粤教版(三起)五下-Culture 1:Study Tour-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:a0af4).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Culture 1:Study Tour_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:a0af4)
    • Bhutan Intro.mp4
    • food.m4a
    • haftseen table.mp4
    • Nowruz.m4a
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    • why is Bhutan $ 250.mp4
    • 不丹诺鲁兹节.pptx--点击预览
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    • 教案a0af4.docx--点击预览
    • 春节玲声.mp3
    • 采访.mp4
    • 音频1.mp3
    • 音频2.mp3
    • 音频3.mp3
    • 音频4.mp3


Nowruz of Bhutan My name is _______. I like _____________. Next year, Im going to ____________ with my family. Linda traveling( (旅游旅游) ) Bhutan( (不丹不丹) ) China India Bhutan不丹不丹 Read passage 1 and choose. (读文本一,选择最佳答案) ( )1. Bhutan is in the Himalaya mountains of ________ . A.South Asia B. North Asia C. East Asia ( )2. It is clean and beautiful in Bhutan.There is no _______ there. A.bus B. pollution C. mountain ( ) 3.There are about_____ people living in Bhutan. A.750,000 B.800,000 C.700,000 ( ) 4.People in Bhutan are not rich but _____ and _______. A.happy; friendly B.not happy;not friendly C.sad;friendly Brief Introduction of Bhutan Bhutan is a small country in the Himalaya mountains of South Asia. The country is bordered on the south by India and on the north by Tibet. It is very poor and remote. There are no trains there. There is also no pollution. It is very clean, peaceful and beautiful. Some people go there for weddings because the wedding photos are very beautiful. About 700,000 people live in Bhutan. They are not very rich but they are very happy and friendly. People go to school and see the doctor for free. Their religion is Buddhism. 97% of Bhutans people are Buddhist. The main export of Bhutan is hydroelectricity which is sold to India. The economy of Bhutan is very small but growing quickly. A ( )1. Bhutan is in the Himalaya mountains of ________ . A.South Asia B. North Asia C. East Asia Brief Introduction of Bhutan Bhutan is a small country in the Himalaya mountains of South Asia. The country is bordered on the south by India and on the north by Tibet. It is very poor and remote. There are no trains there. There is also no pollution. It is very clean, peaceful and beautiful. Some people go there for weddings because the wedding photos are very beautiful. About 700,000 people live in Bhutan. They are not very rich but they are very happy and friendly. People go to school and see the doctor for free. Their religion is Buddhism. 97% of Bhutans people are Buddhist. The main export of Bhutan is hydroelectricity which is sold to India. The economy of Bhutan is very small but growing quickly. B ( )2.There is no ______ in Bhutan. A.bus B.pollution(污染) C. mountain Brief Introduction of Bhutan Bhutan is a small country in the Himalaya mountains of South Asia. The country is bordered on the south by India and on the north by Tibet. It is very poor and remote. There are no trains there. There is also no pollution. It is very clean, peaceful and beautiful. Some people go there for weddings because the wedding photos are very beautiful. About 700,000 people live in Bhutan. They are not very rich but they are very happy and friendly. People go to school and see the doctor for free. Their religion is Buddhism. 97% of Bhutans people are Buddhist. The main export of Bhutan is hydroelectricity which is sold to India. The economy of Bhutan is very small but growing quickly. C ( )3.There are about_____ people living in Bhutan. A.750,000 B.800,000 C.700,000 Brief Introduction of Bhutan Bhutan is a small country in the Himalaya mountains of South Asia. The country is bordered on the south by India and on the north by Tibet. It is very poor and remote. There are no trains there. There is also no pollution. It is very clean, peaceful and beautiful. Some people go there for weddings because the wedding photos are very beautiful. About 700,000 people live in Bhutan. They are not very rich but they are very happy and friendly. People go to school and see the doctor for free. Their religion is Buddhism. 97% of Bhutans people are Buddhist. The main export of Bhutan is hydroelectricity which is sold to India. The economy of Bhutan is very small but growing quickly. A ( )4. People in Bhutan are not rich but _____ and _______. A.happy; friendly B.not happy; not friendly C.sad; friendly Persian Chinese What do we do in Spring Festival? We _______________ . Chinese New Year clean the house go shopping (buy flowers) visit relatives get red packets have a big dinner play with fireworks play with firecrackers Nowruz of Bhutan Nowruz is an old festival in Bhutan. Its on March 21st. Its a traditional festival to celebrate the Persian New Year. What do they do in Nowruz? They jump the fire. When they jump, they will say“yellow for you,red for me ”.They want to get rid of bad luck. They clean the house and go shopping. They visit friends and relatives. They put seven things on the table. They are vinegar, dried lotus tree fruit, coins, hyacinth, lentil sprouts, apple and sweet wheat-germ pudding. They talk and play at the table.They hope to be happy and healthy in the new year. Nowruz lasts for 12 days. After Nowruz, people go outside and have a picnic in the park.They are going to have lots of fun. What do people do in Nowruz? Nowruz is about_______. A. the Persian New Year B. kings birthday C. National Day Nowruz is an old festival in Bhutan. Its on March 21st. Its a traditional festival to celebrate the new year. How do they do in Nowruz? Read and match.(连线)连线) jump the fire 1. clean the house 2. visit friends and 3. relatives go shopping 4. put seven things on the table 5. What will people say when they jump the fire? (跳火时会说什么?)跳火时会说什么?) “Yellow for you, red for me.” What things will be put on the table? (桌上会摆放哪些物品?(桌上会摆放哪些物品?) coins dried lotus tree fruit vinegar hyacinth lentil sprouts apple sweet wheat- germ pudding What are the seven things? They are __________. First, put table cloth on the desk. Second, 2 students get back the seven things. Third, shake hands with your deskmate and say some best words. Good luck! 祝你好运!祝你好运! Be happy ! 天天开心!天天开心! Be healthy! 身体健康身体健康! 第三,与同桌握手,相互说一些祝福的话语!第三,与同桌握手,相互说一些祝福的话语! 第一,把桌布铺到桌子上。第一,把桌布铺到桌子上。 第二,每个小组指定两名同学取回第二,每个小组指定两名同学取回7件物品件物品。 They jump the ______ . fire Look and say.(看图回答(看图回答) They clean the _______. house They go __________. shopping They visit friends and _________. relatives They put ______things on the table. seven ( )1. Nowruz is on March 20th. ( ) 2. They jump the fire and want to get rid of good luck. ( )3. They put seven things because they hope to be happy and healthy. ( ) 4. People go outside and have a party in the park after Nowruz. F F T F Nowruz is an old festival in Bhutan. Its on March 21st. Its a traditional festival to celebrate the Persian New Year. What do they do in Nowruz? They jump the fire. When they jump, they will say“red for me, yellow for you”.They want to get rid of bad luck. They clean the house and go shopping. They visit friends and relatives. They put seven things on the table. They are vinegar, dried lotus tree fruit, coins, hyacinth, lentil sprouts,apple and sweet wheat-germ pudding. They talk and play at the table.They hope to be happy and healthy in the new year. Nowruz lasts for 12 days. After Nowruz, they go outside and have a picnic in the park.They are going to have lots of fun. They jump the fire. When they jump, they will say“red for me, yellow for you”.They want to get rid of bad luck. They clean the house and go shopping. They visit friends and relatives. They put seven things on the table. They are vinegar, dried lotus tree fruit, coins, hyacinth, lentil sprouts,apple and sweet wheat-germ pudding. They talk and play at the table.They hope to be happy and healthy in the new year. have a picnic Spring Festival Nowruz 3.play with fireworks(放烟花)放烟花) 1.get red packets 6.jump the fire 5.put seven things on the table In Spring Festival, we can ___________. In Nowruz, we can ___________. . show time 要求:表情自然,表演真切,声音响亮。要求:表情自然,表演真切,声音响亮。 Discuss in groups!Discuss in groups! 分组讨论分组讨论 In China, we have lots of delicous food. What is the food like in Bhutan? In Bhutan, people like hot and spicy food. If you go there, you can eat lots of special food. The Ema Datshi is chilli with cheese. Its spicy but people like it very much. They eat it every day. Momos are dumplings. You can also eat red rice and drink buttered tea. If you want, you can eat a chilli ice cream! 不丹人最爱辣椒,他们喜欢吃辛辣的食物。不丹人最爱辣椒,他们喜欢吃辛辣的食物。 Bhutans food is __________. A. sweet and spicy B. spicy and salty C. hot and spicy In Bhutan, people like hot and spicy food. If you go there, you can eat lots of special food. The Ema Datshi is chilli with cheese. Its spicy but people like it very much. chilli(辣椒)(辣椒) Ema Datch (辣椒煮奶酪)辣椒煮奶酪) Momos(dumplings) 饺子饺子 red rice(红米饭)红米饭) buttered tea(酥油茶)酥油茶) chilli ice cream (辣椒味冰激淋辣椒味冰激淋) 1.Do not wear clothing too exposed(暴露的)暴露的) when traveling into Bhutan. Girls should not wear shorts or vests. 2. Do not smoke in public places. 3. Do not touch peoples head because they think the head is very important. 4. You have to pay a $250 daily tax to enter into Bhutan.(去不丹旅游,你每天必须支付(去不丹旅游,你每天必须支付250美元的税费)美元的税费) Do you want to visit Bhutan? Before you go, you should know: 1600RMB Why is Bhutan $250 daily tax to enter? (去不丹旅游,(去不丹旅游,为什么每天必须支付为什么每天必须支付250美元的税费?)美元的税费?) A. Because they want to get more money. B.Because they want to protect the environment(保护环境)(保护环境). 1600RMB Which picture do you like? A B Which city do you like? A B Which water do you want to drink? A B Which earth(地球地球) do you want to live in? A B Protect our environment, protect our earth! 保护我们的环境,爱护我们的地球!保护我们的环境,爱护我们的地球! Dear _______, How are you? I want to tell you about Nowruz of Bhutan. Nowruz is on _________. They do a lot of things in Nowruz. They jump ____________, clean ____________ and go ______________. They visit friends and __________ , put _____________ on the table. After Nowruz. They go outside and have a ___________ in the park. When you visit Bhutan, you must know : Girls do not wear __________ or vests. Do not _______________ in the public places. Do not touch peoples ___________. Protect the environment (保护环境)! Write soon, Best Regards, _____________Bhutan 教学设计 1、教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1)学生能基本掌握不丹的概况,饮食和旅游时的注意事项。 (2)学生能掌握诺鲁兹节的活动。 (3)学生通过学习能阅读文章大意,完成练习。 2. 能力目标 (1)能读懂短文大意,回答问题并完成练习。 (2)通过完成任务活动,让学生亲身感受节日风俗,锻炼学生“在合作中学习” 。 (3)通过递进阅读,提高学生阅读能力。 3. 情感目标 (1)体会不同文化的魅力,感受不丹的风土人情。 (2)通过学习一带一路东南亚国家不丹的诺鲁兹节,学习波斯新年的节日习俗。 (3)学会尊重不同的习俗。 2、教学重点 1. 通过学习,基本掌握不丹的节日风俗和饮食,以及习俗和禁忌。 2. 通过阅读和解决问题,提高阅读能力。 3. 感受诺鲁兹节文化和习俗。 3、教学难点 1. 理解不丹诺鲁兹节的习俗,掌握不丹的风俗和禁忌。 2. 学会尊重不同的文化,遵守各地的习俗和规则。 4、教学准备 学生准备:学生准备好学生用具。全班分六个大组,各组 6-8 人,课堂中有个人练习, 小组合作练习,组内合作完成活动并展示。 教师准备:多媒体课件,教学设计,学生阅读文本和课堂练习,课堂板书图片,课堂 道具和活动材料。 5、教学过程 Step1. Lead in read and judge. 设计意图 通过阅读和练习,让学生对不丹的诺鲁兹节有一个全面的认知。 Step 3: After reading a.Look and choose 设计意图通过把春节与诺鲁兹节的活动进行分类,让学生深入了解诺鲁兹节的活动,以 及与中国新年活动的相同之处与不同之处,与前面引入春节与诺鲁兹节活动对比前后呼应。 b. Acting 设计意图 通过一名记者采访 5 名不丹民众,检查与巩固诺鲁兹节的知识点,让学生在展 示中巩固。 c. Read about Bhutans food and some travel advice in Bhutan. 设计意图 让学生通过阅读和图片,了解不丹的饮食文化及风俗,知道一些旅游禁忌。 d.emotional education 设计意图 让学生观看视频(了解去不丹旅游每日每天必须支付 250 美元的税费)让学 生思考这是为什么,引出情感教育主题:保护环境。通过图片对比让学生树立保护环境, 保护地球的意识。 e. homework 设计意图 通过写信的活动,学生总结本节课的重点内容,并加强了学生对不同文化的尊 重。
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