(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 5 My Favorite Activities-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:c0076).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 My Favorite Activities_Lesson 4_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:c0076)
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Unit 5 My Favorite Activities Reading and writing fishing go fishing hiking go hiking ice-skating go ice-skating reading go reading swimming go swimming seeing a movie see a movie playing computer games play computer games Activities Guzhen, Zhongshan Miss Lin surfing the Internet three times a week Aboutme ?years old Howtomakenewfriends? a letter a postcard QQ Wechat an email E-mail is a kind of communication and it is the most widely used service on the Internet. E-mail is fast and convenient. 网络常用交流工具,网络常用交流工具, 它快速、方便。它快速、方便。 This is my email from zsxjz2014 E-mail: I like to make some new friends with email. We should use email to work or study too. AnemailfromSam NameAgeCountry Favorite activities How oftenWith Sam Canada 11fishing on weekends dad Read by yourself.(自读) Canada Judge(T or F) Why? ()2.Samalwayscatchesfish. ()3.Samisunhappybecausehedoesnt alwayscatchfish. Discuss F F ()1.Samandhisfatheralways gofishingearly. T _________sentanemailbacktoSam.Xiaofang 1、Whats Xiaofangs favorite activity? 2、What does Xiaofang like doing? Xiao fang China goes ice-skating every day twenty likes reading emails likes shopping A goes ice-skating with friends Read and choose. Xiao fang China goes ice-skating every week twelve likes reading emails likes shopping B goes ice-skating with friends Xiao fang China goes ice-skating every week twelve likes reading emails doesnt like shopping C goes ice-skating with friends likes shopping Discuss window shopping 随便看看、看而不买随便看看、看而不买 Xiao fang China goes ice-skating every week twelve likes reading emails doesnt like shopping C goes ice-skating with friends Email your friends 1、First you need to get an e-mail address. 2、 Second you know your friends e-mail address . 3、 Third Introduce yourself. About me LiveCountry How often LikeFavorite . Age With Name 一、一、AnswerAnswer P61P61 二、二、 TalkTalk aboutabout yourself.yourself. 小提示小提示:可以利用这些句型表达可以利用这些句型表达 My names. I am. years old. I am from . I live in. My favorite activit is. I often. (once a week twice a week three times a month .) Work in your group.(小组合作 ) Name:Lisa From:Zhongshan Age:10 School:ZhongshanExperimental Primaryschool Favorite activities: dancing, singing, painting Favorite color: yellow Favorite food: pizza E-mail: Lets make some new friends! Name:Tom From:Zhongshan Age:11 School:ZhongshanExperimental Primaryschool Favorite activities: playing computer games, riding a bike Favorite color: brown Favorite food: cake E-mail: Name:Sweet From:Hunan Age:12 School:GuzhenGuer Primaryschool Favorite activities: reading, dancing Favorite color: pink and purple Favorite food: ice-cream E-mail: Name:ZhenWenjing From:Heyuan,Guangdong Age:11 School:GuzhenGuer Primaryschool Favoriteactivities: playing the piano Favorite color: black Favorite food: tofu E-mail: E-mail: Email: E-mail: E-mail: New friends inthe future( 将来) Hello!Mynames___________._____________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Completeyouremail 完成你的邮件,可以写给你的同学或新朋友 Homework Writemore,complete youremailandsendit toyournewfriend. IliveinZhongshan. IstudyatSchool. Myfavoritecoloris. Myfavorite. NameAgeCountry Favorite activities How oftenWith Xiaofang12 China ice-skating every weekfriends Canada is located in the northern hemisphere of North America. set your email addressUnit 5 My Favorite Activities Reading and writing 教学反思 本节课是开心学英语小学英语五年级下册第五单元 My Favorite Activities 的第三课时 Reading and writing。本课时的重 点 1.Can listen and read the email. 2.Can read in the group and do some pairwork. 3.Can talk about myself, and complete the email. 4.Know how to email and use the email to make friends.本课教学 中,我依据“词不离句,句不离段”的原则,通过创设真实的 情景,引导学生从听、说、读、写,最后到能正确运用所学知 识进行阅读和写作;同时注重新旧知识的相互渗透,以培养学 生阅读写作能力。 1在课前准备阶段,我有意识设计导学案,并以小组合作 形式,让学生迅速进入英语氛围。提供大量阅读的信息为新课 做了一定的铺垫。 2活动形式多样,在活动中进一步加强阅读和写作的能力。 教学设计的引出与操练自然流畅,环环紧扣。操练形式多样, 但具有连贯性,层次性。内容丰富而不乱。学生积极主动参与, 参与面很广。体现了以学生为主体的教学原则,学生不仅从中 学到了新知识,更是拓展了思维,结合所学知识加以运用,学 习效果非常明显。 综观整节课,我以培养学生用英语进行交流的能力为教学 目标,以语言运用为中心,以“活动教学”为主线,以小组合 作学习为手段,以思维导图,生动有趣课件为辅助,力求给学 生创造一个开放、真实、平等、和谐的学习环境。但还存在的 问题:1、留给学生思考的时间不够充足。2、学生在写作训练 时间也不充足。Unit 5 My Favorite Activities Reading and writing English Learning List Name: Score: (满分满分 15 ) Part 1 preview P60(预习) 综合评价: (5 ) 1、查找单词意思,并会读 评价: ( 2 ) from ( ) to ( ) all day( ) often( ) email( ) catch fish( ) with ( ) early( ) stay out( ) an hour( ) anything( ) just like( ) look around( ) write soon( ) age( ) country( ) 2、预习 P61 、,并填空,会读 评价: (3 ) Part 2 Classroom Exercises(课堂练习) 综合评价: (10 ) 一、Listen read and answer.(听、读、回答)P60 自读 评价: (1 ) 小组读 评价: (1 ) 课堂回答问题 评价: (2 ) 二、小组交流,口头表达。 课堂参与情况评价: (4 ) P61 Talk about Sam and Xiaofang. P61 Anawer and Talk about yourself.(你自己)你自己) 三、完成练习 P61 4 。 Complete your email. 评价: (2 ) (要求:独立完成;完成后,小组交流。)要求:独立完成;完成后,小组交流。) 小提示:可以利用这些句型表达 My names. I am. years old. I am from . I live in. My favorite activit is. I often. (once a week twice a week three times a month . T Word Bank (词汇库词汇库) oil(油油), garlic(大蒜)(大蒜), ginger(姜)(姜), soy sauce(酱油)(酱油), egg, pepper(辣(辣 椒)椒), vinegar(醋)(醋), shallot(葱)(葱), chicken(鸡肉)(鸡肉), fish, beef(牛肉)(牛肉) 说明:可以交以上新朋友,也 可以发给班级同学。Unit 5 My Favorite Activities Reading and writing 教学设计 Teaching objective: 1. Can listen and read the email. 2. Can read in the group and do some pairwork. 3. Can talk about myself, and complete the email. 4. Know how to email and use the email to make friends. Teaching process: 1Warm up: Ask and answer What activities? Whats your favorite activities? How often do it? (设计意图:结合第五课词组、句型问答,从而过度新知识。) 2ReadingReading: 1、Tell aobut me. 强调 I like to make friends. (设计意图:通过自我介绍,让学生初步了解怎样介绍自己,为 写邮件作铺垫) 2、How to make new friends? T: Show the PPT. 出示各种交友方法:write a letter、 postcard、QQ、wechat、 email(强调使用) E-mail is a kind of communication and it is the most widely used service on the Internet. E-mail is fast and convenient. 3、Show the teachers email. I like to make some new friends with email. We should use email to work or study too. (设计意图:让学生初步了解电子邮件) 4、An email from Sam (1)Read by yourself. (2)Listen and read the email. (3)Anawer the questiong. (4)Judge(T or F) 1. Sam and his father always go fishing early. 2. Sam always catches fish. 3. Sam is unhappy because he doesnt always catch fish. (设计意图:通过自读、小组交流、回答问题、判断对错等形 成,加强学生的阅读理解能力。) 5、Xiaofang sent an email back to Sam. (1) Read in group . Q :1、Whats Xiaofangs favorite activity? 2、What does Xiaofang like doing? (2) Read and choose. (3)解释 window shopping and shopping. (设计意图:通过选择让学生概括文章大意,找出错的原因,增 强阅读理解能力。) 3、Writing 1、 Tell the students how to Email your friends. (1)First you need to get an e-mail address. (2)Second you know your friends e-mail address . (3)Third Introduce yourself. (设计意图:让学生了解发电子邮件的要素,为下一步写作作铺垫, 通过思维导图的设计,让学生明白易懂。) 2、 Work in your group.(小组合作) (1)Answer P61 (2)Talk about yourself. (设计意图:通过小组合作,学会表达、能够积极参与活动) 3、Lets make some new friends! (设计意图:介绍新朋友,激发交友欲望。) 4、Complete your email. (设计意图通过前面的学习,学生已经掌握一定的写作技巧,最 后进行写作训练,加深知识的理解和运用。) 5、Check the writing. (设计意图:检查学生的写作情况,反馈意见。) 4、Homework. Write more, complete your email and send it to your new friend. I live in Zhongshan. I study at School. My favorite color is . My favorite . (设计意图:课后再布置写作训练,加强阅读写作的应用。)
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