外研版七年级下册英语Module 2 复习课 ppt课件(含教案+检测).zip

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Module 2 What can you do? Revision 一、课型:复习课 二、课前延伸: 1、复习本模块的单词和短语。 2、复习情态动词 can 的用法。 3、课前读词,检查生词: 三、学习目标 1、掌握本模块的单词及短语。 2、掌握情态动词 can 的用法,并能用含有 can 的句子进行 交际。 3、通过询问和谈论彼此能力,培养学生之间的竞争意识。 四、学习重难点 1、本模块的单词和短语. 2、情态动词 can 的用法 五、教学过程 Step1 Lead in (导入) Step2 检查复习情况:说说这些词组的用法,并造句子 Step3 Read and find : 找出这些句子的共同点 Step4 展示目标,精讲点拨 Step5 学以致用(一)变否定句 1. I can play the piano. 2. I can join the Food and Drink Club. 3. We can make our classroom beautiful. 4. She can dance really well. Step6 学以致用(二)变一般疑问句 1. We can make friends there. 2. I can help teachers . 3. You can get the best score . 4. I can cook eggs. Step7 学以致用(三)看图片造句子 Step8 学以致用(四)What can you do?(学生自由回答) Step9 学以致用(五)小游戏猜猜看他们能做或者不能做什么 Step10 学以致用(六)小采访:个性展示:尽可能多的采访在 做的每位成员,问问他们会做什么? Step11 Sum up (课堂小结) Step12 Test (课堂检测) 一、单项选择: 1.John can play the piano, but I_____ play it well. A. do B. am C. cant D.have 2.Can Mike________? A. to swim B. swim C. swims D. swimming 3._______you dance? Yes, I ______. A. Can, am B.Do,can C.Can, dance D. Can,can 4. David cant_______. A. plays the basketball B. play the basketball C. plays basketball D. Play basketball 5.Can she dance? No,______. A. she can B. she is C.she does D she cant 二、按要求完成句子 1.You can eat that apple.(变为否定句) You ______. eat that apple. 2. She can play tennis at school.(变为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) ______ she______ tennis at school? No, she ______. 3. We can play computer games at the weekend. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ you play computer games? 4. We can see some kites in the sky. (变为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) ______ you see ______ kites in the sky? Yes, we ______. Step13 Homework: 复习模块三的单词、短语和课文。达标检测 一、 重点词汇拓展 1. 做饭 ________ 2. 跳舞 ________ 3. 俱乐部________ 4. 弹钢琴_________ 5. 学期________ 6. 打乒乓球_________ 7. 布告板_______ 8. 骑自行车_________ 9. 教、讲授 _______ 老师________ 10. 说汉语 ________ ________ 二、单项选择 1Are you in a hurry? No,Ive got plenty of time.I ________ wait. Acan Bcant Cmust Dmustnt 2My mother is worried ________ my grandfathers health. Afor Bwith Cabout Dof 3Tom,Ill invite you to have________lunch after playing________violin. Thank you. A a; the B. the; the C. /; / D. /; the 4Its Sunday today.How about ________ to the park? Ariding a bike Bto ride a bike Crides a bike Dride a bike 5The boy is from England and he can ________ English well. Asay Btell Cspeak DtalkModule 2 What can you do? (Revision) 复习效果反馈复习效果反馈 1.the Music Club 2.the Food and Drink Club 3.the Dance Club 4.the Chinese Club 5.the Table Tennis Club would like 复习效果反馈复习效果反馈 the class monitor the PE monitor the cleaning monitor 班长班长 体育班长体育班长 卫生班长卫生班长 want to be 复习效果反馈复习效果反馈 1.play the piano 2. ride a bike 3. teach Chinese 4. fly a kite 5. swim be good at 复习效果反馈复习效果反馈 1. speak Chinese 2. play table tennis 3. help my mother do cleaning What about ? 说出这些词组的意思说出这些词组的意思 1. get on well with sb. 2. ready to do sth. 3. just like home 4. make our classroom beautiful 5. Dont worry about Chinese 1.与某人相处融洽与某人相处融洽 2.乐于做某事乐于做某事 3.就像家一样就像家一样 4.使我们的教室美使我们的教室美 丽丽 5.不要担心汉语不要担心汉语 火眼金睛:你能看出他们的特点吗火眼金睛:你能看出他们的特点吗 ? 1. I can play the piano. 2. I can join the Food and Drink Club. 3. Can you cook eggs? Yes, I can. 4. Can She dance really well? No, I cant. 5. We cant teach you Chinese. 6. I cant help teachers . 7. What can you do ? 8. Which club can she join? 1、掌握本模块的单词及短语。、掌握本模块的单词及短语。 2、掌握情态动词、掌握情态动词can的用法,并的用法,并 能用含有能用含有can的句子进行交际。的句子进行交际。 3、通过询问和谈论彼此能力,培、通过询问和谈论彼此能力,培 养学生之间的竞争意识。养学生之间的竞争意识。 学以致用(一)变否定句学以致用(一)变否定句 1. I can play the piano. 2. I can join the Food and Drink Club. 3. We can make our classroom beautiful. 4. She can dance really well. 学以致用(二)变一般疑问句学以致用(二)变一般疑问句 1. We can teach you Chinese. 2. I can help teachers . 3. You can get the best score . 4. I can cook eggs. 学以致用(三)用图片造句子学以致用(三)用图片造句子 She can. Huanhuan can. Yingying can . Beibei can. Jingjing can. Nini can. Beibei can. 学以致用(四)学以致用(四) 考考你:考考你: What can you do? 学以致用(五)猜猜看:学以致用(五)猜猜看: She can. 学以致用(五)猜猜看:学以致用(五)猜猜看: What can she do? 学以致用(五)猜猜看:学以致用(五)猜猜看: He can. 学以致用(五)猜猜看:学以致用(五)猜猜看: Can she .? 学以致用(五)猜猜看:学以致用(五)猜猜看: What can she do.? 学以致用(五)猜猜看:学以致用(五)猜猜看: He cant. 学以致用(五)猜猜看:学以致用(五)猜猜看: Can you do.? 学以致用(五)猜猜看:学以致用(五)猜猜看: What can he do? 学以致用(五)猜猜看:学以致用(五)猜猜看: What can I do? 学以致用(六)个性展示:小采访学以致用(六)个性展示:小采访 互动小游戏:互动小游戏: 采访教室里在座的每位成员,看看谁更有采访教室里在座的每位成员,看看谁更有 个性,采访的最多?个性,采访的最多? He/She can/cant 课堂小结课堂小结 Test: Answers: 一、一、CBDDD 二、二、 1、cant 2、Can play cant 3. When can 4. Can any can 复习模块三的单词、短语和课文复习模块三的单词、短语和课文 。 Homework: Goodbye, boys and girls!
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