(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Review 1-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:9006a).doc

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1、教学内容分析教学内容分析 教学内容教学内容 Two Friends 教学目标教学目标 1.欣赏故事, 了解在森林中遇到危险的自救方法。 能通过图欣赏故事, 了解在森林中遇到危险的自救方法。 能通过图 片看懂绘本内容,通过师生交谈理解绘本内容。片看懂绘本内容,通过师生交谈理解绘本内容。 2.能够在故事中听懂、会说重点词组和句子。能够在故事中听懂、会说重点词组和句子。 能在故事中能在故事中 了解难点词汇的意思。了解难点词汇的意思。 3.通过绘本故事潜移默化理解通过绘本故事潜移默化理解 friends 的内涵。的内涵。 教学重、 难点教学重、 难点 1.能够欣赏、听懂、理解绘本故事。能够欣赏、听懂、

2、理解绘本故事。 2.能够听懂、会说重点词组、句子。能够听懂、会说重点词组、句子。climbed up the tree, pretended to be dead,I forgive you. 3.能够在故事情节中或通过上下文联系理解故事中的难点能够在故事情节中或通过上下文联系理解故事中的难点 词汇。词汇。close, trust, in danger 4.引导学生领会引导学生领会 friend 的真正意义,培养学生的人文素养。的真正意义,培养学生的人文素养。 教学准备教学准备 PPT、手偶、绘本小图片、手偶、绘本小图片 教学流程教学流程 Warming-up TPR 拉近师生距离,活跃课堂气

3、氛。 Lead-in Free talk Enjoy reading 通过师生对话,自然激活旧知。 Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading 通过封面预测、听、说、玩、演等活动,趣味感知,突破难点、 突出重点。拓展阅读视野,畅游绘本花园,提高思维能力,渗透 情感教育。 Summary 评价学生, 利用思维导图巩固所学内容。 Homework 教学设计教学设计 Step 1 Warming-up T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello! T: Please show me your hands. Ss: . T: Clap yo

4、ur hands. (Sing an English song) 设计说明:通过设计说明:通过 TPR 活动,调动学生学习积极性,活跃气氛。活动,调动学生学习积极性,活跃气氛。 Step 2 Lead-in T: I have a friend. She is Xue Haojia. She is tall and beautiful. How about you? S1: . T: I often read books with my friends. Do you like reading? Ss: Yes! T: You can read books with your friends.

5、 Good books are also our friends, right? Ss: Right. 设计说明:通过师生课前的设计说明:通过师生课前的 free talk,激活学生的旧知,导入本节课,激活学生的旧知,导入本节课 主题主题 friends。 Step 3 Enjoy reading 1.Pre-reading 预览绘本信息预览绘本信息 T: Here is a picture book for you. Whats the title? Ss:. T: Please have a look. This is the title. Ss: Two Friends. T: Yes,

6、 you are right. T: Class, who is the illustrator? Ss:. T: The man, Dave Lebow, he draws the pictures for the book. So, he is the illustrator. Got it? Ss: Yes! T: Well done! 设计说明:通过指导学生预览封面信息,引发学生对所要阅读绘本的设计说明:通过指导学生预览封面信息,引发学生对所要阅读绘本的 兴趣。兴趣。 2.While-reading (1)师生共读绘本。师生共读绘本。 T: Lets enjoy the picture

7、 book together. What can you see in the picture? Ss: .(some trees, two men.) T: Great! Look, there are two friends. The man with a hat is Jack. The other one is Jack. You know? Ss: Yes. T: They are Jack and John. Where are they? S1: Park. S2: Zoo. S3: Forest. T: Super! They are in a forest. (2)森林里熊的

8、出现,引发对于熊的思考与讨论。森林里熊的出现,引发对于熊的思考与讨论。 T: Whats that?(听音猜测听音猜测) S1: Tiger S2: Lion. S3: Bear. T: Great! Look! A bear. They met a bear. Please act like a bear. S4:. S5: Roar. T: Haha, terrible. Do you want to say something about bear? Ss: It is. It likes. (3)了解两个人在面对熊时的不同做法。了解两个人在面对熊时的不同做法。 T: What did

9、John do when he met a bear? 学生给出不同的答案。学生给出不同的答案。 T: Lets have a look. Ss: He climbed up the tree. T: Right. He climbed up the tree. 同样的方法学习同样的方法学习 Jack 的做法的做法: pretended to be dead,并板书。,并板书。 (4)在情景中教学在情景中教学 close,trust 等难点词汇,让学生理解意思。等难点词汇,让学生理解意思。 (5)讨论结尾。讨论结尾。 T: Please guess what is the ending? S:

10、 . T: John said,“I am sorry.”Jack forgave John. He said,“I forgive you.” They were still good friends. 设计说明:设置悬念,为学生创造问题情境,有效引发学生思考。设计说明:设置悬念,为学生创造问题情境,有效引发学生思考。 3. Post-reading (1) Make a picture book T: Class, now weve learned the story, right? But we have no picture books. Do you want to make it?

11、 Here are some pictures for you. Please put them in order, then staple them. After you finished, you have a picture book. Lets do it. (2) Lets check T: Are you finished? Show me your picture books. I am happy you have a picture book. Look! This is the picture book. (PPT 呈呈现正确的图片顺序现正确的图片顺序) 设计说明:通过此活

12、动,引导学生感知语言逻辑顺序,体验制作绘本设计说明:通过此活动,引导学生感知语言逻辑顺序,体验制作绘本 的乐趣。的乐趣。 (3) Listen and read (4) Listen to the story 设计说明:通过听音、朗读设计说明:通过听音、朗读, 让学生整体感知故事内容。让学生整体感知故事内容。 (5) Two-man comic show T: Where were John and Jack? What happened? What did Jack do? What did John do? T: Jack and John were in a forest. They m

13、et a bear. Follow me please. T: Now this group please read together. And you please act it out. S1: . S2: . (6) Perfect partner One student reads the story. The other one acts it out. 设计说明 :设计说明 : 通过双簧表演通过双簧表演, 让学生在充满乐趣的氛围中巩固了所学绘让学生在充满乐趣的氛围中巩固了所学绘 本故事,培养了学生之间的默契本故事,培养了学生之间的默契,增强了合作意识。,增强了合作意识。 (7) E

14、xtension T: In the forest if you meet a bear, what will you do? Would you like to tell me your answer?. 观看视频中遇到熊的科学做法。观看视频中遇到熊的科学做法。 Lets share a vedio. So, please dont stare at a bear/dont run away/lie on the ground 设计说明:了解在森林中遇到危险动物时的科设计说明:了解在森林中遇到危险动物时的科学自救方法,培养学生学自救方法,培养学生 的人文素养。的人文素养。 Step 4 Ho

15、mework T: Boys and girls, here is your homework. You can write the name, why do you like it?After you finished, please share your card with your friends. You can enjoy the picture book with them together. 设计说明:通过制作好书推荐卡,帮助学生有效设计说明:通过制作好书推荐卡,帮助学生有效复习所讲绘本内容,复习所讲绘本内容, 培养了书面表达能力。培养了书面表达能力。 T: Everyone has a friend. Some are old. Some are new. However, we need good friends. As we know a friend in need is a friend indeed. Goodbye, boys and girls. See you again! 板书设计板书设计 Two Friends forgive sorry in a forest met a bear John Jack climbed up the tree pretended to be dead good friends


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