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1、1 Module2 Education Unit 1 They dont sit in rows 外研版九年级下 schoolschool campuscampus homeworkhomework classroomclassroom subjectsubject teacherteacher friendfriend examexam clubclub What words can you think of to What words can you think of to describe“school”?describe“school”? BrainstormBrainstorm ho

2、nesthonest happyhappy largelarge buildingsbuildings many treesmany trees lovinglylovingly kindkind seriousserious too muchtoo much boringboring schoolschool campuscampus homeworkhomework classroomclassroom subjectsubject teacherteacher friendfriend examexam clubclub interestinginteresting 1. 1. Is s

3、chool fun?Is school fun? 2. 2.Whats your school like?Whats your school like? 3. 3.What do you like best about your school?What do you like best about your school? LeadLead- -inin I like the reading I like the reading room best, room best, because I can because I can read a lot of read a lot of books

4、 there.books there. What do you What do you like best about like best about our school?our school? I like laboratory I like laboratory best. Because I best. Because I can do physics can do physics experiments in experiments in it. it. Work in pairs, and talk about your Work in pairs, and talk about

5、your school. school. 1 1 What do What do you like best you like best about our about our school?school? I like.I like. Tape scriptTape script Role play the conversation.Role play the conversation. DamingDaming: Hi, Tony! : Hi, Tony! Tony: Hi, Tony: Hi, DamingDaming! ! DamingDaming: Its good to see y

6、ou again. How was London? : Its good to see you again. How was London? Tony: It wasnt bad. The weather was nice. Tony: It wasnt bad. The weather was nice. DamingDaming: And what did you get up to? : And what did you get up to? Tony: Not much, really. I visited a friend. Her name is Susie. I went Ton

7、y: Not much, really. I visited a friend. Her name is Susie. I went along to her school too. I played football with some of her classmates at along to her school too. I played football with some of her classmates at lunch time. lunch time. DamingDaming: You went to school on your holiday? Tony, let m

8、e give you : You went to school on your holiday? Tony, let me give you some friendly advicesome friendly advicewhen you go on holiday, you are supposed to stay when you go on holiday, you are supposed to stay away from school! away from school! Tony: Tony: HahaHaha! Well, I didnt go to lessons. I wa

9、s just visiting! Well, I didnt go to lessons. I was just visiting! 英国教育体系分为三大部分英国教育体系分为三大部分: :小学小学(5(5岁到岁到11 11岁岁) )、中学中学(11(11岁到岁到1818岁岁) ) 和和高等教育高等教育。在英国,。在英国,1616岁的学生需要参加普通中等教育证书考岁的学生需要参加普通中等教育证书考 试。考试结果分为试。考试结果分为A*A*- -G G 各个等级,得到五个各个等级,得到五个A*A*- -C C 结果的学生通常会继续学结果的学生通常会继续学 习两年,参加三科习两年,参加三科( (或以

10、上或以上) ) 课程的中学高级水平考试课程的中学高级水平考试 (A(A- -Level)Level)。本科院校将根。本科院校将根 据学生该考试的结果进行据学生该考试的结果进行 录取。录取。 What is life like in a British school?How What is life like in a British school?How much do you know about it? much do you know about it? New drillsNew drills a little bigger In the United KingdomIn the Un

11、ited Kingdom, when classes are over in the when classes are over in the afternoon, students take part in different outdoor activities, afternoon, students take part in different outdoor activities, which makes their school life more interesting. They can which makes their school life more interestin

12、g. They can enjoy nature, play ball games or do what else they like. They enjoy nature, play ball games or do what else they like. They dont have to hurry home to do homework.dont have to hurry home to do homework. After school, some may read or study After school, some may read or study in the libr

13、ary. Some may discuss with in the library. Some may discuss with their classmates about the lessons.their classmates about the lessons. 1. 1. Where Where did Tony visit?did Tony visit? A.A. Susies home Susies home B. Susies schoolB. Susies school C. We dont know .C. We dont know . 2. 2.Who Who took

14、the photos of the school to Tony?took the photos of the school to Tony? A. Susie took the photos for him.A. Susie took the photos for him. B. Tony took the photos himself.B. Tony took the photos himself. C. Betty took the photos for him.C. Betty took the photos for him. Listen and choose. Listen and

15、 choose. Listening task1Listening task1 3. 3.WhatWhat were they talking about?were they talking about? A.A.They were talking about SusieThey were talking about Susie s school, s school, and their own school.and their own school. B.B.They were talking about the students in They were talking about the

16、 students in the school.the school. C.C.They were talking about their own They were talking about their own schoolschool 4.Do they think Susies school is greater 4.Do they think Susies school is greater than theirs?than theirs? A.Yes.A.Yes. B.No,they think their school is great, too.B.No,they think

17、their school is great, too. Susies schoolSusies school Number of pupils in Number of pupils in the schoolthe school Number of pupils in a Number of pupils in a classclass Arrangement of seats Arrangement of seats in the classroomin the classroom Sports areasSports areas 700 30 sit around tables huge

18、 Look through the conversation and complete Look through the conversation and complete Susies column in the table.Susies column in the table. 3 3 1. Who did Tony visit in London?1. Who did Tony visit in London? 2. How did Tony get the photos of Susies school?2. How did Tony get the photos of Susies

19、school? 3. Which class is a bit bigger, Susies or Damings3. Which class is a bit bigger, Susies or Damings? ? 4. What does Betty hope to do one day?4. What does Betty hope to do one day? Answer the questions.Answer the questions. He visited his friend Susie in London.He visited his friend Susie in L

20、ondon. He took the photos of Susies school.He took the photos of Susies school. DamingsDamings class is a bit bigger.class is a bit bigger. She hopes she can visit Susies school one day. She hopes she can visit Susies school one day. 4 4 Betty: Hey, Tony! Did you Betty: Hey, Tony! Did you enjoy enjo

21、y yourselfyourself in in London?London? Tony: Yes! I went to see my friend Susie. And I Tony: Yes! I went to see my friend Susie. And I visited her school.visited her school. Betty: Betty: WhatWhat are English schools are English schools like?like? Tony: Here are a few photos. I Tony: Here are a few

22、 photos. I tooktook them them myselfmyself. . DamingDaming: Lets have a look.: Lets have a look. Tony: So this is Susies school. ItTony: So this is Susies school. Its s gotgot about 700 about 700 pupils, like most schools in England. pupils, like most schools in England. Read and repeat.Read and rep

23、eat. Reading task5Reading task5 Betty: How many pupils are there in a class in Betty: How many pupils are there in a class in England?England? Tony: About thirty.Tony: About thirty. DamingDaming: We have forty in our class. So ours is : We have forty in our class. So ours is a bita bit biggerbigger.

24、 Look, everyone. Look, everyone is is wearing wearing a jacket and tie! a jacket and tie! Tony: Yes, every student wears school clothes Tony: Yes, every student wears school clothes in England.in England. DamingDaming: And everyone is : And everyone is sitting sitting aroundaround tables in tables i

25、n the classroom. the classroom. Tony: Thats right. They dont Tony: Thats right. They dont sit sit inin rowsrows. . Look at the swimming pool and the Look at the swimming pool and the huge sports ground. Most Englishhuge sports ground. Most English schools have sports grounds. Kids there schools have

26、 sports grounds. Kids there really enjoy playreally enjoy playinging football. football. DamingDaming: We like playing football too. And we : We like playing football too. And we also have an excellent swimming team.also have an excellent swimming team. Betty: I hope I can visit Susies school Betty:

27、 I hope I can visit Susies school one dayone day. . It It looklooks s really really greatgreat. . Tony: Our school is great too, and we have Tony: Our school is great too, and we have more students here. This means more more students here. This means more people to people to play withplay with. . Be

28、tty: And more friends too.Betty: And more friends too. Everyday English Did you enjoy yourself? Lets have a look. It looks really great. Read and make a dialogue with each one. Read and make a dialogue with each one. 1) 1) A A: : DidDid youyou enjoyenjoy yourselfyourself yesterday?yesterday? B B: :

29、YesYes. . AsAs youyou saw,saw, thethe partyparty wentwent onon inin a a mostmost pleasantpleasant atmosphereatmosphere. . 2 2) ) A A: : Look!Look! ChenChen JieJie hashas a a lovelylovely erasereraser. . LetsLets havehave a a looklook. . B B: : GoodGood idea!idea! 3)3) A A: : I I lovelove youryour ha

30、irstylehairstyle. . It It lookslooks reallyreally greatgreat. . B B: : ThankThank youyou. . 1. Did you 1. Did you enjoy yourselfenjoy yourself in London?in London? yourselfyourself是反身代词是反身代词, , 意为意为“ “你自己你自己” ”。复数为。复数为 yourselves.yourselves. enjoy oneself enjoy oneself 表示表示“ “玩得高兴玩得高兴”, ”, 相当于相当于 ha

31、ve have funfun或或have a good timehave a good time。 Did they enjoy themselves last Sunday?Did they enjoy themselves last Sunday? 他们上个星期天玩得高兴吗?他们上个星期天玩得高兴吗? We should take care of ourselves.We should take care of ourselves. 我们应该照顾自己。我们应该照顾自己。 Language pointsLanguage points 2. 2.What areWhat are English

32、 schoolsEnglish schools likelike? ? 英国的学校怎么样英国的学校怎么样? What is like? What is like? (询问情况询问情况)怎么样怎么样? 主要用法如下主要用法如下: 要求对方对特定事物进行描述要求对方对特定事物进行描述。 询问天气情况询问天气情况。 用于人时,既可指人的外表,也可指人的用于人时,既可指人的外表,也可指人的 性格、品质性格、品质。 What was the exam like? What was the exam like? 这次考试怎么样这次考试怎么样? ? It was very difficult. It was

33、 very difficult. 难极了难极了。 What is she like? What is she like? 她长得如何她长得如何? ? Very beautiful. Very beautiful. 长得很漂亮长得很漂亮。 3. So ours is 3. So ours is a bit biggera bit bigger. . 所以我们的班级大一点。所以我们的班级大一点。 a bit a bit 和和 a little a little 在肯定句中修饰动词在肯定句中修饰动词/ /形容词形容词/ / 副词及比较级时可互换副词及比较级时可互换, , 表示表示“ “一点儿一点儿”

34、 ”。 not a bit = not at all not a bit = not at all 一点儿都不一点儿都不 not a little = very (much) not a little = very (much) 很很/ /非常非常 a little/a bit of +a little/a bit of +不可数名词。不可数名词。 Can you run a little/a bit faster?Can you run a little/a bit faster? Im not a bit tired. = Im not tired at all. Im not a bit

35、 tired. = Im not tired at all. 我不累。我不累。 Im not a little tired. = Im very tired.Im not a little tired. = Im very tired.我非常累。我非常累。 Theres only a little / a bit of meat at home.Theres only a little / a bit of meat at home. 穿穿/ /戴戴( (衣帽衣帽/ / 鞋袜鞋袜/ /眼镜眼镜/)/) wearwear put onput on be inbe in 强调状态强调状态 强调动作

36、强调动作 强调款式强调款式/ /颜色颜色 1.Do you know the 1.Do you know the woman_redwoman_red? ? 2.My grandpa 2.My grandpa always_aalways_a pair of glasses. pair of glasses. 3._your coat quickly, its cold outside.3._your coat quickly, its cold outside. in wears Put on 4. Look, everyone is 4. Look, everyone is wearwea

37、ring a jacket and tie!ing a jacket and tie! 看,每个人都穿西装打领带!看,每个人都穿西装打领带! 5. They dont 5. They dont sit in rows.sit in rows. 他们不坐成一排一排的。他们不坐成一排一排的。 sit in a row sit in a row 坐成一排坐成一排 sit around sit around 围坐在围坐在 stand in a row stand in a row 站成一排站成一排 They are sitting around the table and debating.They

38、are sitting around the table and debating. 他们正围坐在桌子旁进行讨论。他们正围坐在桌子旁进行讨论。 The students stood in a row.The students stood in a row. 学生们站成一排。学生们站成一排。 1. enjoy yourself1. enjoy yourself 2. sit in rows/ sit around tables2. sit in rows/ sit around tables 3. one day3. one day 4. have/has got4. have/has got

39、5. a few5. a few 6. I took them myself.6. I took them myself. 7. How many pupils are there in a class?7. How many pupils are there in a class? 8. What are English schools like?8. What are English schools like? 9. Ours is a bit bigger.9. Ours is a bit bigger. 10.Lets have a look.10.Lets have a look.

40、Key phrases and sentencesKey phrases and sentences Complete the passage with the correct Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.form of the words in the box. enjoy pool row tie wearenjoy pool row tie wear Pupils in England do not sit in (1)_ in the Pupils in England do no

41、t sit in (1)_ in the classroom. They sit around tables. Everyone classroom. They sit around tables. Everyone (2)_ a jacket and (3)_. Most schools (2)_ a jacket and (3)_. Most schools have sports grounds, and English children have sports grounds, and English children (4)_ playing football, just as pu

42、pils in China (4)_ playing football, just as pupils in China do. Some English schools have swimming do. Some English schools have swimming (5)_, but not all of them do. (5)_, but not all of them do. rowsrows wearswears tietie enjoyenjoy poolspools 5 5 英语句子一般由多个单词构成,这些单词的英语句子一般由多个单词构成,这些单词的重重 读读一般遵循以

43、下规律:名词、形容词、数词、一般遵循以下规律:名词、形容词、数词、 动词、副词、代词和表达强烈思想感情的感叹动词、副词、代词和表达强烈思想感情的感叹 词词需要重读需要重读;人称代词、连词、冠词、介词、;人称代词、连词、冠词、介词、 以及少数系动词和助动词等主要以及少数系动词和助动词等主要起语法作用的起语法作用的 单词单词一般一般不重读不重读。 Betty: Hey, Tony! Did you enjoy yourself in London?Betty: Hey, Tony! Did you enjoy yourself in London? Tony: Yes! I went to see

44、 my friend Susie. And I Tony: Yes! I went to see my friend Susie. And I visited her school.visited her school. Betty: What are English schools like?Betty: What are English schools like? Tony: Here are a few photos. I took them myself.Tony: Here are a few photos. I took them myself. Read and predict

45、which words the speaker is Read and predict which words the speaker is likely to stress.likely to stress. Now listen and check.Now listen and check. 6 6 Pronunciation and speakingPronunciation and speaking Work in pairs. Read the conversation in Work in pairs. Read the conversation in Activity 6 alo

46、ud.Activity 6 aloud. Betty: Hey, Tony! Did you enjoy yourself Betty: Hey, Tony! Did you enjoy yourself in London?in London? Tony: Yes! I went to see my friend Susie. Tony: Yes! I went to see my friend Susie. And I visited her school.And I visited her school. Betty: What are English schools like?Bett

47、y: What are English schools like? Tony: Here are a few photos. I took Tony: Here are a few photos. I took them myself.them myself. 7 7 Work in Work in groupgroups. s. CharactersCharacters: BettyBetty, , Daming,TonyDaming,Tony Events:Events: talk about Susies schooltalk about Susies school Requiremen

48、ts:Requirements: 分角色,一人一角色分角色,一人一角色 声音流畅、洪亮声音流畅、洪亮 3 3 minutes minutes Role playRole play Complete the Your school column in Complete the Your school column in Activity 3.Activity 3. Susies schoolSusies school Your schoolYour school Number of pupils in the schoolNumber of pupils in the school Number

49、 of pupils in a classNumber of pupils in a class Arrangement of seats in the Arrangement of seats in the classroomclassroom Sports areasSports areas 700 30 sit around tables sports ground 8 8 Now work in pairs and compare your Now work in pairs and compare your school with Susies School. Say :school with Susies School. Say : what both schools have what both schools have Both schools have the sports ground.Both schools have the sports ground. what one school has but the other what one school has but the other do


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