(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 6 Good Habits-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:805f5).zip

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Unit 6 Good Habits More reading and writing How can we have good teeth教学设计教学设计 一、一、 教学内容教学内容: : 五年级下册Unit 6 Good Habits More reading and writing 阅读教 学。 二、二、 教学目标:教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 理解文本主要信息,知道正确的刷牙步骤及不同食物对牙齿的影 响。 2. 能在文本学习后,知道正确刷牙的方法。 学习策略目标: 1. 能在教师的引导下,通过跳读、寻读等策略理解文本大意。 2. 通过完成教师的教学任务,提高学生的阅读能力。 情感态度目标: 1. 学生能积极参与课堂的学习活动,并能乐于开口说英语。 2. 通过本课的学习,使学生知道不同食物对牙齿的影响,在生活中 注意爱护牙齿。 三、三、 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 刷牙时牙齿的不同部位:inside, outside, biting part. 2. 知道哪些食物对牙齿有好处,哪些食物对牙齿不好。 四、四、 教学难点:教学难点: 能够清晰掌握本文的两大内容:刷牙步骤及不同食物对牙齿的影 响。 并通过任务学习后,能与同伴通过讨论,知道怎样爱护牙齿。 五、五、 教学设备:教学设备: 多媒体设备、课件、练习纸等。 六、六、 教学过程:教学过程: StepsTeachers Activities Lead-in1. Have Ss think and answer: What do you know about teeth? 2. Ask and answer: What are they? (They are healthy/good teeth. They are unhealthy/bad teeth. ) What kinds of teeth do you like? Why? Pre- readingThink and answer: How can we have good teeth? While reading1. Read and answer: How can we have good teeth? How can you brush your teeth well? 2. Read and choose. 3. Talk about good habits and bad habits. 4. Read and write. How often should you brush your teeth? What foods are good for your teeth? What foods are not good for your teeth? Post - reading1. Lets talk. How can you have good teeth? 2. Enjoy a story and discuss. From the story, we know about Why Xiao Dong has bad teeth? What should Xiao Dong do? HomeworkDesign a post or a picture book of this passage.How can you have good teeth?How can you have good teeth? GOOD MORNING Unit 6 Good Habits (More Reading and Writing)Unit 6 Good Habits (More Reading and Writing) What do you know about teeth? We can eat things with our teeth. The teeth are white,yellow or black. We brush our teeth twice a day . healthy/good teeth 一、一、Read and answer.Read and answer. 一、一、Read and answer.Read and answer. You should brush your teeth twice a day and you should do it well. 二二、Read and find.Read and find. 2. How can you brush your teeth well? Step1Step1 Step2Step2 Step3Step3 Step4Step4 eat apples have soft drink eat candies brush the teeth 三三、Read and choose.Read and choose. ______________________ _______ _____ AB ___________ C D ___________________ ____ A B C D Read and complete the table. Good habits 好习惯 Bad habits 坏习惯 1.eat a lot of fruit 2.eat a lot of vegetables3.eat a lot of candies4.eat a lot of chocolate 5.do not brush teeth after eating 6. brush your teeth well 6. brush your teeth well 四四、Read and write.Read and write. You should brush your teeth twice a day. Vegetables and fruit are good for your teeth. Chocolate and candies are not good for your teeth. Lets read.Lets read. How can you have good teeth? 五、五、Lets talk.Lets talk. brush your teeth, do it well, inside, outside, biting part, wash, vegetables and fruit, good for chocolate and candies, not good for This is a Xiao Dong. His favorite activity is eating. He eats six times a day. He likes eating. But he doesnt like brushing his teeth. So he only brushes his teeth once a day. He usually eats very quickly, then plays with his friends. Inside Xiao Dongs mouth. The tooth worms(蛀牙虫)are very busy and happy. The tooth worms work when Xiao Dong is playing. The tooth worms work when Xiao Dong is sleeping. Xiao Dongs teeth are all decayed teeth(蛀牙). Xiao Dong has a toothache(牙痛). He cant play and eat. He cries everyday. ( )From the story, we know that _____ A.Good teeth are important for us. B. We should not care about our teeth. 在意的 A 重要的 Why Xiao Dong has bad teeth? Lets discuss. What should Xiao Dong do? Design a post or a picture book of this passage. (将本文内容制作成一个海报或者绘本。) TNANK YOU
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