冀教版(一起)四下-Unit 2 Seasons-Lesson 8 Sun and Rain-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:c138e).doc

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1、教材分析教材分析 本课是第二单元 Seasons 的第二课,要求学生能 够将表达天气状况的单词掌握并运用,是综合表述天 气状况的基础。 学情分析学情分析 小学四年级学生对学习英语仍保持着浓厚的兴 趣,他们好模仿、爱表现、爱发表意见、记忆力强, 同时有些学生活泼好动、注意力易分散,常凭兴趣做 某事,根据学生的这一认知前提,在教学中抓住学生 的这一生理和心理特点,运用各种教学手段激发学生 的学习兴趣,增强参与性,以获得良好的教学效果。 教学目标教学目标 知识与能 力目标 (1) Students can listen, say, read, write and aurally understand

2、 the words :sun , cloud , rain , wind , snow. (2) Students can listen, say, read and aurally understand the words: strong , heavy. (3) Students can understand the sentences: This is the sun. This is a cloud and rain. It is a heavy rain. This is a strong wind. (4)Practice their listening, speaking, r

3、eading and writing. 过程与方 法目标 Situation teaching method and team work. 情感态度 与价值观 Teach students to love life and observe the 目标 nature. 教学重难点教学重难点 重点 1. Students can understand the sentence “This is the sun. This is a cloud and rain. It is a heavy rain. This is a strong wind. 2. Words: sun , rain , s

4、now ,wind , cloud , strong , heavy. 难点 Use the sentences with these words in the real situation. 教学策略与教学策略与 设计说明设计说明 按照 Motivating interest, make the focal/ key points stand out, break through the difficult 的思路,采取 TPR, Task-based Teaching Method, Games Teaching Method 等方法开展教学。 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节 (注明每

5、个(注明每个 环节预设的环节预设的 时间)时间) 教师活动教师活动 学生活动学生活动 设计意图设计意图 Step1:Step1: PreparatioPreparatio n n (1min)(1min) Step2:Step2: PresentatiPresentati onon Greeting Hello boys and girls.I m gland to have this class with you. 1.lets guess a riddle.Big ball, red ball,hot ball.Whats this? (边出示对应幻灯片边引导 Greeting Good

6、morning teacher. Learn the new words 拉近师生间 的距离,消 除紧张气氛 通 过 猜 谜 语 , 编 故 事 创设情景, (12min)(12min) Step3:Step3: PracticePractice (12min)(12min) 学生猜出单词 sun,在黑板上粘贴 单词卡片并板书单词和句子 This is the sun.独一无二的事物前面 加 the) The sun is hot.(边作动 作边引导学生说句子) 2.Look!The sun is sad. What happened?Oh, whats this? This is a clo

7、ud.(太阳不高兴了引出云 并板书单词和句子 This is a coloud.可数前面加 a) 3.Look at the white board ,whats this? Rain.This is rain.(播放幻灯片云笑了,它 的朋友来了引入雨,老师搬东西越 来越重引入 heavy,大雨应该说 heavy rain.英美人士喜欢用重量 来衡量比较可行) 4.Whats this ?(播放刮风 的声音幻灯片引入风) This is wind.(不可数什么都不加) (找两 个 同 学 上 来 掰 手 腕 引 入 strong.This is a strong wind.) 5.Who co

8、mes?(幻灯片插入敲 门声引出雪) (板书 This is snow.) (不可数什么都不加)Is it hot? What colour is it? (It is cold and white.) (加入发音。动作教学 5 个单 词) 1.Ask boys and girls to read and act these words respectively. Ask students to read these words in loud and low voice. Ask students to look at my Boys and girls read these words r

9、espectively . Read these words in loud and low voice. 引出单词。 多种方式读 单词让学生 对新单词产 生兴趣便于 记忆。 通过记忆力 Step4:Step4: ProductionProduction (13min)(13min) mouth shapes and guess these words.(看口型猜单词,整体感 知) 2.Group competition. Bomb game(把学生分为五组,以 地雷在规定时间内爆炸后学生答 出单词个数为小组挣得相应天气 的卡片作为奖励。 ) Lood at the blackboard an

10、d ask students what differences between these sentences.(独一 无二的事物前面加 the,不可数什 么都不加,可数前面加 a) 1.Listen and repeat. 2.前后桌 4 人一组用卡片练习 This is the sun. (a cloud and rain /a strong wind/snow). 3 Ask students to take out those cards of wheather from the magical bag to practice these sentence this is the su

11、n (a cloud and rain /a strong wind/snow).(通过学生去摸出魔 法口袋里的卡片练习对话。) 3 Look at the pictures and write down the words.(答对题目最多的 组获得相应天气卡片作为奖励) 4.Read and Choose. 5.Lets have a rest.Listen to the music and act. 6.Today we learned lesson 8 sun and rain.Do you understand? Group competition Open their books a

12、nd repeat. 找学生来摸进 行接龙对句型 和新单词进行 重点练习 大 比 拼 比 赛,调动学 生 的 注 意 力,锻炼学 生 的 记 忆 力,并巩固 练习重点单 词。 (示范朗读, 让学生练习 正确的发音 方式) 通过实物, 手势,身体 语言,多种 方式,激发 学生的求知 欲,表现欲, 调动学生积 极 动 脑 思 考,练习重 点句型。 课堂小结课堂小结 1min1min Im going to stop there. Thank you! Im very happy with you for this class. 布置布置作业作业 1min1min 课下继续读写本课重要单词,练习对话。 板书设计板书设计 Lesson 8 Sun and Rain the sun a cloud This is rain wind snow


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