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1、冀教版冀教版 六年级六年级下下册英语优质课件册英语优质课件 Unit 1 Lesson 5 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应 章节内容,方便使用。章节内容,方便使用。 Lesson 6 Unit 1 Again, please Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 1 Ping-pong and basketball 冀教版冀教版六年级下六年级下 New words 运动运动 足球足球 任一;一些任一;一些 一些一些 穿穿 New words Favourite sports basketball 篮球

2、篮球 football 足球足球 ping - pong 乒乓球乒乓球 I play basketball and football. Of all sports, I like basketball best! What sports do you play, Li Ming? I play football and ping-pong. Ping-pong is my favorite sport. Language points 1. play basketball 打篮球打篮球 play的的用法用法: (1)play 表示表示球类的名词球类的名词 打打 / 踢踢 / 玩玩 例:例: p

3、lay basketball 打篮球打篮球 (2)play the 表示乐器的名词表示乐器的名词 弹弹 / 奏奏 / 拉拉 例例: play the piano 弹钢琴弹钢琴 (3)play games 玩游戏玩游戏 但是如果表示但是如果表示特指某一项游戏特指某一项游戏时,要与时,要与the连用连用。 2. Of all sports, I like basketball best! 在所有运动中,我最喜欢篮球。在所有运动中,我最喜欢篮球。 of all + 可数名词复数可数名词复数 在所有在所有的的之中之中 表示范围,通常与最高级连用。表示范围,通常与最高级连用。 例:在所有学生中,他最高。

4、例:在所有学生中,他最高。 He is the tallest of all the students. 3. What sports do you play, Li Ming? 你做什么运动,李明?你做什么运动,李明? sport是可数名词,其复数形式为是可数名词,其复数形式为sports。 常用短语:常用短语:play sports have sports do sports 做运动做运动 4. Ping-Pong is my favourite sport. 乒乓球是我最喜欢的运动。乒乓球是我最喜欢的运动。 favorite 最喜欢的,相当于最喜欢的,相当于 likebest. 常用句型

5、:常用句型:ones favoriteis =sb like (likes) best. 例:我最喜欢西红柿。例:我最喜欢西红柿。 My favorite food is tomatoes./ I like tomatoes best. Do you have any ping-pong balls? Can you teach me to play ping-pong? Sure! Lets go to play ping- pong and basketball tomorrow. Great! I can learn to play basketball. Do you have any

6、 ping-pong balls? No. We can buy some. I also need a T-shirt. I always wear a T-shirt to play ping-pong. Okay. Lets go shopping. Language points 1. Can you teach me to play Ping-Pong? 你能教我打乒乓球吗你能教我打乒乓球吗? teach sb to do sth. 教某人来做某事教某人来做某事 例:詹妮经常教我打篮球。例:詹妮经常教我打篮球。 Jenny often teaches me to play baske

7、tball. 2. I can learn to play basketball. 我可以学打篮球。我可以学打篮球。 learn 学习学习 learner 学习者学习者 learn to do sth. 学习做某事学习做某事 例:我学习做风筝。例:我学习做风筝。 I learn to make a kite. 3. Do you have any ping-pong balls? 你有乒乓球吗?你有乒乓球吗? (1)Do you have any? 询问询问对方是否有对方是否有 肯定答语:肯定答语:Yes, I/we do. 否定答语:否定答语:No, I/we dont. (2)any 在文

8、中作限定词,意思是“一个,一些”。在文中作限定词,意思是“一个,一些”。 它多用于它多用于否定句和疑问句否定句和疑问句中。中。 后接可数名词复数或不可数名词。后接可数名词复数或不可数名词。 例:你在这里有一些朋友吗?例:你在这里有一些朋友吗? Do you have any friends here? 4. We can buy some.我们可以买一些。我们可以买一些。 some 一些一些 some 既可以修饰可数名词复数,又可以修既可以修饰可数名词复数,又可以修 饰不可数名词,多用于饰不可数名词,多用于肯定句肯定句中,但也可用于表中,但也可用于表 示示希望得到肯定回答的一般疑问句希望得到肯

9、定回答的一般疑问句中。中。 例:你想要一些苹果吗?例:你想要一些苹果吗? Would you like some apples? 5. I always wear a T-shirt to play ping-pong . 我总是穿我总是穿T恤打乒乓球。恤打乒乓球。 wear 穿着,戴着穿着,戴着 表示穿戴的状态,其对象是表示穿戴的状态,其对象是衣物、鞋帽、手表衣物、鞋帽、手表等。等。 例:露西戴着一副眼镜。例:露西戴着一副眼镜。 Lucy wears a pair of glasses. (1)put on 穿上,戴上穿上,戴上 强调穿和戴的动作。强调穿和戴的动作。 拓展:拓展: 例:他穿上

10、外套出去了。例:他穿上外套出去了。 He puts on his coat and goes out. (2)dress 给给穿衣服穿衣服 表穿的动作时,后面用人做宾语。表穿的动作时,后面用人做宾语。 dress oneself 穿着;打扮穿着;打扮 例:她现在能自己穿衣服了。例:她现在能自己穿衣服了。 She can dress herself now. 6. Lets go shopping. 咱们去买东西吧。咱们去买东西吧。 Lets do 让让我们做我们做吧吧 这是一个祈使句,通常用于提建议时。这是一个祈使句,通常用于提建议时。 Lets = let us 例:咱们一起唱首歌吧!例:咱

11、们一起唱首歌吧! Lets sing a song! Lets do it! 1. Look and talk. I like sports. Basketball is my favorite. I always wear a T-shirt to play basketball. What about you? I play I like sports. Basketball is my favorite. I always wear a T-shirt to play basketball. What about you? I play ping-pong and I always we

12、ar a pair of sports shoes. What do you like? I like sports. Football is my favourite. I always wear shorts and a T-shirt. 2. Read and write. a. Kim is hungry. She would like _ bananas. b. Im thirsty. Do you have _ water ? c. She has _ apples. some any some any some d. Do you have _ pencils? No. We c

13、an buy _. e. They have _ bread and _ eggs for breakfast, but they dont have _ milk. any some some some any Lesson 2 At the Sports Shop 冀教版冀教版六年级下六年级下 New words 或者;还是或者;还是 New words Do you want these or those? Lets see, Jenny. I need a T-shirt. And we need some ping-pong balls. Excuse me. Do you have

14、 any T-shirt? Yes. Ill show you! Here they are! Thanks. Do you like this T- shirt or that T-shirt, Li Ming? I want this one! Now we need some ping-pong balls. Do you want these or those? These balls are five dollars. Those are four dollars. I want those! Language points 1. lets see 让我想想让我想想 这是一个祈使句,

15、用来表示这是一个祈使句,用来表示邀请,建议邀请,建议或或请求请求。 这里的这里的see 相当于相当于 think,表示“想一想”。,表示“想一想”。 例例:让我休息一下让我休息一下。 Let me have a rest. 2. I need a T-shirt. 我需要我需要 一件一件T恤。恤。 例:例:我们需要买一些我们需要买一些T恤衫。恤衫。 We need to buy some T-shirts. need sth. 需要需要某物某物 need to do sth. 需要做某事需要做某事 3. excuse me 劳驾劳驾 sorry 表示“歉意”,用于冒犯、冲撞或伤害对方表示“歉意

16、”,用于冒犯、冲撞或伤害对方 的场合,意为“的场合,意为“对不起对不起”。”。 例例:对不起,我不能和你一起买对不起,我不能和你一起买T恤衫。恤衫。 Im sorry, I cant buy T-shirts with you. 4. Ill show you! 我拿给你们看看。我拿给你们看看。 show 给给看看;展示展示 通常的用法是通常的用法是 show sb. sth 或者或者 show sth to sb. 例例:请给我看看那幅画。请给我看看那幅画。 Show me the picture. Show the picture to me. 5. Here they are ! 他们在

17、这儿!他们在这儿! 当当there,here位于句首位于句首,如果句子,如果句子主语是名词主语是名词, 句子通常用句子通常用倒装句式倒装句式。结构为:。结构为:Here+ 动词动词 +主语主语。 例例:公汽来了!公汽来了! Here comes the bus! 6. Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt,Li Ming? 你喜欢这件你喜欢这件T恤还是那件恤还是那件T恤恤,李明?李明? 这是一个选择疑问句,指提供这是一个选择疑问句,指提供两种或多种情况供两种或多种情况供 对方选择对方选择的疑问句。的疑问句。 其结构通常为:其结构通常为:一般疑问句一般

18、疑问句 + 选项选项A or 选项选项B? 注意回答选择疑问句时,注意回答选择疑问句时,不能用不能用Yes 或或 no 来回答来回答, 而是选择一种或实际情况来回答。而是选择一种或实际情况来回答。 Lets do it! 1. Look. Tick or cross. Then write. This woman is wearing a yellow dress. That woman is wearing a white dress. This man is wearing a blue shirt. That man is wearing a red sweater. These flo

19、wers are yellow. Those flowers are red. These people are talking. Those people are singing. This woman is near. That woman is far. This man is _. That man is _. These flowers are _. Those flowers are _. Near or far? near far near far 2. Talk and write. Do you like this football or that football? I l

20、ike that football. Do you like this basketball or that basketball? I like that basketball. Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt? I like this T-shirt. Lesson 3 Lets play 冀教冀教版版六年级下六年级下 New words 篮球篮球 试;尝试试;尝试 重的重的 困难的;费力的困难的;费力的 容易的容易的 手手 New words Playing basketball Are you ready to learn to pla

21、y basketball, Li Ming? Yes! Are you ready to learn to play ping-pong? I want to learn, too! Let me try. Here I go! Im throwing the basketball! Danny! Catch the basketball! Ouch ! Ouch! The ball is heavy! Throw the basketball, Danny! This is too difficult! The ball is too heavy! This ball is light! I

22、 can throw it. This is easy! The basketball is heavy. The ping-pong ball is light. Language points 1. Are you ready to learn to play basketball, Li Ming? 你准备好学打篮球了吗,李明?你准备好学打篮球了吗,李明? be ready to do sth. 准备好做某事准备好做某事(强调准备的结果强调准备的结果) 。be ready for sth. 为为做好做好准备准备 例例:我准备好放风筝了。我准备好放风筝了。 I am ready to fl

23、y kites. 2. I want to learn, too! 我也想学!我也想学! too是副词,表示“也”,用于肯定句中,且是副词,表示“也”,用于肯定句中,且 常常置于句末,其前通常有逗号置于句末,其前通常有逗号。 too还有“太”的意思,还有“太”的意思,表示程度表示程度,修饰形容,修饰形容 词或副词。词或副词。 3. Let me try. 让我试试吧!让我试试吧! (1)try 想要尝试做某事想要尝试做某事 例例:我们休息一下,然后再试。我们休息一下,然后再试。 Lets have a rest and then well try again. (2)try on 试穿试穿 例

24、例:试穿一下这条粉色的连衣裙。试穿一下这条粉色的连衣裙。 Try on this pink dress. 4. Catch the basketball! 接住篮球接住篮球! 祈使句表达说话人对对方的祈使句表达说话人对对方的叮嘱叮嘱,劝告劝告,请求请求或或命令命令等。等。 肯定祈使句肯定祈使句:通常用通常用动词原型开头动词原型开头; 否定祈使句否定祈使句:在在句首加上句首加上Dont.为了表示客气,还可以为了表示客气,还可以 在句首或句尾在句首或句尾加上加上please。 例例:请开门。请开门。 Open the door,please. 拓展:拓展: (1)中心词是形容词的祈使句中心词是形容

25、词的祈使句:Be+形容词形容词+其他。其他。 例例:Be careful! 小心!小心! (2)以以let开头的祈使句:开头的祈使句:Lets+动词原形动词原形+其他。其他。 例:我们明天去打乒乓球吧!例:我们明天去打乒乓球吧! Lets play Ping-Pong tomorrow. Playing ping-pong I am hitting the ball to Jenny. Can you hit the ball to Jenny? I think I can. Ouch! I hit my hand! Li Ming hits the ball, but Danny hits

26、his hand! Poor Danny! I am hitting the ball. 我正在打球。我正在打球。 Language points 现在进行时用来表示正在进行的动作和状态。现在进行时用来表示正在进行的动作和状态。 句式结构:主语句式结构:主语+be(am, is are)+动词的现在分词。动词的现在分词。 例例:你在干什么?你在干什么? 我在读书。我在读书。 What are you doing ? I am reading a book. Lets do it! 1.The basketball is _. The ping-pong ball is _. teaching

27、learning easy difficult light heavy this that heavy light 2. The man is _the boy to skate. The boy is _ to skate. teaching learning 3. Li Ming likes _T-shirt. He doesnt like _T-Shirt. this that 4. Jenny can fly the kite very high. Its _. Danny cant fly the kite. Its _. easy difficult Lesson 4 Did yo

28、u have fun? 冀教冀教版版六年级下六年级下 New words Were home! Hi ,Li Ming! Hi, Jenny! Did you have fun today? Yes, we did! Jenny: We went to a shop. Li Ming bought a T-shirt today. Li Ming: We played ping-pong. I taught Jenny to hit the ball! Danny wanted to hit the ball, too, but he hit his hand. Jenny: We playe

29、d basketball, too. I taught Li Ming to throw and catch the ball. He is a good basketball player! Mrs. Smith: Did Danny learn to play basketball, too? Li Ming: Yes, he did. But he thought the basketball was too heavy. He played basketball with a ping-pong ball! Language points 1. We went to a shop. 我

30、们去了一家商店。我们去了一家商店。 一般过去时一般过去时:指在指在过去的某个特定时间过去的某个特定时间所发生的动作所发生的动作 或或存在的状态。存在的状态。 主要特征主要特征:谓语动词必须使用过去式谓语动词必须使用过去式。 一般过去时常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:一般过去时常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如: yesterday (morning/afternoon/evening), two/three/years/ weeks/ days/ hours ago, the day before yesterday, last week/mouth/year. 2. Did you have f

31、un? 你们玩得开心吗?你们玩得开心吗? have fun 玩得开心,过得愉快玩得开心,过得愉快 其中其中 fun 为不可数名词,故其前只可用为不可数名词,故其前只可用 a lot of / lots of / much 等词(组)修饰。等词(组)修饰。 同义词组:同义词组:enjoy oneself have a good time 例例:我们在公园玩得很开心。我们在公园玩得很开心。 We had a lot of fun in the park. Bought, taught and thought Jenny and Li Ming often buy things at the sho

32、p. Sometimes, they teach each other a sport. Danny always thinks he can catch the ball, but he cant. This morning, Jenny and Li Ming bought things at the shop. This afternoon, they taught each other a sport. Danny thought he could hit the ball, but he hit his hand. Language points Jenny and Li Ming

33、often buy things at the shop. 詹妮和李明经常在这家商店买东西。詹妮和李明经常在这家商店买东西。 其他表示频率的词:其他表示频率的词:always, usually, sometimes, never 按频率发生的高低排序:按频率发生的高低排序: alwaysusuallyoftensometimesnever 总是总是; 永远永远 通常通常 经常经常 有时候有时候 从来没有从来没有 我爸爸我爸爸总是总是开小车上班。开小车上班。 My father _ goes to work by car. 我妈妈我妈妈通常通常骑自行车上班。骑自行车上班。 My mother _

34、 goes to work by bike. always usually 我姐姐经常乘公共汽车上班,有时候她乘坐出我姐姐经常乘公共汽车上班,有时候她乘坐出 租车。但是她从来不步行上班。租车。但是她从来不步行上班。 My sister _ goes to work by bus. _ she takes a taxi. But she _ goes to work on foot. often Sometimes never Lets sing Oh, what did you do ? Oh, what did you do? Oh, what did you do? Li Ming and

35、 Jenny. We went to a little shop. We bought a new heavy ball. We taught each other a sport. Lets do it! bought ate saw walked went taught Last Sunday, I walked to the zoo. Look and write. I _ some pandas. I _ some bread for lunch. saw ate Li Ming and I _ to a shop this morning. went Li Ming _ a T-sh

36、irt. I _ li Ming to play basketball. bought taught What did you do last Sunday? Please write. Last Sunday, I went shopping with my parents. I watched TV at home. I played ping-pong. Lesson 5 A basketball game 冀教版冀教版六年级下六年级下 New words 比赛;游戏比赛;游戏 问问 很;非常很;非常 回答;答案回答;答案 警察警察 New words Who won? What did

37、 you do this evening, Jenny and Li Ming? We watched Bob play basketball! “Did Bobs team play a game?” asks Mr. Smith. “Yes, his team played with the Orange Team,” says Jenny . “It was a very good game. Everyone played hard!” “Who won?” asks Mr. Smith. “Bobs team won!” says Li Ming. “Thats great!” sa

38、ys Mr. Smith.” Did you have fun?” “Yes!” answers Li Ming.” We yelled for Bobs team!” Go! Bob! Go! Blue team! “Does Bob play basketball every day?” asks Li Ming. “No. He is a policeman. He plays basketball for fun on Saturday and Sunday,” Says Jenny. “He played so well this evening. He is a good play

39、er,” says Li Ming. Language points 1. What did you do this evening, Jenny and Li Ming? 你们今天晚上干什么了,詹妮和李明?你们今天晚上干什么了,詹妮和李明? 询问某人过去某个时间做了什么事情:询问某人过去某个时间做了什么事情:what did + 主语主语 + 动词原形动词原形 + 其他?其他? 例例:汤姆昨晚干什么了?汤姆昨晚干什么了? 他看电视了。他看电视了。 What did Tom do last night? He watched TV. 2. We watched Bob play basketb

40、all. 我们看鲍勃打篮球了。我们看鲍勃打篮球了。 watch sb. do sth. 观看某人做某事情观看某人做某事情(强调观看了强调观看了 做某事情的做某事情的全过程全过程)。 例例:我经常观看孩子们在树下做游戏。我经常观看孩子们在树下做游戏。 I often watch the kids play games under the tree. 3. Who won? 谁赢了?谁赢了? 这是由这是由who引导的引导的特殊特殊疑问句疑问句。 (1)如果如果who 对主语提问,后面直接跟谓语动词对主语提问,后面直接跟谓语动词; 例例:谁打篮球了?谁打篮球了? Who played basketb

41、all? (2)如果如果who对宾语提问,对宾语提问,who后面用到助动词后面用到助动词。 例句:例句:你和谁一起打篮球了?你和谁一起打篮球了? Who did you play basketball with? Lets do it! 1. Talk about a game you played. What game did you play? Where did you play the game? When did you play the game? Which team won? We played football game. We played the game at play

42、ground. We played the game at 3 pm yesterday. We won. 2. Write an email. Dear Jing, Today, I _ _ _ Love, Li Ming went bought taught watched had Dear Jing, Today, I _ _ _ _ Love, Li Ming went to a shop and bought some ping-pong balls. I taught Danny to play ping-pong. I watched Bob play basketball. I

43、 had a good time. Lesson 6 A famous football player 冀教冀教版版六年级下六年级下 Story time Many years ago, there was a boy from a very poor family. He liked to play football very much. But his parents couldnt buy him a football. The boy used boxes and bottles as his footballs. 许多年前,有一个男孩来自于一个许多年前,有一个男孩来自于一个 非常贫穷

44、的家庭。他很喜欢踢足球非常贫穷的家庭。他很喜欢踢足球 。但他的父母买不起足球给他。男。但他的父母买不起足球给他。男 孩用盒子和瓶子作为他的足球。孩用盒子和瓶子作为他的足球。 One day, a coach saw him. He thought that the boy would be a good player. The coach gave the boy a football as a gift. From then on ,the boy played football harder. 有一天,一个教练看见了他有一天,一个教练看见了他 。他觉得那个男孩将会成为。他觉得那个男孩将会成

45、为 一名很棒的球员。这位教练一名很棒的球员。这位教练 送给了男孩一个足球作为礼送给了男孩一个足球作为礼 物。从那时起,男孩更努力物。从那时起,男孩更努力 地踢足球了。地踢足球了。 At Christmas time, the boy wanted to do something for the kind coach. He ran to the coachs home and dug a hole in front of his house. The coach asked why. The boy said ,“I couldnt buy you a Christmas gift. But

46、I can dig a hole for your Christmas tree.” The coach was happy. He said, “this is the best Christmas gift.” 圣诞节的时候,男孩想为那个善良的教练做点什么圣诞节的时候,男孩想为那个善良的教练做点什么 。他跑到教练家,在他家的门前挖了一个坑。教练。他跑到教练家,在他家的门前挖了一个坑。教练 问他为什么。男孩说:“我买不起一份圣诞节礼物问他为什么。男孩说:“我买不起一份圣诞节礼物 给你,但我可以为你的圣诞树挖一个坑。”教练很给你,但我可以为你的圣诞树挖一个坑。”教练很 高兴。他说,“这是最好的

47、圣诞礼物。”高兴。他说,“这是最好的圣诞礼物。” The coach asked the boy to be a player on his football team. In 1958, the 17-year-old boy and his team won the World Cup. He was famous around the world. 这位教练让男孩成为他的足球队的一名球员。这位教练让男孩成为他的足球队的一名球员。19581958 年,年,1717岁的男孩和他的球队赢得了世界杯冠军。他岁的男孩和他的球队赢得了世界杯冠军。他 在全世界出名了。在全世界出名了。 Do you k

48、now who the boy is? He is Pele the world famous football player! 你知道这个男孩是谁吗?他就是你知道这个男孩是谁吗?他就是 贝利贝利世世界著名的足球运动员界著名的足球运动员 ! Read and talk Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as his footballs? Why did the coach give him a football as a gift? What can you learn from Pele? Because his family was very poor and his parents couldnt buy him a football. Because the coach thought that he would be a good player. If you work hard, you will be successful. Again, please! 冀教版冀教版六年


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