(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Vacation Plans-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:819f3).zip

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一、听选单词、词组和句子。(20 分) ( )1、A. song B. strong C . long ( )2、A. take a test B. have a party C . write a letter ( )3、A. Tibet B. camping C . sightseeing ( )4、A. by bus B. by bike C .bye bye ( )5、A. I love beaches. B. I like camping. C .I like flying kites. ( )6、A. train B. plane C . stay ( )7、A. What are you going to do today ? B. What are they going to do today ? C . What are they going to do tonight ? ( )8、A. Is your father going to take a rest tomorrow? B. Is your brother going to take a test tomorrow? C . Is your cousin going to have a party tomorrow? ( )9、A. Hes going to Guangzhou by bus. B. Tony is going to Beijing by train. C . Billy is going to Shanghai by plane. ( )10、A. What are you going to do in Xian? B. When are you going to Xian? C . How are you going to get to Xian? 二、听录音,判断所听内容与图片是(T)否(F)一致。 (16 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,填上所缺的单词(14 分) A. are you going ? B. Im going to . A. are you going there ? B. Im going by . A. What are you going to do there ? B. Im going to and play friends . 四、根据图片写出正确的词组(16 分) 五、写出能替换划线部分的词组(14 分) 1. Im going to get a haircut . 2. Are you going to walk tomorrow ? 3. We are going to Guangzhou by bus . 六、根据所给动词的适当形式填空. 1. Jenny (have) a cold . She (see) the doctor today. 2. What (be) he going to do tomorrow ? He (take) a test . 3. Peter (get) a haircut now . He (have) a party tomorrow. 4. Are you going to (shop) for clothes? No , we . 5. We (have) a test today . 6. Im going to go (shop) 7. Lets (get) there by taxi . 8. You can camp with the bears and the -(wolf) 9. There are no (beach) in Tibet . 10.Its too-(cold)for - -(camp). 11.How (be) the children going to get to the park ? 12.My favorite sport is (swim) . 13. I like (camp). Im -(go camp). 听力内容: 一、听选单词、词组和句子。(20 分) ( B)1、A. song B. strong C . long ( A)2、A. take a test B. have a party C . write a letter ( A)3、A. Tibet B. camping C . sightseeing ( B)4、A. by bus B. by bike C .bye bye ( C)5、A. I love beaches. B. I like camping. C .I like flying kites. ( C)6、A. train B. plane C . stay ( B)7、A. What are you going to do today ? B. What are they going to do today ? C . What are they going to do tonight ? ( A)8、A. Is your father going to take a rest tomorrow? B. Is your brother going to take a test tomorrow? C . Is your cousin going to have a party tomorrow? ( B)9、A. Hes going to Guangzhou by bus. B. Tony is going to Beijing by train. C . Billy is going to Shanghai by plane. (B)10、A. What are you going to do in Xian? B. When are you going to Xian? C . How are you going to get to Xian? 二、听录音,判断所听内容与图片是(T)否(F)一致。 (16 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1.Tom is reading some books . 2.Were going to have a party this weekend . 3. Jenny is heiping dad . 4.Are you going to visit your relatives ? Yes ,I am . 5. What is Bob going to do for vacation ? Hes going to go sightseeing. 6. Im going to take a test tomorrow . 7. John is going to go to Beijing by ship . 8. How are you going to there ? By train . 三、听录音,填上所缺的单词(14 分) A. Where are you going ? B. Im going to Shanghai . A. How are you going there ? B. Im going by plane . A. What are you going to do there ? B. Im going to visit relatives and play with friends .by ship by plane by bus by train stay in a hotel stay with my aunt and uncle go camping go sightseeing by car for vacation where how Ask and answer 1.What are you going to do tomorrow? 2.Is your mother going to shop for clothes tonight? 3.Where are you going to go this weekend? 4.How are you going to Zhuhai? 5.Is your father going to Guangzhou by bus? 6.Are you going to go camping on Sunday? 7.Where are you going to stay? 8.Where are you going for vacation? Where are you going Where are you going to go?to go? We are going to go We are going to go toto______________. . Beijing How are you going to How are you going to get there?get there? We are going by______.We are going by______. train Where are you going Where are you going to stay?to stay? We are going to We are going to ____________________.____________________. stay in a hotel Look and say Where are you going to go this weekend? I am going to go to ________. How are you going to get to _________? Were going to go ___ _____. Where are you going to stay? Were going to _______________. Zhuhai by car stay in a hotel Zhuhai Look and say Where are you going to go this weekend? I am going to go to ________. How are you going to get to _______? Were going to go ___ _____. Where are you going to stay? Were going to _____________. Tibet Tibet by plane stay in a hotel Look and say Where are you going to go this weekend? I am going to go to ________. How are you going to get to _________? Were going to go ___ _____. Where are you going to stay? Were going to _____________________. Hongkong by ship stay with my aunt and uncle Hongkong P26 Read the story and answer the questions 1. Are there any beaches in Tibet? 2. How are they going there? 3. Can they go camping? 4. Where are they going to stay? No, there are mountains. They are going by plane. No, they cant. They are going to stay in a hotel. Thailand friends Plane in a hotel go sightseeing eat some food go camping friends 1.How is Ben going to get to Tibet? He is going to get there by plane. 2.Is Ben going to stay in a hotel? No, he isnt. 3.Is Jenny going to get to Beijing by plane? No, she isnt. 4.What is Lisa going to do in Xian? She is going to visit relatives. 5.Where is Peter going to stay in Canada? He is going to stay in a hotel. Thats all! Thank you all for your listening! Bye bye!第二课时第二课时 本节与上节相关性分析: 上一节课通过听、说、读的基础练习,理解并初步掌握了上一节课通过听、说、读的基础练习,理解并初步掌握了 VacationVacation PlansPlans 的话题语言,为这节课进行听、说、读、写综合活动奠定了基础。本节课的目的话题语言,为这节课进行听、说、读、写综合活动奠定了基础。本节课的目 标是通过小故事的读写练习活动,让学生运用目标语言。通过阅读活动,使学标是通过小故事的读写练习活动,让学生运用目标语言。通过阅读活动,使学 生提高阅读技巧,更好地理解课文,同时也培养了学生综合运用本单元所学语生提高阅读技巧,更好地理解课文,同时也培养了学生综合运用本单元所学语 言的能力。本节课首先通过对话形式,复习巩固目标语言;再通过故事阅读,言的能力。本节课首先通过对话形式,复习巩固目标语言;再通过故事阅读, 培养学生获取故事信息的能力;最后通过用话题语言来完成话题任务,培养学培养学生获取故事信息的能力;最后通过用话题语言来完成话题任务,培养学 生的初步写作能力。生的初步写作能力。 教学要求: 能够听懂、会说、会读、会演本课故事。进一步巩固上节课的重点句型能够听懂、会说、会读、会演本课故事。进一步巩固上节课的重点句型 HowHow areare youyou goinggoing to.?to.? WereWere goinggoing by.Whereby.Where areare youyou goinggoing toto stay?stay? WereWere goinggoing toto stay.stay. 教学重点:听懂、会说、会读、会演本课故事。听懂、会说、会读、会演本课故事。 教学难点:运运用用所所学学语语言言完完成成读读写写练练习习 。 教学过程: 步骤目的教师活动/方法 学生活动/ 学法 条件/ 手段 I. Warm- up, Revision 师生互动,师生互动, 增进了解增进了解 1.1. 教师与学生自由会话。教师与学生自由会话。WhereWhere areare youyou goinggoing thisthis summersummer holiday?holiday? HowHow areare youyou goinggoing there?there? WhereWhere areare youyou goinggoing toto stay?stay? 2.2. 唱歌谣唱歌谣“Were“Were going.?”going.?” 3.3. 检查检查 Song activities 2的完成情况。的完成情况。 4.4.利用图片复习利用图片复习 Vocabulary.Vocabulary. 自由会话。自由会话。 唱歌谣。唱歌谣。 核对作业。核对作业。 交流交流 演唱演唱 II. Presen- tation, Practice 1.1. 让学让学 生带着任生带着任 务听对话,务听对话, 做到听有做到听有 所思。所思。 2.2.训训练练听听、 说说、读读、 写写综综合合语语 言言能能力力。 3.3.为录像为录像 1.1. 创设情境导入新课:创设情境导入新课: T:T: TheThe studentsstudents areare talkingtalking aboutabout theirtheir vacationvacation inin thethe garden.garden. WhereWhere areare theythey going?going? (播放录像,导入(播放录像,导入 story 学习)学习) 2.2. 再次观看视频,回答下列问题:再次观看视频,回答下列问题:1)Where are they going? 2)Are there any beaches in 带着问题带着问题 观看录像。观看录像。 回答问题。回答问题。 试读故事。试读故事。 视频视频 展示展示 合作合作 配音和角配音和角 色表演的色表演的 游戏活动,游戏活动, 提高课堂提高课堂 教学的效教学的效 率。率。 Tibet?3) How are they going there?4)Is Gogo going camping? Why? 3.3. 让学生试读故事,找出不会读的句子。让学生试读故事,找出不会读的句子。 4.4. 让学生跟录像读故事。让学生跟录像读故事。 5.5. 让学生齐读故事。让学生齐读故事。 6.6. 小组合作学习:分角色朗读故事,以及小组合作学习:分角色朗读故事,以及 反馈。反馈。 7.7. 给录像配音。给录像配音。 8.8. 分角色表演故事。分角色表演故事。 9.9. 听录音,根据课文内容选词填空。听录音,根据课文内容选词填空。 10.10. 让学生发挥想像力,用所学的语言给故让学生发挥想像力,用所学的语言给故 事编个结尾。事编个结尾。 给录像配给录像配 音。音。 表演故事。表演故事。 给故事编给故事编 写结尾。写结尾。 交流交流 角色角色 表演表演 1.1. 完成完成 Practice 1练习。练习。 1 1)听音打勾。)听音打勾。 2 2)检查答案。)检查答案。 3 3)写出答句。)写出答句。 4 4)请四位同学到黑板板书。)请四位同学到黑板板书。 听录音完听录音完 成练习。成练习。 录音录音 通过听力通过听力 练习,使练习,使 学生在听学生在听 的过程中的过程中 加深对所加深对所 学知识的学知识的 理解,培理解,培 养他们的养他们的 听说读写听说读写 的能力。的能力。 2.2. 完成完成 P21P21Activity 练习。练习。 1 1)首先教师与一名学生示范练习。)首先教师与一名学生示范练习。 2 2)同桌合作完成练习。)同桌合作完成练习。 WhereWhere areare youyou goinggoing forfor vacation?vacation? HowHow areare youyou goinggoing there?there? WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo there?there? 与同桌合与同桌合 作完成练作完成练 习。习。 合作合作 交流交流 III. Consoli- dation, exten- sion 通过知识通过知识 的拓展,的拓展, 使学生了使学生了 解我国的解我国的 旅游城市。旅游城市。 3.3. 拓展练习:拓展练习: 1 1)出示我国的旅游城市的图片:)出示我国的旅游城市的图片:WhereWhere areare youyou going?going? Ss:Ss: WereWere goinggoing toto HongHong kong.(Beijing,kong.(Beijing, Macau,Macau, Harbin,Harbin, Hainan)T:Hainan)T: AreAre youyou goinggoing byby bike?bike? 2)2)教育学生要文明出行。教育学生要文明出行。 观看课件,观看课件, 了解我国了解我国 的旅游城的旅游城 市。市。 课件课件 演示演示 IV. Home- work 把信息交把信息交 流延伸到流延伸到 课外,让课外,让 学生在完学生在完 成作业的成作业的 过程中,过程中, 1.1. 把这节课的故事读给你的父母听。把这节课的故事读给你的父母听。 2.2. 跟同学合作表演本课小故事。跟同学合作表演本课小故事。明确作业明确作业 要求。要求。 故事故事 延伸延伸 锻炼用英锻炼用英 语解决问语解决问 题的能力。题的能力。 V. Bb design Unit 2 Vacation Plans Read the story, answer these question. 1) Where are they going? 2) Are there any beaches in Tibet? 3) How are they going there? 4) Is Gogo going to go camping? Why? New words: mountains (山山) bears (熊熊) wolf -wolves (狼狼)
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