冀教版一起三下-Unit 2 Animal Friends-Lesson 7 We Are Friends-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f1c3c).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_三年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Animal Friends_Lesson 7 We Are Friends_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:f1c3c)
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冀教版三年级下册冀教版三年级下册 Lesson 7 We Are Friends aimals on the farm 同学们,请仔细看图,并回答问题:同学们,请仔细看图,并回答问题: What is this? Its a _____. What is this? Its a _____. What is this? Its a ___. What is this? Its a ____. What is this? Its a ____. What is this? Its a . What is this? Its a . What is this? Its an . fatthin The panda is fat. The monkey is thin. The elephant is big. The bird is small . Lets do it! It has big ears. Its a dog. It has a long tail. Its a monkey. It has a short tail. It has a short tail and a big mouth . Its a duck. It has big eyes and short legs. Its a pig. It has small ears and a small nose. Its a panda. Fill in the blanks with “big” or “small”. Its a ball. Its a ball. Its a bird. Its a bird. big big small small The elephant is____. The bird is______. A.big B.small B A The mouse is____. The cat is______. A.big B.small B A (谜语)Lesson7:We Are Friends教学设计 一、教材分析 本课内容是冀教版三年级英语下册 Unit 2 中 lesson7 We Are Friends.本单元的核心教学内容是动物名称及运用形容词简单描述动 物的外貌特征。本节课教学内容分为两部分:第一部分为 Whats this。主要学习表示动物的三个单词。第二部分为 Big or small? Fat or thin?。通过语境练习学习描述动物的几个形容词。 二、学情分析 孩子们已经认识了一些动物园里的动物,对于一些动物的句型已经 有了一定的基础,所以在学习这一课时,不会有太大的困难。但对 于个别基础特别差的学生来说,可能不太容易,需要特别指导。 二、设计理念 1、三年级学生刚接触英语,学习的依赖心理还很强,这就要求 教师在具体施教时,处理好“主导”和“主体”的主从关系。尽管学生有 依赖性,但决不能包办代替,所以我在复习时,不是简单的复习单 词,而是词句融合,为学生创设一个展示的平台。学习新知,也不 是死板的老师教学生学,而是给学生以发展思考的空间,尽可能让 他们主动去探索新知,掌握知识要点。 2、三年级学生注意力极其短暂,尤其是低年级学生的无意识注 意占主体地位。为了达到理想的教育效果,我充分利用各种教学手 段,将学生分散的注意力集中到一起,从而让学生在有限的时间内, 尽可能多的掌握知识。 三、教学目标: 1. 知识目标: 能听说读写单词:zoo, panda, monkey, elephant, big, small 2. 能力目标: 能够在日常生活中熟练运用本课所学的动物单词。 3.情感目标: 通过本课学习,培养学生了解动物、热爱动物的 情感。 四、教学重难点: 本课的动物单词:panda, monkey, zoo, elephant,以及形容词:big, small, fat, thin. 五、教学过程 Step1: Greeting and Review 1.教师和学生一起唱“old MacDonald had a farm”这首歌。 2. Now,are you happy?Yes,Im happy,too.And can you say the animals on the farm.课件出示动物图片,指生说 3.Very well.But I will ask you some problems. 出示课件卡片, 用英语简单的和同学们进行交流。例如: Whats this? Is it a ____? Can it fly/swim/run/jump? 以此回顾有关动物单词知识。 Step2: New Concepts 1. You are great! I love you.Lets go. Do you like this?出示动物 园图片,板书 zoo 单词,教授发音,解释课题:Lesson7:At the zoo 强调 at。 2. T: Do you know what animals are in the zoo? Lets go to the zoo. 以此引导出:panda, monkey, elephant. (1)panda 拼读。 (指名生读)What colour is the panda? Can the panda swim? (2)monkey 讲解单词的单、复数。 (3) 课件出示 panda, monkey 图片,教师做动作引导出 fat,thin. (4)elephant.自然拼读,强调 an elephant. (5) 课件出示 elephant,bird 图片,引出 big,small。 Step3:Practice 1. Look at here,whats this? 课件出示,师读提示,生猜。 T:Good,now Lets do it. 2.课件出示,生填空。 3. Next,Lets play a game.guess an animal.Look !课件出示, 指生读描述,其他生猜。 Step5: Class Closing. Okay,this class we knew about the zoo,there are many,many animals.The panda is fat.The monkey is thin.(师生一起回顾) You are great! Im happy.class is over.Bye-bye. 六:板书设计 Lesson 7 At the zoo zoo panda monkey elephant big small The elephant is big. The bird is small. The panda is fat. The monkey is thin.
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