冀教版(一起)四下-Unit 3 More About Me-Lesson 16 How Do You Go to School -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b00d8).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 More About Me_Lesson 16 How Do You Go to School _ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:b00d8)
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Lesson 16 How Do You Go to School? car bicycle= bike tax i = cab bus duck sunny cut mum truck subway train truck tree street triangle rain tail again rainbow airplane hair pair chair name date game face cake =plane ship sheep sit fifth it wind office Walk to school=Go to school How do they go to school? ?on foot 1.How does the first girl like to travel? 2.How does the second girl like to travel? 3.How does the third girl like to travel? 4.How does the boy like to travel? By bus. By airplane. By car. By airplane. nameWhere do you want to go ?How do you go there? Make a survey in your groups 1.听读Lesson14三遍 2.总结与train,ship,airplane 中字母和字母组合发音相同的单 词。Lesson 16 How Do You Go to School? 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1. 知识与技能目标: a. 能听说读写并运用下列单词: ship、airplane、truck、subway、train。 b. 能用句型 I go to ___(place) by____(transport).进行表达交流。 2. 情感态度目标: 通过直观呈现、猜词游戏、歌曲、情境创设的方式来激发学生学习 英语的兴趣,增强其自信心。 3. 学习策略: a. 通过渗透字母及字母组合的发音规则,帮助学生养成良好的学习 策略,提高学习效率。 b. 通过小组活动,增强学生互助、合作的意义。 二、教学重点二、教学重点: 单词 ship、airplane、truck、subway、train 的听说读写及运用。 三、教学难点:三、教学难点: 单词 ship、airplane、truck、subway、train 的运用。 四、教具、学具准备四、教具、学具准备: 多媒体课件、卡片、教学光盘。 五教学过程:五教学过程: Step 1 Greeting and free talk T: Good morning, boys and girls! Are you ready for English class? How are you today? First, Lets sing a song. Step 2 Warming up Sing the song “wheels on the bus” with actions. (设计意图:用欢快的歌曲将学生带进英语课堂,活跃课堂气氛的 同时引出交通工具) Step 3 Review T: What transport did you hear in the song ? S: bus! T: Yes, Bus is a kind of transport. We also have learnt other transport, do you remember? Lets look at some pictures! (show ppt :car) T: Whats this ? S: This is a car. T: Do you go to school by car ? Who goes to school by car? S1: I go to school by car. T: Can you drive car ? S1: No, I cant. T: Who can drive the car ? S1: My mother/father. T: Your mother/father drives you to go to school. (show ppt :bicycle) T: Whats this ? S: This is a bike. T: We also can call it S: Bicycle. T: Can you ride a bike? Ss: Yes. I can. / No, I cant. (show ppt :taxi) T: Whats this ? S: This is a Taxi. T: We also can call it S: Cab. T: When you want to go somewhere by taxi. You can call it : Taxi,stop please! (show ppt :bus) T: Whats this ? S: This is a bus. (设计意图:巩固学过的交通工具,在复习过程中融入本课涉及到 的句子,为本课知识做铺垫。通过 bus,u 的发音引出新授单词 truck,subway) Step 4 New concept 1. Truck Show other words consist of “u” (duck sunny bus mum).Ask Ss to read. And find what “u” sounds. (ppt : show the word “truck” ) T:Can you say this word ? tr sounds ck sounds Read the words by groups. Ask to guess the meaning of “truck”(show the picture) Write it on the blackboard according to the sounds. T: What colour is the truck ? Is a truck faster or a bicycle faster ? 2. Subway T: Truck is fast. Next transport is faster than truck . And it goes under the ground. Guess what is it ? Ss: subway (show ppt: subway) T:Can you say this word ? u sounds s sounds Read the words by groups. Write it on the blackboard according to the sounds. T: Is subway on the ground? When Im in Beijing, I go to Tianan men Square by subway.(write “by” on the blackboard ) Where do you want to go by subway? 3. Train T: Subway goes under the ground. Next transport, it looks like subway, but it goes on the ground. What is it ? Ss: It is a train. (show ppt: picture of train) Show the words consist of “ai”(again、rain、tail、rainbow). Ask Ss to read. And find what “ai” sounds. Then Show the words consist of “tr”(truck try tree triangle). Ask Ss to read. And find what “tr” sounds. T:(show word “train”) tr sounds ai sounds Can you say the word? Read word by groups. Write it on the blackboard according to the sounds. T: I go to Beijing by train. Where do you want to go by train? 4. Practice: guess riddles a. It begins with sand it goes under the ground. b. It goes on the ground, and the words consist of letter “u”. c. It goes on the ground, and it is faster than subway. (设计意图:复习巩固前三个新授单词,猜谜游戏不仅给学生语言 的输入而且巩固学生对词形和词义的记忆。 ) 5. airplane T: I go to Beijing by train. In this summer holiday, I want to go to Canada. How can I go there? Ss: by airplane. (show ppt: picture of airplane) Show the words consist of “a”(name date game face cake). Ask Ss to read. And find what “a” sounds. Then Show the words consist of “air”(hair pair chair). Ask Ss to read. And find what “air” sounds. T:(show word “airplane”) air sounds p sounds Can you say the word? Read word by groups. Write it on the blackboard according to the sounds. T: We also can call it plane.(show word: “plane”) T: Look at the picture. Where is the airplane? I go to Canada by airplane. Where do you want to go? How do you go there? 6. Ship T: We can travel by airplane flies in the sky. We also can travel on the sea.(show picture: sea) Ss: Ship. (show ppt: picture of ship) Show the words consist of “i”(sit fifth it wind office). Ask Ss to read. And find what “i” sounds. T:(show word “ship”) sh sounds i sounds Can you say the word? Read word by groups. Show the word “sheep” , find the difference between ship and sheep. Write it on the blackboard according to the sounds. T: Do you like to travel by ship? Where do you want to go by ship? (设计意图:PPT 直观展示图片,吸引学生的注意力,激发学生学习 兴趣。通过读与新授单词包含相同字母或字母组合发音的单词,让 学生自己感受其发音,引导学生说出其它辅音字母的发音,让学生 感受自己说出新授单词的成功感。在书空单词时没有让学生拼读而 是教师说字母的发音,学生根据发音来思考是哪个字母,教师在帮 助学生记忆本课新授单词时更教给了学生记单词的方法。通过设计 情境对话,使新授单词融入句中,巩固了学生对新授单词的理解。 大量句子的输入为巩固环节学生语言的输出做铺垫。) Step 5 Practice 1. Riddles: a. It has letter “u” and it goes on the ground.(truck) b. It is faster than truck and slower than train. It goes under the ground.(subway) c. It begins with letter tr, and it goes faster than car.(train) d. It can flies in the sky.(airplane) e. It begins with letter sh. You can see it on the sea.(ship) The one who guess it right,can stick the picture on the blackboard. (设计意图:复习巩固五个新授单词,猜谜游戏不仅给学生语言的 输入而且巩固学生对词形和词义的记忆。让答对的学生将图片贴在 黑板上,使词形、词意同时呈现,有利学生记忆。 ) 2. Group Work:Guessing the cards a.T choose a card and describe it ,ask Ss to guess with : Is this a(an) .? b.Ask a student to choose a card and describe it ,and ask others to guess with : Is this a(an) .? c.Guess cards in their groups: one students choose a card and others guess. d.Choose two groups to show. (小组内猜卡片的游戏形式激发学生的学习兴趣,巩固学生对交通 工具单词的理解记忆。 ) Step 6 Text learning 1.T: Today, Danny Jenny and their friends are talking about how to go to school.(show the question by ppt) Lets listen to the text and find how do Danny Jenny Steven and Kim go to school, Ok? 2.Play the disk without word. 3. Answer the questions (explain walk to school=go to school on foot) 4. Play it again and read follow it . (设计意图:带着简单的问题听课文,有助于锻炼其听力能力,帮 助学生理解课文内容。通过听读模仿练习,让学生受到纯正英语的 熏陶,理解课文意思。 ) Step 7 Talk about the picture T: There is a picture of transport ,can you say some sentences? Ss: Say something about the transport. (设计意图:经过前期大量的语言输入,巩固环节让学生学生开口 说句子对图片进行描述,巩固所学知识。 ) Step 8 Exercise Read a short article and do some choosing exercises according to it. (设计意图:本环节教师将出示一篇短文让学生阅读,学生通过小 组讨论的形式互助合作,完成练习题,本环节将巩固学生对新授单 词的理解及运用。 ) Step 9 Class closing 1. Make a summary T: What have you learnt in this lesson? 2. Homework T: Summer holiday is coming. Where do you want to go ? How do you go there ? We can go there by car ,by train or by airplane. Trip is fun. I hope youll have a good trip! (设计意图:总结本课所学内容,目的帮助学生回忆本节课知识并 加深印象。家庭作业布置了让学生找与本课单词包含相同字母也发 音相同的单词,巩固学生对字母及字母组合发音的记忆。以五一劳 动节假期出游的话题结束本节课,给学生营造以轻松愉悦的氛围。 ) 板书设计: Lesson 14 Do You Walk to School ? G1 G2 G3 truck_ train ship subway airplane
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