(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 3 On Vacation-Lesson 4-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:c141a).doc

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1、教学设计教学设计 Unit 3 On Vacation (Reading and writing) Unit 3 On Vacation (Reading and writing) Pre-reading While-reading Step1 Ask and answer: What day is it today/ tomorrow/ the day after tomorrow? Step2 The teacher talks about her plan for this weekend. Then lead to Kevins postcard. Step1 Look, listen

2、 and read Kevins postcard. Then answer the questions and check the answer. Step2 Listen and read Kevins postcard again. Step3 Complete Dagangs postcard and check the answer. Step1 Learn to how to write a postcard and finish the teachers postcard together. Warm-up Post-reading The end Step4 Read Daga

3、ngs postcard and judge, then check the answer. Step5 Read Dagangs postcard after the teacher. Homework Greetings and sing the song “What are you going to do?” Step2 The students write a postcard by themselves, then share their postcards in groups. 1. Read the two postcards of “Reading and writing” o

4、nce. 2. Writing: Write a postcard to your good friend, tell her/him about your plan for this weekend. Teaching Location: Reading and writing I. Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aim: Will be able to read and understand the two postcards. 2. Ability aim: 1) Will be able to use “be going to” to express the

5、plan. 2) Will be able to write a postcard. 3. Emotion aim: 1) Will be able to participate in classroom activities actively. 2) Will be able to speak English without fear of error. 4. Learning strategy aim: 1) Have the students look, listen and read the two postcards. 2) Have the students write a pos

6、tcard. 5. Culture aim: Understand the differences between Chinese and English when writing the address. II. Teaching objectives: 1. Learn the two postcards in “Reading and writing”. 2. Learn to write a postcard. III. Teaching main points: 1. Understand the two postcards and finish the exercises. 2.

7、Learn to write a postcard. IV. Teaching difficult point: Learn to how to write a postcard. V. Teaching Materials: computer, PPT VI. Teaching Methods: Task-based Approach, Communicative Approach Teaching Procedure Teaching Purpose Warm up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing the song “What are you going to do?” 课前的

8、歌曲热身活动,不但能 激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课 堂气氛,而且还能复习和巩固 一般将来时的句型结构。 Pre-reading 1. Ask and answer: What day is it today/ tomorrow/ the day after tomorrow? 2. The teacher talks about her plan for this weekend. Then lead to Kevins postcard with the question “What is he going to do tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?”

9、 While-reading 1. Have the students look at Kevins postcard, listen and underline the new words. 学生回答的时间单词能为下一 步教师谈论的计划作铺垫,使 上下两环节衔接自然。 教师谈论的计划能训练学生听 力技能的同时,也能为后面学 生的写作作铺垫,而且还可以 自然地过渡到下一个内容。 让学生养成寻找和发现新单词 的习惯。 2. Have the students read the postcard by themselves and then answer the questions. 3. Che

10、ck the answer together. 4. Have the students listen to Kevins postcard again and repeat one sentence by sentence. 5. Detailed learning “Best regards”. 6. Have the students read Kevins postcard together. 7. Exercise: Complete the postcard with the words and phrases from the box. 8. Check the answer t

11、ogether. 9. Exercise: Read and judge, write “T” or “F”. Have the students read Dagangs postcard first, then finish the exercise by themselves. 10. Check the answer together. 11. Have the students read the postcard after the teacher. Then ask three students to read the postcard one by one. 让学生养成通篇阅读后

12、回答的 习惯。 能检查学生的掌握情况。 跟读能让学生模仿正确的语音 语调。 能让学生了解明信片的祝福 语。 培养学生读的能力。 检查学生对明信片内容的理解 情况。 能检查学生的掌握情况。 能培养学生的阅读能力的同 时,也能再次检查学生对明信 片内容的理解情况。 能检查学生的掌握情况。 可以纠正学生的语音语调;可 以检查学生对整篇读的语音语 调的掌握情况。 Post-reading 1. Learn to how to write a postcard. 2. Learn to describe the address in Chinese and English. 为学生后面的写作做准备。 让

13、学生了解写明信片时中英文 化的差别。 3. Finish the teachers postcard together. 4. Have the students write a postcard to their friends by themselves. 5. Ask two students to read out their postcards. Then have the students share their postcards in groups. 范文能让学生学习和模仿。 写作练习,能训练学生的综合 运用英语的能力。 能检查学生的写作情况,也能 训练学生的听说读写能力,同

14、时还可以让学生互相学习,拓 宽学生的知识面。 Summary 小结让学生知道这节课所学的 知识。 Homework 1. Read the two postcards of “Reading and writing” once. 2. Writing 书面表达:书面表达: 这个周末你打算做些什么?写一张明信片这个周末你打算做些什么?写一张明信片 给你的好朋友,把你的计划告诉他给你的好朋友,把你的计划告诉他/她。她。 作业是课堂教学的延伸,读课 文能让学生再一次复习所学知 识,而书面表达可以检查学生 对所学知识的掌握情况。 Layout of Blackboard Unit 3 On Vacat

15、ion Reading and writing Best regards road 路路 street 街道街道 Coco White 注: 这一节课的板书设计比较随意和随机应变, 因为本课主要学习的是明信片及注: 这一节课的板书设计比较随意和随机应变, 因为本课主要学习的是明信片及 其相关的短文阅读, 而短文内容主要是围绕一般将来时的句型结构, 如果把明信其相关的短文阅读, 而短文内容主要是围绕一般将来时的句型结构, 如果把明信 片的格式和一般将来时的句型结构板书在黑板上, 就会比较费时间和显得比较累片的格式和一般将来时的句型结构板书在黑板上, 就会比较费时间和显得比较累 赘,所以明信片的格

16、式和重要的句型,在教学的过程中呈现在电子白板上,让学赘,所以明信片的格式和重要的句型,在教学的过程中呈现在电子白板上,让学 生跟着教师的引导进行学习, 这样一边呈现一边生跟着教师的引导进行学习, 这样一边呈现一边学习, 可以更好地吸引学生的注学习, 可以更好地吸引学生的注 意力,让学生把所学内容掌握得更好。所以,这节课的板书其实不是很重要,只意力,让学生把所学内容掌握得更好。所以,这节课的板书其实不是很重要,只 是根据学生在学的过程中, 把他们遇到不会的单词或词组板书下来, 是可写可不是根据学生在学的过程中, 把他们遇到不会的单词或词组板书下来, 是可写可不 写的,是比较随意的。写的,是比较随

17、意的。 拓展练习:拓展练习: I. Read and judge, write “T” or “F”. 1.1. The postcard is to Dagang. ( )The postcard is to Dagang. ( ) 2.2. Dagang is going to surf the Internet with his cousin this afternoon.( )Dagang is going to surf the Internet with his cousin this afternoon.( ) 3.3. Dagang is goiDagang is going

18、to have a party on the weekend. ( )ng to have a party on the weekend. ( ) 4.4. Dagang lives (Dagang lives (居住居住) in Room 138, 15) in Room 138, 15th th Street, New York. ( ) Street, New York. ( ) II. Writing: 这个周末你打算做些什么?写一张明信片给你的朋友这个周末你打算做些什么?写一张明信片给你的朋友 Coco,把你的计划告,把你的计划告 诉他。诉他。 Coco 的地址:中国广东深圳罗湖和平路的地址:中国广东深圳罗湖和平路 102 号号 邮编:邮编:518001


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