(新教材)2022版北师大版英语选择性必修第一册同步练习:UNIT 2 Period 1 Topic Talk (含答案).doc

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1、UNIT 2 Period One 题组 A 基础练 (建议用时:10 分钟) 单词拼写 1Ten _(雇员) were praised by the president at the meeting yesterday. 2Im quite grateful for your _(合作) and support in the past few years. 3Mr. Brown was highly praised at the meeting for his _(奉献) to his work. 4To gain a successful _(事业), youll have to spar

2、e no effort in your daily work. 5Watching screen too much has done a lot of _(损害) to his eyes. 6Im very _(感激的) of what you have done in the past months. 7Mr. Li is so _(有雄心的) that he wont lose heart in time of difficulty. 8It is clear that my brother is very _(热心的) about the voluntary activities. 9I

3、 hope that I will be a(n) _(宇航员) when I grow up. 10Though he has failed many times, he is still _(乐观的) in his work. 【答案】1employees 2cooperation 3commitment 4career 5injuries 6appreciative 7ambitious 8enthusiastic 9astronaut 10optimistic 单句语法填空 1Mrs. Wu is a woman worker, but she is _(determine) in h

4、er work. 2My brother is a young man with great _(ambitious) 3Thank you for your _(commit) to your duty. 4It is said that Mr. Li is likely _(return) to his office next month. 5You _(work) on the computer for three hours now. Why not stop to take a break? 6Please remind my grandfather _ his medicine a

5、fter each meal. 7_ his failure, he didnt lose heart in his work. 8After years of hard work, he finally stood out and gained a _(success) life. 9We must have confidence and believe in _(we) in our life and work. 10_(collect) stamps is my favorite in my spare time. 【答案】1determined 2ambition 3commitmen

6、t 4to return 5have been working 6of 7Despite 8successful 9ourselves 10Collecting 完成句子 1Finally, they _ _ _ a plan for their work. 最后,他们终于制订出了一个工作计划。 【答案】came up with 2She is very _ _ this activity. 她对这个活动非常热心。 【答案】enthusiastic about 3It _ _ _ to argue with the old man. 同这位老人争吵毫无意义。 【答案】makes no sens

7、e 4He is now out of work and _ _ _ _. 他失业了,过着非常贫困的生活。 【答案】lives a poor life 5Can you tell me _ _ _ _ this problem? 你能告诉我怎么处理这个问题吗? 【答案】how to deal with 题组 B 提升练 (建议用时:30 分钟) 阅读理解 I work as the reception manager at my hotel. A booking came in a few weeks ago with a note attached that a guest would be

8、 travelling with her deaf father. This note helped us in preparing for their arrival. As they would be here for a number of days, his daughter wanted to make his trip to Ireland as smooth as possible. Upon seeing this note and knowing I would be the one to check them in, I decided to learn some very

9、 basic sign language. I greeted the guest in my usual fashion, asking for the surname on the booking. Once I heard the name,I immediately realized who was standing in front of me. I had been learning for two weeks how to say: “Welcome to Ireland. My sign language is terrible, but please, if you need

10、 anything during your stay, just let me know and we will help you.” I smiled at the father and daughter in front of me. Turning to the father, I greeted him in ASL (American Sign Language) and began the bit I had learned for him. His daughter broke down, crying and told me I was sweet. But the fathe

11、r just smiled and was so happy. Honestly, seeing his reaction was enough for me. It was absolutely worth the last few weeks of learning basic ASL. Sadly, I wasnt working the day they checked out, but they left a gift for me, a small box with some chocolates and a book on ASL. Inside was a note sayin

12、g: “Thank you very much for what you did. My father has been in amazing spirits from the time you checked us in and insisted we get you a gift before we left. You have no idea how much this meant to my father and me, and we cant thank you enough. Youve made his trip very special with one simple gest

13、ure.” I cried for a solid five minutes when I came into work the next day and found this gift in my locker. 1The daughter left a note when booking the hotel in order to _. Aask for special service for herself Bgive some useful advice to the hotel Cexpress gratitude to the hotel manager Dmake her fat

14、hers trip more comfortable 2The daughter cried when they checked in because _. Athe authors sign language was really terrible Bher father was unwilling to live in that hotel Cshe appreciated what the author had done for her father Dthe author wouldnt be working when they checked out 3Seeing the fath

15、ers reaction during check- in, the author probably felt _. Athankful Bsatisfied Cdisappointed Dregretful 4From this passage, we can know that _. Athe author made the daughters check- out smooth Bthe author was deeply moved by an unexpected gift Cthe daughter cried for five minutes before they left D

16、the daughter asked the author to learn sign language 【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。本文作者回忆了接待一对父女来爱尔兰旅游,帮助他们 登记入住的故事。 因为那位父亲是个聋哑人, 作者专门学了手势语“欢迎来爱尔兰”来接待 他。那位父亲对于作者的接待很满意,走的时候还送给作者礼物。 1 D 细节理解题。 根据第二段最后一句 “As they would be here for a number of days, his daughter wanted to make his trip to Ireland as smooth as possible

17、.”可知, 女儿在预订旅馆时留下 了一张便条,以便让父亲的旅行更舒适。故选 D 项。 2C 细节理解题。根据第五段“His daughter broke down, crying and told me I was sweet. But the father just smiled and was so happy.”可知,当他们登记入住时,女儿哭了。女儿情绪 失控的原因是作者的细心体贴感动了她,这让她的爸爸很开心。故选 C 项。 3B 推理判断题。根据第五段 “Honestly, seeing his reaction was enough for me. It was absolutely

18、 worth the last few weeks of learning basic ASL.”可知, 看到这位爸爸很开心, 作者感 到了他的付出是很值得的。因此看到父亲在入住时的反应,作者可能感到很满足。故选 B 项。 4B 推理判断题。根据最后一段 “I cried for a solid five minutes when I came into work the next day and found this gift in my locker.”可知,作者收到这份特殊的礼物后很感动。故选 B 项。 完形填空 Deng couldnt sleep. Tomorrow was Engl

19、ish class. Everyone was supposed to talk about their most precious possession. Hed heard the other kids talking. Everyone _1_ something special, something expensive. Deng had _2_. His family had lost everything. Their last money was used to get a place on the boat to Canada. But no one knew that. De

20、ng was too _3_ to tell anyone the truth. He didnt want anyone to laugh at him. He didnt want anyones pity. He pretended his family was rich._4_, now everyone would find out. Perhaps he could be sick. But he knew his mother wouldnt _5_ that. She would make him go to school. His parents were proud of

21、him. They thought he was happy at school. He didnt want to _6_ them. Suddenly he had an idea! Mr.Petrovskis gold watch._7_ he would lend it to Deng just for one day. He was always pleased when Deng cleared his snow or went to the store for him. He could _8_ the watch was his. The next day, Deng foun

22、d something on the back of the watch. It was almost _9_. He looked closely. There was one word “friendship” It was Dengs _10_. “My familys very poor. We dont own anything valuable any more. So I asked my friend to _11_ me this. Its his most precious possession.” Then he held up the watch. “I was goi

23、ng to pretend it was mine. But its not. He lent it to me _12_ Im his friend. And thats what I have. A friend.” There was _13_ in the class. Then Deng heard a sound. Slowly, his classmates started to _14_ their hands. One by one they came to the front of the classroom and gathered round Deng. “Youre

24、right,” one said.“_15_ is more important than anything. And you have a lot of friends.” 1Ahad Bmade Cbrought Dborrowed 2Asomething Bnothing Canything Deverything 3Aafraid Bserious Cnervous Dproud 4AInstead BBesides COtherwise DHowever 5Ateach Bmind Callow Daward 6Adisappoint Bdisturb Cfollow Dsatisf

25、y 7ASurely BGradually CTruly DStrangely 8Aagree Bpretend Cpromise Ddream 9Agiven away Bthrown away Chidden away Dworn away 10Asecret Bmessage Cturn Dpleasure 11Alend Bbuy Cleave Dshow 12Abecause Bthough Cunless Duntil 13Anoise Bpanic Csilence Dwarmth 14Ashake Bwave Cclap Draise 15AHonesty BBravery C

26、Family DFriendship 【语篇解读】 这是一篇记叙文。 英语课上老师要求同学们分享自己最宝贵的财富, Deng 由于觉得自己一无所有而无法入睡。突然他想到一个主意,去向 Mr. Petrovski 借他的金表。 他拿到金表时, 发现在表的背后写着“朋友”, 他突然觉得自己拥有的最宝贵的财富就是朋 友。因此他与同学们分享了这个故事,赢得了大家的掌声。 1A 考查动词辨析。句意:每个人都有一些特别的东西,一些贵重的东西。此空格 处单词与下段首句“Deng had _2_.”中的 had 呼应。故选 A 项。 2B 考查不定代词。句意:Deng 什么都没有。这句话与上文中“Everyo

27、ne _1_ something special, something expensive(每个人都有一些特别的东西,一些贵重的东西)”形 成对比,强调 Deng 一无所有。并且由下句“His family had lost everything (他的家庭失去了 一切)”可知,Deng 一无所有。故选 B 项。 3 A 考查形容词辨析。 句意: Deng 害怕告诉任何人这个事实。 由下句“He didnt want anyone to laugh at him(他不想别人嘲笑他)”可知,他害怕告诉别人这个事实。故选 A 项。 4D 考查副词。句意:然而,现在每个人都会知道这件事。根据上下文逻

28、辑关系, Deng 一无所有,害怕别人知道这件事,而老师却让他们谈论自己最宝贵的财富,这次无法 避免让别人知道 Deng 的情况。 这个结果与他的期望是相反的, 所以上下句之间是转折关系。 故选 D 项。 5C 考查动词辨析。句意:他也许可以装病。但是他知道他的妈妈是不允许他这样 做的。由下句“She would make him go to school(她会让他去学校的)”可知,他妈妈是不 允许他装病的。故选 C 项。 6 A 考查动词辨析。 句意: 他不想让他们失望。 A disappoint 使失望, 使破灭; B disturb 打扰;Cfollow 跟随,跟着;Dsatisfy 使

29、满意,使满足。由上两句“His parents were proud of him. They thought he was happy at school(他的父母以他为傲。他们认为他在学校很开 心)”可知,他也不想让父母失望。空格处单词与上文中的 proud 形成反义呼应。故选 A 项。 7A 考查副词。句意:毫无疑问,他会将他的金表借给 Deng 一天。由下句“He was always pleased when Deng cleared his snow or went to the store for him(每次当 Deng 清扫他的 积雪,或去店里找他的时候,他都很开心)”可推知

30、,毫无疑问,Mr.Petrovski 会将他的金 表借给 Deng。故选 A 项。 8B 考查动词辨析。句意:他可以假装这个表是他的。此空格处单词与上文“He pretended his family was rich(他假装他的家庭是富裕的)”中的 pretended 呼应。故选 B 项。 9 D 考查动词短语。 句意: Deng 在表的背面发现一些字。 几乎都要磨损掉了。 A given away 赠送,捐赠;Bthrown away 扔了;Chidden away 深深隐藏;Dworn away(使) 磨 损。由下句“He looked closely. There was one wo

31、rd friendship(他拿近了仔细看。上面写 着朋友)”可知,表上的字被磨损得不清晰了。故选 D 项。 10C 考查名词辨析。句意:轮到 Deng 了。由本段内容是 Deng 演讲的内容可知,轮 到 Deng 发言了。“its ones turn”为固定搭配,意为“轮到了”。故选 C 项。 11A 考查动词辨析。句意:因此我请求我的朋友借给了我这个。空格处单词与上文 “he would lend it to Deng just for one day(他会借给 Deng 一天)”中的 lend 呼应。故选 A 项。 12A 考查状语从句的连词。句意:因为我是他的朋友,所以他借给了我。根据

32、句意, 他借给我的原因是我是他的朋友。故选 A 项。 13C 考查名词辨析。句意:教室里一片寂静。Anoise 响声,噪音;Bpanic 惊恐, 恐慌;Csilence 寂静,无声;Dwarmth 温暖,暖和。由下句“Then Deng heard a sound(然 后,Deng 听到了一个声音)”可知,教室里一片寂静。故选 C 项。 14C 考查动词辨析。句意:慢慢地,他的同学们开始鼓掌。Ashake 摇;Bwave 挥手,招手;Cclap 拍;Draise 举起。根据场景,Deng 在台上演讲,他的同学肯定是拍 手鼓掌。并且由下文中的“Youre right(你很对)”可知,同学们认可他

33、讲的内容,所以可推 知同学们鼓掌。故选 C 项。 15D 考查名词辨析。句意:一个同学说:“你是对的。友谊比任何事情都重要。并 且你有很多朋友。” 空格处单词与上文中手表背后的字“Friendship”呼应。故选 D 项。 语法填空 A CCTV journalist succeeded in arousing a heated discussion among citizens. The discussion was about 1_(ask) people if they were happy. The responses to the question were 2_(variety),

34、 even some quite funny ones included. Although people played jokes on the answers, it did not take long 3_ they began to figure out the true meanings of happiness. It is certain that peoples views on happiness 4_(affect) greatly by their own life experience. Unfortunately, too many people refer to b

35、eing rich as happiness and there is no sign of 5_ decrease in the number of those who are voluntarily at the mercy of wealth. Some people whose intention is 6_(make) big money appreciate being given any chance to multiply their income, believing that is7_ their happiness lies. Some are eager to inhe

36、rit (继承)their parents property, especially those who 8_(be) known as silver- spoon kids (富二代)Even worse, some would rather break the law to satisfy their financial desire or seek their fortune 9_(legal) In my opinion, happiness is not about pursuing wealth merely but about admiring the beautiful thi

37、ngs in life. Therefore, live 10_(you) life to the fullest and be happy. 【语篇解读】 这是一篇议论文。 文章主要介绍了一位中央电视台记者通过询问人们是否 快乐,成功地在市民中引起了激烈的讨论,不同的人给出了不同的看法。在作者看来,幸福 不仅仅是追求财富,而是欣赏生活中美好的事物。 1asking 考查现在分词。句意:讨论的内容是问人们是否快乐。由于空格前面有介 词 about,故需要用现在分词,充当其宾语,而该介宾结构又是前面 is 的表语。故填 asking。 2various 考查形容词。句意:这个问题的答案是各异的。

38、此处要用形容词 various(各 种各样的)作表语。故填 various。 3before 考查连词。句意:虽然人们觉得答案很好笑,但没过多久,他们就开始弄 清楚了快乐的真正含义。考查固定句型 it did not take long before(没过多久就)。故填 before。 4are affected 考查时态和语态。句意:可以肯定的是,人们对快乐的看法很大程度 上受他们自己的生活经历影响。根据句意可知,主语“peoples views”和动词 affect 之间是被 动关系,要用被动语态 be done;而此处说的又是客观现实,所以用一般现在时态的被动语 态;主语是复数形式。故填

39、 are affected。 5a 考查冠词。句意:不幸的是,太多的人将富有视为快乐,而且没有迹象表明自愿 受财富支配的人数有所减少。此处抽象名词 decrease(下降)具体化,用作可数名词,加不定 冠词 a,构成短语“no sign of a decrease”,表示“没有一种下降的迹象”。故填 a。 6to make 考查不定式。此处不定式 to make 在定语从句“whose intention is _6_ (make) big money(人们的打算是去赚大钱)”中作表语,因为它在此处指的是主语 intention “打算,意图”,是指没有发生的事情,所以用不定式作表语表示未发生

40、的事情。故填 to make。 7where 考查连接副词。句意:相信这就是快乐之所在。分析句式可知,此处是表语 从句, 从句中 lie 是不及物动词, 并不缺宾语, 又表示“所在的地方”, 所以用连接副词 where 作状语。故填 where。 8are 考查主谓一致。句意:有些人渴望继承父母的财产,尤其是那些被认为是富二 代的人。所填词在从句中作谓语,根据句意是被动语态,又是讲客观现实,所以本句要用一 般现在时态的被动语态,因为关系代词 who 指代的是先行词 those(那些人),所以谓语要用 复数形式。故填 are。 9illegally 考查词性转化。句意:更糟糕的是,有些人宁愿违法以满足他们的经济欲 望或非法地寻求他们的财富。此处用副词 illegally(非法地)作状语,修饰谓语动词。故填 illegally。 10your 考查代词。“live your life to the fullest(充分享受你的生活)”,其中 life 是名 词。故填 your。


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