(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Vacation Plans-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:95542).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Vacation Plans_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:95542)
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Unit2 vacation plan Story 【学习目标】:1. Be able to read and act out the conversation. 2. Be able to ask and answer questions about the conversation (comprehending) . 一、创设问题 1. Warming-up 1)Greeting 2)sing a song and play a game 2. Creating a situation: 1. Say something about Tibet. 2. Show some pictures of the conversation( Jenny and Tony are going to have a vacation) and ask questions about them. Ask: Where are they going? What are they going to do? Do you have any more questions about the pictures? 【设计意图】:设置情境来创设问题,会比单纯的问题来得更自然,同时,在实际的情境里面 可以实现语言的实际运用。此环节所创设的问题既能激发学生的求知欲望,引导学生进行思考, 从而发现问题,解决问题,又能帮助学生理解本节课目标对话的内容。 二、自主探究 1. Watch the video of the conversation on page 18 . 2. Listen to the recording o again and repeat quietly. Listen for the third time and repeat loudly. 4.Read freely and underline the sentences you cant read. 【设计意图】:尽量给学生提供地道的原声英语,让学生听、学、模仿。引导自主学习,通过 听、标记,形成良好的自学习惯。 三、讨论解疑 1. Read the conversation in groups. 2. Discuss the answer of the questions on the board. 1) Where are they going to stay? 2)Whats in Tibet? 3) Can they go camping? Why? 【设计意图】:通过小组练习读,小组成员之间互相帮助、互相学习,共同完成任务。此环节 的第二部分是小组讨论并回答问题,问题由老师从对话中提炼出来,回答问题的方式有利于帮 助学生理解对话内容。 四、展示提升 1、Ask three or four groups to read the conversation in front. 2、The teacher ask some more questions about the conversation, help the Ss to understand the conversation. 【设计意图】:此环节是学生“输出”的体现,能检测学生对重点知识的理解、感悟及应用情况。 此环节旨在培养学生的总结归纳以及表达能力,教师通过点拨,攻破本节课的难点知识,同时 通过提炼对话重点内容来渗透英语阅读的方法。 五、当堂检测 1、Try to retell the story. 2、Fill in the blanks. 3. Pair Work. 【设计意图】:这三个练习都在小组内完成,注重培养学生的合作意识。第一题检测题是让学 生复述对话,加深对故事的理解。第二题练习题是在第一题的基础上,拓展到课外,与第一题 练习形成梯度,同时也是对学生“语言实际运用”能力的检测。第三题只要是让学生说,锻炼他 们的口语。 【板书设计】: 六、总结回顾 1、Sum up what have you learnt today. Traveling is as eye-opening as reading. 读万卷书,行万里路。 Look before you leap. 三思而后行。 3、Are you happy learning in this lesson? Do you enjoy learning in groups? 【设计意图】:用提问的方式,引导学生总结,可以让总结的内容更具体、有效。 此环节是情感目标的升华,对学生的情感态度、价值观、小组合作意识、体验学习的快乐等做 进一步的小结。 Home work Tell your plan for summer vacation to your friends . Tell Tony, Jenny and Gogos plan to your parents.Unit 2Unit 2 Vacation Plans Vacation Plans (Story) (Story) Tony, Jenny and Gogo are talking about their vacation. Step1 Whats their vacation plan? Step2 self-learning Watch and answer. 看视频寻找以下问题的答案 Read freely and answer the questions: 自己读 一遍然后回答以下问题 Step3 Read the story in groups and then check the answers to the questions. 小组齐读story然后核对以上 问题的答案. Step4 Answer the questions: 回答以下问题 Tibet By plane In a hotel Go sightseeing bears wolves too cold Tibet 西藏 Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 Mount Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰 Brahmaputra 雅鲁藏布江 Lhasa 拉萨 the Potala Palace 布达拉宫 zanba 糌粑 butter tea 酥油茶 In past 过去 live in a tent ride horses Today: live in a house cars Read and write. Tony, Jenny and Gogo _____ going to _______ for a vacation. There are no _________ in Tibet. But there are ____________. Theyre going by ________. Gogo wants to ____ _________. But they cant. Because its too __________ for camping and there are __________ and __________ in Tibet. So they are going to _________ in a ________. They are going to _________________________. areTibet beaches mountainsplane go camping cold bearswolves stay hotel go sightseeing 1.Where is Peter going? Step5 2.How is he going there? 3.Where is he going to stay? 4.What is he going to do? Do you like vacations? Do you like summer vacation? Do you want to have a trip? BeijingHainanGuangzhou MacauHong KongShanghaiTaiwan Xian are you going? Im going to ____. by bus by bike by plane by car by ship by train are you going there? Im going by____. by coach are you going to stay? Im going to ______. stay in a hotel stay with relatives go camping are you going to do there? Im going to ______. take some photos eat some food visit relatives visit a museum go shopping visit friends go sightseeing have a party have a picnic climb the mountain go hiking play games go to a park go swimming go fishing Ask your friends plan for summer vacation. Where to go?How to go? Where to stay? What to do? Look at the key words, share your plan with their partner. (根据表格内容 ,把你的计划告诉你的同桌。) Where to go?How to go? Where to stay? What to do? My Plan for Summer Vacation The summer vacation is coming. Im going to go to ______ for a vacation. Im going to go by _________. Im going to stay ________. Im going to ___________. Im going to __________________. I will be ________. 把你的计划写下来。 Traveling is as eye-opening as reading. 读万卷书,行万里路。 Step6 总结 conclusion What have we learned today? Make a plan before you do everything. 做任何事情都要有计划。 1.Tell your plan for summer vacation to your friends . 2.Tell Tony, Jenny and Gogos plan to your parents.
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