(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Vacation Plans-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:11340).zip

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五五年级阅读练习年级阅读练习 Name: ____________ 任务一:任务一: NumberTasktick (完成请 “”) 1、Follow the video and read the passage loudly.(独自请跟读录像) 2、Read the passage loudly in group (小组齐读) 3、Complete the question of Task 100 (独自完成作业 100 分题目) 任务二:任务二: 1、Complete the bank (补充表格) 2、Complete the passage (补充短文) A Plan for the Vacation Hello, Im . Im going to ______ by__ _ in summer. Im going to stay ________. I m going to .It s going to be fun! Who?Who?WhereWhere toto go?go?HowHow toto go?go?WhereWhere toto staystayWhatWhat toto do?doMore reading and writing Robert WilsonDenise Wilson The Wilsons First-reading USAChina 1.Where are they from?2.Where are they going? 3.How are they going to Beijing? Were going to Beijing next year. We like riding bikes, so we want to see the cycling events. Were going to Beijing by plane. Were going to stay in a hotel near the Olympic Park. Were going to see the Greet Wall, watch some shows, and eat lots of Chinese food, too. 2. Why do they want to go? Because they like riding bikes, so. cycling events 自行车比赛 events equestrain eventsequestrain events Second Reading Read and answer the questions.(完成作业100分 Task1) 1. Where are they going to stay? 2.What are they going to do in Beijing? Were going to Beijing next year. We like riding bikes, so we want to see the cycling events. Were going to Beijing by plane. Were going to stay in a hotel near the Olympic Park. Were going to see the Greet Wall, watch some shows, and eat lots of Chinese food, too. 1. Where are they going to stay? They are going to stay in a hotel near the Olympic Park. Were going to Beijing next year. We like riding bikes, so we want to see the cycling events. Were going to Beijing by plane. Were going to stay in a hotel near the Olympic Park. Were going to see the Great Wall, watch some shows, and eat lots of Chinese food, too. 2. What are they going to do in Beijing? Theyre going to see the cycling events、 see the Great Wall, watch some shows, and eat lots of Chinese food, too. Home work Task work Number task tick (完 成请打“” ) 1、Follow the video and read the passage loudly. (独自请跟读录像) 2、Read the passage loudly in group (小组齐读) 3、Complete the question of Task 100 (独自完成作业100分题目) Write T for true and F for false. ( )1. Robert and Denise dont like cycling ( )2. The Wilsons are going to stay with friends in Beijing. ( )3. The Wilsons dont like Chinese food. ( )4. They are going to see the Great Wall. Were going to Beijing next year. We like riding bikes, so we want to see the cycling events. Were going to Beijing by plane. Were going to stay in a hotel near the Olympic Park. Were going to see the Greet Wall, watch some shows, and eat lots of Chinese food, too. ( )1. Robert and Denise dont like cycling. F like Were going to Beijing next year. We like riding bikes, so we want to see the cycling events. Were going to Beijing by plane. Were going to stay in a hotel near the Olympic Park. Were going to see the Greet Wall, watch some shows, and eat lots of Chinese food, too. ( )2. The Wilsons are going to stay with friends in Beijing. F stay in a hotel Were going to Beijing next year. We like riding bikes, so we want to see the cycling events. Were going to Beijing by plane. Were going to stay in a hotel near the Olympic Park. Were going to see the Greet Wall, watch some shows, and eat lots of Chinese food, too. ( )3. The Wilsons do not like Chinese food. F like Were going to Beijing next year. We like riding bikes, so we want to see the cycling events. Were going to Beijing by plane. Were going to stay in a hotel near the Olympic Park. Were going to see the Greet Wall, watch some shows, and eat lots of Chinese food, too. ( )4. They are going to see the Great Wall. T So, what is the text about? The text is about Wilsons vacation plan. Vacation plans What about What about What about you?you?you? A Plan for the Vacation Hello, Im . Im going to ______ by___ in summer. Im going to stay ________. Im going to .Its going to be fun! Who?Where to go?How to go?Where to stayWhat to do? Miss liuGuangzhouby bus in a hotelvisit the Haizhu Park 1、complete the bank (补充表格) 2、complete the passage (补充短文 ) Byebye! Thank youThank you一、教材内容与方法分析: 1、教材内容: 开心学英语 Book6 Unit 2(More reading and writing 部分) 2、方法分析: 通过任务型教学,让学生带着目的阅读文段,提高阅读效率。而情景 法教学能让学生对阅读文段有更深层的感情代入,使课程学习的积极性 更高。 二、教学目标与学情分析: (一)、教学目标 1、语言能力目标 (1)能掌握通过略读、细读查找信息,回答问题。 (2)能够通过老师板书的引导复述对话主要内容。 (3)能理解并流利地朗读对话内容。 2、情感态度目标 为自己的假期做计划,并通过英语表达自己的假期计划。 3、学习策略目标 (1)能够积极运用所学知识进行表达和交流,培养学生团结合作的能 力。 (2)在学习中,通过老师的引导启发,培养学生对英语的兴趣,感受 英语不同国家文化的乐趣。 (二)、学情分析 五年级学生由于有了四年多的英语学习经历,能够流利地朗读文句,学 习热情相对较高,开始接触阅读题,当缺乏阅读方法的指导。对于文本的 阅读还需要加深训练 三、教学重难点分析: 1、重点:通过阅读对话,从中获取 Wilsons一家关于假期计划的相关信 息。同时掌握一定的阅读技巧。 2、难点:引导学生找出关键信息,培养阅读文本,解决问题的能力 四、教具学具准备: 课件,视频,练习题 五、教学过程: StepStep 1 1 Pre-readingPre-reading 1Greeting 2Sing a song: Were going StepStep 2 2 While-readingWhile-reading 1.First-reading: (Skimming) (1)T:(show a picture)Look, These are Robert Wilson and Denise Wilson. Where are they from? WhoWhere to goHow to goWhy to go (教师带着学生一起看阅读并找出答案) (2).present the new words: “cycling events”and teach more about “events” 2.Second-reading: (T shows the Qs below and let Ss fill in blank by 10minutes , then check the answers and present the new phrase: cycling evens/stay in a hotel/ the Great Wall, watch shows) (1)Where are they going to stay? (2) What are they going to do in Beijng? (学生自主从书中找出答案并完成作业 100 分练习) (Listen and repeat by themselves. Then have Ss read the dialogue in groups.) 3.Third-reading (1)Have Ss watch the video and read the paragraphs by themselves. Try to finish the questions ( ) 1. Robert and Denise dont like cycling ( ) 2. The Wilsons are going to stay with friends in Beijing. ( ) 3. The Wilsons do not like Chinese food. ( ) 4. They are going to see the Great Wall. (2)Have Ss check their answers in group and underline the key words (3) Check the answer. StepStep 3 3 Post-readingPost-reading Find the difference around three pictures about bikes.Let Ss to talk about the difference. Step4.Step4. ExtensionExtension Write a vacation plan . Im going to ______ in the summer. Im going t______,________and _________. Its gong to have fun. Step5.Step5. HomeworkHomework 1. Read the story twice. 六、教学反思: 本节课是开心学英语五年级下册 Unit2On Vacation 的第四课时。 这节课定位为阅读写作课。目的是让孩子们在巩固句型和新单词的同时, 能够掌握阅读技巧,从而达到写作的输出。 首先由“What are you going to do?”这首歌引入本课 On vacation 的阅读材料,接着介绍本文主人翁史密斯夫妇。重点是在读中的 设计,第一遍先让学生通过对文中给出的地图进行理解阅读,从图片阅读 找出史密斯夫妇来自哪里,准备去哪里,用什么方式,实现对全文的初步 理解。第二遍阅读则是让学生深入原文,通过选择题的形式,了解更多细 节,在本环节,老师通过讲解答案,为学生讲解文中新词。最后通过让学 生对比文中出现的三幅自行车不同用法的图片,让学生对本文有更深的理 解,让本文学习层次得到升华。可是这节课上完以后,发现了一点问题, 在实际操作过程,操作形式和方式也过于单一,不够丰富,没有充分调动 WhoWhere to goHow to goWhat to do 起学生学习的积极性,激起学生学习英语的兴趣。 通过课后老师们的评课和自我反思,我更加清晰地认识到了自己存在 的一些不足,需要在下一步的教学中尽快的改进。我一定要多向老教师请 教,多听听老教师的课,以提高自己的英语教学水平,争取尽快从“洼地” 里走出来,走出沼泽,走向绿洲。
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