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1、冀教版冀教版 五年级五年级下下册英语优质课件册英语优质课件 Unit 3 Lesson 17 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应 章节内容,方便使用。章节内容,方便使用。 Lesson 18 Unit 3 Again, please Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16 Unit 3 Writing Home Lesson 13 冀教版冀教版 五年级下册五年级下册 New words (与(与how连用以询问数量)多少;连用以询问数量)多少; 很;非常很;非常 New words 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放

2、视频 Postcard, letter and email These are postcards. A postcard has a picture on it. 这些是明信片。这些是明信片。 在明信片上有图片。在明信片上有图片。 This is a letter. We write a letter on paper. 这是一封信。这是一封信。 我们在纸上写信。我们在纸上写信。 This is an email. We write an email on a computer. 这是一封电子邮件。这是一封电子邮件。 我们在电脑上写电子邮件。我们在电脑上写电子邮件。 In the shop

3、点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 Jenny, Danny and Li Ming want to buy some postcards. They are in the shop. This postcard has a picture of the Palace Museum! This postcard has the Great Wall. I want to send this postcard to my mum and dad. May I see that postcard, please? Sure! How much is this postcard? Its two y

4、uan. Ill take nine, please. Language points 1.This postcard has a picture of the Palace Museum! 这张明信片有故宫的图片。这张明信片有故宫的图片。 句型:句型:某物某物A+has a picture of+某物某物B. 用来描述某物有某用来描述某物有某 个图片。个图片。 例句:例句:a picture of the Great Wall 一张长城的图片一张长城的图片 I have a picture of the Great Wall. 我有一张长城的图片我有一张长城的图片 The postcard

5、has a picture of the Great Wall. 这张明信片有长城的图片。这张明信片有长城的图片。 a picture of意为意为“的图片”的图片”。 2.How much is this postcard? 这张明信片多少钱?这张明信片多少钱? How much?这是询问价格的句型,意为这是询问价格的句型,意为多少钱?多少钱? 提问:提问:How much is/are? 回答:回答:Its/Theyre+基数词(基数词(one, two)+货币单位。货币单位。 其中,当询问价格的物品是其中,当询问价格的物品是单数的时候用单数的时候用is,复数用,复数用are. 例句:例句

6、:How much is it? 它是多少钱?它是多少钱? Its two yuan. 它两元钱。它两元钱。 注意:注意:how much除了可以询问价格外,还可以表示除了可以询问价格外,还可以表示 询问不可数事物的数量询问不可数事物的数量。 例句:例句: How much bread do you want to have? 你想要多少面包?你想要多少面包? Lets do it! 1. Look, write and draw. Li Ming: I want to send a letter to my uncle. Steven:_ I want to send a postcard

7、to Danny. Danny:_ I want to send an email to my mum. I: _ I want to send a postcard to my friend. 2. Talk and write. How much is the postcard? Its three yuan. How much is the postcard? Its three yuan. _ is the cap? Its _. _? _. _? _. _? _. How much is the cap? Its ten yuan. How much is the T-shirt?

8、Its fifteen yuan. How much is the toy panda? Its thirty yuan. How much is the book? Its twenty-three yuan. Unit 3 Writing Home Lesson 14 冀教版冀教版 五年级下册五年级下册 New words 写写 妈妈妈妈( (非正式用语非正式用语) ) 爸爸爸爸( (非正式用语非正式用语) ) 亲爱的亲爱的 健康的;晴朗的健康的;晴朗的 左边的;左边左边的;左边 右边的;右边右边的;右边 New words 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 Lets write a p

9、ostcard 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 I want to send this postcard to my mum and dad. It has a picture of the Palace Museum. Friday, February 7 Dear Mum and Dad, How are you? I am fine. We are having fun in Beijing. This is the Palace Museum. It is not far from Tiananmen Square. Tiananmen Square is very big. I

10、miss you. Love, Jenny. Mr. and Mrs. Smith 522 Park Road Edmonton, T6G2R3 Alberta, Canada Where do you write on a postcard? On the left. Where do you put the address? On the right. Read the postcard and think how to write it. Write the date first. Dont forget the stamp. Where do we put the stamp? We

11、put the stamp in the top, right corner of the postcard. Language points 1. I want to send this postcard to my mum and dad. want to表达某人想做某事表达某人想做某事所用的句型。其中所用的句型。其中 want表示想要,表示想要,to后面加接动词原型后面加接动词原型。 例句:例句:I want to buy a postcard for my mum. 我想为我妈妈买一张明信片。我想为我妈妈买一张明信片。 Lets sing! 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 I wr

12、ite you a postcard. I send it to you. Heres your address on it, And a picture, too. How to write a postcard? I write on the left. Put the address on the right. Yes, we know. 我给你一张名信片。我给你一张名信片。 我把它寄给你。我把它寄给你。 在它上面是你的地址。在它上面是你的地址。 还有一张图片。还有一张图片。 怎么写明信片?怎么写明信片? 我在左边写。我在左边写。 把地址放在右边?把地址放在右边? 是的,我们知道。是的,

13、我们知道。 Lets do it. Make a postcard. Write and send it to your friend. Unit 3 Writing Home Lesson 15 冀教版冀教版 五年级下册五年级下册 New words 转向;转弯转向;转弯 错误的错误的 New words 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 Wheres the post office? 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 1 Excuse me, wheres the post office? Danny and Jenny want to send the postcards. 2 Go

14、 straight. Turn left at the traffic lights. Thanks. Language points Excuse me, where is the post office? 打扰一下,邮局在哪里?打扰一下,邮局在哪里? where is?这是问路的句型。这是问路的句型。 提问:提问:Where is +地点?地点? 回答:回答:Go straight./ Go straight head./ Go along the road. Turn right/left at 注意:注意:向别人问路之前,用上向别人问路之前,用上Excuse me这样更加礼这样更加礼

15、貌委婉。貌委婉。 At the post office 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 1 I need stamps for two postcards to Canada. How much are they? 2 They are twenty yuan. Ill take them, please. 3 Do you need stamps, Danny? Yes, but not now! 4 What are you doing? Im writing nine postcards to my mother. 5 Nine?! Yes! Look! Oh, no! Danny,

16、 you are wrong. Oops! Language points I need stamps for two postcards to Canada. 我需要两张邮票寄明信片到加拿大我需要两张邮票寄明信片到加拿大。 need意为“需要”其后可接名词,也可接动作,意为“需要”其后可接名词,也可接动作, 用法如下:用法如下: need+某物某物 需要某物需要某物 need +to+动词原形动词原形 需要做某事需要做某事 例句:例句:I need a book. 我需要一本书。我需要一本书。 I need to read a book. 我需要读一本书。我需要读一本书。 Do you ne

17、ed stamps, Danny? 你需要邮票吗,丹尼?你需要邮票吗,丹尼? 句型句型“Do you need+某物某物?”用于询问对方是否需要用于询问对方是否需要 某物。某物。 肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes, I do. 是的,我需要。是的,我需要。 否定回答:否定回答:No, thanks. 不,谢谢。不,谢谢。 例句:例句:Do you need a cup of tea?你需要一杯茶吗?你需要一杯茶吗? No, thanks. 不,谢谢。不,谢谢。 this/that Lets do it! 1. Look and write. How much is? ¥1515 ¥5 5 ¥1515

18、 ¥5 5 this/that How much is this postcard? Its five yuan. ¥1515 ¥5 5 this/that How much is that cap? Its fifteen yuan. these/those How much are? ¥8 8 ¥3030 ¥8 8 ¥3030 How much are these shoes? Theyre thirty yuan. these/those ¥8 8 ¥3030 these/those How much are those stamps? Theyre eight yuan. 2. Loo

19、k and talk. ZOO TRAIN STATION HOTEL POST OFFICE BUS STOP BOOK SHOP First Street Zhonghua Road Fuxing Road Second Street Excuse me, where is the hotel? Go straight. Turn left at the traffic lights. You will see the hotel on the right. Thank you. Practice with your partner. Excuse me, where is the zoo

20、? Go straight. Turn left at the traffic lights, then go along the First Street. After the first crossing you will see the zoo is on your right. Thank you. Unit 3 Writing Home Lesson 16 冀教版冀教版 五年级下册五年级下册 New words 电子邮件电子邮件 想法;主意想法;主意 电脑电脑 使用;利用使用;利用 New words 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 Send an email 点击画面点击画面

21、播放视频播放视频 1 A postcard is slow. An email is fast. And it doesnt need stamps. Lets send an email. 2 Good idea! I want to send an email to my father. I want to send an email to Steven! 3 There is a computer in the room. 4 Can we use the computer? Sure. To: From: Subject: How are you? Dear Dad, How are

22、you? Im fine. Beijing is a very big city. Its beautiful! Mum and I will go back home tomorrow. See you soon. Love, Li Ming Language points Lets send an email.让我们发封电子邮件吧。让我们发封电子邮件吧。 Let意为“使,让”,用于祈使句,表提出建议、请求、意为“使,让”,用于祈使句,表提出建议、请求、 命令等。命令等。Lets 是是Let us的缩写形式,意为“让我们的缩写形式,意为“让我们”,”, 是祈使句中表提建议的句型,是祈使句中表

23、提建议的句型,其后接动词原型其后接动词原型,即,即 Let sb. do sth.(让某人做某事让某人做某事)。 例句:例句:Lets go to school. 让我们去学校吧。让我们去学校吧。 OK。好的。好的。 Can we use the computer? 我们能使用这台电脑吗?我们能使用这台电脑吗? “Can we +动词原型动词原型+其他其他?” 表示“我们能做什么表示“我们能做什么 吗?”,其中吗?”,其中we可以用可以用I 替换,表示“我能做什么吗?”替换,表示“我能做什么吗?” 用于征求别人的意见。用于征求别人的意见。 例句:例句:Can we go to the park

24、? 我们能去公园吗?我们能去公园吗? Sure.当然。当然。 To: 至:至: From: 来自:来自: Subject: How are you? 主题:主题:你好吗?你好吗? 这是英语电子邮件的收件人寄件人及邮件主题格式。这是英语电子邮件的收件人寄件人及邮件主题格式。 注意:注意:to是代表的收件人,是代表的收件人,from是代表的寄件人,是代表的寄件人,subject 是代表的这封电子邮件的主题。电子邮件的正文跟中文的是代表的这封电子邮件的主题。电子邮件的正文跟中文的 书信书写格式一样。书信书写格式一样。 Lets sing! 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 I write you

25、the email. No stamp, no pen. My computer sends it all, To you, my friend. First write the address, And who I send to. Dont forget to write my name, At the end. 我给你写这封电子邮件。我给你写这封电子邮件。 不要邮票,不要笔。不要邮票,不要笔。 我的电脑全部发出去,我的电脑全部发出去, 给你,我的朋友。给你,我的朋友。 首先写上地址,首先写上地址, 和我发送给谁。和我发送给谁。 不要忘记写上自己的名字,不要忘记写上自己的名字, 在结尾处在

26、结尾处 Lets do it! You can write an email in different ways. Read and number. Hi Steven, How are you? Im having fun in Beijing. You can buy many things on Wangfujing Street. Your friend, Jenny Hi Steven, How are you? Im having fun in Beijing. You can buy many things on Wangfujing Street. Your friend, J

27、enny 1. Love, /All the best, 2. Dear Steven, /Hello Steven, 3. Im happy to write to you. Im in Xian. Its great! I love the food here. 2 3 1 Write an email in the other ways. Dear Steven, Im happy to write to you. Im in Xian. Its great! I love the food here. Love, Jenny Unit 3 Writing Home Lesson 17

28、冀教版冀教版 五年级下册五年级下册 New words 友好的,体贴的友好的,体贴的 我们(我们(wewe的宾格形式)的宾格形式) New words 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 Danny writes an email. 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 Im writing an email to Steven. To: From: dannycompmail.ca Subject: Hello! Dear Steven, Im in Beijing. Hows the weather in Canada? Is it snowy? In Beijing, it is sunn

29、y. There is no snow. People here are kind. What a great trip! Im coming home to Canada on February 8. Your friend, Danny Language points Hows the weather in Canada? 加拿大的天气怎样啊?加拿大的天气怎样啊? 这是一个询问某地天气的句子。一般情况下,询问天气这是一个询问某地天气的句子。一般情况下,询问天气 情况的句型有两种:情况的句型有两种: Hows the weather in +地点?地点? Whats the weather

30、like in +地点?地点? 这两个句型的答语一般是:这两个句型的答语一般是:Its +天气形容词(天气形容词(sunny, hot). 例句:例句:Hows the weather in Guangzhou?广州的天气怎样?广州的天气怎样? Its very hot. 非常热。非常热。 Time to go home 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 What a fun trip! Beijing is great! Tomorrow youll go back to Canada. Well miss you. Thank you. Well miss you, too. Dont

31、forget to write to us. Language points Tomorrow youll go back to Canada. 明天你将要回加拿大了。明天你将要回加拿大了。 youll 是是you will 的缩写形式,意为“你将的缩写形式,意为“你将”。”。will 在这里做为动词,意为“将要在这里做为动词,意为“将要”,表示动作发生在说”,表示动作发生在说 话时间之后,是英语的一般将来时的一种结构:话时间之后,是英语的一般将来时的一种结构:主主+will+ 动词原形动词原形+其他。其他。 例句:例句:I will go back home tomorrow. 我明天将回家

32、。我明天将回家。 Lets do it. 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 To: dannycompmail.ca From: Subject: Hello from Steven! Dear Danny, Its cold and snowy in Canada now. Im wearing my new winter coat. Are there many famous places in Beijing? Remember to take some pictures. Ill be happy to see you again. Say hi to your friends fo

33、r me. Your friend, Steven Read. Tick or cross. 1. This is an email from Steven. 2. This email is to Jenny. 3. Steven is Dannys friend. 4. Its sunny in Canada. 5. Steven is in Beijing. Read the email and answer questions. 1. Where is Steven? And Danny? 2. How is the weather in Canada? 3. What does St

34、even ask Danny to do? Steven is in Canada and Danny is in Beijing. Its cold and snowy. To take some pictures. Listen and repeat. 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 an egg in front of get up look out 一个鸡蛋一个鸡蛋 在在前面前面 起床起床 向外看向外看 an orange a map of China look at put on 一个桔子一个桔子 一张中国的地图一张中国的地图 看看 穿上穿上 Unit 3 Writing Hom

35、e Lesson 18 冀教版冀教版 五年级下册五年级下册 New words 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 Story time 点击画面点击画面 播放视频播放视频 Li Ming, Danny and Jenny are in Beijing. They are sending an email. 李明,丹尼和詹妮在北京。他们李明,丹尼和詹妮在北京。他们 正在寄电子邮件。正在寄电子邮件。 Jenny says, “Lets send an email to my friend Emma!” “Where does Emma live?” asks Danny. “She lives

36、in Ottawa,” says Jenny. “I want to tell her about our trip.” Jenny writes to Emma. 詹妮说,“让我们发一封电子邮件詹妮说,“让我们发一封电子邮件 给我的朋友艾玛吧!”给我的朋友艾玛吧!” “艾玛住哪里?”丹尼问。“艾玛住哪里?”丹尼问。 “她住在渥太华。”詹妮说。“我“她住在渥太华。”詹妮说。“我 想要告诉她我们的旅行。”詹妮写想要告诉她我们的旅行。”詹妮写 给艾玛。给艾玛。 Dear Emma, I am sending you this email from Beijing. It is two oclock

37、 in the afternoon here. Its one oclock in the morning in Ottawa! How are you? We are having a great time. See you soon. Yours truly, Jenny This is Jennys email. 亲爱的艾玛,亲爱的艾玛, 我正在北京跟你发电子邮件我正在北京跟你发电子邮件。这里现在是这里现在是 下午两点钟。在渥太华是早上一点钟。下午两点钟。在渥太华是早上一点钟。你好你好 吗?吗?我们玩的很开心。我们玩的很开心。 再见。再见。 谨致问候谨致问候 詹妮詹妮 这是詹妮的电子邮件

38、。这是詹妮的电子邮件。 “I also want to send an email to my brother,” says Jenny. “Im hungry. Lets go to the restaurant to have lunch!” says Danny. No, Danny, not now! “我还想给我哥哥发一封电子邮件,”詹妮说。“我还想给我哥哥发一封电子邮件,”詹妮说。 “我饿了“我饿了。我们去饭店吃午餐吧!”丹尼说。我们去饭店吃午餐吧!”丹尼说。 不,丹尼,不,丹尼,现在现在 不行!不行! Hey! Look! Its an email for us! Who is

39、sending us an email? “I dont know. Its from Ottawa. Its from Emma!” says Jenny. “No way!” says Danny. “Isnt everyone in Ottawa sleeping now?” 嘿!看!是一封给嘿!看!是一封给 我们的电子邮件!我们的电子邮件! 谁发给我们的电谁发给我们的电 子邮件?子邮件? “我不知道。电邮是来自渥太华。它来自艾玛。”詹妮“我不知道。电邮是来自渥太华。它来自艾玛。”詹妮 说。“不可能!”丹尼说“难道现在渥太华的每个人不说。“不可能!”丹尼说“难道现在渥太华的每个人不 都是

40、在睡觉吗?都是在睡觉吗? Dear Jenny, Thank you for sending an email to Emma. She is fine. She is sleeping in her bed. Everyone is in bed sleeping. I dont have a bed. I sleep in a sock. It is Emmas sock. It is a gift from Emma. I am tired. I want to go to sock now. Yours truly, Little Zeke This is the email from

41、 Little Zeke. 亲爱的詹妮,亲爱的詹妮, 谢谢你发送电子邮件给艾玛谢谢你发送电子邮件给艾玛。她很好她很好。她正在床上睡觉。她正在床上睡觉。 每个人都在床上睡觉每个人都在床上睡觉。我没有床我没有床。我睡在一个袜子里我睡在一个袜子里。 是艾玛的袜子是艾玛的袜子。它是一份来自艾玛的礼物它是一份来自艾玛的礼物。 我累了。我现在想去袜子里了。我累了。我现在想去袜子里了。 谨致问候谨致问候 小奇客小奇客 这是来自小奇客的电子邮件。这是来自小奇客的电子邮件。 “Go to sock?” says Danny. “Is that sentence wrong? Does he want to go

42、 to bed?” “Who is Little Zeke?” asks Li Ming. “I dont know!” says Jenny “去袜子里?”丹尼说。“那个句“去袜子里?”丹尼说。“那个句 子错了吗?他想上床睡觉吗?”子错了吗?他想上床睡觉吗?” “小奇客是谁?李明问。“小奇客是谁?李明问。 “我不知道!我不知道!”詹妮说。詹妮说。 Read and talk. Is the time in Ottawa the same as in Beijing? Does Emma send the email to Jenny? Where does Little Zeke sleep

43、? Is the time in Ottawa the same as in Beijing? Does Emma send the email to Jenny? Where does Little Zeke sleep? No, it isnt. No, she doesnt. Little Zeke sleeps in a sock. Language points 1.“I also want to send an email to my brother,” says Jenny. “我还想给我哥哥发一封电子邮件,”詹妮说。“我还想给我哥哥发一封电子邮件,”詹妮说。 also “也”的

44、意思,跟我们以前学习的“也”的意思,跟我们以前学习的too意思是一样意思是一样 的,只是在用法上有所区别。的,只是在用法上有所区别。 英语中一共有三个单词都有“也”的意思:英语中一共有三个单词都有“也”的意思: 单词单词 适用句型适用句型 句中位置句中位置 例句例句 too 用于肯用于肯 定句定句 句尾句尾 I like the red bag too. 我也喜欢这个红包包我也喜欢这个红包包。 also 用于肯用于肯 定句定句 放在句子的放在句子的 主语之后主语之后 I also like the red bag. 我也喜欢这个红包包我也喜欢这个红包包。 I dont like the red

45、 bag, either. 我也不喜欢这个红包包。我也不喜欢这个红包包。 either 用于否用于否 定句定句 句尾句尾 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现 在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧! Again, please! 冀教版冀教版 五年级下册五年级下册 Listen and tick. 听力原文:听力原文: 1. This is a letter. I want to send a letter to my friend. 2. I like this postcard. It has

46、 a panda on it. 3. I need some stamps. Ill take nine. 4. I use a computer to send an email. Listen and match. mother Emma teacher parents 听力原文听力原文 Li Ming wants to send a letter to his parents. Danny wants to send a postcard to his mother. Jenny wants to send an email to her teacher. Steven wants to

47、 send an email to Emma. Read and write. picture how fine left send write right Tom: Look, Mum! This postcard has a _ of a panda on it. I want to _ this postcard to Mike. Its two yuan. Mum: Okay. Lets take it. Tom: How do I _ a postcard? Mum: You write on the _. Put the address on the _. Tom: Okay. p

48、icture send write left right Dear Mike, _ are you? Im _. China is great. I am having fun here. Yours, Tom picture how fine left send write right fine How Look and write. 1. You write an e on a c . 4. I like my English teacher. She is very k . 2. Twenty-three and forty-four is seventy-six. Thats w .

49、3. Go straight and t right. Then you can see the cinema. kind email computer wrong turn Read and match. 1.You dont use your pen. You write and send it on your computer. What is it? 2.You buy it in a shop when you travel. You send it to your friend or your family. It has a beautiful picture on it. What is it? 3.You write it on pap


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