人教版go for it 八年级下册英语全册重点总结.docx

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1、Unit 1 whats the matter? 必背词组 1. have/get a headache =headache hurts 头痛 2. have/get a stomachache= stomachache hurts 胃 痛 3. have/get a toothache = toothache hurts 牙痛 4. have/get a very sore throat = throat hurts a lot 喉咙痛 5. have/get a sore back = back hurts 背痛 6. have/get a sore leg = leg hurts 腿痛(

2、伤) 7. have a fever 发烧 8. have colds =have a cold 感冒 9. have a nosebleed 流鼻血 10. have a cough 咳嗽 11. have a heart problem 心脏病 12. have the same spirit as Aron 和 Aron 有一样的 精神 13. had a serious mountain climbing accident 遇到了严重的登山事故 14. get into trouble 遇到麻烦 15. get hit on the head 撞到了头 16. get out of.从

3、出来;远离 17. lie down and rest 躺下休息 18. rest for a few days 休息几天 19. have a rest = take a rest 进行休息 20. have a break=take a break (短暂的)休息 21. get some sleep 睡觉 22. get some rest 休息 23. expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus 期待绝大多数或全部的乘客下车 去等下一班车 24. see a dentist an

4、d get an X-ray 去看牙医并照片 25. drink some hot tea with honey 喝加了蜜的热茶 26. take ones temperature 给某量体温 27. take good care of myself 好好照顾自己 28. take the man to the hospital 把这个人送到医院 29. move the man to onto the bus 把这个人般到公共汽车上 30. need to take breaks away from the computer 有必要不沾计算机一段时间 31. put some medicin

5、e on the cut 在伤口上敷药 32. put a bandage on the finger 把创可贴绷在手指 上 33. put your head back 把头往后仰 34. put on my jacket 穿上我的夹克 35. move my neck 转动我的颈子 36. played computer games all weekend 整个周末都玩电脑游戏 37. stopped the bus without thinking twice 没有细想就停了车 38. stop the blood 止血 39. hurt yourself playing soccer

6、在踢足球时伤了你自己 40. found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah 在犹他州爬山时发现自己处于非常危险 的景地 41. cut myself by accident 偶然砍伤了我自己 42. have to act quickly 必须赶快行动 43. thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers 多亏了王先生和乘客们 44. saved the man in time 及时救了这个人的命 45. an American man who is interested in

7、mountain climbing 一个对爬山感兴趣的美国人 46. one of the exciting things 刺激的事情之一 47. almost lost his life because of accidents 因为事故几乎失去了他的生命 48. climbed down the mountain 下山 http:/ww w.xkb1 .com 49. the importance of making good decisions 作好决定的重要性 50. be in control of ones life 把握生命 51. make a decision that co

8、uld mean life or death 做出生死抉择 52. Aron ran out of water.= Arons water ran out. Aron 喝光了水 53. ate too much junk food at my friends birthday party 在朋友的生日 party 上吃了太多垃圾食品 54. to ones surprise,令某人吃惊的是 55. agreed to go with him 同意和他一起去 56. hit an old man 撞到一个老人 57. right away 立刻,马上 58. right now 刚才 59. f

9、all down 倒下,摔倒 60. run it under water 用水冲 61. tell of/about讲述 62. still go mountain climbing 依然去爬山 63. doesnt mind taking risks 不介意冒险 64. give up 放弃 65. an all-you-can-eat meal 所有东西都好吃的一餐 66. run under the hot sun 在毒辣的太阳下跑 67. be used to doing something 习惯于做 必背句子 68. Whats the matter( with you)?=Wha

10、ts wrong( with you)?=What is happening (to you)?怎么了? 69. What should I do?我应该做什么呢?/我该怎么办呢? 70. Should I take my temperature? No, you shouldnt. /Yes, you should.我应该测量体温吗?不,你不应该。/ 是的,你应该测一测。 71. Thats probably why.也许那就是原因。 72. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.假如你的头明天还痛,就去

11、看医生。 73. At 9:00 a. m. yesterday, bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.昨天上午 9 点,26 号车行进在中华路时,驾驶员看到一个老人躺在马路边。 74. A woman next to him was shouting for help.他旁边的一个女人正在声呼救。 75. Its sad that many people dont want to help others because the

12、y dont want any trouble.许多人因为不想惹 麻烦而不想帮助他人,这很令人伤心。 76. But the driver didnt think about himself. He only thought about saving a life.但是这个驾驶员不考虑自己, 他只考虑挽救生命。 77. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks.作为一个登山者,Aron 习惯于冒险。 78. Arons arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him whe

13、n he was climbing by himself in the mountains.Arons 的手臂被压在一块 360 公斤的岩石下,那块岩石是当他独自一个爬山时掉到他身上的。 79. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him.因 为他的手臂无法动弹,他在那个呆了五天,希望有人会发现他。 80. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do som

14、ething to save his own life.但当他的水喝 光的时候,他知道他不得不行动起来挽救自己的生命。 81. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm.因此,他用小刀割掉了他的半只右臂。 82. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood.然后,他用左臂,为 自己打好了绷带,以便于他不至于失血过多。 83. After losing his arm, he wrote a book call

15、ed Between a Rock and a Hard Place.失去手臂之后,他写了一本书, 书名是生死难诀 。 84. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.他对 爬山的爱是如此之深,以至于在经过那次经历后依然继续爬山。 85. I almost couldnt get myself out of bed.我几乎不能下床。 86. It hurts a lot.它很痛。 87. Its very difficult

16、for me to talk.对我来说,谈话很困难。 88. Your face looks a bit red.你的脸看起来有点红。 89. You look terrible.你看起来可怕。 90. You dont look well.你看起来不舒服。 91. Whats wrong with your face?你的脸怎么了? 92. Itll hurt even more later!一会儿它会更痛 。93.He cut his knee, so I washed the cut.他砍伤了作的膝盖,因此,我为他清洗了伤口。 93. He was taken to the hospit

17、al to get an X-ray.他被带到医院去照片。 94. My head feels very hot 我的头摸起来很烫。 Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. 必背词组 95. hope to work outside 希望在外面工作 96. decide to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program 决定为成为课后阅读活动志愿者而参加选拔 (try out for为而参加选拔) 97. could help (to) clean up the city parks

18、可以帮助清洁城市公园 98. help (out) with something 帮助做 99. help out as a volunteer 作为志愿者而帮助他人 100. could visit the sick kids to cheer them up 可以看望病患儿童以让他们振作 101. could volunteer in an after-school study program to teach kids 可以在教孩子的课后学习活动中当志愿 者 102. volunteer as a teacher 志愿者教师 103. volunteering our time to h

19、elp others 志愿奉献我们的时间帮助他人 104. could give out food at the food bank 可以在食物站分发食物 105. give up several hours each week to help others 每周放弃几小时以帮助他人 106. give away old clothes to the poor 把旧衣服捐赠给穷人 107. give something to somebody= give somebody something 把给某人 108. give somebody orders 给某人下命令 109. come up

20、with a plan/ good ideas 想出计划/ 主意 110. make a plan 制定计划 111. the city park clean-up 城市公园的清洁 112. only two weeks from now 从现在起仅仅两个周的时间 113. work in an old peoples home/ a childrens home 在老年之家/儿童之家工作 114. read the newspaper to the old people 向老人读报纸 115. get his future dream job 获得他未来的梦想的工作 116. learn m

21、ore about how to care for animals 学到更多的关于怎样照料动物的知识 117. get such a strong feeling of satisfaction 获得如此强烈的满足感 118. get better/ worse /green/ yellow 变得更好/ 更糟/ 绿/ 黄 119. the look of joy/ surprise/ sadness /happiness/ excitement高兴/ 惊讶/ 悲伤/ 幸福/ 激动的表情 120. a book lover 书虫 121. could read by herself 能够独自阅读

22、 122. at the age of four 在四岁的时候 123. raise money for homeless people 为无家可 归的人筹钱 124. put off my plan 推迟我的计划 125. be busy with my studies 忙于我的学习 126. call up somebody 给打电话 127. put up signs around the school 满校园张贴 招牌 128. make notices 出通知 129. the book sale 售书活动 130. be worried about getting good job

23、s 为找出工作而担心 131. make lots of money 挣许多钱 132. in their free time 在他们的空闭时间 133. be strong in= be good at擅长于 134. a good way to spend our free time 一种度过空余时间的好方法 135. stop doing their jobs for a few months to a year 停止做他们的工作几个月到一年 136. travel alone 独自旅行 137. run out of money 用完钱 138. take after my fathe

24、r 长得像我的爸爸 139. fix up broken bikes 修理烂自行车 140. be similar to 与相似 141. would like to do something 愿意做 142. make it possible for me to have Lucky 让我拥有 Lucky 成为可能 143. make a big difference to my life 对我的人生起重大作用 144. get me a special trained dog 让我得到一条经过特殊训练的狗 145. get things for disabled people 为残疾人买东

25、西 146. be a guide at a museum 在博物馆当导游 147. be excited about the idea of having a dog 因为拥有一条狗的主意而激动 148. six months of training with a dog 带着狗训练的六个月 149. have a “dog helper” because of your kindness 因为你的善良而拥有一个“狗助手” 150. a fantastic dog 一条了不起的狗 151. send you a photo= send a photo to you 送一张照片给你 152.

26、show you how he helps me 向你展示他是怎样帮助我的 153. interests and hobbies 兴趣和爱好 154. be interested in.对感兴趣 155. be set up被成立(建立) 156. set up a call-in center for parents 为家长们成立一个呼叫中心 157. hand the notices out after school 放学后散发通知 158. help people in need 帮助危难中的人 159. cant buy any more old bikes 不能再买任何旧自行车了 1

27、60. students who volunteer 志愿者学生 161. people who are less lucky than us 比我们更不幸的人 162. children who dont have bikes 没有自行车的孩子 163. signs asking for old bikes 收集旧自行车的招牌 164. be proud of 对为骄傲 unit 3 必背词组及句子 必背词组 165. Could you please do? (礼貌请求)你可以做吗? 166. Could I please do? (征求意见)我可以做吗? 167. do the dish

28、es=wash the dishes 洗碗碟 168. take out the rubbish 把垃圾带出去 169. fold your clothes 折衣服 170. sweep the floor 扫地 171. make your bed 整理床铺 172. clean the living room 打扫起居室 173. do some washing/ shopping/ cleaning 洗衣服/ 购物/ 做清洁 174. go out for dinner 出去吃晚饭 175. go to the movies 去看电影 176. stay out late/ until

29、nine 呆到很晚/ 呆到 9 点 钟 177. get a ride 撘车 178. give me a ride to town 开车送我到镇上 179. need to do something 需要做 180. have to do something 不得不做 181. help out with a few things 帮助做些事情 182. at least 至少 183. finish doing something 完成做 184. be/ come back from shopping 购物回来 185. any minute/ second/ moment now 随时

30、 186. pretty clean and tidy 相当干净而整洁 187. be angry with对生气 188. solve the problem 解决问题 189. throw down my bag 扔下我的书包 190. the minute/ as soon as / the moment I sat down 我一坐下就 191. take the dog for a walk= walk dog 溜狗 192. replied angrily 生气地回答 193. all the time 一直 194. never help out around the house

31、 从没帮助做 家务 195. work all day 工作一整天 196. do housework all evening 整晚做家务 197. shout back 吼回去 198. find the house clean and tidy 发现房间干净 又整洁 199. ask in surprise 惊讶地问 200. share the housework 分担家务 201. a clean and comfortable home 一个干净又舒 服的家 202. neither of us 我们两个都不 203. hang out with my friends 和我朋友一起闲

32、逛 204. pass me the salt= pass the salt to me 把盐递 给我 205. borrow something from somebody 从某人那 里借某物 lend something to somebody 把某物借给某人 206. hate to do something 讨厌做 207. enough stress from school 来自于学校的足 够的压力 208. a waste of their time 时间的浪费 209. spend their time on schoolwork 花时间在学 业上 210. in order t

33、o do something 为了做 211. get into a good university 进好大学 212. there is no need for somebody to do something 对于某人来说没必要做 213. depend on 依靠 214. develop childrens independence 养成孩子的独立(习惯) 215. the idea of fairness 公平意识 216. have no idea how to take care of himself 不知道怎样照料自己 217. fall ill 生病 218. grades

34、dropped 成绩下降 219. as a result 因此 220. its fair/ unfair for children to do something 对于孩子来说,做是公平的/ 不公平的。 221. get something to drink 买饮料 222. be careful with 小心对待 223. a few other things I want you to do 我想要你做的另处几件事情 224. 必背句子 225. I think two hours of TV is enough for you.我认为两个小时对你已足够。 226. She wont

35、 be happy if she sees this mess.假如她看到这乱糟糟一团定会不高兴。 227. Its clean, but its not “mother clean”!是干净,但这不是妈妈心中的干净。 228. Im just as tired as you are!我也和你一样的累。 229. She did not do any housework and neither did I.她没有做任何家务活,我也没有。 230. I could not find a clean dish or a clean shirt.我没有发现一个干净的碗碟,一件干净的衬衫。 231.

36、Ill finish my homework while you help me with the dishes.在你帮助我洗碗碟的时候,我将完成我的家 庭作业。 232. I do not understand why some parents make their kids help with housework and chores at home.我不理 解为什么有些父母让他们的孩子在家帮助做家务。 233. It is the parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their ch

37、ildren.在家给孩 子们提供一个干净而舒服的环境是家长们的工作。 234. It is important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework.对于孩子们 来说,学会怎样做家务和帮助父母亲做家务是很重要的。 235. Since they live in one house with their parents, they should know that everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy.

38、既然他们和他们的父母生活在同一房子里,他们就应该明白每个人都应该做他 们份内之事,以保持房子的干净与整洁。 236. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.孩子们越早独立,对他们的未来 就更好。 unit 4 必背词组及句子 必背词组 237. have any free time to do things I like 有自由时间做我喜欢做的事 238. allow somebody to do something 允许某人做 239. take/ have after-scho

39、ol classes 参加课后辅导班 240. get into fight with somebody= have a fight with somebody=fight with somebody 和某人闹矛盾 241. get on (well) with somebody 和某人相处(得好) 242. get into a good university / a good senior high school 上好大学/高中 243. so that以至于;以便于 take him to the ball game 带他去参加球类比赛 244. wait that/ so long 等

40、待如此久 245. surprise somebody 让某人吃惊 246. look through检查浏览 find somebody doing something 发现某人正在 做 247. give something back to somebody= return something to somebody 归还某物给某人 248. forget about 忘掉 relations between my parents 父母之间的关系 be nice/ friendly /kind to somebody 对某人友好 249. refuse to do something 拒绝

41、做 250. feel lonely and nervous 感到孤独和紧张 251. offer to do something 主动做 252. sit down and communicate with your brother 坐下来和你哥哥交流 253. mind somebody doing something 介意某人做 254. borrow my clothes without asking/ without returning them 借我的衣服没不说/不归还 255. make somebody angry 让某人生气 256. copy my homework 抄我的

42、作业 257. have a pet 养宠物 258. give me a lot of pressure 给我很大的压力 259. compete with somebody 和某人比赛 260. free time activities 空闲时间活动 261. learn exam skills 学会考试技巧 262. a typical American family 典型的美国家庭 263. cut out 去掉/除 264. comparing with .把和比较 be unhappy with= be angry with对生气 265. cause a lot of stres

43、s 导致许多压力 266. think for somebody 为某人考虑 267. to be a successful person 成为成功人士 268. start doing something 开始做 269. in ones opinion,就某人看来;依某人的观点, 270. be right about在某方面正确 271. wait a few more days 再等几天 272. help each other 相互帮助 273. stress out 过度紧张/劳累 274. do activities I enjoy 进行我喜欢的活动 必背句子 275. Why

44、dont you do? Why not do?为什么不做呢? 276. Although shes wrong, its not a big deal.尽管她错了,但没什么大不了的。 277. Hope things work out.希望情况好转。 278. Its the only communication they have.这是他们之间仅有的交流。 279. I dont know if I should say anything to them about this.不我知道我是否应该就这事对他们说点什么。 When they argue, its like a big, bla

45、ck cloud hanging over our home.当他们吵架的时候,我们的家就像笼罩 在大大的乌云一样。 280. Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night.然而,他想看什么就看什么直到深夜。 281. Its normal to have these feelings.有这些感觉很正常。 282. I studied until midnight last night so I didnt get enough sleep.昨晚我学习到半夜,因此我睡眠不足。 283. He should talk to hi

46、s friend so that he can say hes sorry.他应该对他的朋友说,以便于他能说他很抱歉。 284. However, the tired children dont get home until after 7:00 p. m.然而,主些疲惫的孩子要直到下午 7 点 后才回家。 285. People shouldnt push their kids so hard.人们不应该给他们的孩子如此大的压力。 286. Although its normal to want successful children, its even more important to

47、have happy children.尽管想 要成功的孩子很正常,但有幸福的孩子却更重要。 287. Life shouldnt just be about grades.生活不应该仅仅与成绩有关。 unit 5 必背词组及句子 必背词组 288. in/on the street 在街上 289. at the bus stop 在公共汽车站 290. at the time of the rainstorm 在下暴雨的时候 291. in time of difficulty 面对困难的时候 292. at that time 在那时 293. go off 发声音 294. miss

48、the bus 错过了公共汽车 295. pick up(本单元)接电话 296. take a hot shower 洗个热水澡 297. strong winds 狂风 298. heavy rain/snow 大雨/雪 299. dark clouds 乌云 300. be in the area 在这个区域 301. make sure 确保,弄明白 302. make dinner 做晚餐 303. fall asleep/ill 入睡/生病 304. fall in trouble 遇到麻烦 305. fall in love with爱上 306. die down 逐渐变弱 3

49、07. die out 灭绝 308. die away 消失 309. die of/ from死于 310. wake up 醒来 311. find the neighborhood in a mess 发现周转一团糟 312. join somebody to do something(加入)和某人一起做 313. take the car to the car wash 把车开到洗车场 314. the place of the accident 事故发生地 315. by the side of 在边上 316. get to the bus stop 到达汽车站 317. mak

50、e ones way to somewhere 往去。前进。 318. be helpful to do something 做有帮助 319. the news of important events in history 历史上的重要事件的新闻 320. the news on the radio/ TV 收音机/电视的新闻 321. be completely shocked 被彻底震惊 322. in silence 静静地 323. in surprise 吃惊地 324. in joy 高兴地 325. the rest of 其余的;剩下的 326. the World Trad


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