冀教版(一起)六下Unit 1 Phoning Home-Lesson 2 Is Danny There -教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:600f4).doc

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1、冀教版冀教版 六年级下册六年级下册 Lesson 2 Is Danny There? 教学分析教学分析 1、学情分析、学情分析 小学六年级的学生已经具备了基本的英语学习素养,对于一些常用的单词, 语法与句型有了基本的了解,且拥有了一定的口语基础。同时该年级学生已经初 步具有了一定的语言提炼、归纳和总结能力,但还有待提高和加强。 2、教材分析、教材分析 本节课是冀教版义务教育教科书小学英语一年级起始六年级下册第一单元 的第 2 课时,题目 Is Danny There? 在本课中,Li Ming 打电话邀请 Danny 一起 堆雪人。继续学习、理解、运用打电话的基本用语,是本课的重难点。 教学目

2、标教学目标 1、 知识与技能目标知识与技能目标 (1) 学生能够听懂、会说、认读和书写单词: try, thin, sorry, goodbye. (2) 学生能够听懂、会说、认读单词: dinosaur. (3) 学生能够认读、理解并运用下列句子: Hold on, please. This is Li Ming speaking. (4) 学生能够在真实的情境中运用所学的电话用语。 2 2、学习策略目标、学习策略目标 (1) 学生能够在语篇中利用寻读策略捕捉信息。 (2) 学生能够在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考。积极运用所学英语进行表达 和交流。 (3) 学生能够在课堂互评中适时调整自己

3、的学习策略, 积极与他人合作共同完成 学习任务。 2、情感态度与价值观目标、情感态度与价值观目标 通过小组比赛的形式, 调动学生学习的积极性,使学生在不断体验成功的同 时,增强英语学习的兴趣和信心。 教学重难点教学重难点 1. 教学重点教学重点 句型 Hold on, please. This isspeaking.的掌握与运用。 2. 教学难点教学难点 打电话用语的综合语言理解和运用。 教学准备教学准备 多媒体、头饰、电话、恐龙模型奖励、板书图片 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warm up (2 minutes) Lets sing a song together. T: Good mo

4、rning, boys and girls! Ss: Good morning, Mrs. Xiao. T: Look, whats this? (拿实物) Ss: Its a phone. T: Yes, do you like to talk on the phone? Do you know how to talk on the phone? Now stand up, please! Lets sing a song together. I am on the phone. 【设计意图】 :通过歌曲,充分调动学生们的积极性,激活旧知,也给课文学习 新的电话用语埋下伏笔。 Step 2

5、New Concept (20 minutes) 1. Lesson Hook T: Look, who are coming? Ss: Li Ming and Jenny! (展示图片) T: Yes, they want to make a call. What will they talk about? Lets guess! Please look at the picture! Hows the weather in Canada? Ss: Its snowy. T: Lets guess what are they going to do on a snowy day? S1: M

6、aybe they are going to play in the snow. T: Good idea! Maybe you are right. 2. Listen and answer. T: Now,lets watch and find out “What are they going to do on a snowy day?” “Who do they want to invite?” T: Have you got the answers? “What are they going to do on a snowy day?” S1: They are going to th

7、e park to make a snowman. T: No2. “Who do they want to invite?” S2: They want to invite Danny. (贴图片) T: Wonderful! Who makes the call? S2: Li Ming makes the call. (贴图片) T: Yes, Li Ming calls Danny. (老师画电话线) 3. Read and find the answer quickly T: This time, please open your books. Lets find the answe

8、r quickly. Who answers the phone first? S1: Mrs. Dinosaur answers the phone first. T: Perfect! Where do you find it, can you read? S1: She says “Hold on, please.” T: Hold on, please. (板书,领读。) Whats the meaning? S2: It means “Just a moment, please.” T: Very good! T: Li Ming asks Ss: Is Danny there? T

9、: Mrs. Dinosaur answers(贴图片) Ss: Hold on, please. T: Now, Danny is coming! Danny asks “Hello?” What does Li Ming say? S4: Li Ming says “This is Li Ming speaking.” (板书) T: Great! Whats the meaning “This is Li Ming speaking.”? S5: It means “This is Li Ming.” “Its Li Ming.” 4. Read silently and underli

10、ne the answers T: Li Ming and Jenny want to make a snowman. What does Danny want to make? Now, lets read silently and underline the answers. You can number them 1、 2、 3、 4 If you finish, show me OK, please. T: Have you finished? This time, lets check the answers and discuss in your groups. T: Stop h

11、ere, boys and girls! Lets check our answers together. What does Danny want to make? Which group wants to have a try? Your group, please! S1: Danny wants to make a snow dinosaur. T: Where do you find the answer? Can you read the sentence? S1: Danny says “I dont want to make a snowman, I want to make

12、a snow dinosaur.” T: Great! What else? S2: He wants to make a big snow dinosaur. T: Because Danny asks S2: Can we make a big snow dinosaur? T: Wonderful! What else? S3: He wants to make a big scary snow dinosaur. Because Danny asks “Can we make a big scary snow dinosaur?” T: Perfect! Others? S4: He

13、wants to make a tall thin dinosaur. Because Danny asks “Can we make a tall thin dinosaur?” (板书) T: You are so great! Your group can get 4 points. T:At last, Can Danny go with Li Ming and Jenny? Why? Try to find the answer quickly, lets see who is the first? S6: No, he cant. Because he is doing his h

14、omework. T: Where do you find the answer? Can you read? S6: Danny says: “Sorry, I cant go. Im doing my homework. Maybe next week.” (板书) 5. Lets imitate and have a role play. T: Wow, you find all the answers. You are so great! This time, lets imitate! Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonatio

15、n. T: You did a good job. Lets have a role play. 4 students a group. One is Danny, one is Li Ming, one is Jenny and one is Mrs. Dinosaur. (拿头饰) Try to read with emotions and actions then I will give you two points. One minute for you. 【设计意图】: 以文本人物为主线直接进入本课学习,第一次接触文本,教师播 放文本音频,使学生从文本情境中初次感知新知。学生第二次接

16、触文本。通过细 读文本,找出问题答案。培养学生在文本中迅速获取信息的寻读能力。让学生尝 试运用语言表达。教师结合现有教材,运用生动的语言,引导学生分析教材。教 师在反馈学生答案的同时,给学生渗透单词语音教学和 Hold on, please. This isspeaking. 等电话用语。 Step 3 Practice (15 minutes) 1. Lets sing! T: Boys and girls, lets listen! Whats this? Ss: Its ring! T: Yes, now, lets enjoy a song. Ring, ring, ring! T:

17、Do you like this song? Can you sing? Everyone stands up, please. Lets sing and do the actions together. T: This time lets sing in roles. Now I need 3 students to sing and act here. Who wants to be Tom? Tom will invite Tim. Mother? The mother is doing the housework. Tim? Tim is helping out his mom. A

18、re you ready? 2. Lets act. T: Excellent! Boys and girls, do you want to play with your friend? I want to play sports this afternoon with my friend. I will make a call. Lisa: Hello? Ivy: Hello. May I speak to John? Lisa: Hold on, please. John: Hello. This is John speaking. Ivy: Hi John. Its Ivy. Woul

19、d you like to go to the gym this afternoon? John: Yes, Id love to. Its a snowy day. Can I throw snowballs in the gym? Ivy: Sorry, we cant. But we can play basketball in the gym. John: Thats great! I like to play basketball. What time? Ivy: How about 2:00? John: Okay. Thats fine. Thanks for calling.

20、Ivy: See you then. John: See you. T: Boys and girls, do you want to play with your friends? Lets make a call to invite them. Please look! This is our dialogue. You can change the words and make your own dialogue. Now, 3 students a group. You can choose a place and make a new dialogue. Try to act wit

21、h emotions and actions, then Ill give you 2 points. 2 minutes for you. 【设计意图】学生模仿朗读文本,然后自己选择喜欢的场景角色两人一组做角色 扮演。通过幽默风趣的表演形式,让学生对所学重点在头脑中进行总结并沉淀, 创造以学生为主体的自主学习氛围。 Step 4 Closing (3 minutes) 1. Summary: Lets make a summary: What have we learned today? 2. Well done, boys and girls! Today we have many ways to communicate with each other. Such as QQ, Wechat, Microblog, Facebook and so on. But dont forget: Communication begins from the heart. 3. Homework Spring is coming! Do you want to go for a walk? Lets make a call in English to invite your friends. Today, you did a very good job. Goodbye class!


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