(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Vacation Plans-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:5002b).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Vacation Plans_Lesson 4_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:5002b)
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I am going to I am going to I am going to I am going to I am going to I am going to I am going to I am going to I am going to I am going to I am going to I am going to visit it ! Try to guess my plan. When am I going. ? Are you going to Maoming.? this weekend next Sunday next year Who am I going with ? Are you going with .? your friends your mother your relatatives How am I going there? Are you going .? by car by bike by coach Where am I going to stay? Are you going to stay____? with friends with relatives in a hotel visit relatives eat seafood see the cycling events go sightseeing What am I going to do ? Are you going to ____? watch some shows have a picnic ride a bike Tip 1: 1.借助思维导图的框架复述老师的计划。借助思维导图的框架复述老师的计划。 2. 注意人称代词和关联词的使用。注意人称代词和关联词的使用。 Robert Wilson Denise Wilson Hello, Children. How are you ? I am Denise Wilson. This is Robert Wilson. We are from the USA. We like riding bikes. Do you know our relationship ? Robert Wilson met(Robert Wilson met(认识认识) ) Denise Denise BlackBlack. . Hi,I am Robert Wilson! Hi,I am Denise Denise BlackBlack. . The story of Robert and Denise.The story of Robert and Denise. They got married Denise Black Denise Wilson the Wilsons Robert Wilson + Denise Wilson = We are the Wilsons. We are the couples. Whats their relationship? We have a vacation plan. What do you want to know about our plan? The Wilsons vacation plan Where to go? 1.快速阅读文章快速阅读文章 。 2. 不不懂的部分寻求懂的部分寻求小组成员的帮助,也小组成员的帮助,也可借助图片可借助图片等帮助。等帮助。 3. 找出找出关键词句关键词句,获取相关信息。,获取相关信息。 4.小组无法解决的问题可做好标注。小组无法解决的问题可做好标注。 Tip 2: Were going to Beijing next year. We Were going to Beijing next year. We like riding a bike. So we are going to like riding a bike. So we are going to see the cycling eventssee the cycling events.(A).(A) Were going to Beijing by plane. Were going to Were going to Beijing by plane. Were going to stay in a hotel stay in a hotel near near (B)(B) the Olympic Parkthe Olympic Park.(C).(C). . 1.快速阅读文章快速阅读文章 。 2. 不懂不懂的部分寻求的部分寻求小组成员的帮助,也可借助,文字图片等帮助。小组成员的帮助,也可借助,文字图片等帮助。 3. 找出找出关键词句关键词句,获取相关信息。,获取相关信息。 4.小组无法解决的问题可做好标注。小组无法解决的问题可做好标注。 Tip 2: A: cycling events cycling=bike Its a cycling events. B: near C . the Olympic Park 北京奥林匹克公园位于北京市朝阳区,地处北京城中轴线北端, 北至清河南岸,南至北土城路,东至安立路和北辰东路,西至林翠 路和北辰西路,总占地面积11.59平方千米,集中体现了“科技、绿 色、人文”三大理念,是融合了办公、商业、酒店、文化、体育、 会议、居住多种功能的新型城市区域 1 。 2008年奥运会比赛期间,有鸟巢、水立方、国家体育馆、国家会 议中心击剑馆、奥体中心体育场、奥体中心体育馆、英东游泳馆、 奥林匹克公园射箭场、奥林匹克公园网球场、奥林匹克公园曲棍球 场等10个奥运会竞赛场馆。此外,还包括奥运主新闻中心(MPC)、 国际广播中心(IBC)、奥林匹克接待中心、奥运村(残奥村)等在 内的7个非竞赛场馆 1 ,是包含体育赛事、会展中心、科教文化 、休闲购物等多种功能在内的综合性市民公共活动中心。 Its the Olympic Park. Its big. The birds nest, the water cube and tennis center are in it. Were going to Beijing next year. We Were going to Beijing next year. We like riding a bike. So we are going to like riding a bike. So we are going to see the cycling eventssee the cycling events.(A).(A) Were going to Beijing by plane. Were going to Were going to Beijing by plane. Were going to stay in a hotel stay in a hotel near near (B)(B) the Olympic Parkthe Olympic Park.(C).(C). . Were going to Beijing next year. We like riding a Were going to Beijing next year. We like riding a bike. So we are going to bike. So we are going to see the cycling events.see the cycling events. Were going to Beijing by plane. Were going Were going to Beijing by plane. Were going to stay in a hotel to stay in a hotel near the Olympic Parknear the Olympic Park. . The Wilsons vacation plan Where to go? Beijing What else are the Wilsons going to do in Beijing? Infer from the context. 借助上下文合理推理。借助上下文合理推理。 Tip 3: Are they going to? Were going to see the Great Wall, watch some shows, and eat lots of Chinese food, too. 1. Base on the Wilsons plan and imagine. (基于原文并发挥想象)基于原文并发挥想象) Tip 3: 2. Act out the passage in any way. 自由创编文本自由创编文本,形式不限,对话、歌谣、歌形式不限,对话、歌谣、歌 曲曲 等形式都可以。)等形式都可以。) you can use these words and sentences.(可参考以下词句创(可参考以下词句创 编文本编文本。 ) Words Sentences take some photos You may eat some good food Are you going to see the water cube Where are you going? watch some shows How are youu going there? ride a bike What are you going to do? Read 能朗读故事。能朗读故事。 Act 能脱稿表演。能脱稿表演。 Create 能改编故事并表演。能改编故事并表演。 Standards for evaluation (评分标准)(评分标准) For audiences: 1. Respect. 文明观看。文明观看。 2. Score. 合理评价。合理评价。 Write some suggests to the Wilsons . cycling what cycling events what Olympic Park shows watch some what Sorry when who how what where when who how what where cycling show what The Wilsons vacation plan Where to go一:教学文本:一:教学文本: 二 、课型:阅读课 三、整体教学思路: 这个课时的教学内容是 Wilson 夫妇到中国旅游。本课时的教学根据 阅读教学策略分为 Pre-reading,while-reading 和 Post reading. 思维 导图贯穿整节课。首先让学生根据提示猜老师的假期计划,老师用 思维导图把这个计划的框架板书。这帮助孩子们把一段不够生动活 泼的文字转化为简洁明了的图表形式,有利于学生抓住关键信息, 提炼出文章的主题脉络。然后让学生借助思维导图复述老师的假期 计划,学生学会根据关键信息转化为语篇。根据五年级小学生好奇 心强的特征,我没有按常规让学生听或读文本,而是他们去设计问 题问 The Wilsons。并根据这些问题画出思维导图的中心主题和第一 个层次。带着这些问题再去读文本,学生就能快速准确的找到关键 词句,梳理出文章脉络。同时我还设计了一个留白部分。学生根据 上文信息推测留白部分。培养学生的推理能力。同时,鼓励学生对 自己设想到而文本没有提及的问题当作建议给未曾来过中国的 The Wilsons,体现了孩子们身为中国人对国际友人的热忱帮助。最后形 成一个关于 The Wilsons 的假期计划的完整的思维导图,并鼓励学生 借助思维导图复述 The Wilsons 的假期计划,最后尝试代入角色把 扩展后的文本表演出来。 四、教学内容分析: 本课时的教学内容是粤人版五年级下册 U2 Vacation Plans 的 More reading and writing 部分。文本内容讲述的是 The Wilsons 到北京的 旅游计划。上一单元学生学习了 Making Plans, 这个单元的前 2 课时 学生继续学习了用一般将来时描述计划。在此基础上学生学习这个 文本有了一定的语言基础,基本能用将来时描述计划,也初步知道 计划的几要素,但写一个合理科学的出游计划还需继续深入。所以 这个课时用思维导图的方式帮助建立合理的计划的知识体系、 五、学情分析 五年级学生已经掌握了一定的阅读技巧,大部分学生的阅读速度比较 快,能较快并准确地提取信息、理解阅读文本,但有些学生还不能准确 理解文本、迅速提取信息。同时授课班级的同学在上个单元的学习 中也尝试用思维导图制作计划, 六、基于核心素养的教学目标: 1. 语言能力目标: (1)能听说读文本中的重点词组 cycling event, Olympic Park, the Great Wall, watch some shows. (2)能用 be going to 表达假期计划。 2.学习能力目标: (1)能听懂对话和练习录音,能根据所听到的内容完成相关选择练 习。 (2)能够为别人的假期计划做科学的建议。 (3)能理解文本内容,并运用相关阅读策略完成阅读练习。 (4)能够根据文本所学,进行文本迁移,写一份旅游计划。 (5)能用思维导图总结归纳文本,并能借助思维导图复述文本。 (6)培养学生根据上下文合理推理的能力。 3.思维品质目标: (1)培养学生良好的计划观念,好的计划是成功的开始。 (2) 培养学生积极参与课堂学习活动,敢于用英语进行表达,体 验学习英语的乐趣。 (3)培养学生小组合作精神。 4.文化意识目标 (1)了解中西方在已婚和未婚女士在姓氏上的文化差异。 (2)中国日益强大,努力为中外交流架起桥梁,发扬中华名族热 情待客的传统。 七、重点难点 1.掌握阅读策略。 2.从文本快速提取信息的能力。 3. 用思维导图总结归纳文本,并能借助思维导图复述文本。 4. 根据上文进行合理推测。 八、教学过程 Step1 Pre-reading: 1. Free talk: T: What day is it today? Weekend is coming, What are you going to do ? Summer vacation is coming , too. What are you going to do? 2. A game: Find the same. T: I am going to do many things on summer vacation. Look! I am going to have a party. Are you going to have a party on summer vacation? If yes, stand up and say it out. If no, just sit. 设计意图:通过找和我有相同爱好的游戏唤起学生对假期活动 的记忆,起到复习和为后面环节语言输出的铺垫。 3. Sing a song: Were going 设计意图:活跃气氛,复习旧知. 4.Guess the teachers vacation plan. T: Look! Thats the Chinas best beach。 It is very beautiful! so I am going to visit it . Children, try to guess my plan to the Chinas best beach. 4. A memory race. 6.Retell the teachers plan with the mind map. Tip 1: 1.借借助助思思维维导导图图的的框框架架复复述述老老师师的的计计划划。 2. 注注意意人人称称代代词词和和关关联联词词的的使使用用。 A: Group work B: S1 retell 设计意图:学生根据提示从 When to go? Who go with ?How to go? Where to stay? What to do?五方面猜老师的计划。同时老师用思 维导图的形式板书。让学生借助思维导图对我的 Vacation Plan 梳 理出主体脉络。在这个活动中我巧妙的融入把文本中的重点词汇: watch some shows, see the cycling events ,为文本阅读扫除障碍。 复习运用本单元关于 Plan 的和核心语言。 然后借助思维导图复 述老师的假期计划。 Step 2 While reading: 1. Lead in T:Thats my vacation plan. My two friends have a plan, too. Let me introduce them to you! Robert Wilson Denise Wilson Listening: The Wilsons: Hello, Children, How are you ? I am Denise Wilson. This is Robert Wilson. We are from the USA. We like riding bikes. Do you know our relationship ? Have Ss Guess. T: Let me tell their story. In2016, RobertWilsonmet Denise Black. In 2017, they got married. Denise Black became Denis Wilson. In 2018 they got a baby, Linda Wilson. They are couples. We call them the Wilsons. 设计意图:承接上文,老师介绍自己的朋友给学生。让学生和主 人公打招呼,这里增设一段 Denise 的自我介绍并抛给学生一个 问题: Whats our relationship?为帮助学生理解,我增设了 The Wilsons 婚前婚后的故事帮助学生理解美国妇女结婚后姓氏变化 的规律。这个环节实现文化意识目标是:了解中西方在已婚和未 婚女士在姓氏上的文化差异。 2. Have the students ask some Qs about the Wilsons plan. T : The Wilsons have a vacation plan. What do you want to know about their plan? A : Discuss in group and draw a mind map. B: Students ask and teacher draw a mind map on the Bb. 设计意图:教师只引出话题,让学生基于旧知大胆提出问题,完 成思维导图的中心主题和第一层次。为将要学习的文本设置一个框 架。 3 Read and find difficult points. A : Ss read in group and find the difficult point. 设计意图:教师利用多媒体融合技术发送文本到学生端,并分享文 本中学生可能无法理解的部分图文解释。学生小组朗读时碰到不会 读的部分可点击电子书跟读。在这个环节人工智能和小组合作得到 了完美的结合,为学生自主学习新知识提供多种渠道。同时在这里 设置留白,也就是老师推送给学生的文本是不完整的,为下一环节 做好铺垫。 1.快快速速阅阅读读文文章章 。 2. 不不懂懂的的部部分分寻寻求求小小组组成成员员的的帮帮助助,也也可可借借助助图图片片等等帮帮助助。 3. 找找出出关关键键词词句句,获获取取相相关关信信息息。 4.小小组组无无法法解解决决的的问问题题可可做做好好标标注注。 Tip 2: B: Let me help you! 设计意图: 同学们在小组合作和老师分享的资料中还不能解决的可 在全班提出,得到其他同学或老师的帮助。 4.Read after the tape 5.Discuss and finish the mind map in group . 设计意图: 学生在阅读策略的指导下借助思维导图获取文本框架信 息。 6.Students answer and teacher finish the mind map on the Bb. 7. Lets infer : What else are the Wilsons going do in Beijing ?Why? T: Lets infer form the contest. What else are the Wilsons going to do in Beijing. 设计意图:这里设置留白,让学生根据上下文,结合自己已有旧 知推断 the Wilsons 将会再北京做什么并陈述原因,培养学生推 理能力。 8. Read another part of the Wilsons plan and finish the mind map. 设计意图:展示文本留白部分,最后完成关于文本的完整的思维 导图。 Step 3 Post reading Retell the Wilsons vacation plan with the mind map. A: Group work. B: Act out the plan. 设计意图:学生到这个环节通过思维导图的方式 The Wilsons Vacation Plan 的整体信息。这时候再要求学生借助思维导图复现并 通过小组合作创编创编创演出来。 1. Base on the Wilsons plan and imagine. (基基于于原原文文并并发发挥挥想想象象) Tip 3: 2. Act out the passage in any way. 自自由由创创编编文文本本,形形式式不不限限,对对话话、歌歌谣谣、歌歌 曲曲 等等形形式式都都可可以以。) 板书设计: by plane see the cycling events see the Great Wall watch some shows Eat Chinese food How to go? by plane see the cycling events see the Great Wall watch some shows Eat Chinese food How to go
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