冀教版(一起)四下-Unit 2 Seasons-Lesson 9 How's the Weather -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:c0f2f).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Seasons_Lesson 9 How's the Weather _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:c0f2f)
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教学目标 1.知识目标: (1)能听,说,认读及简单运用单词 how、weather 、sunny、warm、cloudy、windy、cool;能看懂表示天气状况的 图标及意义。 (2)能理解句型“Hows the weather today?,并在情景 中进行交际。 2.能力目标: (1)学生能够进行有关天气话题的交流。 (2)学生合 作、交流、探究、创新、调查、搜集并处理信息的能力。 (3)培 养学生生活能力,认识各种表示天气状况的图标,看懂天气预 报。 3.情感态度价值观: 培养学生热爱大自然,保护自然的情感。 冀教版小学英语四年级下册 What can you see from the video? This is a sunny day. Its warm. sun It is cold and snowy . snow cloud Its cloudy . Its windy. Its cool. wind It is rainy. rain Lets listen and say. Lets match(连线 ) sunny rainy cloudy windy snowy How s the weather today? Its warm and windy. Which month is cold and snowy? December is cold and snowy. spring Februar y March April warm rainy summer May June July hot sunny winter autumn November December January August Septembe r October cold snowy cool windy Listen and do! Hello! My name is Ann. I am a girl. I am in Lanzhou. Its cool and cloudy in Lanzhou. City Kunming XianChangchu n Shijiazhuan g Weather Group work! My name is ___________. I am a _________. I am in ____________. Its ________ and __________ in _____________. Protect environment, it begins from me! 保护环 境,从我做起! I like Shijiazhuang. I can______________ __ _________________ ___ _________________ _. Shijiazhuang will be better! Homework: 1.Try to recite the whole text. 背过课 文。 2.Draw the weather you like and introduce it.画一画你喜 欢的天气,用英语介绍出 来。Study Garden Class______ Name___________ sun ___________ ________ ____________ ________ ____________ ________ ____________ ________ _____________ ________ ______________ cityKunmingXianChangchunShijiazhuang weather Her name is Ann. She is a girl. She is in Lanzhou. Its ________ and _______ in Lanzhou. My name is ________. I am a _______. I am in__________. Its ________ and _______ in ___________. plant more trees 多种树 drive less 少开车 save water 节约用水 Dont waste paper.不浪费纸 _________________________查一查我们还可以做什么? I like Shijiazhuang. I can ___________________ ______________________ _____________________. Shijiazhuang will be better!石家庄会越来越好!教 学 目 标 1.知识目标: (1)能听,说,认读及简单运用单词 weather、sunny、warm、cloudy、windy、cool;能看懂表示天气状况的图标及意义。 (2)能理解句型“Hows the weather today? 并在情景中进行交际。 2.能力目标: (1)学生能够进行有关天气话题的交流。 (2)学生合作、交流、探究、 创新、调查、搜集并处理信息的能力。 (3)培养学生生活能力,认识各种表示天气状 况的图标,看懂天气预报。 3.情感态度价值观: 培养学生热爱大自然,保护自然的情感。 重 点 难 点 1、 能听,说,认读及简单运用单词 how、weather、sunny、warm、 cloudy、windy、cool; 2、能看懂表示天气状况的图标及意义。 3、能够灵活使用句型:How is the weather today? 来询问他人天气如何, 并且能够 运用 Its 根 据实际情况回答。 教 具 准 备 1.多媒体课件 2.学生活动用纸 3.视频资料 教学过程: 教学程序安排教学活动的组织与实施设计意图及反思 Class-opening Review the words 1.Greetings . T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? Ss: I am fine. How are you? T: Very well, thank you. T:Whats your favourite month? Lets watch a video, and then write the words you see on your paper. Students write the words down. 活跃课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣, 让学生快速进入到英语学习中来。 看视频,写单词,复习学习过的 名词,街接自然,引出新知识。 New concepts Teach the new words: sunny rainy cloudy windy snowy 1. (Look at the screen, show the picture of sun) T: Look at the picture. Whats this? Ss: Sun. Show the picture with a sunny day. T: This is a sunny day. Follow me “sunny”. The students read the word. T: This is a sunny day. Read after me. The students read the sentence. Write the word on the blackboard. To compare the word with “sun”. 2. Use the same way to learn other words: windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy. 3. Listen to Part 1 and follow. 4. Practice: Match the words and pictures on students paper. 5. Sum up. T: We learned the words sunny, windy, cloudy, snowy, rainy. They are weather. Teacher writes the word “weather” on the blackboard. Let the students read the word together. 6. Listen to Part 1. 1)Listen and find the answer. Q1: How s the weather today? Students answer the question. 2)Follow the video and find the answer. Q2: Which month is cold and snowy? Put the sentences on the blackboard. 3) Review the twelve months of the year. Tell the students the weather in each month. 7. Activity. Ask and answer in groups. Hows the weather in December? Let students choose one month card, and then ask a student in other teams to answer the question. 先学习名词,再出现句子,引出 新词,步步深入,让学生加深记 忆,帮助学生学习新知识。 听音跟读,学生整体感知课文。 图片与单词配对连线,检测学生 的掌握情况。 总结,引入新词 weather,为下 一步句子的理解做准备。 第一遍带着问题听课文,加深了 对课文的理解。第二遍跟读课文 回答问题。锻炼了学生的听力理 解能力。 复习月份,新旧知识进行连接, 培养学生使用语言的综合能力。 小组活动,既检测了学生对句子 的运用能力,采用激励策略,又 让学生兴趣盎然。 Class-closing 8. Group work 1)Listen and write. T: I have a friend named Ann. Listen and write the words on your paper. 2) Talk in groups. Talk about the weather in different cities from students paper. Finish students paper. 3) Show the students paper to check their answers. 9. Pictures of Shijiazhuang. Show them the pictures of Shijiazhuang. T: How do you feel? What should you do for Shijiazhuang? Students give some advice, and write them on the paper. Homework: 1.Try to recite the whole text. 2.Draw your favorite month. 小组活动的设置,锻炼学生对语 篇的理解能力。培养学生的合作 意识。 学生展示自己的作品,及时解决 课堂出现的问题,学生记忆深刻。 感情升华,让学生意识到保护环 境的重要性,以及我能做些什么。 作业的设置是对课堂教学的延伸, 让教学生活化,实际化,提高学 生的英语综合运用能力。 Blackboard Writing (板书设计) Lesson11 Hows the weather today? Hows the weather today? Its warm and windy. rainyrain wind-windy cloudycloud snow-snowy sun sunny weather 教学反思 本节课经过精心准备,在教学目标的达成,课堂气氛,学生的参与程度 及教学效果等方面都得到了不错的回馈。总结这一课,我觉得对教材分 析恰当,重难点把握得当,教学方法选择合理。积极发挥教师的引导作 用,以学生为主体,力求促使学生形成良好的学习习惯和自主学习能力, 形成有效学习策略。正确运用课堂评价,在竞赛中采用公平且激励性的 语言评价,使学生不断体验成功,并在努力中进步。我也发现了教学上 的不足之处,在竞赛环节,对于学生的表现没有及时反馈,学生的配合 度不够。
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