冀教版一年级下册-Unit 3 My Home-Lesson 13 My Home-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:75747).doc

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1、Lesson 13 My Home 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1. 知识、技能目标: (1)能够听、说、认读四个有关房间的单词 kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living room。 (2)能够用 This is my home. 句型简单介绍房子。 2.过程与方法: 结合自身生活实际和课堂教学活动,通过观察、思考、分析以及相互交流学会英 语中各房间的表达方式并能结合实际生活简单地加以应用。 3. 情感目标: 通过本课的学习,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,提高学生的口语表达能力和 交际能力;培养学生对家的热爱、鼓励学生大胆设想自己未来的家居。 二

2、教学重、难点二教学重、难点 本课时的教学重点是有关房间的四个单词的认读,并能运用句型 This is my home. 来介绍自己的家。 难点是单词 bathroom, living room, bedroom 的发音。 三、教法与学法导航:三、教法与学法导航: 教法:教师借助多媒体课件、图片、单词卡片、教材配套挂图积极创设实际的或 接近实际的语言应用场景,等教学活动激发学生的学习兴趣并引导他们主动参与在实 际运用中学会语言。 学法:学生主要通过观察与思考、归纳总结活动与游戏应用等方法积极主动地参与 到教与学的过程中来并达成学习目标。 四、教学准备:四、教学准备: 1、准 bathroom,b

3、edroom,living room,kitchen 等单词的图片 2、准备教材配套磁带和录音机。 五教学步骤五教学步骤 Step1:Greeting and Review 1.Greeting T:Hello!Boys and girls. Ss:Hello,teacher(Miss. Su) T:How are you? Ss:I am fine,thank you. 2.Review:Family fingers song T:Do you remember the family fingers song?大家还记得家庭手指操吗? T:Now,Lets chant together. T

4、:Can we be quick?能更快一点吗?(共 2 遍) T:Wonderful!真棒! Step2:Presentation and practice 1.Listen to the music 引出主题 home。 T:Do you want to listen to the music?music!音乐,想不想听音乐? Yes or no? Ss:Yes T:Listen carefully.(播放 the music “My Home”) T:again?(listen)1 遍即可 T: Ok,在刚才我们听的这首歌中哪个单词出现的次数最多呢?Who can tell me?(举手

5、示 意) S1:home(one more time?再听一次,listen carefully)Which word? T:Yes,Its home.(点击幻灯片,出现单词,并将 home 单词卡片贴于黑板上,可板书) T:today lets learn Lesson 13 My home(板书) 2. T:Look at the beatiful home (点击幻灯片)看看这么漂亮的房子。Whose house is it?这个 大房子是谁的呢? T:This is Tian Tians home.这是甜甜的家。Welcome to her home.欢迎来到她家参观。 T:How m

6、any rooms are there?甜甜家一共有几个房间。Lets count.让我们一起数一数。 T and Ss:One,Two,Three,Four. T:Yes,four rooms. Room ,room room 房间 , room room 房间 3. 四个房间词组的教授及练习 1) (1)Living room T:Do you like watching TV?你喜欢看电视吗?Yes or no? Ss: Yes. T: If you want to watch TV, 如果你想要看电视,Where should you go?你应该去甜甜家哪 个房间呢? Ss: liv

7、ing room 卧室 T:Ok,Lets go to the first room.让我们进入第一个房间。Living room(点击进入房间 1,并 点击出现单词)Oh ,so big .好大呀! (拿出 living room 的单词卡片贴于黑板上) , Living room; Living room, Living room 卧室; Living room,Living room 卧室。 T:In the living room,在卧室里 We can see sofa, TV,ceiling lamp,curtain. (2)Bedroom T:(边说边做动作): Now, Im

8、tired . 现在我感觉好累。I want to sleep.我想去睡觉。 I ll go to the second room.我会去第二个房间。 (点击进入并且显示出单词) the bedroom, 卧室。 (将 bedroom 单词卡片贴于黑板上),:bedroom ;bedroom,bedroom 卧室;bedroom, bedroom 卧室。 In the bedroom,we can see mirror,flower,desk,chair,table lamp,bed. (3)Bathroom T: Look at the bear.看看这只小熊。 (点击幻灯片,在 3 号房间

9、出现脏小熊)Hes so dirty. 它好脏呀。Where should he go? 它应该去甜甜家哪个房间呢? Ss: 浴室 bathroom . T: OK, lets go to the third room,bathroom.(点击进入 3 号房间并显示单词) (展示单词卡片,并贴于黑板)bathroom ;bathroom ,bathroom 浴室;bathroom , bathroom 浴室。 In the bathroom,the dirty bear can take a shower.小脏熊可以洗个澡。 (4)Kitchen T: I am hungry.我现在有点饿了。

10、If we want to do the cooking,如果我们想做点饭,we should go to the fourth room,kitchen.厨房(点击进入 4 号房间,并显示单词) (展示单词卡片,并贴于黑板)Kitchen;Kitchen Kitchen 厨房;Kitchen Kitchen 厨房。 In the kitchen,we can make delious food.我们可以做美味的食物。 2)四个新授词的练习及巩固(点幻灯片) (1)Read 男女孩读:T:Now,All the boys stand up.Follow me. Living room;Livi

11、ng room,Living room 客厅。bedroom ;bedroom,bedroom 卧室 。 bathroom ;bathroom ;bathroom 浴 室 。Kitchen;Kitchen Kitchen 厨房 T: Now,All the girls stand up.让我们看看女生能不能比男生读的好? 分组读(我有一根金手指):Living room bedroom Read one by one:bathroom,Kitchen (Good job,wonderful,So clever,Very clever,So smart) (2)Lets chant T:Next

12、,Lets chant together.All the students stand up.Put your chair under the desk.把凳子 放到桌子下。Be quiet.保持安静。Look at me and do it with me.和老师一起做。 Living room living room (眼睛状) go to the living room(原地踏步) Bedroom bedroom(左右睡觉状) go to the bedroom(原地踏步) Bathroom bathroom(手掌前后摩擦状) go to the bathroom(原地踏步) Kitch

13、en kitchen(切菜状) go to the kitchen(原地踏步) (Very good! Wonderful!Good job,wonderful,So clever,Very clever,So smart) T:One more time .再来一遍。Lets begin T:Now,Can you do it yourself?现在可以自己独立做一遍吗?(视情况而定) T:Wonderful!sit down ,please. 3)Test:闪图猜词。 T:we have learned four rooms.我们已经学习了四种不同的房间。Do you master it?

14、你掌 握了吗?Yes or No? Ss:Yes. T:ok,Lets have a text.让我考考你们。 T:Look the picture 观察图片 and say the words.并说出对应的单词。Clear? T:OK,lets begin. (the first picture/next/next one/next picture/Look/the last one Well done.) T:So smart!真聪明,成功通过我的考验。 4. This is 句型练习 1)T:Now,Do you want to visit my home?想不想去我家参观一下? T:O

15、K,Lets go to my home(点击幻灯片)。 T:Look,this is the living room(点击幻灯片) T:So,In English,we can use the sentence “This is the”to introduce our room.(点击图片, 板书 this is the),在英语中我们可以用“This is the”来介绍我们的房间。 2)练习句型 This is the living room /bedroom 5. 回归课文 T:Listen to the tape and Tian Tian will introduce her h

16、ome.听录音看看甜甜如何介绍自己 的家。 Again? One more time?听录音两次 T:Ok,open your book and turn page to Read after me (two times) 6. Two Games: T: ok,now close your book.All the students perform well today.今天大家的表现都很棒。So there are two games for you.为了奖励你们,给你们准备了两个游戏。Lets play together. 1)T:Game 1:Catch the helicopter.

17、(抓住直升飞机) T:Listen!There will be a helicopter with English sentence.一会会出现携带英文句子的直 升飞机,Read the sentence loudly.大声读出英文句子。 T:Are you ready? 2)Game 2:Can you find it? T: Well done! Lets play another game.Game 2:Can you find it? T:First, who want to be the seeker? The seeker 搜寻者 (First,I need a seeker.seeker,搜寻者。Then I hide the word card.接下来我把单词卡片藏 起来,the seeker 这个搜寻者在同学们的提示下找到卡片方算成功,赢得奖励)提示: 当该生离卡片越近,学生们读这个单词的声音需要越来越小。如果该生离卡片越来越 远呢?,学生们读这个单词的声音就应该越来越小 Clear? T:Ok,Lets begin. Step3 Homework Draw your home and introduce your home to your friends. 画一画自己的家并将它介绍给你的朋友。


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