(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Vacation Plans-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:50e13).zip

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Unit 2 Sounds and wordsUnit 2 Sounds and wordsUnit 2 Sounds and words y/y/y/y/aiaiaiai/ / / / Lets sing a songLets sing a songLets sing a songLets sing a song Phonics SongPhonics SongPhonics SongPhonics Song Listen and chantListen and chantListen and chantListen and chant Listen and answerListen and answerListen and answerListen and answer 1. What are these? 2.Where are the kites? 3. Why is she crying? They are kites. They are flying in the sky. Because her kite isnt in the sky. Listen and answerListen and answerListen and answerListen and answer 4. She is smiling now. Why? Because her kite is flying high in the sky. Say the chant and find out Say the chant and find out Say the chant and find out y/ai/y/ai/y/ai/y/ai/ A kiteA kiteA kiteA kite Fly, fly ,fly a kite. So high in the sky. Why , why , why do you cry? My kite is not in the sky. Dry , dry , dry your eyes. The kite is now flying high! yyy y yyyy yy yyyy y y/ai/y/ai/y/ai/y/ai/ Lets read!Lets read!Lets read! n y y y y is for e is for e is for ey y y yes , es , es , /ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ e e ey y y yes es es n n n n y y y y is for cr is for cr is for cry y y y , , , /ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ cr cr cry y y y n n n n y y y y is for fl is for fl is for fly y y y, , , /ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ fl fl fly y y y n n n n y y y y is for m is for m is for my y y y, , ,/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ m m my y y y n n n n y y y y is for dr is for dr is for dry y y y , , ,/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ dr dr dry y y y n n n n y y y y is for wh is for wh is for why y y y, , , /ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ wh wh why y y y Listen and circleListen and circleListen and circleListen and circle n n n ny y y y /ai/ai/ai/ai/ Lets readLets readLets read eyes bye my by buy cry dry try rely reply sky spy defy deny why fly Listen and tickListen and tickListen and tickListen and tick n n n n 听老师读,选出你所听到的单词听老师读,选出你所听到的单词听老师读,选出你所听到的单词 n n1.( ) e1.( ) ey yes ( ) bes ( ) by ye e n n2.( )m2.( )my y ( )b ( )by y n n3.( )cr3.( )cry y ( )tr ( )try y n n4.( )rel4.( )rely y ( )repl ( )reply y n n5.( )sk5.( )sky y ( )sp ( )spy y n n6.( )def6.( )defy y ( )den ( )deny y n n7.( )wh7.( )why y ( )fl ( )fly y Read and writeRead and writeRead and writeRead and write 根据中文意思完成句子根据中文意思完成句子 n (1)A panda has two _______. (眼睛)They are black and white. n (2)How is your father going to HongKong? _____ father is n going _____ship. (搭乘轮船) n (3)The weather is _____in Tulufan. (干燥的) n (4)Look! There are many birds are _____ in the _____.(在天 上飞) n (5)The baby is ______because he is hungry.(哭泣) eyes My by dry flyingsky crying Phonics StoryPhonics StoryPhonics Story Kids in the yardKids in the yardKids in the yardKids in the yard Its a nice yard. Phonics StoryPhonics StoryPhonics Story Two kids are in the yard. Phonics StoryPhonics StoryPhonics Story Betty is playing with a yo-yo. Phonics StoryPhonics StoryPhonics Story Lucy is eating yoghourt. Yummy,yummy! Phonics StoryPhonics StoryPhonics Story They are happy in the yard. Read again and find y/?/ n Its a nice yard. Two kids are n in the yard.Betty is playing n with a yo-yo.Lucy is eating n yoghourt . Yummy, yummy! n They are happy in the yard. y y yy y y y y y /i/i/i/i/ Kids in the yardKids in the yardKids in the yardKids in the yard Can you read?Can you read?Can you read? n Kids in the Kids in the Kids in the y y y yardardard n Its a nice yard. Two kids are n in the yard.Betty is playing n with a yo-yo.Lucy is eating n yoghourt . Yummy, yummy! n They are happy in the yard. y y y y /j/j/j/j/ Read and writeRead and writeRead and writeRead and write 根据字母根据字母根据字母根据字母y y y y的读音将下列单词归类的读音将下列单词归类的读音将下列单词归类的读音将下列单词归类 nbye yellow windy you sky buy study snowy year yum deny by ntry your yes cloudy rainy yo-yo rely dry y/ai/_______________________________________________ y/i/________________________________________ y/j/________________________________________ bye sky buy deny by try rely dry windy study snowy cloudy rainy yellow you year yum your yes yo-yo HomeworkHomeworkHomework n1. Read Sounds and words on Page 25 n2. Make sentences with the words on Page 25. Thanks a lot!教学目标教学目标 1. 学生能够掌握字母 y 在单词中的发音/ai/并能根据发音规律 拼读更多含有相同发音的单词; 2.学生能够阅读绘本和演唱歌谣。 教学重点教学重点 1.指导学生正确朗读单词并在语境中运用所学单词(by ,cry , fly , my , dry , why); 2.熟练朗读歌谣 教学难点教学难点 学生能够分辨字母 y 的三种发音/ai/ ,/i/,/j/并进行归类 教具学具教具学具教学光盘教学光盘 PPT 教学设计教学设计修正栏修正栏 Step One : Warming up Say the Phonics Song Step Two: Leading-in 1. Watch the video and answer the questions: (1) Whatre these? (Theyre kites.) (2) Where are the kits?( They are flying in the sky.) (3) Whats the girl doing ?( Shes crying.) (4) Why is she crying ? (Because her kite isnt in the sky.) 2. Write : sky / cry / fly /why and learn y/ai/ Step Three Presentation 1.Say the chant again and find out :y /ai/ and eyes / my / dry / 2.Say the chant : y is for eyes , /ai/ /ai/ eyes y is for cry , /ai/ /ai/ cry y is for fly, /ai/ /ai/ fly y is for my,/ai/ /ai/ my y is for dry ,/ai/ /ai/ dry Y is for why, /ai/ /ai/ why 3.Listen and circle the y words in the chant : A Kite 4.Listen and say the chant Step Four Practice 1. Try to read : eyes / bye ; my / by ; cry / dry/try ;fly /rely /reply ;sky /spy ;defy /deny 2. Read quickly 3. Listen and choose the words :eyes / bye ; my / by ; cry / dry ;fly /rely /reply ;sky /spy ;defy /deny 4.Listen and tick.e.g ( ) eyes ( )bye 4. Read and fill in the blanks.(根据中文填单词,朗读 句子) (1) A panda has two _______. (眼睛)They are black and white. (2) How is your father going to HongKong? _____ father is going _____ship.(搭乘轮船) (3) The weather is _____in Tulufan. (干燥的) (4) Look! There are many birds are _____ in the _____.(在天上飞) (5) The baby is ______because he is hungry.(哭泣) Step Five Extension 1.Read a story Kids in the yard and find out y /i/ happy /Betty /Lucy. 2.Read the story again and find out y /j/ 3.Put the words into right boxes :eyes / bye ; my / by ; cry / dry ;fly /rely /reply ;sky /spy ;defy /deny. /ai/ /j/ /i/ Step Six Summary and homework 1. Read the words and chant on Page 25 2.2. Copy the words. 板书设计板书设计 Unit 2 Sounds and words y / ai / y y / / ai/ai/ ey yes my y cry y dry y fly y why y y y /i/i/ happy y windy y sunny y cloudy y rainy y study y y y / / j/j/ y yard y yellow y yo-y-yo y yoghourt y yummy y yum 作业布置作业布置 1 Read the words and chant on Page 25 2Copy the words.Unit 2 Sounds and words (y/ai/) Name_______ I. Listen and tick (听老师读,出你所听到的单词) 1.( ) eyes ( ) bye 2.( ) my ( )by 3.( )cry ( ) dry 4.( ) rely ( )reply 5.( ) sky ( )spy 6.( ) defy ( )deny 7.( ) why ( )fly II.Read and fill in the blanks.(根据中文填单词,朗读句子) (1) A panda has two _______. (眼睛)They are black and white. (2) How is your father going to HongKong? _____ father is going _____ship.(搭乘轮船) (3) The weather is _____in Tulufan. (干燥的) (4) Look! There are many birds are _____ in the _____.(在天上飞) (5) The baby is ______because he is hungry.(哭泣) III.Read and write(根据字母 y 的发音将下列单词正确归类) bye yellow windy you sky buy study snowy year yum deny by try your yes cloudy rainy yo-yo rely dry y/ai/________________________________________________________________ y/i/_________________________________________________________________ y/j/_________________________________________________________________Unit 2 Sounds and words (y/ai/) Name_______ I. Listen and tick (听老师读,出你所听到的单词) 1.( ) eyes ( ) bye 2.( ) my ( )by 3.( )cry ( ) try 4.( ) rely ( )reply 5.( ) sky ( )spy 6.( ) defy ( )deny 7.( ) why ( )fly II.Read and fill in the blanks.(根据中文填单词,朗读句子) (1) A panda has two _______. (眼睛)They are black and white. (2) How is your father going to HongKong? _____ father is going _____ship.(搭乘轮船) (3) The weather is _____in Tulufan. (干燥的) (4) Look! There are many birds are _____ in the _____.(在天上飞) (5) The baby is ______because he is hungry.(哭泣) III.Read and write(根据字母 y 的发音将下列单词正确归类) bye yellow windy you sky buy study snowy year yum deny by try your yes cloudy rainy yo-yo rely dry y/ai/________________________________________________________________ y/i/_________________________________________________________________ y/j/_________________________________________________________________1 Unit 2 Vacation Plans (Sounds and words) I、学情分析: 本节课的授课的对象是五年级的学生,学生的学习兴趣浓厚。他们从一年级开始学习英 语,已具备一定的英语基础。学习积极性高,接受知识快,富有想象力和创造力,自主学习 探索能力强。在语音知识方面,学生已经掌握了规律部分元音和辅音的发音规律,并在教师 的引导下能够拼读简单的音节。 II、教材分析 1.本课时新授的内容是字母 y 在单词中的发音 2.本节课设计了歌曲、韵律诗和阅读绘本故事,利用这些学习媒介拓展了学生了学习能 力,检测了学生对所学内容的掌握程度。培养了学生见词能读,听词能写的能力。 III、教学目标: 1.本课要求学生能够掌握字母 y 在单词中的发音/ai/并能根据发音规律拼读更多含有相 同发音的单词; 2.要求学生能够阅读绘本和演唱歌谣。 IV、教学重点: 1.指导学生正确朗读单词并在语境中运用所学单词(by ,cry , fly , my , dry , why); 2.熟练朗读歌谣 V、教学难点: 学生能够分辨字母 y 的三种发音/ai/ ,/i/,/j/并进行归类 VI、教学准备:课件,学生练习 VII、教学过程: Step One : Warming up Say the Phonics Song Step Two: Leading-in 1. Watch the video and answer the questions: (1) Whatre these? (Theyre kites.) (2) Where are the kits?( They are flying in the sky.) (3) Whats the girl doing ?( Shes crying.) (4) Why is she crying ? (Because her kite isnt in the sky.) 2 2. Write : sky / cry / fly /why and learn y/ai/ Step Three Presentation 1.Say the chant again and find out :y /ai/ and eyes / my / dry / 2.Say the chant : y is for eyes , /ai/ /ai/ eyes y is for cry , /ai/ /ai/ cry y is for fly, /ai/ /ai/ fly y is for my,/ai/ /ai/ my y is for dry ,/ai/ /ai/ dry Y is for why, /ai/ /ai/ why 3.Listen and circle the y words in the chant : A Kite 4.Listen and say the chant Step Four Practice 1. Try to read : eyes / bye ; my / by ; cry / dry/try ;fly /rely /reply ;sky /spy ;defy /deny 2. Read quickly 3. Listen and choose the words :eyes / bye ; my / by ; cry / dry ;fly /rely /reply ;sky /spy ;defy /deny 4.Listen and tick.e.g ( ) eyes ( )bye 4. Read and fill in the blanks.(根据中文填单词,朗读句子) (1) A panda has two _______. (眼睛)They are black and white. (2) How is your father going to HongKong? _____ father is going _____ship.(搭 乘轮船) (3) The weather is _____in Tulufan. (干燥的) (4) Look! There are many birds are _____ in the _____.(在天上飞) (5) The baby is ______because he is hungry.(哭泣) Step Five Extension 1.Read a story Kids in the yard and find out y /i/ happy /Betty /Lucy. 2.Read the story again and find out y /j/ 3.Put the words into right boxes :eyes / bye ; my / by ; cry / dry ;fly /rely /reply ;sky /spy ;defy /deny. /ai/ /j/ /i/ 3 Step Six Summary and homework 1. Read the words and chant on Page 25 2. Make sentences with the words on Page 25 板书设计: Unit 2 Sounds and words y / ai / y y / / ai/ai/ ey yes my y cry y dry y fly y why y y y /i/i/ happy y windy y sunny y cloudy y rainy y study y y y / / j/j/ y yard y yellow y yo-y-yo y yoghourt y yummy y yumUnit 2 Sounds and wordsUnit 2 Sounds and wordsUnit 2 Sounds and words y/y/y/y/aiaiaiai/ / / / Lets sing a songLets sing a songLets sing a songLets sing a song Phonics SongPhonics SongPhonics SongPhonics Song Listen and chantListen and chantListen and chantListen and chant Listen and answerListen and answerListen and answerListen and answer 1. What are these? 2.Where are the kites? 3. Why is she crying? They are kites. They are flying in the sky. Because her kite isnt in the sky. Listen and answerListen and answerListen and answerListen and answer 4. She is smiling now. Why? Because her kite is flying high in the sky. Say the chant and find out Say the chant and find out Say the chant and find out y/ai/y/ai/y/ai/y/ai/ A kiteA kiteA kiteA kite Fly, fly ,fly a kite. So high in the sky. Why , why , why do you cry? My kite is not in the sky. Dry , dry , dry your eyes. The kite is now flying high! yyy y yyyy yy yyyy y y/ai/y/ai/y/ai/y/ai/ Lets read!Lets read!Lets read! n y y y y is for e is for e is for ey y y yes , es , es , /ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ e e ey y y yes es es n n n n y y y y is for cr is for cr is for cry y y y , , , /ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ cr cr cry y y y n n n n y y y y is for fl is for fl is for fly y y y, , , /ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ fl fl fly y y y n n n n y y y y is for m is for m is for my y y y, , ,/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ m m my y y y n n n n y y y y is for dr is for dr is for dry y y y , , ,/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ dr dr dry y y y n n n n y y y y is for wh is for wh is for why y y y, , , /ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ai/ /ai/ wh wh why y y y Listen and circleListen and circleListen and circleListen and circle n n n ny y y y /ai/ai/ai/ai/ Lets readLets readLets read eyes bye my by buy cry dry try rely reply sky spy defy deny why fly Listen and tickListen and tickListen and tickListen and tick n n n n 听老师读,选出你所听到的单词听老师读,选出你所听到的单词听老师读,选出你所听到的单词 n n1.( ) e1.( ) ey yes ( ) bes ( ) by ye e n n2.( )m2.( )my y ( )b ( )by y n n3.( )cr3.( )cry y ( )tr ( )try y n n4.( )rel4.( )rely y ( )repl ( )reply y n n5.( )sk5.( )sky y ( )sp ( )spy y n n6.( )def6.( )defy y ( )den ( )deny y n n7.( )wh7.( )why y ( )fl ( )fly y Read and writeRead and writeRead and writeRead and write 根据中文意思完成句子根据中文意思完成句子 n (1)A panda has two _______. (眼睛)They are black and white. n (2)How is your father going to HongKong? _____ father is n going _____ship. (搭乘轮船) n (3)The weather is _____in Tulufan. (干燥的) n (4)Look! There are many birds are _____ in the _____.(在天 上飞) n (5)The baby is ______because he is hungry.(哭泣) eyes My b y dry flyingsky crying Phonics StoryPhonics StoryPhonics Story Kids in the yardKids in the yardKids in the yardKids in the yard Its a nice yard. Phonics StoryPhonics StoryPhonics Story Two kids are in the yard. Phonics StoryPhonics StoryPhonics Story Betty is playing with a yo-yo. Phonics StoryPhonics StoryPhonics Story Lucy is eating yoghourt. Yummy,yummy! Phonics StoryPhonics StoryPhonics Story They are happy in the yard. Read again and find y/?/ n Its a nice yard. Two kids are n in the yard.Betty is playing n with a yo-yo.Lucy is eating n yoghourt . Yummy, yummy! n They are happy in the yard. y y yy y y y y y /i/i/i/i/ Kids in the yardKids in the yardKids in the yardKids in the yard Can you read?Can you read?Can you read? n Kids in the Kids in the Kids in the y y y yardardard n Its a nice yard. Two kids are n in the yard.Betty is playing n with a yo-yo.Lucy is eating n yoghourt . Yummy, yummy! n They are happy in the yard. y y y y /j/j/j/j/ Read and writeRead and writeRead and writeRead and write 根据字母根据字母根据字母根据字母y y y y的读音将下列单词归类的读音将下列单词归类的读音将下列单词归类的读音将下列单词归类 nbye yellow windy you sky buy study snowy year yum deny by ntry your yes cloudy rainy yo-yo rely dry y/ai/_______________________________________________ y/i/________________________________________ y/j/________________________________________ bye sky buy deny by try rely dry windy study snowy cloudy rainy yellow you year yum your yes yo-yo HomeworkHomeworkHomework n1. Read Sounds and words on Page 25 n2. Make sentences with the words on Page 25. Thanks a lot!班级_______________姓名____________学号_______________
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