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    • 河北秦皇岛2019—2020学年度第二学期(下册)期末教学质量检测四年级英语试卷及答案(人教PEP).doc--点击预览


四年级英语试卷四年级英语试卷 第第 1 页页 (共(共 6 页)页) 20192020 学年度第二学期期末教学质量检测学年度第二学期期末教学质量检测 四年级英语试卷四年级英语试卷 Part Listening(听力部分,共(听力部分,共 40 分)分) . Listen and circle. 听音,画圈。听音,画圈。(10(10 分分) ) 听句子,圈出对应的图片。每个句子读三遍。听句子,圈出对应的图片。每个句子读三遍。 A B C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . Listen and judge. 听听音音,判判断断。 (1 10 0分分) 本试卷测试时间为本试卷测试时间为 5050 分钟,满分为分钟,满分为 100100 分,其中听力部分占分,其中听力部分占 4040 分,笔试部分占分,笔试部分占 5757 分,卷面书写占分,卷面书写占 3 3 分,书写要工整哟!分,书写要工整哟! 5 15 50 四年级英语试卷四年级英语试卷 第第 2 页页 (共(共 6 页)页) 听句子,判断与图片表达的意思是听句子,判断与图片表达的意思是“”“”否否“”“”一致。每个句子读三遍。一致。每个句子读三遍。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . Listen and order. 听音,排序。听音,排序。( (共共 1010 分分) ) 听会话,按听到的顺序用听会话,按听到的顺序用 1,2,3,4,51,2,3,4,5 为句子重新排序。会话读三遍。为句子重新排序。会话读三遍。 ( ) They are nice. How much? ( ) Can I help you? ( 6 ) Oh, its cheap. Ill take twenty. ( ) Yes. Do you have any apples? ( ) Yes, of course. How about these? ( ) Ten yuan for twenty. . Listen and choose. 听音,选择。听音,选择。(10(10 分分) ) 听短文,选择合适的答案,并将其字母标号写在题前括号内。短文读三遍。听短文,选择合适的答案,并将其字母标号写在题前括号内。短文读三遍。 ( ) 1. How much are the gloves? Theyre yuan. A. four B. five ( ) 2. Are the sunglasses cheap? A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. ( ) 3. How much are the scarves? Theyre yuan. A. ten B. nine ( ) 4. Are the socks expensive? A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. ( ) 5. How much are the socks? Theyre yuan. 500 四年级英语试卷四年级英语试卷 第第 3 页页 (共(共 6 页)页) A. two B. three Part Writing (笔试部分,共(笔试部分,共 57 分)分) . Read and choose. 认真读句,根据发音,找出规律,选词填空。认真读句,根据发音,找出规律,选词填空。 (1010 分)分) 1. My uncle Bob eats a hamburger for breakfast. This is Moms. She is a teacher. 2. The bird is on a tall horse. This girl has a ball and a . 3. The card is for my sister. The farmers horse is in the . 4. Mark your homework after dinner. My car has a with a tiger. 5. Excuse me, sir. Please turn back to the park. the nurse in the car. . Look, read and write. 仔细看图,选择合适的单词完成对话。仔细看图,选择合适的单词完成对话。 (1010 分)分) 1. water table Circle fork word arm tiger nurse girl card ball sister uncle / Bob / hamburger / Mom / teacher bird / tall / horse girl / ball / card / for / sister farmer / horse / mark / homework / dinner car/ / tiger sir / turn / park / nurse / car Is this your bag? Yes, its . Thank you. Mine mine your yours my 四年级英语试卷四年级英语试卷 第第 4 页页 (共(共 6 页)页) 2. 3. 4. . Look, read and order. 仔细看图,正确书写句子,注意字母的大小写和仔细看图,正确书写句子,注意字母的大小写和 标点符号。标点符号。 (1010 分)分) 1. Itissunny. 2. Itscoolandrainy. This is my new bag. Yes, its new. Its . Its not sweater. Its big for me. Are these shoes? No, they arent. are green. 四年级英语试卷四年级英语试卷 第第 5 页页 (共(共 6 页)页) 3. Thesearecows. 4. Thisisthegym. 5. TheseshoesareDads. . Look, read and choose. 选选择择合合适适的的句句子子补补全全会会话话,并并将将其其字字母母标标号号写写在在对对应应 的的横横线线上上。(1 10 0分分) Sarah, John and Wu Yifan are on the farm. Sarah: Yifan: Yes, there are so many vegetables. John: Look at these! Yifan: Yes, they are. Sarah: Wow! They are so big. Look! A. They are yum. B. But they are good. C. This is the vegetables garden. D. What are these? E. Are these carrots? 四年级英语试卷四年级英语试卷 第第 6 页页 (共(共 6 页)页) Yifan: They are tomatoes. Sarah: Yellow tomatoes? Yifan: Yes. Theyre new. Try some. Sarah: Thanks. Mmm . Look, read and number. 按按图图片片提提示示的的顺顺序序为为句句子子排排序序。(7 7分分) ( ) I go to bed at 9 oclock. ( ) We go home at 4:30 p.m. ( ) We have PE class at 2:30 p.m. ( ) I have English class at 9:00 a.m. ( ) I read a book after dinner. ( ) I have lunch at 12 oclock. ( ) I go to school at 7:00 in the morning. . Read and judge. 阅阅读读会会话话,判判断断句句子子正正 “T T”误误“F F” 。 (1 10 0分分) Tommy: Wow! You have a lot of animals! What are those? Farmer: Theyre horses. Tommy: Cool! They are white, brown and black. Farmer: Theyre strong, too. Tommy: How many horses do you have? Farmer: Mmm Eighteen. Tommy: What about those? Are they hens? Farmer: No, they arent. Theyre ducks. Tommy: How many ducks do you have? Farmer: I have fifty. Tommy: Wow! 四年级英语试卷四年级英语试卷 第第 7 页页 (共(共 6 页)页) 1. The farmer has a lot of animals. ( ) 2. The horses are white, yellow and black. ( ) 3. The farmer has seventeen horses. ( ) 4. The farmer has ten hens. ( ) 5. The farmer has fifty ducks. ( ) 四年级英语试卷四年级英语试卷 第第 8 页页 (共(共 6 页)页) 20192020 第二学期期末教学质量检测第二学期期末教学质量检测 四年级英语试卷参考答案及评分标准四年级英语试卷参考答案及评分标准 Part Listening(听力部分,共(听力部分,共 40 分)分) I. 共共 10 分,每小题分,每小题 2 分。依次是:分。依次是:ACAAB II. 共共 10 分,每小题分,每小题 2 分。依次是:分。依次是: III. 共共 10 分,每小题分,每小题 2 分。依次是:分。依次是:416235 IV. 共共 10 分,每小题分,每小题 2 分。依次是:分。依次是:BAABB Part Writing (笔试部分,共(笔试部分,共 57 分)分) V. 共共 10 分,每小题分,每小题 2 分。依次是:分。依次是: 1. table; 2. fork; 3. water; 4. word; 5. Circle VI. 共共 10 分,每空分,每空 2 分。依次是:分。依次是: 1. mine; 2. yours; 3.my; 4. your; Mine VII. 共共 10 分,每小题分,每小题 2 分。标点及大小写错误每个扣分。标点及大小写错误每个扣 0.5 分。依次是:分。依次是: 1. It is sunny. 2. Its cool and rainy. 3. These are cows. 4. This is the gym. 5. These shoes are Dads. VIII. 共共 10 分,每小题分,每小题 2 分。依次是:分。依次是:CEDBA IX. 共共 7 分,每小题分,每小题 1 分。依次是:分。依次是:7542631 X. 共共 10 分,每空分,每空 2 分。依次是:分。依次是:TFFFT
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