粤教版(三起)五下-Unit 2 Vacation Plans-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:f0541).doc

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1、1 一、一、 教学目标教学目标 (一)语言能力(一)语言能力 1、语言知识目标: (1) 能听懂,会读单词: visit relatives, take photos, help dad, make models, read books, surf the Internet (2) 能理解,会读句子:What are you going to do during the vacation? Im going to 2、语言技能目标: (1) 听:能听懂老师的假期计划,培养学生通过听关键词句提取信息的能力。 (2) 说:能根据小组合作活动任务与同伴进行口头交流,解决问题。 (3) 读:能正确运用

2、学习的词组和句型询问和表达假期计划。 (4) 写:能通过填词的方式完成假期计划,初步培养学生的写作能力。 (二二)文化意识文化意识 培养学生做事情前制定计划的良好行为习惯,让学生学会为自己的假期做出计划。教育 学生外出旅游要做一个文明的游客。 (三三)思维品质思维品质 导入环节,引导学生用特殊疑问词 When, Where, Who,What,How 来提问老师,了解老师的 假期计划;在学习过程中,通过设置 pair work, group work 小组合作活动,相互了解同学的假 期计划,学生在小组合作交流中思维得到活跃发展。 (四)(四)学习能力学习能力 (1) 通过设置大情境老师的旅游计

3、划和小情境谈论老师计划做什么事情,指导学生学会质 疑、问答,培养学生的思维能力和自主学习的能力。 (2) 运用自然拼读法教授单词,培养学生见词能读,听词能写的能力。 (3) 通过填词的方式完成自己的假期计划,初步培养学生的写作能力。 二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点: 1.学习重点: 能正确运用特殊疑问词 When, Where,Who,What,How 来提问, 了解同学的假期 计划并能围绕特殊疑问词 When, Where,Who,What. How 或在在问题提示下完成自己的假期 计划。 2.学习难点: 能正确运用学习的词组和句型询问和表达假期计划。 能通过填词的方式完成假期计划。 三、教

4、学准备三、教学准备 PPT 课件、音频、词卡等 四教学过程四教学过程 Step1 Warming up 课堂评价激励:T: Look! What are these? (Ss:They are postcards。) I you do well in class,you can get them. Are you happy? 1. Sing a song: Were going 2. Greetings: T: Where are you going for vacation? 2 How are you going? What are you going to do during the

5、vacation? (Thats a good plan. What about Jenny?) (PPT) T: Whats Jenny going to do during the vacation? 【设计意图设计意图:课前通过歌曲,缓解学生紧张的情绪,让学生的注意力集中到课堂上,让学 生通过看图回答问题复习已学的知识,发挥学生的学习主动性和消除学生的紧张心理,并且 由旧知识过渡引入新授知识,为新课学习作铺垫。】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Listen and read.Talk about Gogos vacation. T: Jenny has a good va

6、cation plan. What about Gogo? Whats Gogo going to do during the vacation? Whats Lisa going to do? Teach: surf the Internert nurse, ur/:/ s/s/-/s:/- /s:f/, In- ter- netInternet read some books tearead 2. Talk something about Teachers vacation plan. T: Wow! You all have a good vacation plan. Me, too.

7、Please ask me something about my vacation with the mindmap (When,Where, Who,How, What) E. g. Where are you going for vacation? When are you going? How are you going? Who are you going with? What are you going to do? 3. Listen to Teachers vacation plan and answer: What am i going to do during the vac

8、ation? 4. Check the answer. T:What am i going to do during the vacation? S1: You are going to visit relatives,take photos,help dad and make models. 5. Look,ask and answer in pairs, learn the new phrases. What is Sue going to do during the vacation? Shes going to visit relatives. Teach: i/i/,vi-/vi/,

9、sit/sit/-/visit/, re-la-tive -relative What are they going to do? Theyre going to take photos. 3 Teach: o/u/, ph/f/, pho-/f/-/u/-/fu/, t/t/,/t/-/u/-/tu/,photo-/futu/ Is Sue going to help Dad? Yes, she is. Teach help: tell, hel-phelp Whats Sue going to do with her cousin? Shes going to make modes. Te

10、ach: cake, lake, wakemake, modelsnoodles 6. Talk about Teachers vacation- Sues Vacation. 【设计意图设计意图:通过学习 Ggo, Lisa 假期打算做什么,利用老师的假期计划激起学生的好奇心, 让学生运用特殊疑问词 When, Where,Who,What,How 来提问老师,了解老师的假期计划,再 以语篇的形式引出新动词短语,让学生根据语篇内容开展听说,问答的活动理解词汇,通过 自然拼读法及结合旧词学新词的方式让学生掌握发音。语篇牵引,融词于篇,把语言整体输 入,为后面的整体语言输出打下基础。】 Step

11、 3 Practice 1. Make a vacation plan in pairs. 1) Read and Circle. Please look at the table below, circle your choice. (读读圈圈。请看下面的表格,圈出你的选择) 2)Writing : (选择 A 或 B 其中一个,把你的计划写下来) My Vacation (A) Hi, Im_. May Day is coming! Im going to _for a vacation. Were going by_.Im going to _, _ and _. Its going t

12、o be lots of fun. (B) Hi, Im_. May Day is coming! Im going to _ by _for a vacation. Im going to go with_. Were going to _. Im going to _ and _. Were going to have fun. 2. Check the writing in groups,then show the best one of your group. 3. Good to know: Dont forget to be a good tourist. (别忘了要当文明出行者哦

13、!) Where to go? Who to go with How to go? What to do? Beijing Guangzhou Shanghai Jiangmen Hainan my family my father my mother my aunt my uncle by bus by train by ship by plane by car have a picnic surf the Internet take photos play with friends visit relatives make models help dad 4 Dont throw the

14、trash everywhere. (不要到处乱丢垃圾。) Dont draw and write everywhere. (不要到处乱涂乱画。) Dont speak loudly in public. (不要在公共场所大声喧哗。) 【设计意图设计意图:让学生两人小组根据 Where to go,Who to go with,How to go,What to do 的关键词跟同伴交流假期计划后完成写的任务;通过小组合作分享计划,互改活动,培养学 生用英语合作、表达和交流和写的能力;通过老师屏幕面批及优秀作品分享,促进合作学习, 激发学生的自信心和成就感。 渗透假期计划, 对学生进行情感教育

15、,注意旅行期间的行为举止, 做个文明的游客,有效培养学生的文化意识。】 Step 4 Summary 1.Review the new words on the blackboard. 2. Know that making a plan is important. When we make a vacation plan, we should think of Where to go,Who to go with,How to go,What to do. Step 5 Homework 1.Do P31 Activity: write down the answers. 2.选做作业(2

16、选 1) a.Read the new words and the target to your parents. b.Share your vacation plan with your parents. 【设计意图:让学生根据自己的能力选择不同要求的作业,有利于了解学生的知识水平和分 层教学,进一步提高学生对语言的运用能力和思维能力。】 教学板书: Unit 3 My Vacation What are you going to do during the vacation? is Gogo/Jenny I am going to visit relatives. take photos help dad. make models. He is going to read books. She is going to surf the Internet. Vacation When Who Where How What


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