五年级英语下册教案-Unit 3 My school calendar Part Blet's learn人教PEP版.doc

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1、PEP PEP 五下五下 Unit Unit 3 3 My My school calendar school calendar 单元统整单元统整 【教材分析教材分析】 :】 :本节课是五年级下学期第三单元的最后一个课时,在引导 学生归纳本单元目标词汇的前提下,通过归纳本单元出现的人物 Zhang Pen and Mike, Chen Jie and Oliver 以及 Wu Yifan 的邀请 函谈论他们在不同的月份, 不同的特殊的日子都会做什么不同的事, 引导归纳重现文本让学生在充分掌握基础知识的前提下,进行一系 列的听说读写的拓展和输出。 【教学目标】 :【教学目标】 : 知识与技能目标

2、知识与技能目标: 1. 绝大多数学生能够听说读写十二个月的和十二个月里的典型活动 的四个词组以及句型:When is the party? Its in April. When is the trip this year ? Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall. 2. 绝大部分学生能够在情景中运用重点词组和句型询问并回答一些 有趣的事及这些事情发生的时间的问答。并能够简单运用 will 表 示将要做什么. 3. 大部分学生能够根据给出框架 role play A 和 B 的对话。部分学生 能够将 A、B 对话进行改编成为一个对话。 4. 大部分学

3、生能够根据框架和word bank描述自己喜欢的月份和这些 月份的有趣的事情。 5. 大部分学生能够运用 will 描述自己将要干什么在不同的月份中, 初步感知并学会运用将来时。 过程与方法目标过程与方法目标 1.通过读图片和语言框架等途径引导学生复述文本。 2.引导学生在学习过程中抓关键词。 3.通过 pair work 和 group work 等形式培养学生的合作能力,沟通 的语言交际能力。 情感态度与价值观目标情感态度与价值观目标: 通过课外阅读理解在母亲节这样的日子我们可以给母亲各种各样的 祝福,但是最美好的祝福是:Respect our parents. Do what we ca

4、n do to help them. 【教学重难点教学重难点】 : 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能够听说读写重点单词 January, February, March, April, May, June、July, August, September, October, November, December. 并在此基础上思考出更多的相关活动。 2.能够正确听说读写并运用重点句型:When is the party? Its in April. When is the trip this year ? Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall. 3.能够

5、在真实语境中运用以上重点知识交流并获取信息。 教学难点:教学难点: When is ? Its in Well .等在真实语境中的灵活运 用,并适当的在此基础上进行拓展运用 小组合作探究点小组合作探究点: 小组合作探讨怎样把 A、B 对话改编成一个对话。 【教学过程】【教学过程】 Step I Warm upStep I Warm up 1. Greeting. 2. Guide the Ss to read the title together. And point out the topic today. Step II Review and practiceStep II Review

6、and practice 1. Guessing game. Ask the Ss to guess:“Which month is it?”according to the description or the pictures. The 1The 1 stst one: one: September _ November It is after Jan. Show the answer on PPT. Ask the Ss to write together with their finger. Draw the attention of the Ss to the words. 【预设

7、1】&【设计意图】 :If the Ss give the right answer, ask the Ss :“How do you know that?”.Guide the Ss to catch the key words which aims to enhance their thinking skill and learning method. The month I like best. Guide the students to guess freely. Then show the answer on PPT. Ask the Ss to write it together

8、with their fingers. And communicate with the Ss: “Which season do you like best? ” “Why?” 【设计意图】 :通过 Guessing game 引导学生更多的说出有关十二个月 的单词并且结合 unit2 复习句型 Which _do you like best ? Why ? 2. Show the picture of 12 months. Lead the students to watch and find we should capitalize the first letters when we w

9、rite. And summarize that most of the abbreviations are the first three letters. But May doesnt have any abbreviations. Septembers abbreviations is the first four four letters. Divide the 12 months into four seasons. Lead the students to say the names of the months. And then tell them This is China s

10、 four seasons. Summarize the characters and the seasons, months they are talking about in Unit3 Show a picture and ask the Ss: “Who are they?” and “Which season are they talking about?” PPT 出示 spring and autumn. As we all know they have a few fun things in spring and autumn. What are the fun things?

11、 Lead the students to say : Easter party , school trip in spring and school strip in autumn. And then ask the Ss:“Do you remember :How do they talk about their favorite seasons? ” 板书:When is ? Its in . Ask the Ss to role play Talk A or Talk B in groups. The students can adapt A and B into one dialog

12、ue. They can choose anyone they like. But role-play is challenge level A . If they choose this one, they can get one star. And the adaption is challenge level B. If they choose this one, they can get 2 stars. 【预设】:When the Ss adapt A and B into one dialogue , ask the others to open the books and mar

13、k the sentences they adapt. 【设计意图】 :This part aims to give the Ss different levels of challenges. They can choose anyone according to their abilities. 3. Mini-practice: Just we talk about the fun things in April and May. Now can you talk about the special days in a year ? What are the special days ?

14、 lead the students to summarize the special days in a year. And then summarize the thing they can do on these special days. Meanwhile the teacher can lead the students to realize the Emotional educationRespect our parents. Do What you can do to help them. Your parents will be very happy. 【设计意图】 :Thi

15、s part is to practice the main sentence patterns in their own ways. 4. Review and practice Read and write. Ask the Ss to think about Robins favorite seasons and reasons by themselves first. And then check. When finish checking together, the teacher can summary :” Wow! Therere so many interesting gam

16、es. Lead the students to read the invitation and summarize the items of an invitation. 【预设】: The students can summarize the five items. And then lead the students to write an invitation . The teacher can supply the main special days and the fun things. 【设计意图】 : 复习完邀请函的书写要求后学生们接着写一篇邀请函, 能够通过操练加深印象。既操

17、练了句型又锻炼了书写能力! Step IStep III II Production & Production & PromotionPromotion 1. Group work to make an interview. The teacher can create situation .The school will hold a party , but which is the most popular party? The little reporter needs to make an interview. Now who want to be an interviewee? Le

18、ts have an interview like this : A:Which season do you like best? A:Which season do you like best? B:I like B:I like _ _ best.best. A:Why?A:Why? B: Because_.B: Because_. A: What are the specialA: What are the special days in it ?days in it ? B: _and _. .B: _and _. . A:When is the _?A:When is the _?

19、B: Its in _.B: Its in _. A: What will you do ?A: What will you do ? B: We/I will _B: We/I will _ A:Cool !/Thats great!A:Cool !/Thats great! The teacher can make a dialogue with a students to make a model and then ask them to make a new dialogue like this. (PPT 展示对 话框架) A:Which season do you like bes

20、t? A:Which season do you like best? B:/C:/D:B:/C:/D:I I like like _ _ best.best. A:Why?A:Why? B:/C:/D: B:/C:/D: Because_.Because_. A: What are the special days in it ?A: What are the special days in it ? B:/C:/D: B:/C:/D: _and _. ._and _. . A:When is the _?A:When is the _? B:/C:/D: B:/C:/D: Its in _

21、.Its in _. A: What will you do ?A: What will you do ? B:/C:/D: B:/C:/D: We/IWe/I will _.will _. A:Cool !/Thats great!A:Cool !/Thats great! The group leader can make an interview in groups and then make fill in the table. At last make an report. 【预设 1】:教师与学生的示范非常关键,如果学生不能正确的应答 教师的提问如 Are there any fu

22、n things in ? 教师可以给出提示 for example :. When is ? 【设计意图】 :This part aims to show the different fun things or special days in the different months. Step Step I IV V SummarySummary Ask the Ss to talk about what they had got in this class in pairs first. And then check together. They can summarize from t

23、hese aspects: (How to use(How to use(使用)使用) the things you learn today?)the things you learn today?) (What kind of methods(What kind of methods(方法)(方法) do you learn?)do you learn?) (What impress you the most(What impress you the most(印象最深刻)(印象最深刻)? Why?)? Why?) 【预设 1】 :If the Ss say they learn the w

24、ords and sentences better than before, the teacher say: I Im happy you got progress m happy you got progress in this class.in this class. 【预设 2】 :If the Ss say they learn how to talk about and write their favorite seasons, the teacher can say: “Great, so you can Great, so you can often discuss your

25、often discuss your favorite favorite month month with your friends in English. with your friends in English. It will help you a lot. It will help you a lot. ” 【预设 3】 :If the Ss say they like the video, the teacher can say: “There are many interesting things like this in English. There are many interesting things like this in English. Please find more behind English and enjoy learning English. Please find more behind English and enjoy learning English. ” Step VStep V HomeworkHomework No homeworkNo homework 板书:板书: Unit 3 My school calendar When is ? Its in . Well .


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