(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 6 Good Habits-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:c3aef).zip

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Unit 6 Good Habits May 16th (The 3rd period) listening and speaking Step1: warming up step2: talk about your good habits step3: talk about your friends good habits step4: write an article to introduce our class to the teachers * washes her face takes out the trash packs his schoolbag finishes his homework combs her hair hangs up his clothes brushes her teeth * * eats fruit reads books studies plays basketball takes out the trashsweeps the floor studies Game time. * cooks some food cooks some food sweeps the floor washes the clothes hangs up her clothes plays soccer * combs her hair does his homework washes his face washes the dishes *packs her schoolbag finishes his homework washes the dishes Im Julie,your English teacher. I have good habits. Do you know? I brush my teeth three times a day. I wash my face three times a day. I hang up my clothes once a day. I take out the trash once a day. Talk about your good habits Terry goes dancing two times a week. Mary takes out the trash three times a week. Rainy hangs up clothes every day. Ivy combs her hair every day. Mimi washes the dishes four times a week. Daniel brushes his teeth two times a day. Sunny eats fruit every day. Gary cleans up his room two times a week. Ally finishes her homework five times a week. Penny washes her clothes every day. Angelina reads books five times a week. Andy plays basketball five times a week. Peter does his homework five times a week. Write down your friends good habit Mark plays basketball five times a week. Hello! Everyone. Our class is very good, because everyone has good habits. Julie brushes her teeth three times a week. ________________________________. _______________________________. _______________________________. I love our class. ____from class6, Grade5 Talk about your bad habits I never clean up my office desk. Its quite normal that we have bad habits. However, we should try to develop good habits and get rid of bad habits. (所有人都会有坏 习惯,这是很正常的。但是我们应该尽量 去培养好习惯,改正坏习惯。) Are you happy to do that? Summary 1. we have learned how to talk about our own good habits 2. we have learned how to talk about our friends good habits Homework Try to find one or two good habits of your family and then write down their good habits (找到家人一两个 好的习惯,然后写成一篇小短文。) e.g. There are _____people in my family. They have good habits. My father______________. My mother_______________. My brother____________. My sister ____________. We are happy. Blackboard Design Im Julie. I like brushing my teeth. I brush my teeth three times a day. I dont like cleaning up the room. I clean up the room only once a week. a good habit a bad habit Julie has a bad habit and a good habit. Hello! My name is Mark. Im 27 years old. I have good habits and bad habits. I like playing basketball. I play basketball five times a week. I also like washing my face. I wash my face three times a day. But I dont like hanging up my clothes. I hang up my clothes about once a month. And I dont like eating vegetables. I eat vegetables about once a week. Hello! My name is Mark. I have good habits. In the morning, I always wash my face and brush my teeth. I wash my face and brush my teeth three times a day. In the afternoon, I often play basketball with my friends. I play basketball five times a week. In the evening, I always finish my work and pack my bag. I finish my work and then pack my bag every day. I often take out the trash and clean up my room. I take out the trash and clean up my room five times a week. Do you think Im a good boy or bad boy? cleans up the room hangs up her clothes brushes his teeth finishes his homework combs her hair washes the dishes goes running goes dancing eats fruit packs his school bag goes singing takes out the trash1 一、教学内容一、教学内容: : 1、Book6 Grade5 Unit6 Listening, Speaking and Writing 二、教学流程图二、教学流程图: : 复习并热身 引入好习惯主题 听力输入 通过两个游戏帮助学生复习本节课的重点短 语,同时将学生迅速带入学习的课堂氛围; 游戏中包含的重点短语也为学生后面的听力 理解和作文输出提供了语言支撑。 通过一首 chant 介绍老师的好习惯,同 引出学生谈论自己的好习惯 为后面学生谈论朋友的好习惯做情感铺垫 情感输入,播放班 上学生好习惯图片 通过让学生听一篇老师的朋友的好习惯 的一篇文章帮助学生大量输入有关好习 惯的短语以及句子表达 2 三、教学目标三、教学目标: : 1. 语言知识目标 (1) 能运用一下短语:brushes her/his teeth; washes his/her face; combs his/her hair; finishes his/her homework; packs his/her schoolbag; hangs up his/her clothes; takes out the trash; cleans up the room (2) 能够在具体的语境中运用下面的句型: He twice a week/month/ year. She three times a week/month/ year. 2、 语言技能目标 能够在老师的指导下产出一篇介绍本班学生好的行为习惯的篇章。 3.情感目标 引导学生发现别人的好习惯,找出自己的坏习惯。在日常生活中培养好习惯, 改正坏习惯。 四、教学重点:四、教学重点:在老师的引导下产出一篇介绍本班学生好的行为习惯的篇章。 五、教学难点:五、教学难点:产出一篇介绍本班学生好的行为习惯的篇章 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: Step1Step1 WarmWarm upup andand reviewreview (5(5 minutes)minutes) 1. greeting through the game of Simon says 2. play the bomb game on ppt 3. play the memory game 学生写上班上好朋友的一个好习惯在贴纸 上,然后上去朗读并贴在班级树上。 创建班级好习惯 树 作文产出 学生写一遍文章向听课的老师介绍我们的 好班级。 3 【设计意图】 通过几个简短的游戏活跃课堂气氛的同时帮助学生复习和巩固前 两个课时学过的好习惯动词短语,为后面的环节做好语言知识的准备和输入。 Step2Step2 IntroduceIntroduce thethe topictopic ofof goodgood habitshabits (5(5 minutes)minutes) 2.12.1 introduceintroduce teachersteachers goodgood habitshabits toto studentsstudents throughthrough chantingchanting andand thenthen askask studentsstudents toto recallrecall whatwhat goodgood habitshabits doesdoes theirtheir teacherteacher havehave 【设计意图】通过 chanting 方式吸引学生的兴趣,同时通过让学生迅速回忆 并说出老师的好习惯来引出重点句型 She/He washes her face three times a day. 2.22.2induceinduce studentsstudents toto talktalk aboutabout theirtheir goodgood habitshabits inin a a naturalnatural wayway 【设计意图】帮助学生去发现自己身上的好习惯,帮助他们获得满足感和自信。 Step3Step3 ListenListen toto JuliesJulies friendsfriends goodgood habitshabits andand thenthen askask studentsstudents toto saysay aloudaloud thethe goodgood habitshabits 3.1 present a picture of a handsome boy and ask students to guess who he is【设计意图】提高学生对听力内容的兴趣 3.2 listen to the story and then talk about the good habits 【设计意图】通过听力帮助学生输入一定的好习惯的短语和句型,为后面的作 文产出做铺垫。 Step4Step4 askask studentsstudents toto looklook atat thethe picturespictures ofof goodgood habitshabits ofof theirtheir classmates(friends)classmates(friends) andand thenthen writewrite downdown oneone goodgood habitshabits ofof theirtheir friendsfriends onon thethe stickersticker beforebefore putput itit onon thethe classclass treetree (1010 minutesminutes) 【设计意图】让学生动手创作班级好习惯树,该创作成果课后可挂在教室时刻 激励学生。 Step5Step5 outputoutput anan articlearticle toto introduceintroduce thethe goodgood habitshabits ofof ourour classclass toto thethe teachersteachers 【设计意图】 培养学生作文写作的能力;同时对本节课的情感目标进行升华 Step6Step6 SummarizeSummarize andand evaluateevaluate thethe studentsstudents performanceperformance 【设计意图】对本节课的学习内容进行总结同时通过对学生的课堂表现进行评 价以延续学生的学习兴趣和课堂效果。 七、板书设计七、板书设计 Unit Good Habits 4
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