(广东)粤人版三下-Unit 4 Fruit-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:5090a).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Fruit_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:5090a)
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Unit 4 Fruit (the second period) 导学单导学单 【Preview 课前预习课前预习】 1. 我会读:边观看视频,边模仿朗读,并勾出“”你会读的句子。 What are these? They are fruits. ( ) Is this a bear? ( ) No, it isnt. Its a panda. ( ) Is this a cherry? ( ) Yes, it is. ( ) Are these watermelons? Yes, they are. ( ) Are these cherries? ( ) No, they arent. ( ) They are grapes. ( ) 2. 我会填: A: Is this ? No, . Its . B: Is this ? Yes, . A: Are these ? Yes, . B: Are these ? No, . 3. 我会答: (1) Is this a cherry? . (2) Are these apples? . (3) Are these cherries? . (4) Are these oranges? . 4. 通过预习,我的问题是: (1) (2) (3) (4)A+/A+ Reasons(原因): 1. Hand writing is neat! 书写工整! 2. Right! 正确 吴天椒 胡泽宇 They are . Is this ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. They are .blueberries grapes Pay attention to(注意) Leading in 创设情境 Mothers Day is coming. I want to make a fruit salad to her.(母亲节快到 了,我想做一份水果沙拉送给她。) Lets go to the orchard to pick some fruits, OK? (我们一起去果园摘水果,好吗?) Period 2授课人:杨锦 1. Watch the video carefully. 认真看视频。 Self-learning 自主学习 A : What is this? B : Its_____________.a panda B : Yes, they are. A : Are these________? grapes A : Are these_______, too? B : No, they arent. Theyre___________.blueberries grapes Self-learning 自主学习 A : Is this________? B : Yes, it is. a cherry 2. Follow softly. 轻声跟读。 3. Follow loudly. 大声跟读。 A : What is this? B : Its_____________.a panda B : Yes, they are. A : Are these________? grapes A : Are these_______, too? B : No, they arent. Theyre___________.blueberries grapes A : Is this________? B : Yes, it is. a cherry 4. Read freely, and try to remember. 自由读,认读句子。 A : Are these_______, too? A : What is this? B : Yes, they are. A : Is this________? A : Are these________? B : No, they arent. Theyre___________. B : Its_____________.a panda blueberries grapes grapes B : Yes, it is. a cherry Check and read togoether. 检查,齐读对话。 Self-learning 自主学习 (1)Read the dialogues in group. (齐读对话。) (2)Make a new dialogue with the fruit. (自编对话,小组表演。) Cooperating 小组合作 A: Is this a/an ? B: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its a/an . A: Are these s ? B: Yes, they are./ No, they arent. They are s . Presenting 展示提升 A: Is this a/an ? B: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its a/an . A: Are these s ? B: Yes, they are./ No, they arent. They are s . cooperative 合作 right 正确 loud 大声 creative 创新 smooth 流利 play fun 演得有趣 stand straight 站直speak loudly 大声读 be right 正确些 I think they are I think they can be smooth 流利点 Presenting 展示提升 A: Is this a/an ? B: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its a/an . A: Are these s ? B: Yes, they are./ No, they arent. They are s . cooperative 合作 right 正确 loud 大声 creative 创新 smooth 流利 play fun 演得有趣 stand straight 站直speak loudly 大声读 be right 正确些 I think they are I think they can be smooth 流利点 I want to put the fruits on the plate. Can you help me?(我想要把水果放在 碟子上,你可以帮我吗?) Now, I am going to make the fruit salad.(现在,我来做水果沙拉!) A: Is this ____________________? Presenting 展示提升 a watermelon B: Yes, it is. A: Is this _________________? B: No,it isnt. It is _______________. an orange a cherry A: Are these ____________? B: Yes ,they are. grapes A: Are these ____________? B: No,they arent. They are ____ ___________. grapes blueberries Mom, this is the fruit salad. Do you like it? (妈妈,这是水果沙拉, 你喜欢吗?) I like it very much. (我非常喜欢!) lemons mangoes kiwis More fruits in our life! Mothers day is coming. Lets make a fruit salad for mothers, OK? (母亲节快到了,给妈妈做个水果沙拉,好吗?) Praticing 当堂检测 Is this ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. an apple Task 1 Have a Guess an applea cherry Praticing 当堂检测 Are these _________? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. cherries Task 1 Have a Guess cherriespeaches Praticing 当堂检测 Is this _________? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Task 1 Have a Guess Praticing 当堂检测 Are these _________? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. Task 1 Have a Guess Praticing 当堂检测 Praticing 当堂检测 A: Is this a/an? B: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its . A: Are these ? B: Yes, they are./ No, they arent. They are Task 1 Have a Guess . Task 2 Fruit DIY Task 3 Write a greeting card 写一张贺卡 Praticing 当堂检测 Dear mother, Here is your present. This is . These are . These are . . Do you like it? a happy face grapes kiwis This is a banana Task 3 Write a greeting card Praticing 当堂检测 Dear mother, Here is your present. This is . These are . These are . . Do you like it? Unit 4words sentences -Are these? -Yes, they are./ No, they arent. fruit bananas pears oranges cherries strawberries peaches grapes watermelons Concluding 总结感悟 健康生活,多吃水果。 Homework Introduce your fruit salad to your family and share with them. Who is the winner?Who is the winnerFriends with English Book two Grade three Unit 4 FruitLearning sheet the second period Class_________ Name__________ 【Preview【Preview 课前预习课前预习】: 一、预习目标:一、预习目标: 1、区分一般疑问句单复数:Is this.?和 Are these.? 2、能根据实际情况正确回答 Is this.?和 Are these.?的问题; 3、知道 a/an 用法的区别和单复数用法的区别。 二、预习过程:二、预习过程: 1、我会读我会读:边观看视频,边模仿朗读,并勾出:边观看视频,边模仿朗读,并勾出“”你会读的句你会读的句 子。子。 Whats this? Its a panda. ( ) Are these grapes? Yes, they are. ( ) Are these grapes, too? ( ) No, they arent. ( ) They are blueberries. ( ) Is this a cherry? ( ) Yes, it is. ( ) 2、我会填我会填:看视频填空。:看视频填空。 A:Whats this? B: Its . A: Are these ? B: Yes, . A: Are these ? B: No, . They are . A: Is this ? B: Yes, . 3、我会答我会答:看视频回答。:看视频回答。 (1) Are these grapes? . (2) Are these apples? . (3) Are these cherries? . (4) Is this a cherry? . (5) Are these oranges? . 4、我会问我会问:通过预习,我的问题是: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Friends with English Book two Grade three Unit 4 FruitLearning sheet the second period 【Aims 教学目标教学目标】: 1. Knowledge objectives: Be able to distinguish “Is this.?” and “Are these.?” 2. Ability objectives: Be able to do the oral communication : Is this.? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its . Are these.? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. They are. 3. Emotion Objectives 1)To be healthy, eat more fruits. 2)Cooperation in groups and enjoy learning in groups. 【Importance 教学重点教学重点】: 1. Listening and speaking of the new dialogue. 2. Sentence patterns: Is this.? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its . Are these.? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. They are. 【Difficulties 教学难点教学难点】: 1. The distinction of the singular and plural forms. 2. To use sentence patterns to ask and answer questions. 【数字教学资源数字教学资源】: PPT 课件、微课视频、加分贴纸、四线格磁铁、水果 【教学过程教学过程】: Step One: Leading in (创设问题创设问题) 1. Review vocabulary (Peppa Pig goes to the orchard to pick some fruits. ) 2. Review sentence patterns (Show real fruits and ask “Whats this?/What are these?”) Step Two: Self-exploring. (自主探究自主探究) 1. Watch the vedio. 听录音。 2. Follow the tape twice. 跟读。 3. Read freely. 自由朗读。 4. Check and read together. 检查后齐读。 Step Three: Group work. (小组合作小组合作) 1. Read the dialogue in groups. 小组齐读。 2. Make a new dialogue and act out. 小组编新对话并表演。 Step Four: Presenting . (展示提升展示提升) 1. Read the dialogue and act out the new dialogue. 2. Make comment. (self/classmates/teacher) 3. Present the sentences and new words of fruits . (correct the wrong usage and present the key points). Step Five: Practicing. (当堂检测当堂检测) 1. Guessing game: touch, smell and taste; 2. Fruit DIY: draw; 3.Write: Look at the pictures and finish the Writing. Dear mother, Here is your present. This is . These are . These are .Do you like it? Step Six: Concluding & Comprehending. (总结感悟总结感悟) 1. Sum up: What have you learnt ? Use real fruits to make up sentences. 2. Are you happy in this lesson? Do you enjoy learning in groups
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