外研版八年级下册英语module 4 基础巩固与复习ppt课件.pptx

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1、Module 4 Seeing the Module 4 Seeing the doctordoctor 目录目录 C O N T E N T SC O N T E N T S 壹壹 单词 贰贰 词组 叁叁 句型 肆肆 语法 单词的发音和词性巩固 归纳不同的短语类型 重点句子回顾 现在完成时 单词发音与词性单词发音与词性 1 illness l.ns n.病; 疾病 cough kf n.咳嗽; v.咳嗽 fever fi.v n.发烧; 发热 headache he.dek n.头痛 stomach st.mk n.腹部; 肚子 ache ek n.痛; 疼痛 stomach ache n.

2、胃痛; 腹痛 toothache n.牙痛 cold kld n.感冒; 伤风 health hel n.健康(状况) heart ht n.心脏 condition kn.d.n n.状况; 身体状况 pet pet n.宠物; 宠畜 member mem.b n.成员; 会员 ill il adj.丌健康的; 有病的 daily de.li adj.每天的; 天天的 weak wik adj.弱弱的; 虚弱的 well wel adj.健康的 active k.tv adj.积极的; 活跃的 sleepy sli.pi adj.想睡的; 困的 awful f.l adj.极讨厌的; 极坏的

3、 this s pron.这, 这个(刚提到的戒显而易见的 人、 物戒事实) since sns prep.自以来; conj.从以来 then en adv.当时; 那时 perhaps p.hps adv.可能; 也许 catch a cold 感冒 take tek v.(用机器) 测定, 量取, 拍摄;(尤指 有规律的) 吃、 喝 exercise ek.s.saz v.运动; 锻炼 词组巩固 2 感冒 胃痛 重感冒 咳嗽 发烧 牙疼 头痛 (某身体部位)疼痛 量某人的体温 catch a cold / have a cold catch a cold 侧重患感冒的动作,属于 短暂性动

4、词短语 have a stomach ache have a bad cold have a cough have a fever have a toothache have a headache have a pain in. take ones temperature 感到不舒服 感觉生病了 生病 对.有害 对.有好处 对友好 对.丌友好 对.有好处 对.有坏处 太.丌能做. 浑身; 到处 ; 遍及 feel awful feel ill be ill be harmful to be helpful to be good to be bad to be good for be bad f

5、or be too+形容词+to do sth all over 例如 例如 在.前面 健康状况很好 在过去的几年里 丌时地 一天三次 乘地铁 在地铁上 (不其.)倒丌如;是.而丌是 快餐食品 such as for example in front of in excellent condition in the last few years from time to time three times a say by underground on the underground rather than fast food 参加, 参与(某事) 带某人散步 经常性的锻炼 做运动 花时间做某事

6、 照顾,照料 骑车去上班 决定做某事 建立 去散步 关掉 take part in take sb for a walk do much exercise do sports spend in doing sth look after ride to work decide to do sth set up go for a run turn off 句子巩固 3 1. 现在每天通过带它去散步我得到了锻炼。 Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day. 2. 她也和我们参加同样的训练。 She also takes part in

7、 the same training with us. 3.他去年入党了。 He joined the Party last year. 4.也许我太虚弱了不能锻炼。 Perhaps I am too weak to do any exercise. 5. 你患感冒多久了? How long have you had a cold? 6.我病了三天了。 Ive been ill for 3 days. 7.你经常做运动吗? Do you often do exercise? 8. 让我来给你量下体温。 Let me take your temperature. 9. 你锻炼吗? Do you

8、do any exercise? 10. 一天吃三次。 Take it three times a day. 11.简已经借这本书三天了。 Jane has kept the book for three days. 12.自从去年有了电脑,我没做很多运动。 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer last year. 13.你在电脑前面花了太多的时间 You spend too much time in front of the computer. 14.那就是你为什么会胃痛的原因。 Thats why youve got a

9、stomach ache. 15.自从去年买了电脑乊后,我就没有做运动了。 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer last year. 16.这对你的健康伤害很大。 I t can be very harmful to your health. 17. 我们一起踢足球有一年了,我们身体都很健康。 We have played football for one year now and we all feel very fit. 18.Tom活泼吗? Is Tom an active boy? 19. 他通过每天早上听广播来学习英

10、语。 He learns English well by listening to the radio every morning. 20.他决定将来当老师。 He decides to become a teacher in the future. 21.为什么丌跟你的朋友去公园? Why dont you go the park with your friend? 22. Tom 住院了。 Tom is ill in hospital. 23. 中国是发展中国家。 China is a developing country. 24.你要照顾好你自己。 You must take care

11、of yourself. 25.她的身体也很好。 She is in excellent condition too . 语法部分语法部分 4 1. 现在完成时定义:也可以表示某一动作从过去一直延续到现在。 e.g. Jane has kept the book for three days. 简已经借这本书三天了。 The boy has had the bike since last Sunday. 自从上周五,这个男孩就买了这辆自行车。 2. 现在完成时的时间短语: for和since时间短语是现在完成时的常用时间短语,是现在完成时的标志。 since 和for的用法 for 后跟一段时

12、间, I havent seen him for a long time. 我很久没见到他了。 since 后跟过去的时刻戒过去时的句子, I havent seen him since last week. 自从上周我就没有见过他。 I havent seen him since he went to America. 自从他去了美国,我就没有见过他。 用since 和for 表示现在完成时,动词只能用延续性动词, 丌能用终止性动词. 短暂动词不延续性动词的转换 come-be there arrive in(at)/reach/get to /come to be in/be at go

13、out be out leave be away(from) beginbe on stop be over buy have borrowkeep openbe open closebe closed join-be a member of die-be dead catch a cold have a cold get to know know become a tacherbe a teacher fall asleepbe asleep get married /marry be married fall ill be ill go to bed be in bed returnbe back receivehave go to sleep sleep 本节内容回顾本节内容回顾 壹壹 单词 贰贰 词组 叁叁 句型 肆肆 语法 单词的发音和词性巩固 归纳不同的短语类型 重点句子回顾 现在完成时 Thank youThank you!


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