冀教版(一起)五下-Unit 3 We Love Sports-Lesson 13 Ping-pong and Basketball-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:c014e).doc

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冀教版(一起)五下-Unit 3 We Love Sports-Lesson 13 Ping-pong and Basketball-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:c014e).doc_第1页
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1、1 Ping-pong and basketball. (冀教版五年级下册) An English teaching plan .Teaching content: Lesson 13 .Teaching Aims: 1.The students can use the words about sports and what clothes we wear to play ball games, such as: basketball, ping-pong, soccer, badminton, T-shirt, shorts, runners, etc. 2 .The students ca

2、n use the phrases and the sentences to communicate: (1) teach sb. to do sth. Can you teach me to play basketball ? Sure. (2) would like to do sth. Would you like to play basketball with me ? I dont think so. (3) To use the words some and any, too and either correctly. 3. The students should like to

3、play sports, it can keep them healthy. 4. The students can practice their listening, saying, reading and writing skills. .Key points: 1. The students can learn many kinds of ball games and sports clothes. 2 .They can use the phrases and the sentences in this lesson. .Difficult points: The students c

4、an use the sentences to communicate correctly. Teaching Aids: CAI,tape-recorder, test paper 2 .Teaching Methods: free talk , self-teaching , having a competition, playing a game .Teaching Steps: Teachers activities (教师活动) Step 1 Preparation 1.Say, Lets play a Brainstorming game. Ask: What sports do

5、you remember ? Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Say: Today we will talk about sports.Lets learn Lesson 17 Ping-pong and basketball. Teacher gives a Students activities (学生活动) 1.Free talk: The students look at the pictures carefully and say the sports what they remember. Roller-skating, cycling, ru

6、nning, soccer, Etc. 1、They look at the pictures on the CAI and learn the words about sports. Learning the words and sentences: basketball,sport, ping-pong, soccer, badminton, etc. Teaching aims and using media (教学设计意图与媒体 使用) 通过多媒体自动播放 图片, 学生谈论自己记 住的运动作为教学开 始, 引导学生从实际出 发运用英语, 达到英语 从生活中来又运用到 生活中的目的, 为

7、引出 下一步作好铺垫。 学生观看课件, 学习本 课的运动类词汇。 既激 发了学生浓厚的兴趣, 帮助学生找到复合词 记忆的方法, 又强化了 “Basketball is a sport. Basketball, ping-pong, 3 model and says: Basketball is a sport. 2. Say, Lets play a finding game. 3. Say: Our friends Jenny and LiMing want to play sports. 4.Say: Boys read A, and girls read B. Soccer and ba

8、dminton are sports. 2. Look at the pictures carefully, and say the sports what they remember. 3. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks on the paper. 4. Read and practice in pairs. The make new Soccer and badminton are sports. etc.” 这一句 型的练习运用, 达到自 学自练效果。 通过各种形式的练习 激发学生说的积极性, 培养学生竞争意识。 学生自己圈出字母中

9、已经学习到的运动类 单词, 培养他们自主学 习意识及运用能力。 注: 此步必须要求学生 先回答,后点击验证。 以培养学生良好的学 习习惯。 课件也设计成 了随机点击的方式。 培养学生的听力习惯 及听力方法。 通过两人交流的形式, 培养学生交际能力与 4 5.Say: I want to play basketball, but I cant play basketball .Ask a student : Can you teach me to play basketball ? 6.Say: I want to play basketball, dialogues by themselves

10、. (1) Read the dialogue. (2)Ask and answer in pairs in the same way. (3)Check their answers. 5. Answer: Sure. Make sentences with :teach sb. to do sth. Teach :would like to do sth 6.Learn the words : T-shirt, shorts, runners with some learning methods. 合作意识。 示意图: A: What sports do you play ? B: I pl

11、ay ping-pong and basketball. Ping-pong is my favourite sport. I like ping-pong best. 学生运用所学知识, 自 由采访,达到反馈目 的,而且拓展了知识。 学生在快乐中总结所 学知识,达到自由运用 的能力。 A: What do you wear to play basketball ? B: I always wear a T-shirt, shorts and runners. 5 7.Say : I want to play basketball, I need some shorts . I dont ha

12、ve any shorts, do you have any shorts? Step 3 Summary 1、Say: Make a new dialogue with the main sentences. 2、Do exercise. Homework : Write down your dialogue and tell it to your family. 7.Tell the rules about how to use some/any, too/either, and make sentences with the words. 1、Expand with the main s

13、entences. 2、Exercise. 通过学生自己找规律, 并且用所学词造句, 培 养他们自主学习和运 用知识的能力。 I have some books, too. I dont have any rulers either. 培养学生热爱体育运 动的情感目标。 检测学生的学习成果, 让他们感受到成功的 快乐。 家庭作业让孩子们和 家人共同分享学习成 果的喜悦。 .Blackboard written design: Lesson 13 ping-pong and basketball. 1. teach sb. to do sth. 6 Can you teach me to pla

14、y basketball ? 2. would like to do sth. Would you like to play basketball with me ? 3. some 4. too any either 九.媒体设计思路 1三步自主学习环节中,让学生学习到了多种学习方法。英语复合 词记忆法、读音归纳法、单词链接法。在学生自主学习、举一反三的 过程中,能够很好地培养学生有目的、有兴趣地运用资料自主学习英 语,相互交流的能力。 2借助音频、视频资料显示运动的快乐与必要性,进一步激发学生 学习英语的兴趣,培养学生学习英语的能力,增强学生多参与运动、 锻炼身体的意识,对学生有一定的教育

15、意义。 具体步骤说明: (1) 在引出课题 sports 这一版块时,通过 Brainstorming game,显示视 频、 音频, 复习多种运动名称, 练习到运动词汇: play soccer, go cycling 等。 (2) 在引出本文“Favourite sports”这一版块时,根据学生的学情:学 生们已经对于五个词汇 badminton、ping-pong、soccer、sports 和 basketball 非常熟悉,通过多种练习方式,加强单词的记忆。通过课 件引出句型 Basketball, ping-pong, soccer and badminton are sport

16、s. 根据学情,将视频与本部分的重点句型相结合,充分练习了重点 句型 I play badminton and ping-pong. Ping-pong is my favourite sport. I 7 like ping-pong best.代换横线上的内容就可以灵活运用。 (3) 最后一版块“运动服装的学习”是本课最重要的环节,通过与学 生互动,学习并且练习主要短语 teach sb. to do sth. , would like to do sth. some/any,too/either,学生运用重点句型,自己进行小组活动练习新 的活动,通过去运动的小组活动,利于对学生思想教育。

17、 (4) 布置写下自己的新对话作为作业,并且和自己的家人交流,为学 生提供了反馈信息、课后自主学习以及进行继续探讨的空间。 十.教学设想: 本课的教学内容是运动类词汇 badminton、ping-pong、soccer、 basketball,sports,重要句型是 Can you teach me to play basketball ? What do you wear to play basketball ? Would you like to play basketball with me?我充分利用本课教学内容, 创造性的使用教材, 制作成课件, 利用和 Jenny、 LiMin

18、g 一起去运动作为本课的主线, 各环节衔接自然, “游戏引入运动话题” “最喜欢的运动” “一起去运动小组活动”学生 充分绂习运用本课内容,提高英语各项能力,而且对学生进行热爱运 动、锻炼身体的思想教育。活动发挥学生学习的兴趣与积极性;音频 的播放, 帮助学生学习生词和新句型。 学生能够自主学习, 竞争学习, 合作学习,创新学习。达到良好的教学效果。 十一、教学流程: 8 根据记忆方法, 灵活运用 思考发言 课件 开始上课 板书揭题 电脑 头脑风暴游戏:你记住了哪些运动? 学习词汇 basketball、ping-pong 等 补充复合词 圈出单词 电脑 播放音乐 学生讨论 电脑 学习衣服词汇 读、记忆 运用主要句型分组拓展、 练习新对话 小组讨论 练习检测 电脑 播放音乐 总结下课 讲授主要句型:teach sb. to do sth. would like to do sth. 学生造句 展示成果 投影 录音 练习第一部分 Favourite sports 小组练习


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