raise peoples concern over food safety. 26.concerned kns:nd: adj. 担担心心的的;关关切的切的 be concerned about: 对对.关切关切的的;为为.担忧担忧的的 as far as sb/sth is concerned: 就就而而言言 1)Im concerned about the African elephants. 2)As far as I am concerned,

21、teachers should be concerned about the problems that are concerned with the healthy growth of children. 27. living : adj. 居住的居住的;活的活的;在用的在用的 n. 生活;生计生活;生计 make /earn a/ones living: 谋生谋生 living things: 生物生物 1)Elephants need large living spaces. 2)As the economy develops, the living conditions of the

22、people have been improved greatly. 3)He sells vegetables for a living. 4)Many young farmers have come to big cities to make a living. (living:表语表语, 前置定语前置定语; alive: 表语表语、后置定语、后置定语 和补足语和补足语; live: 前置定语前置定语) 28.adapt dpt: v. (使使)适应适应;使使适合适合 ;改改编编 adapt /adjust (oneself) to.: 适适应应 adaptation: n.适适应应;改改

23、写本写本 1)Elephants need large living spaces, so its difficult for them to adapt to the changes. 2)I find it very difficult to adapt (myself) to the climate in the high mountains. 3)He is going to adapt his play for television. 29.measure me(r): n. 措施措施;方法方法 v. 测量测量;度量度量;估量估量 take measures/steps to do

24、sth: 采取措施干某事采取措施干某事 maketo ones measure:按:按的尺寸做的尺寸做 1)What measures are being taken to help them? 2)We are taking measures to prevent drunk driving in the city. 3)Lets measure the height of the tree. 4)The tree measures 80 metres tall/high. 30.authority rti: n. 官官方方;当权当权;权权威威 We see her as an author

25、ity on American affairs. 31.pressure pre(r): n. 压压力力;挤压挤压;紧紧张张 ;要要求求 under pressure: 在在压力压力下下;承承受压受压力力 1)The authorities are under pressure to build elephant parks and tell people not to buy elephant products. 2)I couldnt stand the pressure of city life. whale whale whale whale 32.whale wel: n. 鲸鲸 H

26、umans catch whales for meat, fat and oil. 33.antelope ntlp: n. 羚羚;羚羚类动物类动物 34. Tibetan antelope: 藏藏羚羊羚羊 tbetn: adj. 西藏的西藏的; 藏语的藏语的; 藏族藏族(人人)的的 n. 西西藏人藏人; 藏族人藏族人; 藏语藏语 Tibetan antelope Tibetan antelope Tibetan antelope Tibetan antelope 35.reserve rzv : n. 保保护护区区;储藏储藏(量量) v. 预预订订(座位座位/席位席位/房房间间等等); 预预

27、留留;保保留留 reserve/book: : 预定预定/预约预约(座座位位/席位席位/房间房间/票票等等) order: : 订购订购; 订货订货; 点点菜菜/酒酒/食物食物/饮饮料料 1)Have you ever heard of the Changtang National Nature Reserve? 2)In order to save them, some countries have created reserves where they can live in peace and safety. 3)Id like to reserve a table for fiftee

28、n for seven oclock. 4)These seats are reserved for special guests. 36.plain plen: n. 平平原原 adj. 简单明了简单明了的的;直直率率的的;平平凡凡的的 1)The river wanders over the plain. 2)The facts were plain/easy to see . 3)The woman has a plain face. 37. make out: 看清看清;听清听清;分分清清 1)I could just make out a figure in the darkness

29、. 2)I heard the voices, but couldnt make out what they were saying. 3)Her poem is so complex that I cannot make out its meaning. 38.herd hd: n. 牧牧群群;兽兽群群 a herd of.: 一一群群. 1)On the plain in front of us, we can just make out a herd of graceful animals. 2)Herds of elephants used to live on the plains

30、of Africa and in the forests of Asia. 3)They kept pigs, chickens and a herd of cattle on their farm. 39.observe bz:v : v. 观察观察(到到);观测观测;看到看到; 注注意意到到(=notice);庆祝庆祝;庆贺庆贺(= celebrate); 遵守遵守(法律法律/规规则则等等)(= obey) observe sb doing sth: 看见某人正在做某看见某人正在做某事事 observe sb do sth: 看看见某人做了某见某人做了某事事 1)This is why w

31、ere hereto observe Tibetan antelopes. 2)Our teachers took us on field trips to observe plants and animals. 3)The police observed a man entering the bank. 4)Everyone should observe the law/rules. 5)Do they observe Christmas on December 25? 五五彩滩彩滩 喀纳斯喀纳斯 喀纳斯喀纳斯 喀纳斯喀纳斯 新都桥新都桥 巴巴音布鲁克草原音布鲁克草原 呼呼伦贝尔大草原伦贝尔

32、大草原 40.beauty bju:ti: n. 美美;美丽美丽;美人美人;美美好的东西好的东西 beautiful: adj. 美美丽丽的的;美美好的好的 beautifully: adv. 美好美好地地;很很好地好地 beautify: v. 美美化化;使使更美丽更美丽 1)Im struck by their beauty. 2)We can enjoy the beauty of nature in the countryside. 3)Xishi was a great beauty in ancient China. 41.remind rmand: v. 提提醒醒;使使想起想起

33、remind sb of sb/sth: 使某人想起某人使某人想起某人/物物 remind sb of sth: 提醒某人某事提醒某人某事 remind sb to do sth: 提醒某人做某事提醒某人做某事 remind sb. that/wh-从句从句: 提提醒醒 1)Im also reminded of the danger they are in. 2)I hope this gift can remind you of our friendship. 3)I feel it is necessary for me to remind him of the meeting toda

34、y. 4)The bus conductor forgot to remind the old man to get off at that station. 5)It reminds us that the best things in life are freelaughter, friends, family, and the beauty of nature and the countryside. fur fur 42.fur f(r): n. 毛毛(皮皮);毛毛皮衣服皮衣服 1)They are being hunted, illegally, for their valuable

35、 fur. 2)To protect wild animals, lets stop wearing fur . 43.sacred sekrd: adj. 神圣神圣的的;受受尊敬尊敬的的 1)To Zhaxi, the land is sacred and protecting the wildlife is a way of life. 2)A church is a sacred building. 44.shoot ut: v.(shot - shot) 射杀射杀;射伤射伤;发发射射 Dont move, or Ill shoot. 45.profit prft : n. 利利润润;利

36、益利益;益益处处 v. 获获益益;得得到好到好处处 profit from.: 从从.获获益益 a rise/a fall in profits: 收收益的上益的上升升/下下降降 1)Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits. 2)We gained a lot of profit from your advice. 3)The company has made a great profit on the deal(交易交易). 4)Farmers have profited a lot from the new law. 46. watc

37、h over: 保护保护;照管照管;监监督督 watch/look out (for.): 当心当心; 小心小心 1)Will you watch over the baby while Im out? 2)You go swimming, please. Ill watch over the clothes here. 47. day and night: 日日日夜日夜夜夜;夜夜以继以继日日 = night and day 1)The earth moves around the sun day and night. 2)Zhaxi and other volunteers watched

38、over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks. 48.attack tk: v. 进攻进攻;攻击攻击;抨击抨击 n. 袭袭击击;攻击攻击;抨击抨击;(疾疾病病的的)突突然发作然发作 a heart attack/illness/trouble: 心脏心脏病病 1)What part of the city is being attacked now? 2)The enemy attacked the town at night 3)An unknown virus has just attacked my com

39、puter. 4)His words were attacked in the newspaper. 49.effective fektv : adj. 有效有效的的;生生效的效的 effectively: adv. 有效有效地地; 实际上实际上 effect : n. 影响影响; 效效果果 affect: v. 影响影响 effort: n. 努力努力 1)The measures were effective. 2)Scientists are trying to find drugs that are effective against cancer. 3)The new rules w

40、ill become effective in the next few days. 50.recover rkv: v. 恢复恢复; 康康复复;找找回回; 寻回寻回 recovery: n. 恢复恢复;痊痊愈愈 recover from.: 从从中恢复过中恢复过来来 discover (v.) - discovery (n.) 1)With my special care, my mother recovered quickly. 2)He lost his new bike, but he recovered it in the school 51.remove rmu:v: v. 去除去

41、除; 移移开开;拿开拿开; 脱去脱去;摘下摘下 = take off 1)He removed his hand from her shoulder. 2)Most of her fears have been removed. 3)She removed her dress and threw into the washing machine. 4)The antelope population has recovered and in June 2015, the Tibetan antelope was removed from the endangered species list.

42、52.intend intend: v. 打打算算;计划计划; 想想要要 intention ntenn: n. 打打算算;计划计划;意图意图;目的目的 intend doing/to do sth.打算打算做做. be intended for: 专专为为而设计而设计的的; 专供专供使用使用的的 1)I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside. 2)The new school is intended for the disabled childre

43、n. 53.threat ret : n. 威胁威胁 a threat to.: 对对.一个威胁一个威胁 1)The government, however, does not intend to stop the protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared. 2)But today, they face a serious threat from hunters. 3)Drugs have become a major threat to our socie

44、ty. 54.threaten retn : v. 威威胁胁; 危机危机 threaten to do.: 威胁做威胁做. 1)Human activities are threatening animals and plants. 2)If their habitat is threatened or they cannot find enough food, their numbers may decrease 3)The man is threatening to blow up the plane. 55.exist zst: v. 存在存在;生存生存 exit ekst: n. (建

45、筑物等的建筑物等的)出口出口 existence: n. 存存在在;生生存存 1)However, the attacks on them will continue as long as interest in buying elephant products exists. 2)Does life exist on other planets? 3)We cannot exist without air, food or water. 56.harmony h:mni: n. 和和谐谐;融融洽洽 harmonious hmnis: adj. 和和谐的谐的 in harmony with.:

46、 与与.和谐相处和谐相处 1)Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet. 2)The writer says that we must change our way of life and learn to live in harmony with nature in order to save our planet. 3)Building harmonious society is the need of develop

47、ment of human society. 57.goods dz: n. 商商品品;货货物物 1)We should not buy goods made from endangered animals. 2)Our goods are sold only at this store. 58. creature kri:t: n. 生物生物;动物动物;人人 create kriet: v. 创创造造;创作创作;产产生生 creative krietv: adj. 创造性的创造性的; 创新的创新的 creatively kretvl: adv. 有创作力地有创作力地 creativity k

48、rietvti: n. 创造创造力力 To achieve harmony between humans and animals, the world must protect these beautiful creatures. deer deer kangaroo kangaroo kangaroo 59.deer d(r): n. 鹿鹿(单单复数同复数同形形) Right now, the deer are being watched over by many volunteers. 单单复数同形的名词复数同形的名词: deer, fish, sheep, means, species等

49、等 60.kangaroo kru: n. 袋鼠袋鼠 (复数复数: kangaroos/kangaroo) 1)Who is hunting the kangaroos? 2)Its natural to connect Australia with kangaroo. 61.reduce rdju:s: v. 减少减少 reduction rdkn: n. 减少减少;缩小缩小;降降低低 reduce . by : 减少减少了了 (by表示相差的比率表示相差的比率) reduce . to : 减少减少到到 (to表示到达的数量表示到达的数量) reduce/decrease/decline/

50、fall/drop: 减少减少/下降下降 increase/rise: 增加增加/上升上升 1)Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease. 2)She will reduce the price of the car by 30% tomorrow. 3)She will reduce the price of the car to 10,000 dollars tomorrow. 62. due to.: 由于由于;因为因为 dju: due to: 由于由于; 因为因为 (表表,状状) owing to : 由于由于; 因为因为


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