人教八下Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.第四课时(课件+练习+音视频).zip

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  • Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years. 第四课时(课件+练习+音视频)
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Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years. Section B1同步练习同步练习 一、单选。一、单选。 1. How long has he been like this? _______ he had the accident. A. Since B. While C. Until D. When 2.After the Asian Games, ________people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays. A. Thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of 3.How long ________ your brother ________this camera? For two weeks. Ahave; bought Bhave; had Chas; had Dhas; bought 4 What do you think of the film you saw yesterday? Oh! Its one of ______ films Ive ever seen. A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting 5.My grandfather likes the small village very much. So far he________ there for 50 years. Ahad lived Blived Clives Dhas lived 二、填空。二、填空。 Let me tell you about my hometown. I live in Kinsale. It may be one of the smallest towns in Southern Ireland, but it is also the most famous one. The fish restaurants are very wonderful and there are many good cooks here. They cook the best fish for the visitors. The food is expensive but people enjoy it very much. So you can see many people from different countries in every restaurant. My town is very beautiful because it is by the sea. In summer it is very cool and you can go swimming in the sea. There are three small shops and you can buy your friends many presents there. They are not expensive and you can pay a little money for them. The people in my town are friendly. They can make friends with you. If you feel ill, there is a clinic (诊所)with a doctor and a nurse. Im Andy. You can ask me for help when you have some trouble(困难,麻烦). I think you will enjoy the holiday. A brief introduction(介 绍) about the town The hometown is________Kinsale. Perhaps ,it is one of the smallest towns in________Ireland. The town is________the sea. Things to doThere are many________fish restaurants. People can go________in the sea in summer. And you can also buy a lot of presents________your friends, because the presents are________. People therePeople who live in the town are very________. They would like to ________ friends with you. If you are in trouble, you can ask Andy to ________ you. 三、阅读。三、阅读。 I used to live in a small town with trees all around. It is about thirty years since I left my hometown. But I still remember what it was exactly like. And I often “see” it in many of my dreams. My hometown is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. But trees and flowers made the town beautiful. Just outside the town, there was a river. You could see different kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People here lived a simple life. Since a new policy(政策) was taken by the government, great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have been built one after another. Peoples life is greatly improved. You can see tall buildings, big department stores and factories everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the wide streets. But with the development of the industry(工业), we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious. And there are also other problems. We should try our best to make it richer. At the same time, we must do something to stop pollution and make our town even more beautiful. (1)When did the writer leave his hometown? A. About ten years ago. B. About twenty years ago. C. About thirty years ago. D. About forty years ago. (2)How was the writers hometown in the old days? A. poor but beautiful B. rich and beautiful C. poor but big D. rich and developed (3)What is outside the town? A. a lake B. a rive C. a forest D. a grassland (4)As for the changes of the town, which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. The streets have been widened. B. More factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and airports have been built. C. There are more and more cars and buses in the streets. D. Tall buildings, big department stores and factories have been built. Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years. Section B1 同步练习同步练习答案答案 1、ADCDD 二、 in;Southern;by;wonderful;swimming;for;cheap;friendly;make;help 三、CABB 2、Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years. 人教版 八年级下 SectionB1a-1c 精选优质课 Warmingup Itisaplace. Itgivesyousweetmemories. Youwerebornthere. Youspentyourchildhoodthere. Yougrewupthere. Guess! Hometown BPAOHELD AABRIDGE NRCILDWN KKDVLZOO MUSEUMCQ LIBRARYY Find words from the chart. 横排:bridge,museum,library,zoo 竖排:bank,park,river,hill Hometown bridge,museum,library,zoo bank,park,river,hill Places Lead-in Letstalkabout someplacesinour hometown/city. Presentation A:Isthereamuseumin yourhometown? B:Yes,thereis. A:Howlonghasitbeen around? B:Ithasbeenaroundfor 6years. amuseum /6years somehills/ hundredsof years A:Arethereanyhillsin yourhometown? B:Yes,thereare. A:Howlonghavethey beenaround? B:Theyhavebeen aroundhereforhundreds ofyears. rivers/aslongasI canremember A:Arethereanyriversin yourhometown? B:Yes,thereare. A:Howlonghavethey beenaround? B:Theyhavebeen aroundhereforaslongas Icanremember. newpark/last year A:Isthereaparkinyour hometown? B:Yes,thereis. A:Howlonghasitbeen around? B:Ithasbeenaround heresincelastyear. alibrary/Iwas alittleboy A:Istherealibraryin yourhometown? B:Yes,thereis. A:Howlonghasitbeen around? B:Ithasbeenaround heresinceIwasalittle boy. Pairwork A:Istherea/aninyourhometown?B:. A:Howlonghasitbeenaround?B:. apark/I wasalittle child ahotel/ 10years ariver/ hundredsof years alibrary/as longasIcan remember ____amuseum____aprimaryschool ____abridge____azoo ____apark____ahill ____alibrary____ariver Check ( ) the places or things you can find in your town or city. 1a Listeningtask Theyaretalkingaboutthehometown. MartinJenny Theyaretalking about_______s homtown. Jenny Whataretheytalkingabout? Listeningtask Listen and write down the places you hear. townlibrary sciencemuseum restaurant park hills Listen again and fill in the chart about the places in Jennys hometown. 1c PlaceNewor old? Howlonghasit beenthere? townlibrary science museum restaurant downthestreet old forhundreds ofyears new sincelast August old foraslongas Jennycan remember Talk about Jennys hometown. Pairwork A:IsthereatownlibraryinJennys hometown? B:Yes,thereis. A:Isitoldornew? B:Itsold. A:Howlonghasitbeenthere? B:Ithasbeenthereforhundreds ofyears. since last year for as long as she can remember Listen and answer the questions.1b 1.DoesMartinlikeJennyshometown? 2.DoesJennystillliveinherhometown? Yes,hedoes.Hethinksitisreally beautiful. No,shedoesnt.Jennyhasbeenaway forthepastfewyears. 3.Whatisbehindthesciencemuseum? Whatdopeopledothereon weekends? Thereisabigparkbehindthe sciencemuseum.Manyfamiliesgoto theparkonweekendstolettheir kidsrunaroundandclimbthehills. Listen again and complete. Martin:Hey,Jenny,yourhometownisreally ___________. Jenny:Yes,Ive___________forthepastfew years,butIstilllovethistown.Eventhoughits old,itsfullofinterestingplaces___________and things___________. Martin:Wow,lookatthatbuilding!Iveneverseen anythinglikeit! Jenny:Yes,thatsoneofthe___________buildings inthistown.Itsbeenaroundforhundredsof years.Itsnowthetown___________. beautiful beenaway tosee todo oldest library Martin:Whataboutthebuildingnexttoit? Jenny:Oh,thatsthenew______________.Itsonly beenheresincelastAugust.Theresareallybig _________behindthemuseum.Manyfamiliesgo thereonweekendstoletthekidsrunaroundand climbthe_________. Martin:Nice.Canwecheckitout? Jenny:Sure.Butfirst,letshavelunchatthis _________downthestreet.Itsbeen_________foras longasIcanremember.Itservesthebestfoodin town. sciencemuseum park hills restaurantaround Listen and role play. Tapescript Martin:Hey,Jenny,yourhometownisreally beautiful. Jenny:Yes,Ivebeenawayforthepastfew years, butIstilllovethistown.Eventhoughits old,itsfullofinterestingplacestoseeand thingstodo. Martin:Wow,lookatthatbuilding!Ivenever seenanythinglikeit! Jenny:Yes,thatsoneoftheoldestbuildings inthistown.Itsbeenaroundforhundreds ofyears.Itsnowthetownlibrary. Martin:Whataboutthebuildingnexttoit? Jenny:Oh,thatsthenewsciencemuseum. ItsonlybeenheresincelastAugust. Theresareallybigparkbehindthe museum.Manyfamiliesgothereon weekendstoletthekidsrunaround andclimbthehills. Martin:Nice.Canwecheckitout? Jenny:Sure.Butfirst,letshavelunchatthis restaurantdownthestreet.Itsbeen aroundforaslongasIcanremember. Itservesthebestfoodintown. Eventhoughitsold,itsfullofinteresting placestoseeandthingstodo. eventhough引导的从句内容往往是真实的, 主要用于引出不利于主句情况的信息,相当于 汉语的“尽管”“虽然”,类似于evenif. 他尽管经验最少,但教得最好。 Hesthebestteachereventhoughhehasthe leastexperience. 尽管她嘲笑他,他还是很喜欢她。 Evenif/Eventhoughshelaughsathim,he likesher. 知 识 总 结 Languagepoints Eventhoughitsold,itsfullofinteresting placestoseeandthingstodo. 这句话中的两个动词不定式tosee和todo分别 修饰前面的名词things,做后置定语 Ihavemanyletterstowrite.我有许多信要写 。 Heislookingforaroomtolivein. 他在找一个房间住。 befullof=befilledwith充满,装满 瓶子里装满了水。 Thebottleisfilledwithwater. 香槟酒有很多气泡。 Champagne(香槟酒)isfullofbubbles(气泡). 知 识 总 结 2.Yes,thatsoneoftheoldestbuildingsin thistown. oneofthe+形容词最高级+名词复数+表示 范围的短语或从句。表示“最之一”。 中国是世界上最大的国家之一。 Chinaisoneofthelargestcountriesinthe world. 当教师最重要的一个品性就是要有耐心。 Patienceisoneofthemostimportant attributesinateacher. 知 识 总 结 3.Manyfamiliesgothereonweekendsto letthekidsrunaroundandclimbthehills. 很多家庭周末去那儿让孩子们围着山四处跑 和爬山。 letsb.dosth.让某人做某事 否定:letsbnotdosth 别让他修理你的自行车,他不会。 Dontlethimmendyourbike.Hedoesnt knowhowtodoit. 先弄清他确实有钱再把汽车给他。 Dontlethimhavethecaruntilyouve seenthecolourofhismoney. 知 识 总 结 4.ItsbeenaroundforaslongasIcan remember.“自我记事起它就一直在那儿了” asas意为“和一样”,表示同级的比 较。其基本用法为:“as+adj./adv.+as” 。aslongas达之久 Youcankeepthebookaslongasyoulike. 这本书你爱看多久就看多久。 IllneverforgetthataslongasIamliving. 这事我至死也不会忘记. 他英语说的和你一样流利。 HespeaksEnglishasfluentlyasyou. 这部字典不如你想象的那样有用。 Thisdictionaryisnotasusefulasyouthinkit is. 知 识 总 结 Fill in the blanks.Consolidation Jennyshometownis_______________.Jenny _____________forthepastfewyears,butshestill lovesthistown.Eventhoughitsold,its _________interesting __________________________.Thetownlibrary isoneoftheoldestbuildingsinthistown.Ithas beenaround______________________.The buildingnexttothelibraryis __________________.Itsonlybeenhere reallybeautiful hasbeenaway fullof placestoseeandthingstodo forhundredsofyears thesciencemuseum ________________.________themuseumisa bigpark.Manyfamiliesgothereonweekendsto letthekids____________andclimbthehills. Thereisarestaurant________thestreet.Ithas beenaroundfor_____________Jennycan remember.It________thebestfoodintown. sincelastAugust Behind runaround down aslongas serves Talk about your town / city with a partner. 1d A:Mycityislovely. B:Whataresomeofthespecial placesthere? A:Well,theresaconcerthall there.Itsbeenaroundforat least20years. atleast至少 Groupwork NameSpecialplaces/thingsHowlong Survey and fill in the blanks,then give a report. Key sentences: Myhometownisreallybeautiful/interesting/ lovely/.Itsfullof.Theres./Lookatthat building,its.Ithasbeenaroundfor/since . Introduce the places in your city to your friends. Report:Inmycity,youcanfindazoo.Itisvery fun.Ithasbeenaroundfor3years. Summary Keyphrases: eventhough虽然,尽管 befullof充满,装满 oneofthe+形容词最高级+名词复数+表示 范围的短语或从句最之一 letsb.dosth.让某人做某事 asas和一样 atleast至少 Keysentences: Itsbeenaroundforhundredsofyears. ItsbeenaroundforaslongasIcanremember. Family is power !Family is power ! Hometown is root ! Hometown is root ! Change for better !Change for better !
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