(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 1 Making Plans-Lesson 5-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e0135).doc

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1、1 一、一、 教学内容教学内容 Unit 1 Making Plans,Reading and writing 二、二、教学流程图教学流程图 开始 Warm-up:Sing a song 引出话题 2 三、三、教学目标教学目标 1. 语言知识目标: 学生能理解 Story 的故事情境,模仿朗读. 学生能正确运用句型 be going to do sth 句型来描 述自己将要干什么。 2. 语言技能目标: Free Talk:What are you going to do this weekend? 用 be going to do sth 结构介绍自己的 weekend plans. 结束

2、Post-reading:看视频,完成练习。 Homework Pre-reading: 用 What are they doing?这个句型导入, 并提出问题,让学生带着问题进入 Story 的学习。 While-reading: 阅读文章,回答问题。 Group work: Talk about how to take care of elderly people in daily life. 3 学生能正确领会 Story 涵盖的意思,明白 Where is/are . going?句型和 What are they going to do.? 句型的正确用法。 学生能够用 be goi

3、ng to do sth 句型介绍自己将来 要做的事情。 3. 情感态度目标: 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生能积极参与课堂 活动,能够大胆地用英语表达自己。 引导学生在平时的生活中要尊敬老人。 4. 学习策略目标: 学生能积极思考、积极与他人合作,共同完成学习 任务。 学生能积极运用所学知识表达将来要做的事情。 学生能够在引导下寻找问题的答案,解决问题。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 重点重点:理解故事,朗读篇章; 学生会对将来要做的事情进行描述和表达; 难点难点:1)如何正确引导学生理解透彻 Story 涵盖的知识点。 2)学生会用英语表达在平时的生活中如何尊敬老人。 五、五、教学策略教学

4、策略: : 4 1.情境法 2.口语交际法 3.小组合作 教学辅助手段:教学辅助手段:多媒体 六、六、教学教学过程过程: : Teaching procedures: Step 1:Warm-up Watch the video, listen and sing the songWhat are you going to do? 【设计意图】通过跟本课时内容相关的歌曲,激发学生的学 习热情和兴趣,快速投入到本课的学习中。 Step 2:Lead-in Free talk:What are you going to do this weekend? (Ss talk about plans th

5、is weekend.) 【设计意图】通过介绍自己的 plan,了解本节课的重点,并 引出本课时的重点内容:Story. Step 3: Pre-reading (1)Look at the picture, ask some questions. a,Whats Mr. Pan doing ? b,What are they talk about? c,Where are they going? (2) Listen to the video, then answer the question:What 5 is the main idea? Raise some questions, gu

6、ide students to think and find out the answer.引出 Seniors Center. 【设计意图】在阅读教学之前,通过问题形式先让学生了解 Reading 大概的意思,并让孩子们带着问题去看录音,边思 考边理解,更有目的性。 Step 4 :While-reading 1. Open the book, read the passage, then answer the questions : (1) What are they going to do? (2) Whats Xiaoming going to do ? (Underline the

7、answer,solve the problems, and learn the passage.) 2. Read and tick What are they going? Who Things to do dance sing tell stories take photos kids Xiaoming 3. Check the answer. 【设计意图】在阅读文本的时候,用简单的选择题的形式引 导学生边欣赏边解决问题、学习语言,并在找问题的同时, 引导学生学会寻找答案的技巧,快速浏览文章,并在文中获 取重要信息点,并在相关的提示下,找出正确答案。这对学 6 生提高阅读能力有一定的帮助

8、。 4.Listen and follow the CD. T:Now,lets listen to the passage carefully,follow it.Please imitate!(Ss listen and follow.) 【设计意图】通过此环节,激发其学习兴趣,集中学生的注 意力,提高他们的听力并模仿朗读,培养英语语感,并迅速 寻找答案。 5.Read passage again, PK read. 【设计意图】通过 PK 读课文的环节,激发其学习兴趣,同 时更好地模仿文章的语气语调。也是可以检测学生们对文章 的掌握程度如何? 6.Take out the exercis

9、e, True or False. ( )1.Xiaoming is going to tell interesting stories. ( )2.Xiaoming is worried about what he can do. ( )3.Theyre going to have a good time in the Seniors Center. ( )4.Xiao ming is fond of taking photos. ( )5.We should be nice to the elderly people. 【设计意图】在进行文本阅读时,帮学生解决掉文本的知识 点并进行拓展。

10、Lots of fun=have a good time is fond of=like 7 Step 5 Post-reading 1.Watch the video,answer the question:What can they do for the elderly people? 【设计意图】通过此环节,让学生看公益宣传片,让学生明 白,孝敬老人不仅是去养老院,在任何地方,只要我们有心, 都可以尊重老人和孝敬老人。 2. Choose the words to fill in the blanks. Were going to a Seniors Center tomorrow. I

11、m going to , , and with the seniors. Its going to be lots of fun! 3. Discuss: What should we do for elderly people in daily life. 【设计意图】 通过讨论后, 引导学生用所学句型大胆开口说, 并同时对学生进行德育,引导学生“尊敬老人,不分时间和 地点”。 Step 7 Homework How to take care of the elderly people in the daily sing make cards dance walk take photos e

12、xercise clean the windows wash the dishes fold the clothes cook some food make them happy 8 life.Please share your ideas with your friends. 【设计意图】通过作业形式,运用所学语言点,巩固课堂知 识点。 七七、教学检测安排教学检测安排 Step 4 :While-reading 2. Read and tick What are they going? Who Things to do dance sing tell stories take photos

13、kids Xiaoming 6.Take out the exercise, True or False. ( )1.Xiaoming is going to tell interesting stories. ( )2.Xiaoming is worried about what he can do. ( )3.Theyre going to have a good time in the Seniors Center. ( )4.Xiao ming is fond of taking photos. ( )5.We should be nice to the elderly people.

14、 Step 5 Post-reading 2. Choose the words to fill in the blanks. sing make cards dance walk take photos 9 Were going to a Seniors Center tomorrow. Im going to , , and with the seniors. Its going to be lots of fun! 3. Discuss: What should we do for elderly people in daily life. Step 7 Homework How to take care of the elderly people in the daily life.Please share your ideas with your friends. exercise clean the windows wash the dishes fold the clothes cook some food make them happy


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