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1、八下单词专项练习 一、根据括号里的音标、首字母或汉语提示,填入正确形式的单词。 Unit1 1. It is not what you have taught but what your students have learnt that m_. 2. He had so serious a_stmkekthat he could hardly move. 3. At the f_of the mountain lies a small village. 4. We have a new baby whose hands and f_ are tiny. 5. If you sleep on

2、your _stmk, you are a person who likes to keep secrets. 6. Before starting the speech, he cleared his sore t_. 7. All the p_ on the bus fought with the bad person together. 8. Being deaf _(意味着) you cannot hear anything. 9. You should realize the i_of keeping promises 10. Though I may get into t_, I

3、still would like to help him. 11. My classmates found some _ (刀子) and cut the cakes into several pieces with them. 12. Mr. Green died last night. His d_ made us very sad. 13. Dont worry about her. She can take care of h_. 14. The mountain is covered with r_. 15. Tom was a fat boy before, but he is o

4、nly 45 k_ now. 16. He saved my life at the r_ of losing his own. 17. You look tired, I think you should have a r_ now. 18. I talked too much yesterday, and my throat was s_. 19. Lucy went to the dentist because she had a t_. 20. I can not move my _(脖子). I feel terrible. 21. He hit the dog with a _st

5、k just now. 22. I will ask the police for help in that s_. 23. I could see he was angry, but he didnt lose _kntrl. 24. He bandaged(包扎) himself so that he would not lose too much b_. 25. Although they lost the game, they played it with great s_. 26. We had a party last night and enjoyed o_a lot. 27.

6、The n_ helped the doctor to take care of the sick. 28. We should take it seriously and make the right d_. 29. The baby _( 咳嗽)all night, which made the mother very worried. 30. Because of the heavy rain, he was wet all over. And he had a high f_the next day. 31. After reading for a long time, he laid

7、 the book on the desk and l_ down to take a break. 32. At the end of junior high, he made the most of time to study. He even studied during the _breksof classes. 33. How to make naughty students learn English well is a real h_ for English teachers. 34. If your neck still _(疼) tomorrow, then go to th

8、e doctor. 35. He began to feel s_ as soon as the ship started to move. 36. As a mountain c_, he is used to taking risks. 37. His_ni got hurt in the accident. Unit 2 1. Staying at home_(独自) makes me feel bored. 2. Great _( 变化)have taken place over the past few years. 3. Can anybody think of a way to

9、r_ money for the homeless people? 4. I have a strong f_ that our team will win the game. 5. I am very _(激动) to see you again. 6. Mario would like to _vlnt(r) at the animal hospital. 7. The teacher _(注意到) him eating in class. 8. Can you help me to_rpe(r) the machine? It broke down. 9. Mr.Black is so

10、old that he has difficulty in c_ the heavy box. 10. My computer doesnt wok. It is b_. 11. After studying in the_(培训) school, he can speak English very well. 12. You should_ ndstnd what your parents did for you. 13. I will _prpe(r) for the long journey. 14. Look at the s_ No Smoking. You can not smok

11、e here. 15. I get a strong feeling of s_ from the volunteer work. 16. If I were the man who lives alone on the island, I would feel l_. 17. The poor boy is d_. He can not hear anything. 18. Tommy received a l_ from his pen friend yesterday. 19. Please c_ the door. It is cold. 20. Can you _mdn the li

12、fe without light? 21. We should do something to help the _(残疾的). 22. We should treat old people with k_and warmth. 23. It took him _ sevrl hours to get to the top of the mountain. 24. When I am down, I prefer movies that can c_me up. 25. Only by living your life to the fullest can you experience the

13、 _(快乐) of life. 26. If you own the house, that means you are the o_of the house. 27. I spent one hour f_up my broken bike. 28. My car does not run. There is something wrong with the_ wi:l . 29. Once people go b_, their sense of hearing will become better. 30. Please keep the door o_. The room is qui

14、te hot. 31. New staff must be t_ before starting to work. 32. Babies are much _(聪明) than people have thought. 33. His _(兴趣) in English helps him focus on his study for a long time. Unit 3 1. David never drinks milk and n do I. 2. After having dinner, I washed the dishes and s_ the floor. 3. W Im lis

15、tening to music, my brother is playing the violin. 4. My pen is on the sofa. Please p it to me. 5. Peter always b things from me and he doesnt give them back on time. 6. John often helps his mother do c , like folding the clothes , taking out the rubbish or cleaning the living room 7. The restaurant

16、 p nice meals, so we often have meals there. 8. Lucy and I are next-door n . 9. She drp her glasses on the floor and broke them this morning. 10. Her grandma was badly l in hospital. 11. Playing computer games too much is a _ west of your time. 12. I wish your kids would _ fld up their clothes! 13.

17、He makes a terrible _ mesof the kitchen when hes cooking. 14. Take out the _ rb, please. It makes the room so dirty. 15.I dont think children should (依靠) on their parents too much. 16.Sue is great. She (发展) the company from nothing. 17. Was it really (公正的) to him to ask him to do all the work? 18. T

18、hese days many middle school students still have lots of (精神压力) from school. 19. Alice _ (厌恶)to do the dishes, but she likes sweeping the floor. 20. My bike is broken. Could you _ (借给)me yours, please? 21. Stop _(扔) stones at that dog! 22. Everyone put their _(手指) in their ears because of the big no

19、ise. Unit 4 1. Its quite _ kl that he didnt tell the truth. 2. Some students cant get enough sleep under the _ pre of schoolwork. 3. Try to solve the problem in a _ prp way 4. Hes afraid of his father so theres no_ k,mjunken between them. 5. Why did Mrs. Hand look _ nvs than her daughter? 6. As a st

20、udent, you shouldnt c_ others homework. 7. _ wtev happens,I will always be your best friends. 8. His parents are very busy. They have little time to c_ with their children. 9. He is ready to help others, and he always o_ money to the people in the poor villages. 10. Mom doesnt a us to keep animals a

21、t home. 11. Theres something w with my watch. Can you help to repair it? 12. P Kate will come to visit me this afternoon, I guess. 13. Driving a car too fast may c car accidents. 14. Where is my story-book? I cant find it everywhere. I g_ your sister took it and she forgot to tell you. 15. He was no

22、t angry. I_ , he was pretty happy. 16. Firstly, going to school by bus is cheap. S_, its a good way to exercise. 17. She had bread and an egg for breakfast as u_ . 18. I a_ with my best friend and we didnt say to each other. 19. Where are my _(足球), Paul? 20. My (看法) are different from yours. 21. The

23、 car broke down, so we had to (推动) it to the side of the road. 22. He is a (典型的) Englishman. 23. Well have to walk _(很快地) to get there on time. 24. After reading the book, she carefully _(归还) it to its place on the shelf. 25. The big noise made me _(疯狂的) 26. My_ (年纪较长的)brother is not very nice to me

24、. 27. He _(解释) to me how to use the blender an hour ago. 28. Mikes five family _(成员) are here. 29. We cant _(竞争) with them on price. 30. The rain _(持续) for two days and it stopped last night. Unit 5 1.I was waiting for the bus when it begin to rain h_ . 2.when the rainstom s came, what were you doin

25、g? 3.That strange st:m brought people closer together. 4.Ben could hear strong w outside his home in Alabama. 6.With no lat _ outside, it felt like midnight. 7. Bens dad was putting pieces of (木头) _over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. 8.She also put

26、some candles and (火柴) _on the table. 9.Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily genst _ the windows. 10. Ben could not sleep at first. He finally fell (入睡)_ when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m. 11. (倒下的) _trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere. 1

27、2. The roads were asi _because of the heavy snow from the night before. 13. Kate r_that her bag was still at home. 14.What are the two events in the (段落) _ ? 15.Robert Allen is now over 50, but he was a school_(学生)at that time. 16. We were c_surprised! 17.We finished the rest of our dinner in salns

28、_ 18.The news on TV r_ that a heavy rainstorm was in the area. 19.More_ (最近地) , most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists. 20.Even the d_ September 11, 2001-has meaning to most Americans. 21.She remembers working in her office n

29、ear the two _(塔) . 22.Kate didnt think her friend was telling the _tru: about the event. 23.Im really sorry Im late, Andrew. I forgot to set my a_ and I overslept. 24.She _ bgnher career as a teacher. 25.Many journalists enter the country to r_ the war. 26.The islands cover a total a_ of 625.6 squar

30、e kilometers. 27.The room felt very hot and she wondered why someone did not open a w_. 28.Luther _ rz slowly from the chair. 29.Im not k_, Frank. Theres a cow out there, just standing around. UNIT 6 1Hou yi _ u:t the Suns 2Where would they put all the earth and s_from the mountains? 3Finally, a _ (

31、上帝)was so move by Yu Gong that he sent two gods to the mountains away. 4This story r_us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen. 5I think its _(有一点) silly. 6He can turn himself into different animals and o_ . 7But unless he can h_ his tail, he cannot turn himself into

32、 a person. 8the Monkey King uses a_ _ (金箍棒 ) . 9The Monkey king has_ ksatd the children of China many years. 10_(西方的)children became interested in reading this story 11The new _(夫妇)were so happy that they couldnt stop smiling. 12No one wanted to sound _ stju:pd 13The emperor had to pay them_(丝绸) and

33、 _(黄金) 14They were trying to c_ the emperor. 15The w_told her h_ that unless the left the children to die in the forest, 16The_(整个)family would die. 17 Tonight, when the moon is s_ b _ , well be able to see the stones. 18I cant see any bread on the _ grand . Maybe it was the birds. 19Look! Its l_ us

34、 to that wonderful house made of bread, cake and sugar. 20Then they heard an old womans _ 声音 from inside the house. 21Who is that? Who is_ brev enough to eat my house? 22. I was too w_ to move or think or speak. 23. My dog barked when I stepped on its t_. 24. At first the dress was a little longer.

35、After mom made some changes, now it f_me well. 25.She had a big smile on her face, when she saw her lovely daughter. 26.The couple have been_m_for 10 years. 27._ nbdi realizes how bad things are. Unit7 1.Qomolangma is about 9,600,000 s_kilometers in size. 2.The Sahara is 1,025 meters d_. 3.The Nile

36、is 8,844,43 m_high. 4.The Sahara the biggest _dezt in the world. 5.China has the biggest _(人口)in the world. 6.China is the biggest country in (亚洲)_. 7.The Great Wall is the longest _ wlin the world. 8.Why did the _en()nt emperor build the wall? 9.The main reason was to_prtekttheir part of country. 1

37、0.The Great Wall is quite tall and w_. 11.T_clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard. 12.Even more serious difficulties _(包括)freezing weather (条件)_ and heavy storms. 13.The first woman to _(成功)was Junko from Japan . 14.We should never give up trying to _(实现)our dreams. 15.Humans can sometime

38、s be stronger than the f_and nature. 16.At b_,a baby panda is about 15 cm long. 17.An a_panda weighs many times more than a baby panda. 18.Panda k_are preparing milk for the baby pandas breakfast. 19.They found that most of the babies are already _wekand hungry. 20.The baby pandas run over to the ke

39、epers with _ksatmnt 21.The baby pandas often die from i_and do not live very long. 22.The Chinese g_is trying hard to help to save the pandas. 23.Human catch whales for meat,fat and o_. Unit 8 1.You should _hrup or you will be late. 2.Robinson had some food and t_when he first arrived on the island.

40、 3.Robinson used the s_to build the house. 4.Friday saw some m_of another mans feet on the beech. 5.Her favorite kind of books is science _fk()n 6.She is interested in science and_(技术) and loves to imagine what the world will be. 7.The Toms are playing p_ music 8.Their music sounds more like r_. 9.T

41、here are six people in the_bnd 10.A country music song changed her life _frev 11.She was studying _brdin England. 12.She has been a f_of American country music. 13.Country is a traditional kind of music from the s_states of America. 14.Many songs these days are just about m_life in the USA. 15.Have

42、you _(介绍)this singer to others? 16.Hes sold more than 120 million_(唱片). 17.It reminds us that the best things in life are free- l_, friends,family ,and b_of nature. 18. Many songs these days ,such as the importance of money and _skses,but not about_blto a group. 19.Can you speak F_? 20.One of them d

43、ied but the other ran t_my house. 21. Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an _alnd full of treasures. Unit 9 1. I love all the old movie _ kmrz there. 2. Its_ nblivbl that technology has progressed in such a r_ way. 3. Ive recently been to a very_/ njul /museum in India. 4. It

44、also_nkrds governments and s_groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future. 5. Its a relaxing and_ pisfl place near a lake. .Have you ever been to another_ prvns in China? 7. _we(r) you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, Youll find it all in Singapore! 8.This is because t

45、he_ alnd is so close to the equator. .So you can choose to go whenever you like-_spr summer, autumn or winter. 10. A: What language do people speak there? B:M_ Chinese and English. 11. The tea art performances show how to make a p_ cup of tea with beautiful tea sets. 12. Watching the tea preparation

46、 is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea i_. 13.Ive finally realized why my grandpa loves drinking tea and c tea sets 14 There are some special G paintings there right now . 15. You can take a r on the boat for several days and eat and sleep on it. 16.For t of tourists from China, this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday. 17.On the one hand, more


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