冀教版(一起)四下-Unit 3 More About Me-Lesson 13 How Old Are You -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:90203).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 More About Me_Lesson 13 How Old Are You _ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:90203)
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Lesson13:How Old Are You? Greeting How are you? What day is it today? What is the date today? How is the weather today? lets review 1. 5+7= twelve 2. 6+4=ten 3. 3+8= eleven 4. 15-8=seven 5. 20-3= seventeen 6. 2+14= sixteen How old are you ? (你多大了) I am years old. (我 岁了) When is your birthday ?(你的生日是什 么时候?) My birthday is July twenty-fifth (我的生日是七月二十五日) New sentences: How old is Danny? How old is Steven? When is Stevens birthday? When is Dannys birthday? Listen to the tape ,answer the questions: Make a survey.作调查作调查 Your friends name How old is he/she? When is his/her birthday? Whats your name? How old are you? When is your birthday? What season do you like? What do you do in (这个季节)? Ask and answer: Home Work: Ask your father and mothers birthday, and remember it. On their birthday, please say happy birthday to them. 记下自己父母的生日记下自己父母的生日,当他们生日的当他们生日的 时候时候,别忘了给他们送上生日祝福别忘了给他们送上生日祝福.Lesson 13 How old are you教学设计 一一 教学目标:教学目标: 1、知识目标:学用英语谈论年龄,学会使用 How old are you ? Im years old. 2、情感目标:提高学生学习英语的兴趣 3、能力目标:培养学生运用英语合作对话的能力和习惯。 二二 教学重、难点:教学重、难点: 重点:学用英语谈论年龄,学会使用 How old are you ? Im years old. 难点:运用所学句型编对话。 三三 教学过程教学过程 : 1 1 Greeting 2 2 复习数字,引入新课: Lets count a 从一数到二十,再倒着数一遍 b 做数字加减法 3 ok now listen to me carefully.用 How are you?句型引出 How old are you ? Im years old.以便学生理解掌握。让学生猜句型 How old are you ? Im years old.含义。 4 practice the sentences one by one 5 Lets play a game. 介绍游戏规则:请一个同学背对着大家,老师或同学在他的背上写一个数字, 然后全班同学一起问:How old are you? 他答:Im years old 答对,老师 就奖励一张贴片。 6 practice the sentences with your partners. How old are you ? Im years old. When is your birthday ? My birthday is July twenty-fifth 7 listen to the tape and answer the questions How old is Danny? How old is Steven? When is Stevens birthday? When is Dannys birthday 8 Make a survey. Who wants to be the journalist? Your friends name How old is he/she?When is his/her birthday? Ask your friends these sentences. And write down the answers. Whats your name? How old are you? When is your birthday? Then tell us your friends message. Use the follow sentences -is -years old. His /her birthday is - Who can try.找三个学生。 9 make a dialogue with your partner, use the sentences we have learned. 四 homework 1 Ask your father and mothers birthday, and remember it. On their birthday, please say happy birthday to them. 记下自己父母的生日记下自己父母的生日,当他们生日的时候当他们生日的时候,别忘了给他们送上生日祝福别忘了给他们送上生日祝福. 2充当小记者完成表格 五 教学反思:教学反思: 本课设计紧紧围绕重点句型“How old are you?Im -years old . ” 展开, 教学中能做到重点突出,并与游戏、对话表演、小组合作等多种形式的教学活 动结合,真正做到让学生“在学中乐,在乐中学”。教学设计中不仅注重了本节 课的教学目标的达成,更注重了学生知识的实际运用与巧妙拓展,进一步提高 了学生学习兴趣,锻炼了学生实践能力及小组合作探究能力。主要表现有: 1、单词方面。因为学生刚起步学英语,所以在教授单词时强调语速清晰缓 慢,尽量做到利用卡片、实物、动作表达单词的含义,避免直接翻译。如教学 “old”时,做拄拐棍,捋胡子的动作表示“老”,教学“Happy Birthday.”时,作“祝 贺”的动作表示词义。 2、句子方面。在游戏、小组对话、等活动中,让学生学会灵活的运用新句 型进行合作交流。对于“How old are you?”Im -years old”的教学,注重结构 分析,知识的拓展,拓宽了学生的知识面,加深了学生的知识密度。 3、知识的实践交流训练方面。本节课最后设计了“采访作业”,巧妙地引导 学生将所学语言知识和语言技能运用到生活当中,为学生课后提供了交流的平 台,让英语知识生活化,培养了学生综合运用英语知识的能力,真正做到学以 致用。同时让他们在朋友、父母生日时送上祝福,培养他们懂得感恩的思想品 质。
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