Unit 5 The Value of Money Section Ⅱ (新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第三册课件.pptx

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1、Unit 5 The Value of Money Section Discovering Useful Structures 夯基提能作业夯基提能作业 单元语法精析单元语法精析 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 单元语法精析单元语法精析 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 语法点拨 一、情态动词 (一)can/could 1表示能力,can表示现在的能力,could主要指过去的能力。 You can tell the significance of climate change to

2、 us. 你可以告诉我们气候变化的重要意义。 I had hoped to send Peter a gift to congratulate him on his marriage, but I couldnt manage it. 我本来希望送给彼得一件礼物祝贺他结婚,但没有做到。 情态动词和过去将来时 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) can表示能力的时候,还可以用be able to代替,表示后来通过努力终 于做成了某事。 He was a good swimmer so he was able to swim to the ri

3、verbank when the boat sank. 他是一个很擅长游泳的人,所以当船下沉时,他能够游到河岸上。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 2表示请求或许可。 当请求允许做某事时,两者均可用,但用could语气更委婉。当表示 允许某人做某事时,一般要用can,而不用could。 Can/Could I use your bike tomorrow morning? Yes, you can./No,Im afraid not. 我明天早晨能用你的自行车吗? 是的,可以。/不,恐怕不行。 You can go with them

4、if you like. 如果你愿意的话,可以和他们一起去。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 3表示推测。 can表推测时一般用于否定句和疑问句中(could一般无此限制)。表示 对过去发生的行为怀疑或不肯定时,常用“can/couldhave过去分 词”的否定或疑问形式。 It cant/couldnt be true. 那不可能是真的。 Can/Could he have heard the news? 他听说过这个消息了吗? 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 4表示客观的、一

5、时的情况,意思是“有时候会”。 The weather in Shanghai can/could be very cold in winter. 上海冬季可能很冷。 5表示惊异、怀疑,不相信的态度(主要用在否定句、疑问句或感 叹句中)。 How can you be so careless! 你怎么那么粗心呀! 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 选词填空(can/could/be able to) My grandma is well over eighty, but she _ read without glasses. Being

6、a wise person, he finally _ find the place. The cheater said that he _ turn stone into gold. can was able to could 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) (二)may/might 1表示请求或允许,might可以指过去时间,也可指现在时间,语 气更委婉。对may的一般疑问句的肯定回答可用may或can,但作否定回 答时要用mustnt或cant。 You may come if you wish. 如果你想来,你就来。 May(M

7、ight) I ask for a photo of your baby? 我可以要一张你宝宝的照片吗? 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) May I smoke here? No,you mustnt.Youd better not. 我可以在这里吸烟吗? 不,不可以。你最好不要吸烟。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 2表示可能。可以指过去时间,也可以指现在时间,但语气不肯 定。 The crowds might damage the beauty of the place. 人

8、群可能会破坏这个地方的美。 She may not know about it. 她可能不知道这件事。 3用于表祝愿的句子中。 May both the bride and groom have happy lives. 祝新娘新郎幸福绵长。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) Are you going to her party? Im not sure.I _ stay home and help my brother with his homework. _ you have a happy weekend. might May 返回

9、导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) (三)must/have to 1must表示必须,没有时态变化。强调的是一种主观看法,也表示 责任或义务。have to表示“必须,不得不”,是由于某种外界(客观)原 因而“必须,不得不”做某事。mustnt表示禁止做某事;have to的否定 形式表示“不必”。have to可用于多种时态中。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) I work not because I have to, but because I want to. 我工作不是因为我不

10、得不做,而是因为我想做。(客观上需要做这件 事) You must keep these points in mind while setting your goals. 在设定目标时,你必须牢记这些要点。(主观上要做这件事) 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 回答must引出的问句时,如果是否定的回答,不能用mustnt,而要 用neednt或dont have to。 Must we hand in our exercise books now? Yes, you must.(No, you neednt./No,you dont h

11、ave to.) 我们现在就必须要交练习本吗? 是的,必须。(不,不必)。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 2must表示猜测。意为“想必,准是,一定”,只用于肯定句。 The book must be the one you want. 这本书一定是你要的那本。 Shes wearing a diamond necklace.She must have a lot of money. 她戴着钻石项链,她一定很有钱。 3must还可表示“偏要”。表示说话人不耐烦、不满的情绪。 Why must it rain on Sunday? 为什

12、么偏要在星期天下雨? 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 2must表示猜测。意为“想必,准是,一定”,只用于肯定句。 The book must be the one you want. 这本书一定是你要的那本。 Shes wearing a diamond necklace.She must have a lot of money. 她戴着钻石项链,她一定很有钱。 3must还可表示“偏要”。表示说话人不耐烦、不满的情绪。 Why must it rain on Sunday? 为什么偏要在星期天下雨? 返回导航 Unit 5 The

13、Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 用适当的情态动词填空 My sister is ill;my mother _ look after her. Theres a lot of noise from next door.They _ be having a party. Must I return all the books in three days? Yes, you _.(No, you _.) If you _ go, at least wait until the storm is over. has to must must neednt/dont have

14、 to must 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) (四)shall 1表示征询意见,用于第一、第三人称疑问句。 Shall I get you some more tea? 再来点茶好吗? Shall the boy wait outside? 让那男孩在外面等吗? 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 2表示说话人的意愿,有“命令、允诺、警告、决心”等意思, 用于第二、第三人称陈述句。 You shall come on time. 你必须准时到。(命令) He shall have

15、 the book when I finish reading it. 我读完这本书就给他。(允诺) Nothing shall stop us from carrying out this plan. 没有什么事情能阻止我们实施这项计划。(决心) No reader shall remove a book from the library without permission. 未经许可,读者不准把书带出图书馆。(警告) 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 3表示强制,用于法令、条约、规章中,意为“必须;应该”。 One of our r

16、ules is that every student shall wear school uniform while at school. 我们规定中的其中一项是:每位学生在校期间都要穿校服。 Each part shall respect the articles of this contract. 任何一方都要尊重合同的条款。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 写出下列句中shall的含义 You shall fail if you dont work harder._ You shall get an answer from me

17、tomorrow._ You shall be punished for what youve done._ Shall I watch TV for a while?_ 警告 允诺 威胁 征求意见 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) (五)should 1表示义务、责任,意为“应该”,用于各种人称。 (2019 北京高考)Students should have a proper attitude towards college before thinking about which college to attend. 在考虑上哪所大学

18、之前,学生应该对大学有一个正确的态度。 You should be polite to your teachers. 你对老师应该有礼貌。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 2表示可能性很大的猜测,说明说话人对客观事物的真实性作出 较大可能的判断,意为“想必一定,照说应该;估计”等。 The film should be very good as it is starring first-class actors. 这部电影是一流演员主演的,估计拍得很好。 3表示说话人的惊讶、愤怒、失望等特殊情感,意为“居然,竟 然”。 Amazing!

19、 You should wear slippers at work. 真令人惊讶,你竟然穿着拖鞋上班! 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 单句语法填空 Such a clever boy _ fail the exam. We _ obey the school rules and work hard. Its already 10.She promised to come by 10.She _ be here at any moment. should should should 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Mo

20、ney 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) (六)will/would 1表示意志或意愿。will指现在,would指过去,用于否定句表示 “不肯,不乐意”。 I will never do that again. 我决不会再做那种事了。 2表示征求意见或提出请求。主要用于第二人称疑问句中,will和 would均可用,would此时不表示过去,而是表示委婉语气。 Will/Would you pass me the book? 请你把书递给我好吗? 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 3will和would可分别表示现在和过去反复发生的动作或某种

21、倾 向,意为“总是;常常”。 Fish will die without water. 没有水,鱼会死去。 When my parents were away, my grandmother would take care of me. 我父母外出的时候,总是祖母照看我。 (2019 江苏高考)I would be happy to wear traditional Chinese clothes at the welcome ceremony. 我很乐意在欢迎仪式上穿中国传统服装。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 单句语法填空 He

22、_ go to the river nearby to fish on weekends when he was young. Sorry, I forgot to tell John about your party. Doesnt matter. I _ call him in a while. _ you open the window, please? I feel it is a little stuffy here. would will Would 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) (七)need 1用作情态动词,need意

23、为“需要,有必要”,一般用于否定句或 疑问句中。疑问句中把need提前,否定形式是在need后加not。 You neednt come here this afternoon. 你今天下午不必来。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 2用作实义动词,意为“需要,有必要”,可以用于各种句式 中。 You dont need to go now. 你不必现在就走。 I need to have a rest. 我需要休息一下。 Do we need to finish all the work today? 我们今天需要完成所有的工作吗? 返

24、回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 单句语法填空 Must I stay here? No, you _. You _ not be told twice about one single thing. neednt need 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) (八)dare 1dare作情态动词时,常用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句中,过去 形式为dared。 How dare you say Im unfair? 你怎么敢说我不公平? He darent speak English be

25、fore such a crowd, dare he? 他不敢在这么多人面前说英语,是吗? If we dared not go there that day, we couldnt get the beautiful flowers. 如果那天我们不敢去那里,我们就得不到美丽的花。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 2dare作实义动词用时,有人称、时态和数的变化。在肯定句中, dare后面常接带to的不定式。在疑问句和否定句中,dare后面可接带to或 不带to的不定式。 I dare to swim across this rive

26、r. 我敢游过这条河。 He doesnt dare (to) answer. 他不敢回答。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 单句语法填空 How _ you fight against him? Now one _ say he had nothing on. dare dare 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 二、过去将来时 1过去将来时表示从过去某一时间来看将要发生的动作或存在的 状态,常用在宾语从句中。一般由“would/should动词原形”构成。 She hoped

27、that they would meet again someday. 她希望将来有一天他们能再见面。 I rang up to tell my father that I should leave for London. 我打电话告诉我父亲我要去伦敦。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 2was/were going to动词原形:表示过去将要发生或很有可能发 生的动作,常用于口语中,表示预言、意图或者打算等。 He was going to start work the following week. 他打算下星期开始工作。 Alic

28、e, why didnt you come yesterday? I was going to, but I had an unexpected visitor. 爱丽丝,你昨天为什么没来呀? 我打算去的,但我家来了个不速之客。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 2was/were going to动词原形:表示过去将要发生或很有可能发 生的动作,常用于口语中,表示预言、意图或者打算等。 He was going to start work the following week. 他打算下星期开始工作。 Alice, why didnt

29、you come yesterday? I was going to, but I had an unexpected visitor. 爱丽丝,你昨天为什么没来呀? 我打算去的,但我家来了个不速之客。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 3was/were about to do:常用来表示即将发生的动作,“刚要/正要 做”。注意该结构不与任何时间状语连用。 I felt that something terrible was about to happen. 我感到某种可怕的事情即将发生。 We were about to go the

30、re when it began to rain. 我们刚打算去那儿,这时天下起了雨。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 4start,go,come,leave,see,meet等动词的过去进行时:表示 就过去某一时刻而言即将发生的动作。 She was coming later. 她随后就来。 I had just put on my overcoat and was leaving to visit a friend of mine. 我刚穿上外套要去看我的一个朋友。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英

31、语(必修 第三册RJ ) 5was/were to do:表示“曾计划做某事”,如果表示“本来计划做某 事,动作没实现”,则需用“was/were to have done”。 She said she was to have told me about the accident. 她说她本来想告诉我关于事故的事。 He said he was to meet his friend at the station at 4 pm. 他说他下午四点去车站接他的朋友。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 用所给动词的适当形式完成句子 She sa

32、id the bus _(leave) at five the next morning. I wasnt sure whether he _(lend) me his book the next morning. At that time he did not know that quitting the job _ (become) the turning point in his life. He said he _(visit) China the next week. In his introduction, he made it clear that our credits _(b

33、e) hard-earned. was leaving would lend was to become was going to visit would be 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 语法专练 用适当的情态动词填空 1Can you help me? I _ never understand this. 2_ you tell me what time it is, please? 3Henry _ walk when he was one year old. 4We are going for a walk._ you li

34、ke to join us? can Could/Can could Would 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 5He said there _ be a concert that evening. 6You _ be Mr Smith.I was told to pick you up. 7He has waited outside for half an hour._ he come in? 8You _ give me a lift.I want to walk home for exercise. 9_ she be ten

35、years old next month? 10_you interrupt now?Cant you see Im on the phone? Sorry, sir, but its an emergency. would must Shall neednt Will Must 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 完成句子 1In todays information age, the loss of data _ _ for a company. 在今天的信息化时代,丢失数据可能会给公司造成严重的问题。 2My room is a me

36、ss, but I _ before I go out tonight.I can do it in the morning. 我的房间很乱,不过今晚在我出去之前,我没必要打扫它。我可以 在(明天)早晨打扫。 can cause serious problems neednt clean it 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 3(北京高考)Samuel, the tallest boy in our class, _ _ on the top shelf. 塞缪尔是我们班最高的男孩,他能轻而易举地拿到书架顶层的书。 4She said

37、that _ without your help. 她说,要是没有你的帮助,她不能做成。 5If you attempt to practice yoga, _ at the beginning, but youll grow stronger in the long run. 当你尝试去练习瑜伽,也许在刚开始时你会感到疲倦,但是从长远 来看这让你变得更强壮。 can easily reach the books she couldnt take it you may/might feel tired 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 6

38、She said she _ her trip. 她说她将为她的旅行作准备。 7I wondered when we _ for Paris. 我想要知道我们什么时候动身去巴黎。 8He _ when he saw a shark. 他正要潜水时突然看见了一条鲨鱼。 was going to prepare for should/would leave was about to dive 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 9 I still remember my happy childhood when my mother _ Disn

39、eyland at weekends. 我仍然记得我快乐的童年,我的母亲周末会带我去迪士尼乐园。 10 I know you have an important performance tonight. _! 我知道你今晚有个重要演出,祝你成功! would take me to May you succeed 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 语法主题应用 用适当的情态动词、动词的过去将来时介绍一下你的高考备考情 况。 1还有三个月就要高考了,这让我压力很大; 2因为我晚上熬夜,我竟然在课堂上睡着了; 3以往考得不好的时候,我的父母都会

40、安慰我; 4现在我能进行自我调节了; 5我要遵守科学的作息规律; 6祝我在高考中取得好成绩。 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) _ _ _ _ _ _ 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 参考范文: The College Entrance Examination will be in three months, which makes me under great pressure. Because I stay up late at night, I should fall asleep in class.My parents would comfort me when I didnt do well in the exam.Now I can adjust myself. I shall observe scientific work and rest rules.May I gain good results in the College Entrance Examination. 返回导航 Unit 5 The Value of Money 英语(必修 第三册RJ ) 夯基提能作业夯基提能作业


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