(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 5 My Favorite Activities-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:a049a).zip

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More reading and writing Unit5 My Favorite Activities Task 1Task 1 My favorite activity BrainstormBrainstorm : : . Task 2Task 2 Yes Or No读一读判一判 Game Rules(规则规则 ) : 1. You read the sentence together. 2. If its right, you stand up quickly and say: “Yes! Yes! Yes!”. if its wrong, you stand up quickly and say: “No! No! No!”. I always shout in I always shout in the classroom.the classroom. I always swim in the I always swim in the river.river. We sometimes say We sometimes say Excuse meExcuse me. . Yes! Yes! Yes! No! No! No! Yes/No:Yes/No:(读读读读一一读读读读判一判)判一判) Tom usually runs in the museum.Tom usually runs in the museum. I never push peopleI never push people at the bus stop. at the bus stop. They They usually smokeusually smoke in the theater. in the theater. We often keep quiet in the library.We often keep quiet in the library. Task 3Task 3 Tom 10 What does he usually do at the swimming pool? Rule1: Never run by the swimming pool. Tom always runs by the swimming pool. Rule2: Never shout at the swimming pool. Tom usually shouts at the swimming pool. Rule3: Never push your friends into the water. Tom sometimes pushes his friends into the water. Rule4: Never fight with your friends in water. Tom always fights with his friends in water. Rule5: Always listen to the lifeguard. Tom never listens to the lifeguard at the swimming pool. Task 4Task 4 Reading Hello, my name is Tom. Im 10 years old. My favorite activity is swimming. I often go swimming twice a week at the swimming pool. I always run by the swimming pool. I usually shout at the swimming pool. I sometimes push my friends into the water. I always fight with my friends in water. I never listen to the lifeguard. 1. Tom is____years old. A. 12 B. 9 C.11 D. 10 D 3.Does Tom always listen to the lifeguard?____ A. Yes,he do. B. No, he dont. C. No, he doesnt. D. Yes, he does. C 2.Tom____ pushes his friends into the water. A. never B. sometimes C. sometime D. usually B 4.How often does Tom go swimming?____ A. Twice a week. B. Once a week. C. Twice a month. D. Three times a week. A Task 5Task 5 True or False Tom usually goes swimming without parents.( ) Tom always sits on the diving board.( ) Tom sometimes helps small children at the swimming pool.( ) Rule6: Children under 12 must go swimming with parents. Tom usually goes swimming without parents.( ) F Tom always sits on the diving board.( ) Rule7: Never sit on the diving board. F Rule8: Always help small children at the swimming pool. Tom sometimes helps small children at the swimming pool.( ) T Task 6Task 6 A song: At the swimming pool At the swimming pool. At the swimming pool. Never run, never shout. At the swimming pool. At the swimming pool. Listen to the lifeguard, listen to the lifeguard. Never push, never fight. Help small children, help small children. Task 7Task 7 More More rulesrules Dont eat too much.Dont eat too much. Dont eat Dont eat and drink.and drink. Say more rules(Say more rules(七嘴八舌)七嘴八舌) Dont smoke.Dont smoke. Do warm up exercise.Do warm up exercise. Dont litter.Dont litter. Wear swimming cap.Wear swimming cap. Dont spit.Dont spit. Dont take petsDont take pets . . Task 8Task 8 Rules At The Swimming Pool -Make and Act 1.Design your pool rules. 2.Write them down. 3.Act them out. 4.Group show. Speak loudly. Listen carefully. Group workGroup work Follow the pool rulesFollow the pool rules Prevent drowning. 防溺水 Cherish your life. 珍爱爱生命 Write the rules for your class. (为为班级级制作英文班规规)课题My Favorite Activities (More reading and writing) 一、教材分析及学生分析 本节课的学习内容为粤人 2011 课标版五年级下册 Unit5 中的第六个课时:More reading and writing-Rules at the swimming pool,属于拓展阅读教学,教材比较生活化,是与本 单元话题My Favorite Activities有关联的趣味语篇。主要讲述了祈使句和频率副词。学生 们通过本课学习,能够用Always/Please或 “Never/Dont发出指令或要求遵守基本的游 泳池规则,培养学生综合语言运用能力。 本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,五年级学生对英语有一定的积累,具备一定的词汇 和语言基础,能够完成一些词汇的自学,敢于展示自己的思想与个性。学生在前面的学习 中已经学习了频率副词如 usually, always, sometimes, never 和关于 activities 的相关动词 短语如take photos, have a picnic, surf the Internet, go swimming, go hiking, go camping, go fishing, go sightseeing等,并能用how often, once, twice, three times.; Whats your favorite activity? My favorite activity is.进行问答。在之前的学习中也接触过 祈使句Always/Please.或 “Never/Dont.,这些知识都为本课的学习打下了基础。 本课 的重难点是要学生运用学过的内容进行表述、展示生活中公共场所游泳池的礼仪、规则, 并以此养成良好的行为习惯,建立规则意识,安全意识,让孩子们学有所获。 二、教学目标分析 (一)知识目标: 1. 复习前面所学过的频率副词,动词短语和句型,能听 Whats your favorite activity? 说 My favorite activity is.,能读、写本课单词,短语和祈使句句型:lifeguard, diving board. Never run/push/shout. Do not sit on the diving board. Always listen to the lifeguard. Be careful. Help small children. 2. 能听懂、会说,认读,并且会写 More reading and writing 部分的内容。 3. 学会泳池规则,用规则编造歌曲,小组合作制定泳池规则。 (二)能力目标: 1. 培养学生乐于表达,勇于展示的能力,增强学习英语的自信心。 2. 鼓励学生积极主动参与课堂活动,培养学生想象力,创造性和小组合作性。 (三)情感目标: 1. 学会泳池规则,泳池内不跑,不喊,不推,不打闹,不坐跳水板上,听救生员的 话,和父母一起去游泳,帮助小朋友等,做个文明礼貌的游泳者。 2. 通过本节课学习,让学生能把生活中其他公共场所的有些礼仪、规则用于泳池, 遵守规则。 3. 从这节课后学生能知道以后要去正规场所-游泳池游泳,游泳时要注意安全,防止 溺水,珍爱生命。 三、教学重难点分析 1. 重点单词、短语:at the swimming pool, fight, shout, jump, run, listen to the lifeguard, dont sit on the diving board, be careful. 2. 日常生活中游泳时,哪些该做,哪些不该做,规则表达,用祈使句:Always., Never.,Please.,Dont 3. 难点:综合运用所学,小组合作设计写出自己的游泳池规则并展示。 四、教学资源 多媒体软件,PPT 课件,实物,泳池视频,微课,学生练习纸, 卡纸, 黑板字卡等。 五、教学过程 教学步骤教学步骤教学活动教学活动设计说明设计说明 Stage1 启发思维,引出本 课主题,帮助学生 Step1: Warming up Greetings and brainstorm T:Today we learn Unit5.We have many activities. What your favorite activity? T: Pictures for you, please read the sentence one by one my favorite activity is T: Whats his/her favorite activity? T: How often do you go swimming? Where do you usually go swimming? What do you usually do at the swimming pool? Is he/she right? Play a game: Yes or No 初步建立礼仪、规 则意识。 T: Lets play a game:Yes or No, game rules, for example. 激发学生学习动机,通过头脑风暴激发 学生对旧知识的回顾,包括词汇和句型 的应用与巩固。通过问答把同学们引到 与今天课题相关的游泳池活动主题。通 过 Yes or No 游戏,创建轻松氛围,引 导同学初步建立礼仪、规则意识,哪些 是可以做的,哪些是不可以做的,同时 引向主人公 Tom。 Step1: Lead in and watch a video T: Do you want to know Tom? Let me introduce him. This is Tom, he is my student, he is 10 years old. His favorite activity is swimming at the swimming pool. T: What does he usually do at the swimming pool? Lets watch a video. 通过一位学生认识的同学 Tom 的照片带 他们一起观看 Tom 在泳池的一段视频和 讲述,既融入了学生的实际生活,又激发 了他们的学习兴趣和动机。 Step2: Presentation Ask and answer T: What does Tom usually do at the swimming pool? T: Do you.? Is that right? So remember: Never run/shout/push/fight.; Please always listen to the lifeguard. 由 Tom 的泳池行为谈到学生自己的行为, 通过回顾视频图片逐步新授文本内容,5 条规则,引导学生说出来,同时帮助学 生建立正确规则意识。 Reading and exercise T: Do you remember the video of Tom? If you dont, thats ok, lets read together. Then do exercise. 学后练习题巩固加深规则认知 Stage2 从观看视频到新授, 再到对文本泳池规 则的评价与正确规 则的认知。 Show Tom more rules 利用先学后教的方式,学生先预习,初 步判断正误,对即学内容有了解。通过 回顾视频图片继续新授文本内容,3 条规 T: Lets go on and show Tom more rules. Before this, please preview below sentences, true or false. Then we will check the answer. T: Lets check the answer. One. two.three. T: So remember:Never sit on the diving board; Always swim with parents; Always help small children. 则,引导学生说出来。同时帮助学生建 立正确规则意识。 Step3: Consolidation T: What are they on the blackboard? T: Lets sing a song: At the swimming pool. First, I will teach you how to sing. Second, change the lyrics, you sing. 通过问题 What are they? 承前启后, 与 新授的内容 Rules at the swimming pool 紧密相连。同时把两只老虎的歌词 改编为泳池规则,和学生一起唱,让学 生在放松的氛围中掌握以上所学规则, 寓教于乐。 Step1: Rules extending Say more rules (七嘴八舌) Stage3 拓展延伸说出更多 泳池规则。 T: Can you say more rules at the swimming pool ? . T:Pictures for you, please say out the rules. 老师鼓励学生说出更多的泳池规则,再通 过图片引导学生认读新规则。 Step1: Production-make and act the rules Task assignment and introduction T: Now we learn many rules, can you make your rules at your swimming pool? Firstly, design your pool rules. Secondly, write them down. Thirdly, act them out. Fourthly, group show. T: Please take out your paper, group work. 通过以上环节层层递进的输入,设计这 个输出的环节,有利于学生内化所学知 识,积极输出。 Watch a video. Stage4 内化语言,积极输 出。 T: Now please watch a video. T: Do you know how to do it? okay, go. 通过观看一个微视频,让学生在看中了 解如何去完成制作和表演的过程,形象 生动有趣,有助于激发学生学习动机。 Group show T: Do you finish? Which group can try? Group xx, welcome.; Claps for them. 小组讨论、合作、汇报,有助于培养学 生的自信心和团队合作精神。 Assessment Six groups hang up reports on the rope. T:Wonderful! They are beautiful! You are great! Which one is your favorite report? You can choose two reports and put stickers on them. T:You can discuss in your group first, then one student in each group comes here and put stickers on them. T: Lets count. How many stickers? Group xx.Which group is No1? T:Group xx, stand up please, congratulation! claps for them. I will give a big gift to you.(hug or shake hands) 老师鼓励学生说并表演,及时评价,同 时引导学生自我评价和对他人进行评价, 体现了以学生为中心的教学策略。 Step1: Emotional education T:Its hot in summer, we like swimming, but please go swimming at the swimming pool. Be careful of water, and pay attention to the safety, prevent drowning, cherish your life, follow the rules. 通过溺水图片教育学生要去正规泳池游 泳,注意安全,防溺水,珍爱生命,遵 守规则。 Step2: Summary Review the contents in this class. 引导学生总结并说出本课所学主要内容。 Step3: Homework Stage5 对学生渗透情感教 育,总结,作业布 置。 Write the rules for your class. (为班级制作英文班规) 课上内容的延续,内化及运用,学以致用。 六、教学评价和反思六、教学评价和反思 1 1、亮点:亮点: (1)教学目标和学习目标明确,重难点突出,思路清晰,由易到难,层层递进,主线新颖, 设计上与教材内容紧密结合,很好的分析教材利用教材,并对教材进行了重新整合,整节课 设计包括板书设计、评价设计均紧扣主题,课堂气氛活跃、教学效果良好。 (2)创设的情景贴近生活实际,两个视频主角都是学生熟悉的同学,拍摄情景也是学生们日常 生活中非常熟悉的泳池游泳活动,更能激发学生的学习兴趣、学习动机,同时进行了安全、 防溺水、珍爱生命,遵守规则教育。 (3)游戏Yes or No为本课主题学习做好铺垫。两只老虎的歌词改编为泳池规则,和学生一 起唱,让学生在放松的氛围中掌握与主题相关的知识,寓教于乐。 (4)小组合作尽量让每组学生有机会上台展示自己,充分调动了学生主动参与课堂的积极性, 增强了他们学习英语的自信心,特别是平日性格非常腼腆的学生,上台后也能开口;进行了 跨学科的教学,让学生在写的同时锻炼了美术设计能力,同时培养学生团队合作精神。 (5)对学生进行及时评价,同时教导学生如何进行自我评价和对他人评价,充分发挥了学生 为主体的教学策略。 2 2、不足:、不足: 时间的布局欠妥,虽然小组活动学生们的参与度高,但前面输入环节可以给学生更多时 间练习和展示,以便为后面的输出环节做更好铺垫,在以后的教学中需要改进。
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