人教八下Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 第二课时(课件+练习+音视频).zip

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  • Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 第二课时(课件+练习+音视频)
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Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. SectionA Reading 同步练习同步练习 1、词汇。词汇。 1. England lies to the _______(west) part of Europe. 2. Im reading an interesting book __________ (call) Harry Potter. 3. There were several __________ (object) on the floor of the room. 4.The two boys kept ______ (skate) for two hours. 21cnjycom 5.The Monkey King can make 72 _______ (change) to his shape and size. 2、单选。单选。 ( )1. We can get information ________ newspapers and ________ television. A . in; on B . in; in C . on; in D . on; on 【出处:21 教育名师】 ( )2.They ______ do well in the exam. A . can be able to B . be able to C . can able to D . are able to ( )3.I stayed at home alone and waited for something __________ to happen. A . excite B . excited C . exciting D . to excite ( )4. _____the students visited the Summer Palace last week.【版权所有:21 教育】 A . Many of B . Most C . Much D . Most of ( )5.Most teachers want to ______ their students______ useful persons for our country.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 A . turn; into B . change; for C . turn; to D . change; in 三、情景对话。三、情景对话。 A: Did you watch the TV program called Journey to the West?21 教育名师原创作品 B: Yes. ______ A: ______ B: He is so great! I like him very much. A: ______ B: A magic rock opened up and monkey was born. A: ______ B: He often uses magic stick to fight bad people. A: How does he do it? B: ______ A: So children all over the world love the Monkey King!21 教育网 A. As soon as he sees bad people, he thinks of ways to fight them. He can turn himself into different animals and objects. B. I saw it when I was 10. C. What does he often do in the program? D. What do you think of Sun Wukong? E. Do you like Sun Wukong? F. I didnt like it. G. How was he born? 四、完形填空。四、完形填空。 Pupils in England were able to watch a new TV program called Monkey 1 November 1979. Most of them were hearing this story for the first time. 2 , this story is not new to Chinese children. There are many fairy tales(童话故事)in China. Journey to the West is 3 of them. In 4 tale, The Monkey King is the main character. He is not just any 5 monkey. We say this 6 he can make 72 changes to his shape and size. He can turn himself into 7 animals and objects. But unless he can hide his tail, he cant turn himself into a 8 . He always uses a magic stick 9 the bad people. Sometimes, he can make the stick so small that he can 10 it in his ear. He is 11 able to make it big and long. This fairy tale is really great. The Monkey King has 12 Chinese children for many years. 13 the TV program came out more than 30 years ago, western children became interested in reading this story. Great Monkey King keeps 14 to help the weak and never gives up. In fact, children 15 the world love the Monkey King. www.21-cn- (1)A . on B . at C . in D . (2)A . But B . So C . Because D . However (3)A . the B . one C . some D . each (4)A . a B . an C . the D . your (5)A . normal B . common C . usual D . special 【来源:21世纪教育网】 (6)A . why B . because C . so D . that (7)A . the same B . similar C . different D . difficult 2-1-c-n-j-y (8)A . man B . people C . pig D . monkey (9)A . to play B . to please C . to fight D . to work (10)A . keeps B . study C . cut D . put (11)A . as well B . also C . either D . too 21cnjy (12)A . excite B . excited C . exciting D . interest 21世纪*教育网 (13)A . As soon as B . Before C . Because D . Although (14)A . fight B . to fight C . fighting D . fought www-2-1-cnjy-com (15)A . on B . over C . all over D . about 21*cnjy*com Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. SectionA Reading 同步练习同步练习答案答案 一、1.western 2.called 3.objects 4.skating 5.changes21 世纪教育网版权所有 二、ADCDA 三、BDGCA 四、CDBCA BCACD BBACCUnit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 人教版 八年级下 SectionA Reading优质课 Warming-up Enjoy a video. Doyouknowhim? SunWukongorMonkeyKing. Sun Wukong,alsoknownastheMonkey King,isa maincharacterintheChineseclassical novelJourney to the West. Brainstorm What do you know about him? Journey to the West(Chinese:西游记)isaChinese novelpublishedinthe16thcenturyduringthe MingDynastyandattributedtoWuChengen.It isoneoftheFourGreatClassical NovelsofChineseliterature. MainCharacterMainCharacter(主要人物)(主要人物) theMonkeyKing 美猴王 TangSanzangZhuBajie ShaWujing Hecanchangehisshapeandsizeand turnhimselfintodifferentanimalsandobjects. Hecanmake72changestohisshapeand size. amagicstick Sometimeshecanmake thesticksosmallthathe cankeepitinhisear. Read the passage and answer the questions. Journey to the West. TheMonkeyKing,SunWukong. 2.Whoisthemain character? 1.Whichbookistalked about? 3.Whatishe like?Heisnotjustanynormalmonkey. Infact,hesometimesdoesnoteven looklikeamonkey! 3a Reading task1 TheMonkeyKingcandomany magicthings. Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Tip:Readthefirstorthelastsentenceineachparagraph. TheMonkeyKingisnewtopupilsin EnglandbutnottoChinesechildren. Westernchildrenarealsobecoming interestedinthestoryoftheMonkey King. Matchthemainideawitheach paragraph. Reading task2 InNovember1979,pupilsinEnglandwere abletowatchanewTVprogramcalled Monkey.Mostofthemwerehearingthis storyforthefirsttime.However,thisstoryis notnewtoChinesechildren.TheMonkey KingorSunWukongisthemaincharacter inthetraditionalChinesebookJourney to the West. Reading task3 Read para.1 and finish the tasks. WhathappenedinNovember1979? InNovember1979,pupilsinEnglandwere abletowatchanewTVprogramcalled Monkey. Monkey 1.PupilsinAmericacouldwatchtheTV programMonkey in1979. 2.AllthechildreninEnglandheardthe storyofMonkey forthefirsttimein1979. 3.MonkeyKingwasnewtoChinese children. 4.MonkeyKingisthemaincharacterinthe traditionalChinesebookJourney to the West. F F F T England Mostofthechildren wasnt Mark True(T) and False(F). Reading task4 Read para.2 and finish the tasks. TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormal monkey.Infact,hesometimesdoesnotevenlook likeamonkey!Thisisbecausehecanmake72 changestohisshapeandsize,turninghimself intodifferentanimalsandobjects.Butunlesshe canhidehistail,hecannotturnhimselfintoa person.Tofightbadpeople,theMonkeyKing usesamagicstick.Sometimeshecanmakethe sticksosmallthathecankeepitinhisear.At othertimes,heisabletomakeitbigandlong. not norm al Ability(能力) Read Para 2Read Para 2 Hecanmake________to hisshapeandsize,______ himself_____different animalsandobjects。 72changes turning into _______hecanhidehis tail,hecannot _________________a man. Unless turnhimselfinto not normal Ability(能 力) Read Para 2Read Para 2 Hecanmaketo, turninginto. Unlesshecan,he cannotaman. Tool(工具): _________ _ smal l big Hecan______hismagic stick______________ hecankeepitinhisear. Heisableto __________________. a magic stick make sosmallthat makeitbigandlong Read the passage again and complete the chart about the Monkey King. WhathecandoWhathecantdo make72changestohis shapeandsize,turning himselfintodifferent animalsandobjects makehismagicstickso smallthathecankeepit inhisear,ormakehis magicstickbigand long. turnhimselfintoa man(unlesshecan hidehistail) 3b Reading task5 Read para.3 and finish the tasks. TheMonkeyKinghasexcitedthechildrenof Chinaformanyyears.AndassoonastheTV programcameoutmorethan30yearsago, Westernchildrenbecameinterestedinreading thisstorybecausethecleverMonkeyKingkeeps fightingtohelptheweakandnevergivesup. All the children like him. The Monkey ____ ______ the children of China for many years. __ ____ __the Monkey ______ ____in 1979, Western children _______ _________ ___ ______ this story because the clever Monkey King ______ _____ to help ____ _____and never gives up. Read Para 3Read Para 3 1979年,美猴王这部作品一上映,西方的孩子就对读这个故事 产生了兴趣。原因在于,聪明的孙悟空总是惩恶扬善,永不放 弃。 became interested in reading came out As soon as has excited Spirit(精神) keeps fighting the weak Western ChildrenChinese Children BecausethecleverMonkey Kingkeepsfightingtohelpthe weakandnevergivesup. 1.HowpopularistheMonkeyKingintheworld? 2.Whyarechildreninterestedinreading abouttheMonkeyKing? TheMonkeyKinghasexcitedthechildrenof Chinaformanyyears.AndassoonastheTV programcameoutmorethan30yearsago, Westernchildrenbecameinterestedinreading thisstory. Read Para 3Read Para 3 1.Tofightbadpeople,theMonkeyKingusesa magicstick. tofight:动词不定式,作目的状语,“为 了” Language points eg:为了把地图画清楚,我需要一支特殊的笔。 Todrawmapsproperly,Ineedaspecialpen. 他扭头看人。 Heturnedhisheadaroundtolookatpeople. 2.Hecannotturnhimselfintoaman. turn(sb./sth.)into:(使某人/某物)变成 turninto:(通过魔法)变成 eg:这沙发可以变成一张床。 Thesofacanturnintoabed. 眨眼之间,王子变成了青蛙。 Inaflash,theprinceturnedintoafrog. most与mostof的区别 1.若所修饰的名词前没有限定词,通常要用 most 2.在习惯上不带冠词的专有名词(如人名和地 名等)或抽象名词(如学科名词等)前,用 mostof 3.若所修饰的名词前带有限定词,则用mostof ,不能只用most 4.若直接用在代词之前,用mostof 3.Mostofthemwerehearingthisstoryforthefirst time.他们大部分人都是第一次听说这个故事 多数人同意我的意见。 Mostpeopleagreewithme. 这个地方好像大部分地方都长了草。 Mostoftheplaceseemedtobecoveredwith grass. 这里大多数人互相认识。 Mostofthepeoplehereknoweachother. 我们大多数人认为他错了。 Mostofusthoughthewaswrong. 4.ThecleverMonkeyKingkeepsfightingtohelp theweakandnevergivesup. keepdoingsth.一直持续做某事 keepondoingsth.一直反复做某事 eg:她一直在跑(没停过)。 Shekeptrunning. 她反复举手(不是一直举着手)。 Shekeptonraisingherhand. beableto forthefirsttime infact looklike turninto unless atothertimes assoonas becomeinterestedin keepdoingsth. giveup 1.能;能够 2.第一次 3.事实上 4.与外表相似 5.(使某人/某物)变成 6.如果不;若非;除非 7.在其他时候 8.一就 9.感兴趣的 10.继续,重复(做某事) 11.放弃 Phrases summary Complete the sentences below with phrases from the passage. 1.Journey to the West isa__________Chinese book.Ittellsoneofthemostpopularstoriesin China. 2.WhentheEnglishTVprogramMonkey ________in1979,Westernchildren _________________thiswonderfulstory. 3.TheMonkeyKingcan______________tohis body.Heisableto_______________different animalsandobjects. 4.TheMonkeyKing________makehismagic sticksmallorlarge. traditional cameout becameinterestedin 3c isableto make72changes turnhimselfinto isthemaincharacterinthebook.Who Abilities Hecanmake. Heusesatobadpeople. Hecanmakehisstickor. Peopleareinterestedinbecausehe keepsfightingtoandnever. Influence /Reason Buthecannotturninto. Summary Main content about the passage. Retelling time In,pupilswereabletocalledMostwere hearingHoweverisnotnewtoTheMonkey KingorisinJourneytotheWest. TheMonkeyKingisInfact,helooklikeThis isbecauseturningintoBut unlessheturnintoTofight badSometimessothatAtothertimes,he. TheMonkeyKinghasexcitedAndassoon asWesternchildrenbecameinterestedin readingkeepsfightingto Retell the passage according to the key words. WhatdoyouthinkoftheMonkeyKing? clever funny helpful brave smart ? ? ? ? ? Discussion WhatcanwelearnfromtheMonkey King? powerful(强大的) brave(勇敢的) loving(有爱心的) help the weak responsible (有责任感的) never give up have a sense of justice正义感 No one can be perfect. Try our best to help others. Keep learning. Never give up.
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